Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) (4 page)

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Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #monster sex, #good fantasy books, #best romantic novels, #medieval romance, #reluctant sex, #Defloration, #love stories

BOOK: Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)
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scrambled for the tub and found the faucet, turning it off.  She didn't quite
know what she was going to do with all the water, nor did she know how she was
going to clean up the mess, but she couldn't let anyone find her and Thump like
this.  Gods, that would be embarrassing.  How could she explain that to
someone?  She had no idea.

Princess Miri's Naughty Notion

o," Roy said.  "How is

Miri replied.  She pushed a couple of peas around on her plate with her silver

in her honest opinion, was the most boring thing in the world.  She hadn't seen
Roy privately in weeks and now she realized why.  They'd passed each other in
the castle whenever he came to visit, and she'd said hello to him sometimes, or
excused herself to go do something other times, but none of that seemed too

then he'd asked her on a date.  They'd gone on dates before, so this wasn't
anything too interesting.  He asked her in front of her father, the King,
though, at a small dinner gathering for a few well-known and important kingdom
dignitaries.  What was she supposed to do then?  She couldn't very well refuse
him!  It was common knowledge that her and Roy were dating, and so she needed
to accept in front of everyone so no one would assume the worst and spread rumors
throughout the land.  Then Roy pestered her, and she got angry with him, until
finally they arrived here, at his quaint chateau on his parent's land, just
outside his family's main keep.

was less than an hour's ride from the castle, she thought.  She could make it
home fast if need be, just jump up, say she had indigestion, hop astride a
horse and go.  Mind, the horses were tethered to a carriage awaiting her return
along with a couple of guards and the carriage driver, but maybe she could
unstrap one before anyone noticed and ride off into the sunset.

like that, except she knew it wouldn't work.

an awful thing what happened to your room," Roy said in between a mouthful
of poached chicken.  "If you'll recall, I did warn you, though.  That
troll of yours is dangerous.  I know you love him dearly, and so it pains me to
say this, but you really should dispose of him before he harms you.  I don't
want to see you hurt."

nostril's flared.  Yes, her bathroom was in ruins, along with most of the rest
of her living quarters, and yes, Roy had mentioned that Thump might destroy her
bathtub beforehand in some odd turnabout of prescience.  None of that happened,

the bathtub was fine; it was the rest of the room that was trashed.  And Thump
hadn't done any of it.  In her infinite wisdom, while attempting to experiment
on Thump's cock with oils and water and generous strokes from her petite hands,
she'd left the water running.  Then, a few more things happened, a couple of mind-blowing
orgasms on her part, and before she knew it the bathroom was flooded, along
with her room.

took a million pounds of creativity to resolve that issue.  She didn't even
remember exactly what she told everyone, but it involved something to do with a
broken water pipe and who knew what that weird sticky white goo floating all
over the water was.  Sewage, maybe?  Gross!  Also, there were fish.  Evil,
vicious things, that came up out of the pipes while she bathed and jumped out
of the tub and destroyed her dress!  Someone should really do something about

it wasn't Thump's viscous cum floating in the water or the fact that he'd
ripped her dress in half before holding her aloft in the air and fingering
her.  Who would even think that?  No one, thankfully.

not that I dislike him," Roy said.  "On the contrary, I think he'd be
a fine fellow if I got to know him.  He seems sturdy.  Good shoulders. 

not talk about this," Miri said, firmly.  She shoved a bunch of peas in
her mouth and chewed them into an unrecognizable mash.

fine.  Actually, there is some other more interesting and exciting matter I'd
love to discuss with you."  Roy grinned at her and waggled his eyebrows.

is it?" Miri asked, peeved.

as you surely know, we've been dating for four months now, and—"

Are you certain?"  Four months seemed like an annoyingly long time to
spend in a relationship with Roy.

it's definitely four.  In fact, today, this very night, is our four month anniversary. 
See?  I've circled it on this calendar on the wall.  I wrote a note,
too."  Roy excused himself from the table and rushed over to the calendar
to show her.

eyed the calendar, not entirely convinced.  As if to show her for sure, he
flipped back a few months and showed her the circle for when they'd started
dating.  Yes, she remembered, that was definitely the start date, and now that
he had it all displayed like that she agreed this was their fourth month
together.  For what that was worth, which she thought wasn't very much.

Roy said, pausing.  "I was thinking... I've got something to show you, if
you want to see it?"

perked up.  "Is it a present?"

Roy said, nodding.  "Something like that."

like a present?"  She raised one brow.  "I don't know if I want it if
it might not be a present."

certainly enjoyable."



should I know I'll enjoy it?  Tell me what it is."

can't tell you, Miri!"  He shook his finger at her.  "It's a secret. 
I have it up in my bedroom.  I think we're finished dinner, so shall we?"

you're not telling me," she said, "I doubt I want it."  And,
anyways, she could stretch her dinner on for a long while now.  Peas were a
terrible thing if you wanted a person to hurry, since she'd happily sit here
for hours, thoroughly chewing one at a time, slowly, until the sky was so dark
that the carriage guards came and told her she needed to leave immediately for
the castle.

frowned and his eyebrows scrunched up.  "Alright, look," he said. 
"I'll keep the one present a surprise, but I've also got a new ornately
jeweled clock I'm willing to give you.  Each hour point is encrusted with a
different kind of precious gem."

Miri's eyes widened.  She didn't know what she'd use a clock for, because they
had plenty of clocks around the castle and she rarely cared what time it was,
but she liked jewels.  Maybe it would look nice in her new room, too?  Whenever
they finished remodeling it, that was.  Currently she had to bunk with Allysin,
and that was a bother, but she did kind of like the girl.

Miri said.  "Though I want to see the clock first.  Bring it here and I'll
give it to the guards to stash in the carriage while you show me this other

nodded.  In a matter of seconds, he ran upstairs, fetched the clock, then
returned to her.  She took it from him when he offered it, and flipped it
around in her hands.  It ticked faintly, but steadily.  That part of the
transaction complete, she brought it to the door of his home and handed it off
to one of the guards standing outside.

me this other present, then," she said, half-uncaring and
half-indifferent(which was to say, both the same thing, and both not really
interested in anything Roy had to offer).

led her upstairs, holding her hand all the way.  It was the least she could do,
she thought.  She'd send him a break-up letter later or something.  For now,
she had a present to receive.

your eyes," he said.  "Hold your hands over them.  It's a surprise. 
A very big surprise."

sighed and put her hands over her eyes.  This better be good.

able to see much, when he helped her into his room she immediately noticed how
dark it was.  Candles flickering somewhere, but not enough light to brighten
her otherwise black and blocked vision.  He escorted her through his room,
across a scruffy carpet, and to his bed.

down," he said.  "Make yourself at home."

sat.  She didn't feel at home, not in the least.

I open my eyes yet?" she asked.

yet!  One moment!"

was going on.  Roy had left her on the bed and scurried off to who knew where. 
Whatever he was up to, it was kind of noisy.  Odd sounds, muffled by—a
closet?  His head must have hit against the wall while he did whatever he was
doing, because he muttered curses after she heard the sound of a heavy bang.

then it was done.  He returned, standing in front of her, and said, "You
can open your eyes, Miri."

moved her hands and looked around.  As her eyes grew accustomed to the soft
candlelight, she could gradually see more and more.  The candles, of course, in
holders on bedside tables.  And rose petals scattered on his silken violet
sheets.  Nothing else in the room interested her, though.

stood in front of her, completely naked save for a red ribbon wrapped around
his erect cock.  He had a devious smile on his face, and his short, brown hair
was mussed up from having removed his shirt.  Miri stared at him, curious what
she was supposed to do with this?  Where was the present?

Roy said.  He pulled on one end of the ribbon and it tightened slightly around
his shaft before becoming undone.  Dropping the untied piece of ribbon, he
stepped close to her.  "I've waited, Miri, but I think tonight is the
perfect time to show our true feelings for one another."

froze.  Not because she was in awe, and not because she was shy, but because a
sudden thought hit her and she was currently indecisive.

put his arms on her shoulders and lowered her onto his bed.  "I know it's
scary," he said.  "I promise to be gentle with you."

that, she thought.  Gentle is for saps.

she hadn't had gentle sex before, or much sex at all, but every single time
she'd played with toys, used her own hand, or went to Thump for some satisfaction,
none of it was polite.  Rough, hard, fast, like she was in a hurry and needed
to get herself off as fast as she could before she ran out of time.  Not that
there was a time limit, but who wanted slow?  Who wanted gentle, soft,
delicate?  Compared to Thump cramming his massive, throbbing cock into her
tight cunt, she was pretty sure gentle sex was probably a whole lot less

she was curious.  Curiosity was a horrible thing, because it dug into Miri's
mind and created endless amounts of scenarios that she desperately wanted to
figure out.  Thump's cock, as she knew very well, was on the enormously huge
end.  And Roy's was—not so much.  To his credit, he looked respectable enough,
and the dark light helped with shadows and that sort of illusionary lengthening
business, or whatever it was, but he was no Thump.

she said, whispering into his ear, trying to act sultry.  "I don't know
about this.  I don't think I can."

stopped immediately.  He lifted himself up, sat on the bed, and looked at her
seriously.  "If you'd rather wait longer, I will respect that," he

a fucking idiot.  She rolled her eyes.  What kind of person did that?  He was
supposed to coax her, coerce her, say he was going to start off slow and then
jam his cock into her hard because of too much pent up lust.  She wanted to
fuel him, goad him on, urge him to some horrific need to couple with her hard
and fast before she might change her mind, but he was too stupid to realize it.

well.  Plan B.  She grabbed him by the waist and pulled him on top of her.

just that—" she said, while moving his hand to help her remove her
dress.  "I think—"

hard cock poked against her leg, leaving a drop of his precum on her thigh. 
"I'm being honest when I say we don't have to if you don't want to."

not that I don't want to—" she said.  She probably didn't really want to,
but she was interested in seeing how his cock stood up compared to Thump's. 
Was sex even worth it if it wasn't with her pet troll?  Who knew?  She was
willing, this once, to find out, though.  No one would think badly of her,
since it was their four month anniversary.  She knew other girls who had sex
with men after a week of knowing them, and no one thought too badly about
them.  Well, actually, everyone did, but they didn't say anything about it.

pulled her dress off after he helped her unbutton it, doing it fast so he
couldn't change his mind and try to talk her out of this.

that never happened.  Miri never planned for any of this, but she had dressed
sexy nonetheless.  Why would anyone ever bother to not dress sexy?  It seemed a
waste, especially considering she was gorgeous.  Dress sexy, or don't wear
anything at all; those were her two preferred options.

backed away in some mixture of being scared and awestruck.  Dress removed and
tossed to the floor, blonde hair fanned out across his pillows, Miri now only
wore her heels, her panties, and a lacy undershirt.  The latter two might as
well not have existed since they were sheer and see-through.  The black lace of
her panties clung to her body, nipping tightly at her dampening pussy and
hugging the curves of her supple rear.  The undershirt wasn't tight at all, and
it hung loose around her pert breasts, just begging for Roy to rip it off and
knead her breasts in his hands.

he just stared.  What the fuck?

pulled him back towards her, stuffed his face in her cleavage, and spoke into
his ear.  "Roy, I—I think—"

lay on top of her, confused.  Here she was, some prime piece of sex appeal,
mostly naked for his enjoyment, and he had no idea what to do.  What was he
even planning in the first place?

hands moved lower, down her stomach.  Faint tingles followed along the trail of
his fingertips, and she felt a flutter in her stomach when he reached for the
waistband of her panties.  Slowly, carefully, he began to tug at her underwear
and pull it down her legs.


was going to change his mind, she knew it.  Something or other, anxiety,
whatever.  Before he could, she pushed his hands and shimmied her body upwards
so her panties came off in one smooth motion.  Now they were both ready and
available for sex, and he better get to it.

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