PrimevalPassion (9 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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During his speech, Julia had watched Alex’s eyes change from
a burning intensity to cold ice. His aura condensed to a deep-red flame. He was
serious. He expected her simply to submit to him. Was he out of his mind? Julia
took a step back. She needed to be away from Alex. She took another step. He just
watched her. She shook her head. “No. No, I don’t think I can give you what you

“No matter how desperate you are?”

“I’m used to taking care of myself.”

“A dildo is a cold substitute for a hot cock.”

“Better than being your slave. Please leave.”

“Darling, it’s going to be a long, cold winter. At some
point, you’ll say yes. Why not just do it now? Why deny us the next few months
of pleasure?”

“Because your idea of pleasure includes power and control
over me. Doesn’t sound good to me.”

Alex narrowed his eyes. “We both know I could make you
agree. Right here, right now. I can make you beg for my attentions.”

Julia wanted to deny his claim but she knew he was right.
Even now her cunt dripped at the thought of him. It wouldn’t take much to push
her over the edge until she did agree to anything he wanted. Her affliction
made her vulnerable. Would he really take advantage of her like that? Her
grandfather had said Alex wasn’t ruthless but was that because Gramps hadn’t
pushed Alex? She knew she walked a fine edge here. If she wasn’t careful, Alex
would encourage her need to the point where she would agree. She took another
step back.

Alex held out his hands and shook his head. He closed his
eyes, took a deep breath and then another. “It’s been a long time since a woman
has pushed me so close to my breaking point. Be careful, Julia. You don’t want
me losing control. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said before he turned and left
the cabin.

Julia stared at the door. He’d left. She hadn’t really
expected him to leave. Her clit gave a twitch as if to say she’d been stupid to
deny him. So what if she gave him control. He obviously knew how to wield the
power. What was wrong with her? Why hadn’t she said yes? She pressed a hand
against her abdomen. Her arousal still rode her. She needed to go masturbate
even though she knew the session would leave her feeling empty. She wanted
Alex. What was she going to do about it?

Chapter Nine


Charlene woke up. She was untied and alone in her room. She
slowly sat up. Her body felt as if it had been beaten even though no one had
touched her that way. She’d never realized that intense sex was such a serious
workout. Maybe she should package a program of using sex for exercise. She
laughed. She could see it.

Open jaw. Insert cock. Suck hard. Open jaw. Pull back from
cock. Repeat.

Her smile faded as she crawled out of bed and went into the
bathroom. She looked in the mirror and was horrified by her appearance. Her
naturally curly blonde hair stuck out everywhere and there were shadows under
her pale-green eyes. She didn’t know if it was allowed or not and she didn’t
care. She needed a steaming-hot bath. She turned to the tub and realized it was
a deluxe model. Jets lined all sides. She frowned as she figured out the controls
then started the water, very hot water. She poured in peach-scented bath salts
as the tub filled. She moaned when she stepped in and the water covered her. A
flick and the jets worked on her sore muscles.

She let her mind float away as her muscles relaxed. So far,
this trip had been everything she’d wished to experience. She briefly regretted
that Alex wasn’t the one teaching her. He was so handsome but he was a little
harder than she could manage. Mark had been perfect. He was hard but reachable.
He’d pushed her farther than she’d thought possible. Her pussy clenched in
anticipation of their next session as she wondered how much time they had left.
Her room had no windows and no clock. She’d lost track of time. She wished she’d
signed up for a month instead of a week but at the time, she hadn’t realized
how much she’d enjoy the experience of submitting.

She idly let her fingers trail down to her clit. It was sore
too. She hadn’t realized clits could get sore. She giggled. That was a silly
thought, wasn’t it? Of course it could get sore if it had been used enough, and
Mark had certainly used it.

The slam of a door brought her back to full alertness. She
moved her hand away from her clit. She didn’t want to be caught pleasuring
herself. Mark hadn’t forbidden it but she knew he wouldn’t like it and she
wanted to please him.

Mark entered the bathroom. He stood over her, just staring
at her for a long moment before he asked, “How do you feel?”

“A little sore, Master.”

“That’s to be expected since you’re still inexperienced.” He
pulled over a stool and sat near the edge of the tub. He trailed a hand into
the water. “How’s your head?”

Charlene frowned. “My head?”

“You’ve never been a sub before. I’ve pushed hard. I want to
know how you’re feeling emotionally as well as physically.”

“I’m enjoying myself,” she whispered, surprised by how his
words went straight to her pussy. No man had ever worried about her emotions

Mark reached out and captured her chin. He turned her head
to meet his eyes. “Being a sub is hard physically and emotionally. You need to
tell me everything. Don’t hold back. For your own safety, you can’t hold back.
We need to talk about the scenes we’ve done and the ones we’re going to do.” He
stroked her face with his fingers then trailed them into the water, straight to
her cunt.

He inserted two fingers and finger-fucked her. His thumb
flicked her clit and all her muscles tightening in anticipation of her orgasm
but he stopped when she was right on the edge. She groaned in frustration.

“I want you to think about that. Don’t masturbate. Finish
your bath. I’ll be back in an hour with some food and we’ll talk.”

He stood and left the bathroom. Charlene heard the outside
door open and close. She sank back into her bath. She didn’t know what he
wanted to talk about or to say. She’d worry about it later.

* * * * *

Julia woke up exhausted and anxious. She hadn’t slept well.
Thoughts of Alex had danced in her head all night. She’d woken three times. She’d
masturbated six times. The last time she’d woken, she’d reached for the dildo
Alex had given her. It had a one-and-a-half-inch diameter. The head slid into
her pussy without resistance. She was wet and ready, her walls parted smoothly
as she pushed it in farther. Julia relished the feeling as the dildo physically
filled her. For a brief moment, her emptiness retreated in the face of the intrusion.
Within seconds, she clenched and released in waves of pleasure. Then before she’d
even pulled the dildo out, her emptiness rushed back.

Despite her efforts, nothing had satisfied her. Even after
masturbating, her arousal continued to rage through her.

She should work. She wasn’t sure she could get any chores
done today but she had to try. She sighed and took a cool shower before
dressing and going back to the woodpile. Chopping wood was exhausting. Maybe if
she pushed her body hard enough, the arousal would fade.

* * * * *

Suzanne found him while he was still agitated. All his
efforts hadn’t produced anything but frustration. Suzanne was experienced
enough to recognize the signs. “Whoa, darling. What can I do to help?”

Alex paced like a caged tiger, cursing. He needed to calm
his raging libido. He couldn’t see Julia while he was in this state. If he saw
her, he’d take her, with or without her consent. He had to get control of

“Nothing. Nothing will help until I bring Julia under

“You aren’t going to be able to do that while you’re like
this. You’re the Master. You have to stay in control so your sub can be free.
You know that.”

“I know that but I don’t seem able to bring it off.”

Suzanne frowned. She’d never seen Alex like this. He paced
like a caged animal and he was clearly on edge. “Maybe you should just fuck her
and worry about control later.”

“That’s what Julia demanded. She demanded I fuck her.”

Suzanne raised an eyebrow. “And you denied her? Why?”

Alex stopped pacing and faced Suzanne. “Because I’m the Dom.
The sub doesn’t make demands. You know that.”

“I know that you’re not in control enough to play any kind
of scene. It would be too dangerous for both of you. Why don’t you play with
someone else and take the edge off?”

“I don’t want anyone but her. No one else will be able to
satisfy me. I think I’m becoming addicted to her.”

“She’s good, isn’t she?”

“She’s perfect.”

“You have it bad, darling.”

“What do I do, Suzanne? Julia wants me. We both know that.
Why is she still fighting me?”

“Our lifestyle isn’t for everyone, you know that.”

“But Julia got aroused watching. She wants this as much as I
do. How do I get her to admit it?”

Suzanne hesitated. She’d promised Julia she wouldn’t tell
Alex but she couldn’t bear watching Alex suffer. He deserved to know for both
of their sakes. Suzanne shoved her conscience aside and said, “Alex, there’s
something I should tell you…about Julia.”

Alex grabbed Suzanne’s arm and shook her. “What do you know
about Julia? Why do you know something about Julia that I don’t?”

“Alex, stop!” Suzanne used her most authoritative voice and
hoped it would reach Alex. He was in a sorry state. She’d never seen him like

Alex held out his hands and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry.
Suzanne, I’m so sorry.”

“Sit down!”

Alex ran a hand through his hair and sat on the couch.

Suzanne moved next to him. “I was out for a walk yesterday
and ran into Julia.” Suzanne didn’t mention that she’d deliberately sought out
the woman. Alex didn’t need to know that. “She and I got to talking. She told
me something…I promised not to tell you but I think you need to know. I think
if you know, you’ll be able to deal with her in a way that will benefit you
both. Otherwise I’m afraid you’ll do something that you won’t be able to
forgive yourself for.”

Alex stared at Suzanne. “What?”

She took a deep breath. “It takes very little for Julia to
become aroused, no matter what the situation. She’s spent a decade trying to
control herself rather than reveling in her ability to be multi-orgasmic.
Partially because every man she’s ever been with has eventually ended up
denigrating her. She’s skittish.”

“Denigrating her how?”

Suzanne sighed. “Basically they called her a nymphomaniac
and ridiculed her as a slut because she wanted more sex than they could

“I thought she might be hypersexual. I tried to get her to
tell me last night but she wouldn’t.”

“She’s ashamed of it and won’t admit that someone like you
might be able to help her. She doesn’t trust men because no one man has been
able to keep up with her appetite. It means, my darling, that you might not be
able to satisfy her by yourself. Can you handle that?”

“We share here. That’s what we do. That’s who we are. She’s
mine but I won’t ignore her needs. You know that.”

“Normally I’d know that but you’re not acting like yourself.”

Alex rested his head on the back of the couch and starred at
the ceiling. “Control,” he said softly. “It’s all about control, both hers and

“Well she doesn’t have much and yours isn’t the best at the

“Do you think that her resistance can be overcome?”

“Maybe but it would take a talented Dom and you’re too

“No one else is going to touch her before I do. Not even you,
Suzanne. Julia is mine to break in.”

“You’ve never been possessive before, especially when it is
not in the sub’s best interest.”

“Julia is mine,” Alex said as he stood up. “Thank you. I
know what I’m going to do now.”

“Alex…I like her.”

Alex looked down at Suzanne. “I like her too and I’m going
to make sure she knows it. Don’t worry. I’ve had a brilliant idea and you know
how good my ideas are when I say that. I’ll be gone for a couple of days. You’re
in charge.”

Suzanne smiled and shook her head. “Just be careful. Don’t
lose control.”
Don’t break her
, Suzanne wanted to say but she just stood
and left the den.

Alex went to the closet and pulled out a duffle bag. He decided
to bring a few toys. He whistled as he selected a variety of tools and
instruments. He closed and locked his den.

* * * * *

Four hours later Julia couldn’t lift the ax one more time.
She estimated she had enough firewood for two months. She had a long way to go
but her legs were wobbly and her arms ached. She couldn’t do any more today and
despite her weariness, she was still aroused. The physical labor had simply
made her more aware of her body. She wanted to scream in frustration. Instead
she simply stood with her head bowed while she fought for enough control to
walk to the cabin.

“Julia. There’s no need for you to chop wood. I’ll make sure
you have enough.”

She started when she heard Alex. She wondered how long he’d
been standing there. She hadn’t heard him walk up. How could such a large man
move so quietly through the woods? She should have heard a rustle of some kind.
But she hadn’t and now he stood less than five feet away.

“I can chop my own,” she said even though she just wanted to
jump into his arms.

As if he read her mind, he stepped close and wrapped his
arms around her.

She only hesitated a millisecond before she relaxed. His
arms promised safety as they tightened around her. He placed his lips close to
her ear. “It’s time we address your problem.”

Julia stiffened but Alex didn’t let her go.

“You need to talk to me. I won’t leave until you do.”

Julia shook her head. Alex just held her tighter.

“I won’t accept that answer, love.”

Alex circled an arm around her waist and led her back to the
cabin. Julia didn’t know what to say. She wanted him. She didn’t want his
control. How could they resolve her dilemma? She didn’t see a way out.

Alex didn’t stop on the porch or in her living room. He led
her to the stairs to the loft. “We’re going upstairs,” he said.

“No. The loft is private.”

“Yes and that’s why we’re going up there…unless you’d rather
go to one of my dungeons?”

“No. Alex, no. What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m not thinking and it is time for you to stop too. Go up
or I’ll carry you.”

Julia tried to pull away but she didn’t succeed. Alex slung
her over his shoulder. “You belong to me. Go ahead and fight. I like a good
fight. You won’t win.” Alex started climbing the stairs.

“Alex! Put me down! I’m sweaty and dirty.”

“You’re beautiful. I don’t care about a little sweat. Now
stop struggling or I’ll drop you. We don’t want that.”

Julia didn’t fight. Instead she held her breath while he
went up the narrow, steep stairs. She was awed and aroused by his raw physical
strength. She could feel her pussy dripping and clenching.

“I can smell your arousal, Julia. I can’t wait to do
something about it,” Alex said as he placed her on her bed. Shocked by his
dominance, she froze. Before she could roll off the bed, he’d pulled out
something from under the pillow and bound her wrist with a thick, padded cuff. “I’m
so glad you have a four-poster bed,” he said as he bound her other wrist then
both ankles. “Comfy?”

“What are you doing?”

“I’d think what I just did was obvious.” His eyes twinkled
with a warm blue fire. He took out a knife. “Hold still. I don’t want to cut

“How dare you!”

Alex ignored her protest. He slowly and methodically cut off
her clothes.

She frowned when he didn’t touch her. After stripping her
naked, why wasn’t he touching her?

Alex stood and moved to her dresser. Julia couldn’t clearly
see what he was doing but there seemed to be things lying on top of it—things
that weren’t hers. Where had they come from? Had he been in her bedroom before
he came to the woodpile? He must have. She didn’t keep cuffs under her pillow. That
he’d been in her bedroom was a scary thought. He didn’t seem to have any

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