Prince of Spies (24 page)

Read Prince of Spies Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #General, #Dragons, #Knights and Knighthood

BOOK: Prince of Spies
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Riki, too, was flying better with each stroke of her wings. They stopped from time to time to rest, but she was keeping up, new as she was to flying.

He felt pride in her, though Nico knew his bride was going to be very sore when they finally stopped for the day.

Still, it couldn’t be helped. Every step closer to Draconia was a step closer to safety and he had to take them as quickly as possible. Too much was at stake. Riki’s safety was paramount, but there were other considerations as well. Nico had learned much on this odyssey about the threat they all faced. Roland needed to know these things and word needed to spread to all possible allies. The safety of all lands was at stake.

What’s that?
Riki asked in the silence of his mind. She was still getting used to her enhanced dragon vision, and had asked him several times what they were looking at from above as they passed over.

Crystal Lake. We’ll stop there for the day to rest.

How close are we to the border with Draconia?

Not far now. Can you see where the rocks give way to trees just on the
other side of the lake?
The first gray streaks of dawn were on the horizon, lighting it well for dragon sight.

I can see some big brown blurs and some big green blurs but that’s about

He chuckled, sending a stream of smoke out behind them.
Well, you can
trust me on this, the border is not far ahead, on the other side of the lake.

Then why stop on this side? Don’t you want to be in Draconia before we

I’d love that, but it’s not possible for several reasons. First, the lake is
much wider than it looks from here. It will take hours to traverse and we
would be vulnerable to She Who Lives in the Lake should we try to cross it
during the hours of daylight.

She Who Lives in the Lake? What’s in there? Some kind of monster?

Not a monster, exactly, but it’s better to cross under cover of darkness to
avoid her notice. Also, the Draconian side of the lake is wild and mostly
uninhabited. I wouldn’t trust Lucan not to have sent soldiers or skiths—or
both—to hary us there. I also know a place on this side, which is well
protected enough that we can sleep the day away in relative ease. We’ll
stop here for the day, fish, eat, wash up and sleep, then cross the lake
tonight, under cover of darkness.

And then what? I mean, where are we heading for after that?

Then we make for the Northern Lair. It’s not far past the lake. We should
be able to land there several hours before dawn. And won’t they be
surprised to see us? Your sister roused them when she brought a wild
northern Ice Dragon home with her, but you’re bringing five black dragons.

I think you’ve got her beat.
Nico chuckled, sending smoke out behind him, and Riki joined in, coughing a little as she got used to the workings of her dragon throat and the flame always kept banked within.

I don’t care if I beat her at anything. I just want to see her!

Nico moved to the left, riding the air currents as he led the rest of the dragons to the place he alone knew. Or so he thought. In the dim morning light, he could just make out a huge silver dragonet splashing around in the shallows…fishing.

Tor, is that you?

Uncle Nico?
Came the young voice piping through all the dragons’

Where are you?

Right above you, boy. We’ll be landing any moment. Is Lana with you?

And Roland?

Yes. They’re sleeping in the tent. They always sleep so much nowadays.

Nico chuckled at Tor’s artless words. He realized he’d better give his brother some warning since he was bringing company. Nico was careful to send his thoughts to Roland alone.

Rol! Stop fucking your wife for a minute and come outside. You’re not
going to believe what I’m bringing you as a present.

The contingent of black dragons touched down as dawn kissed the sky.

Six of them landed first, the last one circling behind, waiting her turn and working up her nerve. Riki chose her spot and aimed for the ground, closing her eyes at the last moment as she came in too fast and ended up tumbling ass over tea kettle into the shallow part of the lake.

The shining silver dragonet was the first to come over, his diamond eyes sparkling as he laughed. Riki couldn’t hold on to her embarrassment when her antics so clearly amused the young dragon.

Who are you?
she asked the big youngster.

I’m Tor. You’re funny. You land like Lana.

Hope rose in Riki’s throat as she looked around at the dragons, shifting to human form one by one. And then she noticed the small black tent and the woman stepping from it.

Riki’s heart broke open and joy filled her spirit. She stumbled out of the water, shaking off her big dragon body, thinking of her warm, dry clothing as she shifted form quickly to face the woman who was her twin.

“Lana?” she asked tentatively.

“Riki!” The other woman moved closer, then ran forward and pulled Riki into her arms, hugging her close. It was her sister. Her twin. Riki felt the two halves of their souls rejoining as they’d once been when they were children. “Riki!” Lana cried tears of joy, just as Riki did, the twins reunited and hugging each other close for long, long minutes.

She looks just like Lana,
they both heard Tor whisper to the others some time later.

It was Lana who turned toward the big silver dragon. “Tor, baby, this is my sister, Riki. I told you about her, remember?” Lana turned to her sister and smiled. “Riki, this is Tor. My best friend and companion these past years. I never would have made it without him.”

Riki greeted the young dragon, amazed by the sparkling sight of him.

He was gorgeous…and just a baby, though he was huge.

You fly just like Lana did in the beginning. I can show you how to land
better if you want.

His youthful eagerness touched her heart and she smiled at him, but Nico came up behind her, in human form now, and caught her around the waist.

He laughed up at Tor, apparently well familiar with the young dragon.

“Have pity on her, Tor. She only learned how to fly yesterday.”

“Yesterday?” A new male voice entered the conversation and Riki looked up at the tall man holding her sister’s hand. He looked a lot like Nico, but his eyes were emerald green.

“I didn’t know I could shift until yesterday.” Riki looked at the happiness in her sister’s eyes as she snuggled up to the tall man. “You must be Roland.”

He nodded, pulling Lana back against him much the way Nico held her.

“And you’re Arikia. Welcome


Riki’s heart was so full, her eyes welled with tears, but she refused to let them fall. She was too happy to mar the moment with tears.

“Roland is my husband,” Lana clarified.

“Yes, I heard. Congratulations to you both.” Riki answered, thankful for Nico’s warm body at her back. “I married Nico the day before yesterday.”

Lana’s smile was wide and genuine. “Yes, I heard that too.

Congratulations to you both, but, Riki, are you sure you know what you’re getting into? The Prince of Spies is more than a handful, from all accounts.”

The teasing question made her laugh. “Oh, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


As it turned out, a small contingent of Jinn were on hand just inside the circle of trees to greet their brethren. Magda had insisted on accompanying Roland and Lana to meet with Nico and Riki. Roland brought his own men with him as well, so there were a couple of dragons and knights along with the Jinn, guarding their king and queen from a respectful distance.

They made camp for the day, the soldiers among them guarding while the family caught up with all the news. Roland was troubled by Nico and Riki’s accounts of Lucan’s transformation and his ability to direct the skiths. He was also astounded by the idea that his younger brother was not only married, but also now King-Consort of the Jinn Brotherhood.

They crossed the lake after dark and arrived in the Northern Lair a few hours before dawn. As expected the arrival of so many black dragons raised eyebrows all over the Lair. The dragons of the Lair saw the blacks’

arrival as a sign of great hope, trumpeting their joy to the sky and setting up quite a stir.

Roland was glad to leave the arrangements for housing all the visitors to Sir Hal, Sir Jures and the Lady Candis, leaders of the Northern Lair while he sought a bedchamber for himself and Lana. But a surprise awaited him when Hal found a moment of privacy. The knight handed Roland a letter, his eyes grave.

“This came from the witch Loralie, for you, my liege. It arrived last night, though how she knew you’d be here today, I have no idea.”

Roland accepted the letter, his eyes narrowed. “She
a witch, after all.”

“I’ll be standing by if you need me, sire.” Hal nodded once and moved off.

Roland stole a moment away from his family to read the letter. He didn’t want to ruin their arrival home with this just yet. First he would read it and see what the letter contained. Only then would he decide what was to be done. Still he knew, coming from Loralie, it couldn’t be good news.

Roland sat on the edge of Tilden and Rue’s wallow. The elder dragons of the Northern Lair, they were highly ranked and sat on the Dragon Council.

Roland had known and respected them both all his life.

They watched, silently supporting him as he read the letter.

The contents of it weighed heavy on his mind, but he didn’t want to ruin Lana’s reunion with her twin just yet. First, he had to sort through what Loralie’s letter might truly mean. He didn’t trust the North Witch. Not at all.

Have you ever heard of the Wizard Skir?
Roland asked the dragons.

Tilden reared back and smoke issued from his throat to drift toward the vents in the ceiling. Roland could clearly see his agitation.

That name is not spoken among dragonkind, sire. He is cursed for all
time for his evil.
Rue spoke calmly, but her voice was adamant in Roland’s mind.

Loralie claims he is imprisoned in a place called the Citadel and it is this
place Lucan means to go, to free him.

Both dragons reared back at this news, clearly upset.
This cannot be
Tilden thundered, anger and fear mixed in his tone along with grim determination.

Roland watched the dragons’ reactions carefully, weighing their response against Loralie’s words and whatever she wished to accomplish by her missive. He didn’t trust her, but the true fear he witnessed in two of the oldest and most respected dragons in his land was not to be discounted.

Why? What did Skir do to earn eternal imprisonment from his peers? Few
of the wizards had any high moral standards if the old tales are to be
believed. Why single out this one to lock away forever in ice?

Cold silence met his question until finally Rue stepped forward, her jeweled eyes grim, her voice in Roland’s mind laced with seething anger and incomprehensible distress.

The Wizard Skir is the one who created the skiths. To destroy all dragons.

About the Author

To learn more about Bianca D’Arc visit .

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