Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) (2 page)

Read Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) Online

Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #monster sex, #good fantasy books, #best romantic novels, #medieval romance, #reluctant sex, #Defloration, #love stories

BOOK: Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)
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just, ugh—go, do that."  This wasn't quite what she had in mind when
she'd started, but she was so worked up and it was feeling better by the

So she lay there
as quiet as she could while her pet troll fucked her, shoving his cock as far
into her as he could(which was only about three-quarters of his length) and
then pulling out fast just to repeat this over and over. Once the initial shock
of it passed and she remembered to breathe, it worked out.

The bed beneath
them creaked more and more.  She tried to hit him, to get him to slow down or
something, but he refused.  After half a minute or so of furious pounding, the
bed beneath them heaved onto the floor in a loud crash.

Holy fucking
gods, she thought, someone is going to hear that and come in.  The monster atop
her didn't care, he just kept thrusting into her.  No one came in.

Somewhere along
the way, her mindset changed from panic and anxiety to acceptance.  Now, she
wasn't about to fully accept being mindlessly ravaged by her pet troll, because
it was a little odd, but he was doing a good job of it so far.  Her own juices
from her previous orgasm and his sloshing precum assisted in furthering his
goal, too.  Sloppy and squelching, her pussy groaned against his girth but soon
learned to take it.

And she was
really fucking hot.  Not even meaning to be, especially now, the one orgasm
hadn't quenched the arousal in her.  Thump urged it back, unbidden, with his
monstrous ministrations.  The pounding against her cervix became pleasurable. 
Miri bit her lip, trying not to moan out in lust.  This was ridiculous and
embarrassing, but she was about to orgasm.  She looked up, anything to keep her
mind off the situation, and saw herself in the mirror on her ceiling, troll
cock ramming into her.  The sight embarrassed and intoxicated her.  Her climax

She covered her
head in a pillow, screaming into it.  This goaded Thump on even further and his
furious thrusting became frantic and unfailing.  He went in and out, further and
further, pressing her to her limits.

Another orgasm
followed, seamless with the first, and she screamed into the pillow even louder
hoping no one would hear her.  Thump grunted hard, pumped harder, then
growled.  Slobber dribbled down his lips and onto her breasts.  With his
enormous hand he slathered the drool over her chest and squeezed and kneaded
her breasts.

Everything was
far too much, too sensitive, too much pleasure.  Her fourth orgasm ripped
through her, almost agonizing as her body spent all its energy in using her
pussy to clutch around the troll's cock.  This was too much for Thump too, and
he exploded inside of her.  His cum came and came, drenching her insides and
coating them with thick, warm goo.

She lay there as
he softened inside of her, the primal need in him subsiding.  Drool splashed
down his lips and onto her body as he knelt there with a huge, goofy grin on
his face.

"You idiot
fucking troll," she screamed.  "Get the fuck off of me!"

Thump hobbled
off the bed and resumed his standing position above his discarded loincloth.

Miri was really
really angry, but that had also felt really really good.  She didn't know what
to think about that.


Fleur cackled in
glee.  Her pet idea had worked wonderfully.  "Thump," as Miri named
him, was of course well trained, but before giving him to the princess she had
given him some commands of her own.

One, of course,
being the ravaging.  The princess had went along with it even better than Fleur
expected.  The look of her eyes rolling into the back of her head during orgasm
was especially delightful.

Two, being the
magical image drawing device she'd stowed in Thump's initial clothing and told
him to set on a high up shelf where the princess kept some old stuffed
animals.  Fleur could see through and control the device with a set up of her
own in her father's keep.

She scanned
through the pictures she'd made with it.  The best was probably one of the
last, with troll semen oozing out from between princess Miri's legs, forming a
large pool of white goop that went from her rear to the backs of her knees.

Fleur wondered
how Roy would feel knowing his new girlfriend had fucked a troll?  Revenge
tasted like a delightful frozen grape topped with a dollop of sweet cream.  She
loved it.

Princess Miri's Wet Sticky Mess

rincess Miri sat in her father's
council room bored beyond belief.  Her father, the King, wanted to teach her
the rules of engagement as it were.  Learn to rule by watching how he did it,
that sort of thing.  Except if it were within her ability, she'd cut through
all this silly nonsense and get right to the important business.

chamberlain prattled on about this or that.  The castle needed upgrading, he
said.  Also, the servants were complaining about the heat in the summers and
were wondering if the King might install a ventilation system.

the economic advisor worrying about taxes.  That man always worried, always
thought they'd run out of money sometime soon, but it never happened.  And Miri
should know personally that it wasn't anywhere close to happening, because
she'd requested a massive party be held in her honor in a few weeks and her
father told her they would spare no expenses for his precious daughter.  If
they didn't have money, how could they do that?  The advisor just needed to
recount their assets, or else she was of the mind that he was stealing it and
lying to everyone.

had their say, too.  Nothing too important, something about war or whatnot, so
Miri spent the time daydreaming.  She had a new favorite daydream subject,
which was rather splendid.

imagined her pet troll, Thump's, massive cock.  That snooty girl, Fleur, had
given him to her for her past birthday, which was nice, but she didn't care too
much about that.  Miri just liked his cock.  It was large, possibly excessively
so, and very thick.  She didn't have too much experience with men's penises,
but she'd say it was definitely larger than most, or any.  Thump was around ten
feet tall, so it made sense he'd be grand in other areas, too.

best part about his hefty shaft was that it fit inside of her neatly.  A very
tight fit, but it went nonetheless.  She hadn't really expected to find out
about that, but when she'd spent a day teasing him once and he'd just thrust it
right into her, well—she couldn't stop thinking about it now.

Miri had toys of her own, but they paled in comparison to the real thing.  She
wondered why she hadn't tried sex before, but then realized it wasn't fitting
behavior for a Princess of the Realm.  Who would she practice sex with?  Her
boyfriend, Roy, was an obvious choice, but she didn't really want to have sex
with him.  She kept him around more to look pleasant and to annoy Fleur(since
Miri had stolen him from her).  Also, judging his book by the cover, she
assumed his manhood couldn't satisfy her.  Well and good, as long as he kept
buying her gifts she'd keep him around anyways.

she wouldn't be caught dead coupling with a servant boy.  Ugh!  How
disgusting.  Granted, Thump was some sort of trollish monster, but Thump couldn't
tell anyone about their activities together, either.  If she slept with a
servant, she'd have to have him jailed after, or killed, in order to assure his
lips would remain quite tight.  Despite her having ordered people jailed
before, she'd never had anyone killed, and she wasn't about to start.  Also,
they barely stayed in jail longer than a week, and she'd heard it was rather
comfortable in the prisons, so what would they have to complain about?

And she had no real complaints about Thump's cock, either.  Her mind drifted
back to it, imagining it in its entirety.  She hadn't done anything with him
since that day, but just thinking about it got her worked up beyond belief.  It
twitched delightfully when it was hard, and he got rock hard whenever he saw
her in the bath.  That's how it should be, really.  Men should appreciate her,
and Thump had done a good job of that.

veins of his cock were thick, too, like someone had covered it with strips of
pulsing wires.  She enjoyed the way they felt when they were in her, when he
grew excited and twitched as he worked himself inside of her.  His veins flared
then, pushing against her inner walls, and excited her more and more.

she wanted to masturbate so hard right now.  She refrained from doing so in
front of her father and the old men, because that was just crass, but she did
excuse herself from their company.

need to make certain Thump is alright," she said.

father nodded.  "Do be careful, my heart.  I think the beast is

no, daddy.  Don't worry about him.  He just gets excited and forgets himself. 
He's such dreadfully wonderful company that we should forgive him that

of the troll," the economic advisor said.  "The costs of the new bed
are excessive, and the amounts of food he eats are similar to what we spend on
five normal men.  Might we consider outsourcing him for labor to a nearby farm
during the days?"

not!" Miri said, standing and stamping her foot.  "He's mine."

is hers," the King said as a point of fact.  "A birthday present, if
I recall.  We shan't do anything to upset my dearest daughter, especially over
a present from that wonderfully nice Millicent girl."

the advisor started to say.

shot him a glare that shut him up fast; the type of glare she gave to people
right before she ordered them jailed.  The advisor quieted.

I'm off then," Miri said, becoming happy once more.  "Toodles!" 
She skipped her way out of the council room, the skirts of her pretty pink royal
dress swishing at her legs.

away from all those old men, she became serious and stern.  She had a mission,
one she'd just come up with in her head, and it needed doing right away. 
Extremely time sensitive, because she really wanted to have sex with
something.  Where was Thump?  He should be in her room, but he was so
inordinately awful sometimes that he snuck away and went somewhere else.  Not
far, but he seemed to like watching some of the maidservants knitting.  Odd,

check her room first and go from there, she decided.  Or she would have checked
her room first, except Roy came bumbling up from out of nowhere and accosted

he said, panting and out of breath.  "I've found you."

do you want, Roy?" she asked, perturbed.  He was getting in the way of her
satisfaction and she disliked that.

I understand that—well, how do I say this?"  He tapped his chin,
thoughtful.  After a long pause, where Miri became increasingly frustrated with
him and furrowed her eyebrows a lot, he added, "You've had sex, haven't

rolled her eyes.  "Who, Roy, would I have had sex with?  If I haven't had
sex with you, I don't see who else I would do it with."

said you broke your bed, though.  The chamberlain requested for someone to
design you a new one recently."

broke my bed," she said, matter-of-factly(and this wasn't a lie). 
"When a huge beast-man-thing pounces a bed, that's what happens, you

think you should be rid of him," Roy said.  "If he breaks a bed, what
will he break next?  Think of the bathtub, Miri.  Do you want it broken?  What
of the chandeliers in the dining hall?  What of the stables with your favorite

got to go," Miri said, brushing past him.  "Your nonsense bothers me
and I'll have none of it."

ignored him trying to talk to her again.  When she passed a guard in the halls,
she made a gesture to him and he cut Roy off mid-sentence by tossing him up
against a wall and detaining him.

Roy screamed after her.  "Miri!  I love you!"

didn't say anything back, because mostly she didn't want to, and secondly she
didn't love him.  Also, he probably didn't love her either, so it didn't matter
much.  What was with people claiming their love so easily?  If she loved
someone, she was certain she'd know it.

imagined love being much like the feelings she had when she thought of Thump's
cock.  A little tingly inside, with a warmth spreading out to the rest of her. 
Wanting to see it all of the day, and wondering what it was up to.  Perhaps
she'd buy it a gift, like a pretty red bow.  Or, ooh, a piercing!  They did
that, she heard, and it could be pleasant.  She didn't know how it could be
pleasant, since it hardly sounded pleasant for the man, but supposedly it was
pleasant for sex.  For the woman?  Maybe it did things inside.  Who knew? 
Except Thump was large enough that she didn't think she needed more going on
inside of her than what he already did.

made it halfway to her room while pretending patience, but the rest of the way
she bolted through the halls.  Maids got in her way and she shoved them aside,
but they were used to it and most of them dodged or managed to keep their
footing.  Only one foolish girl, her silly friend, Allysin, fell, but that was
on purpose.  She'd yell at her later for being a ditz, but for now she had her

dark mahogany door to her room, the former Chancellor's quarters, loomed before
her.  She put her hand on the doorhandle in reverence, like a person showing
respect before opening a delightful gift from a dear relative.  Did Thump have
a gift for her?  Oh yes, he would.

opened the door, stepped inside, then closed it behind her.  And bolted it. 
She thrust a chair up against it so no one could barge in, too.

sat in the corner wearing only his loincloth, playing with a pair of knitting
needles and a ball of string.  The string lay in a mess all around him, half in
his lap, and he clacked the needles together ineffectually.

goon," she said to him.  "Come here and help me push this desk and
trunk against the door.  We want our privacy."

stood up, his massive height towering over her, and he did as she asked.  The
desk creaked a huge noise when he moved it, but it wasn't any louder than the
bed he'd broken a week past(and no one had come running in alarm when that
happened), so it should be fine.

they were alone.  Miri had plans.

first time, while wonderfully pleasant, she hadn't been able to fully
experience Thump's charms.  Not that he had many charms besides his penis, but
she was fine with that.  He was kind of an ugly thing, with a misshapen face. 
Huge muscles, though.  He could pick her up in one arm, most likely, and carry
her around for the entire day.  She was thin and light, of course, so that had
something to do with it, but still.

this time would be different.  She wanted to see how he worked.

that dirty loincloth off," she shrieked at him.  When he went to untie it,
she slapped his hands away.  "No, no, let me.  You're too bumbling.  I'll do
it for you."

loincloth was pristine and white, direct from the fresh linens, but when Miri
untied it she held it in disgust between her index finger and thumb before
tossing it aside.

let me see this," she said.

understood her, for the most part, but if she was vague like that he just
looked at her funny.  He looked at her funny now, but she didn't care.

marched up to him and eyed his flaccid dick.  Or somewhat flaccid, at least. 
He looked ready to be ready in a moment's notice, which she liked.  She hefted
the thing in her hand, taking its measure, and it twitched a little in
response.  By gods, that thing was heavy, she thought.  It must weigh a couple
pounds, at least.

going to wash you," she said.  "I don't think you do a good enough
job of it on your own.  Carry me into the bathing room."

reached for her waist and picked her up as if she were nothing.  He held her
under his arm, carrying her like luggage.  It was odd, but she liked it.  He
had a masculinity about him that she could respect.  Like, if he and her were a
couple, he could protect her and treat her well, while still listening to her
desires and needs.  Except they wouldn't be a couple, because he was a troll
and that was disturbing, but that was fine.

arrived in the private bathroom adjoined to her bedroom in a few steps.  She
ran some water from the neat faucet contraption the chancellor had
installed(seeing as it was his room before she commandeered it) and then told
Thump to put her down.  He did so without pause.

the thing is," she told her pet, "I know you wash, but I haven't seen
you do it.  It will take too long to watch you, so I'm just going to do it for
you.  It'll be faster.  Don't go washing yourself this way without me, though. 
I'll do it, since you're my pet and I said so."

just stared at her, but this was good since it's what he did when he was
listening properly.

tested the water with a finger.  It was warm and nice to the touch.  The kind
of bath to relax in, except she didn't want to relax right now.  She skipped
over to her bath oils and snatched one she disliked.  It was generic and
boring, but it came in a large bottle with enough oil to last for a year or
two.  Full, since she never used it, but for her current requirements that was
a good thing.

stood there, waiting patiently.

she said conversationally, "How have you been?"

didn't answer, but he grunted like she'd taught him.

Really?"  She dipped her hands in the warm bath water, then undid the
stopper on the oil bottle and poured a generous amount onto one palm. 
"That's rather interesting.

grunted again.

think you should tell that story at dinner," she said, except now she
wasn't really paying attention to the conversation.  She had Thump's
half-flaccid cock in her sights.  What use was a half-flaccid cock, she
wondered.  Not of any good use, that was for sure.  She'd have to rectify that.

rubbing the oil between her hands, she then moved forward and slathered it onto
Thump's shaft.  He cringed at first, followed by a groan of pleasure, but he
stayed mostly still.  She grinned up at him, watching him make funny faces
while she worked his dick in her hands.  The skin along his shaft felt bumpy
and rough beneath her hands, but the oil made it smoother and her job simpler.

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