Authors: Susan Mallery

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"This is a silly thing to mention," she said. "But I am a nurse and it's really important. However, I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me. It's been a long time since I, well…" She shrugged. "You know."

He didn't know. If they weren't standing in her bedroom and her breathing wasn't still unsteady, he might be concerned. As it was, he cupped her cheek. "What are you talking about?"

"Protection." She said the word, then sort of hunched forward as if expecting an attack.

Protection? He swore silently. "I didn't bring any." Going to his place to get his recently purchased condoms might break the mood, but he cared about Dana too much not to respect her body that way.

"I figured as much, what with you wanting to end it and all."

He swept his thumb across her lower lip. "I was a little premature with that idea."

"I'm glad you think so." She smiled, but still couldn't meet his gaze. "Um, the point is, I have some." She pointed at the nightstand. "It's a new box," she continued in a rush. "I was sort of hoping we would do this and I didn't want to get caught without them, but I don't want you thinking that I—"

He swooped down and covered her mouth with
cutting off the rest of what she had to say. He'd gotten the point and the details didn't matter. It was enough that she'd wanted him and had planned for them to be lovers. Contentment filled him. Contentment and desire.

As she kissed him back, she tugged on the hem of his T-shirt, pulling it up,
running her fingers from his stomach to his chest. Every muscle rippled, first in anticipation, then in delight. When her fingertips grazed his nipples, he thought he might explode right there. She moved her hands around and repeated the caresses on his back, then slipped lower and cupped his rear. Responding to the silent invitation, he pressed against her, rubbing his hardness against her belly. Her breath caught in her throat and she laughed.

"Do that again," she whispered.

Her words were as exciting as the feel of her body. He repeated the action, rotating his hips, cupping her behind and pulling her up so that he could excite her, as well. Her thighs parted slightly. She brought her hands up to his shoulders and clung to him.


She said his name as though it were an incantation and he the source of the magic. But this wasn't about him; they created the fire and need together.

"I want you," he told her, then licked her ear.

"Yes. I want you, too." She shuddered. "Trevor, please."

She didn't define her plea, but he knew what she wanted, because he wanted it, too. That he never stop. That they spend the rest of eternity in each other's arms. That the
desire never end

He reached for the zipper at the back of her dress and pulled it down. She shrugged and the navy fabric pooled at her feet. He quickly tugged off his T-shirt, shoes, socks and sweats while she stepped out of her panty hose. Then he took her hand and led her to the bed.

He touched her face, stroking her cheeks and outlining her mouth with his fingers. Her eyes were huge and dark, the pupils so dilated he could barely see the blue irises. She rubbed her hands against his chest. His hardness tightened with every touch. Pressure built inside, but he was in no hurry. For some reason, he felt as if they had eternity.

He drew her onto the bed and stretched out next to her. This time, when he reached behind her and unfastened her bra, the tiny hooks released easily. He chuckled. "I'm getting better."

"Have you been practicing?"

"Only in my mind."

She sighed. "Good answer."

He drew away the bra and gazed at her breasts. They were perfectly shaped, with peach-colored nipples that puckered into tight buds. He cupped her throat,
drew his hand down the center of her chest. He stopped at her belly.

"Do you remember when we did this all those years ago?" he asked.

She looked at him and smiled. "Of course. I think I remember every detail of that night. You made my first time wonderful."


She sat up and stared at him. Her breasts bounced with the action and he had trouble keeping his attention on her face.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"You made my first time pretty wonderful, too."

She shook her head. "Are you telling me you were a virgin that night?"

"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"I don't know." She braced herself on her arm and angled toward him. "I guess there are a lot of reasons."

He rolled onto his back. "Don't tell me it's because of what everyone said about me. Go ahead and think that if you must, but I don't want to hear about it."

"That's some of it," she admitted. "Trevor, you were the most popular guy in high school. You had a million girlfriends."

"No. I had two. Including you," he added, before she could ask.

"But I thought you were going out all the time."

"You thought wrong."

He said the words lightly, but Dana sensed the truth in what he told her. She was having trouble concentrating on the conversation while trying to remember all that she could about their first time.

"A lot of girls in high school claimed to have slept with you," she reminded him. "I can think of five or six right off."

"Cheap talk. I'll admit to having a lot of female friends, but that's not the same thing. We talked, we hung out, but there wasn't anything physical between us. With my first girlfriend, we did a lot of petting, but never went all the way."

She remembered so much about that night. How she'd been excited and scared at the same time. Things had gone fast between them, but she'd been as responsible, if not more responsible, for that. She'd been so desperate to show him she loved him. As if becoming lovers would somehow prove their feelings. Now, with the hindsight of an adult, she knew that making love with him hadn't proved anything. But that wasn't something she would have understood then.

His hand rested next to her. Close to her thigh, but not touching. Not moving, not doing much of anything but taunting her. Her whole body was one giant flame, waiting for him to send her into oblivion. But first there was one other question.

"This is none of my business," she began.

"But you're going to ask me anyway."

She nodded. "How many, Trevor? How many women have you made love with?"

"Less than fifty," he said, his voice teasing. "Enough conversation, Dana. I want to make love with you."

That phrase distracted her. She sank onto the mattress and opened her arms to him. He gathered her close and kissed her. One of his hands buried itself in her hair; the other found and stroked her breasts. With each touch, the tension increased until she felt as if she would simply be reduced to ashes from the heat.

She was liquid desire. There was nothing she would have refused him. When he tugged at her panties, she helped him pull them off. When he knelt between her legs, she opened to accommodate him. When he gently parted the folds of her feminine place so he could give her the most intimate kiss of all, she yielded to the madness and allowed him to pleasure her.

She drew her knees back and tried not to moan too loudly. But it was difficult. He licked all of her, then found the tiny point of pleasure and loved it until she was shaking. He circled her, surrounded her, brushed against her; then, when she was so close to her release that it wasn't even necessary to breathe, he gently inserted a finger inside her.

The combination of sensations flung her into a release so incredibly complete she had no control at all. She was vaguely aware of crying out something, perhaps his name, perhaps just a few unintelligible sounds. She raised her hips and begged him to never stop. He stayed with her, touching her lighter and lighter, drawing every last ounce of pleasure from her.

When breath returned to her body, she found herself in his embrace. Perspiration coated her body and shudders continued to ripple through her muscles. She was both incredibly content and embarrassed.

"It's never been like that for me," she said by way of an explanation, and turned her face into his chest.

"I'm glad. I want this to be as incredible for you as it is for me. I enjoy making love with you. I want to bring you indescribable pleasure."

She giggled softly. "I've long suspected you're an overachiever, but in this case, I'm not going to complain."

She raised her head and looked at him. He was so stunningly handsome, yet at that moment, she didn't care about his looks. He was special to her. It wasn't love and never would be. They were in a relationship destined for failure. But right now she wasn't going to think about that. She was simply going to enjoy the man and how he made her feel.

He brushed the hair off her face and smiled. As he shifted, something grazed against her thigh. His arousal. She touched him there, feeling the length of him beneath his briefs. A shudder rippled through him as he surged toward her. She pressed her mouth to his chest and tasted him. The crinkly hair tickled her nose.

"I want you inside me," she murmured against his skin.

"Yes," he growled.

While he peeled off his briefs, she opened the nightstand drawer and removed the unopened box of condoms. She felt herself flushing. "I didn't know what kind to buy."

He glanced at the box. "Right now I don't care, as long as they work."

When he was naked, she helped him put on the protection, then settled onto her back. He entered her slowly, reverently, as if this time were precious to him. She was glad this mattered to both of them.

He moved in and out of her. Something quickened inside her and she tensed for the inevitable release. As she drew back her knees, he stared down at her.

"Four," he said.

She didn't understand at first. Then she got it. He was answering her earlier question. How many lovers?

"Four including you," he added.

She was stunned. Questions filled her mind. About the stories she'd heard and what people said. About the fact that she'd been his first and in all the years they'd been apart there had been only three other women. Then he moved faster and nothing mattered but how he made her feel.

She pushed down, driving herself into the tingling he created. She felt her body begin to tense. She hadn't expected to experience a release again, but she couldn't help herself. As he stiffened and called out her name, her body began to convulse around him, pulsing rhythmically as the climax filled her.

She couldn't catch her breath, couldn't do anything but absorb the sensations. Then she glanced at him. Trevor opened his eyes. He was still caught up in the passion, and as their gazes locked she felt a connection she'd never experienced before.

"You don't have to make breakfast," Trevor insisted.

Dana stood up and crossed to the closet. "You've got to be starving," she told him. "I know I am. We never had dinner last night." She pulled on her robe and smiled at him. "I want to do this, Trevor. Consider it my morning-after thank-you."

"If you insist." He stretched and the sheet slid down his thighs, exposing the most interesting parts of his body.

Dana paused in the doorway and looked at him. Morning light illuminated the room and him. She could see the perfect shape of his chest, the hard muscles of his flat belly and arms. She supposed they should both be exhausted after all the lovemaking the previous night, but she felt revitalized and alive. And it was all because of Trevor. He had been so incredible. Loving and giving, making love with her over and over. "You can go back to sleep if you'd like," she said.

"No, I'm getting up. Do you mind if I take a shower?"

"Please." She motioned to the bathroom. "There are fresh towels in the cupboard in the hall."

She walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. As she collected eggs, vegetables and cheese for omelettes, she thought about the previous night. Something had her worried. Probably because their evening had been about more than just great sex. The physical she could handle fine. It was the emotional that had her concerned. For reasons she didn't understand, she was feeling close to Trevor. She'd enjoyed being with him, not just touching him, but laughing with him and talking about different things. They'd lain awake for hours discussing their goals for the future. She'd been surprised by how many things they had in common.

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