Prisoner (All of You Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Prisoner (All of You Book 1)
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I think he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in my life.  The smile is gone, and he’s obviously older, but he looks the same as he did in the pictures.  The pit of my stomach literally aches, and the muscles in my pussy tighten.  He walks away, hits the cage on the other side, roars once, then turns back around.

“I think he’s looking at me,” Killian says.  “And I’m about to piss myself.”

The spotlight leaves him, and shines toward the exit again.  He almost smiles at me.  He’s playing it totally cool, giving nothing away, but he knows I’m here, and he knows what’s coming.




I saw the blonde standing in the front row in the red dress, of course.  Everyone is looking at her.  Who could miss her?  I glance at her, and then I see it.  Her green eyes.  Her green, doe shaped eyes are looking at me, and I know it’s her.  She’s with her fed ex-boyfriend, and that pisses me off.  But she’s here, and I know, they’re coming.  I hope she doesn’t always dress that way, because I will have to kill someone.  But I realize, everyone is looking at her, and no one recognizes her.  If I look too long, they might know it’s her.  So I walk toward the other side of the cage, and begin pulling on it, as the crowd is looking toward the other guy coming in.

I see him, but I can barely believe him.  At first glance he looks fat.  But his legs are nothing but solid muscle, and his shoulders might be twice as big as mine.  I hope to God I don’t really have to fight him.  I don’t know if I could win, but I refuse to let Lani see me die.  As soon as he joins me in the cage he steps right to me, trying to intimidate me.  He’s about five inches shorter than me, and outweighs me by at least one hundred fifty pounds.  I wonder how many meals they feed this guy a day.  He’s big, blonde, pale, and shirtless, and I can see where the cast was on his right arm.  If I have to fight him, I’m going after it.

I refuse to feel threatened.  I straighten my posture, and look down at him.  Then I do something crazy.  I rip my shirt off.  I puff up my chest, lift my arms over my head, and flex a little.  Okay, I flex a lot.  And I roar.  I know she’s looking, and so is her ex.




“It’s a go.  I repeat, it is a go.  Now, now, now,” he says.  In about thirty seconds, I hear the helicopters, but I’m not sure if I’m imagining it because the music is so loud.  “Team A, cover the bar.  Team B, cover the betting table.  Do not let these people get away.  Holy shit, he just ripped his shirt off.  He’s fucking huge.”

“You know everyone can hear you,” I remind him.

“Is he that big all over?” he continues.

“You’re embarrassing yourself,” I point out the obvious.  “And you don’t want to know the answer to that question.”  I smile when I say it.

“Fuck, I have no hope,” he says.

“Nope.  But do you know what you
have?  A girlfriend.”

“Rappelers are in position.  Task force is still two minutes out.  Alpha team is in place.”  The music stops, and I hear gunfire.  So does everyone else.  People are starting to look around.  “Go.  Give me your gun, Lani.”

“Get your own damn gun,” I reply.

“Give me the gun now,” he orders. 

I sigh loudly, reach under my skirt, and take the gun out of its holster.  “Here,” I say, as I hand it to him.

“It’s a go.  Lani, unless you are threatened, you do nothing,” He reminds me.

“You have my gun.  I can’t do anything!”  I feel defenseless in a room full of feds, and armed gunmen, and the one person who I am most worried about is inside a locked cage.  He’s a fucking sitting duck.  I slowly pull on the silver chain, and have the laminated card in my hand. 

I hear a door slam open, and the gunfire is now obvious.  Killian stands up on his chair, pulls out his wallet, and screams, “FBI, nobody move!”

Everyone fucking starts screaming, and yelling, and running.  Gunmen dressed in black with huge lights on their guns storm into the venue, and then suddenly the lights come up in the building. 

Tony is staring right at me.  “Get down on the floor,” I scream at him.  He falls over like a chopped tree.  The next thing I know, the Beast is lifting his elbow, and making a move toward Tony.  “Look out!”  I scream, and he rolls over just in time to see the Beast get shot in the chest, and fall over onto him.

“Who has the lock cutter?”  I scream at Killian.

“Blue team, cut the lock on the cage.  Escort Roman out to protective custody.”  Tony bench presses the dead weight off of himself, and rolls over onto the mat on his stomach.  I run to the gate, and the team isn’t there yet.  People are screaming, and trying to run.  I turn toward Killian, and he’s got his gun aimed right at me.  I fall to the floor a second before I hear a shot, and from behind me I hear gunfire being returned.  I hear another shot, and someone falls to the ground behind me.  I turn to find the guy who had escorted Tony into the arena dead.  I crawl over toward him, and grab his key ring and his gun.

I crouch down and look around. I can’t at this moment see anyone else with a gun who isn’t FBI, but I know they’re out there.  I walk over toward the gate, and I see Killian walking toward me.  “What are you doing with that?”

“Men with guns, and one of them is dead behind me.  I should think it’s all obvious.”  I show the key ring to Killian, but there are ten keys on it, and no way to know which one unlocks the gate. 

“Blue team is thirty seconds out,” he tells me.  “Armed FBI consultant with red dress is standing guard at the cage.  You can’t miss her,” he says into his mic.  “I’ll go to the other side.  Team A, Team B, do you have your men.”  He nods before he runs off. 

“You are so fucking hot,” I hear from directly behind me.  “But I don’t like the hair.  I hope it’s a wig.

“It’s not,” I groan, as I turn toward him.  He’s so close to me, and yet we’re still separated by chain link.  He puts his fingers through one of them, and I kiss them quickly.  Then I hand him the keys.  “Well, I like your haircut.  Try to get the gate unlocked.”

I turn my back to him, watching for anyone who might try to come toward him with a gun, or shoot him like they did the Beast.  “I got your cards,” he says.  I hear keys rattling.

“Did you get today’s card?”  I ask.

“You smell like it,” he replies.  “You’re always with me?  Didn’t you think they’d know what you meant?”

“They didn’t, did they?”  I say it with a smile.  “Where is Killian’s blue team?”

I hear shots again, from behind us.  I turn quickly to make sure he isn’t hurt, but I see blood dripping from his arm.  “Jesus Christ, you’re shot!”  Just as I say it, the gate is opened and I race through it.  I grab the shirt he tore off, and I hear gunfire again.  I’m being pulled down onto the mat, and I feel Tony on top of me.  “I’ve been dreaming about this moment.”

“Yea, me too.  I just didn’t expect to be shot when it happened.”  He looks down at his shoulder, and blood is pouring out of it.  I place the shirt over it, and apply pressure.  “You’d better never wear that dress again, unless you’re out with me.”  I turn my head to find him staring into my eyes, and his are as dark and shiny as onyx.

“Well, you’re bleeding all over it, so I probably can’t now regardless.”  I reach my free hand up to the back of his head, and I pull him down to kiss me.  It feels weird without the hair, but it also feels fantastic.  In two seconds, Killian’s blue team is at the gate, along with Killian.

“We have the warden, and what’s left of her armed guard,” he says. 

I don’t stop kissing Tony, until he pulls away.  “I’m not going to resist, but I’d rather not be cuffed while I’m shot in the shoulder,” he calls out.

“No problem, big guy,” Killian replies.  “Just stand up, and walk toward me.  Hold the shirt on your shoulder if you need to.”

“You smell great, and you look ever better,” he whispers, and then in two seconds he’s standing.  I follow after him, but I’m not as graceful in the dress and heels.  Killian is watching as one of the other agents helps Tony onto an ambulance gurney. 

I flip the gun around in my hand and give it to Killian.  “Can I have my gun back?”



Chapter Eighteen




Before the doors close to the ambulance, Lani joins me.  They’ve cuffed me to the gurney, and it’s a bit tight because her ex and a paramedic are already in here. 

“Hi, Bob,” she says when she sees the paramedic.

He reaches out to shake her hand, and says, “How you doin’, Lani?” 

She nods, and looks over at me, then back at Bob.  “I’m good.  How’s the patient?”

Bob’s acting like he’s never seen a girl before.  He’s even blushing, when he replies, “I’ve stopped the bleeding.  We’re taking him to General Hospital.”

Lani’s gaze returns to me, and I feel the most ridiculous feeling of pride and amazement.  She’s gorgeous, and tough, and not afraid of gunfights or blood.  She talked tough when she was locked in the cell with me, a man she’d witnessed killing someone with his bare hands.  But now, I believe she could back it up.  She’s staring at my left arm, which is bandaged and in a sling.  “I’m so sorry,” she says, as she grabs my other hand.  I hold hers as best I can in then handcuffs.

“Hey, it’s not your fault.  You tried to protect me.  I’ve never had a gorgeous girl in a red dress as a bodyguard before.”  I glance over at her ex as I say, “It’s pretty hot.”

“She got this ball rolling.  She might have saved your life tonight,” the ex replies.  “I’m Special Agent Killian Burke.  She’s probably going to get me a big fat promotion, if that state senator doesn’t get me fired.”

I thought I saw some politicians, and even a movie star in the crowd.  I find it hard to believe those people knew they were coming to watch someone get killed.  “Did I see Batman, or was I imaging things?”  I ask.  .

“No, I think you saw Batman,” Killian says with a nod.

“Which one was it?”  Lani asks.  I have no idea what she’s talking about, and I look over at the ex.  “Never mind,” she huffs.  I hold her hand tighter.  I feel like she and her ex are speaking a language I don’t understand.  So this might be the right time to introduce myself.  “I’m Antony Roman.  I’d shake your hand if I could.”

“Like Antony and Cleopatra?” he asks.  He’s the first person to actually get it.

“Yea, just like that.  My dad thought it was great.” 

She huffs loudly, and holds my hand so tight I’m afraid she might break my fingers.  “How are you joking around like you’ve not just been shot?”

“This isn’t the first time I’ve been shot, sweetheart.”  Her green eyes grow wider, and she looks at the scar on my side.  I guess she’s just now realizing what caused it.  “I’m not going to lie, it hurts like hell, but Bob over there gave me a nice shot, and soon I won’t even feel it at all.”

“Doctor Foster is waiting for us at General.  We’ll arrive in two minutes,” Bob assures me.

“Looks like you’re meeting my step-dad sooner than I expected,” she says, and I turn toward her.  She’s frowning for some reason.

“Do you not like your step-dad?”  I ask.  Maybe this isn’t the time to have this conversation.

“I’ll tell you later,” she says, and avoids my eyes.  I look at Killian, but he shakes his head. 

“I hope your car’s okay,” he says.  “Doctor Foster might get mad if you shot up the Benz he bought you for your birthday.” 

shot up the Benz?  I didn’t even have a fucking gun,” she argues, and glares at Killian.  I’m feeling really uncomfortable right now.  If I wasn’t cuffed to a gurney, in the fed’s custody, and all hopped up on painkillers, I might be really pissed.

“I thought you were changing your attitude,” he says, and looks at her stomach.

I look back at her, and she’s looking at me.  “Not right now,” she says.

That does it.  Even with the painkillers, I’m angry.  “I think now’s as good a time as any, since you two seem to know something I don’t,” I say pointedly.  Her hand goes up to her stomach.  I am elated, until I’m furious.  “You’re pregnant?”  She nods, and avoids my eyes again. 

“You’re pregnant, and you plan a prison break, and put yourself in the middle of a gunfight?”  I yell at her.  She releases the grip on my hand.  This is not how I planned this, not at all.

“There is no breaking,” Killian says.  “You’re in FBI protective custody, as a material witness in a federal investigation.”

“Are you gonna put me up in a fancy hotel, and feed me steak?”  I’m fairly sure my anger and sarcasm bleed through.

“We’re going to house you at the Winston city jail, and you’ll eat whatever they feed you,” he says.  I look toward Lani, and her face is as red as her dress, and I think she might be grinning.  “Her dad is the police chief.  You’ll be housed with the rest of the population, and no one will know why you’re there, or even who you are if you don’t want them to.”

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”  It’s really not her fault that she hasn’t had time to tell me everything.  I shouldn’t be angry at her.  But fuck it, I am.

“We’ll have time, won’t we?”  Her tone says so much.  She sounds like she’s worried that I won’t want her.

“Lani, I…”  As soon as I say it, the back door of the ambulance opens.  I’m pulled out of the back, then wheeled into the hospital.  Lani is with me, holding my hand. 

“Lani, you can’t come into the exam room,” a tall blonde man in scrubs and a white lab coat says.  “What did you do to your hair?”

“I’ll explain later.  Are you sure I can’t just stand in the corner, and watch?”  She’s reluctant to let go of me, and I damn sure don’t want to let go of her.  I watch the interaction between the two. 

“No, Lani.  He’ll be fine, and I’ll come get you as soon as I know something.”  His voice is very tender, and caring, and he says her name a lot.  I don’t like him either.

“Let’s go get something to eat.  I’m buying,” Killian offers.  I know he’s just trying to occupy her, but he’s asking her to dinner right in front of me, damn it.  “We can come right back up here when we’re done.”

She sighs loudly.  “Okay.”  Then she glances down at me.  I’ve never been more pissed to be in a bed. “I’ll be right back.  I’m not leaving you.”

“I’ll be here,” I assure her, and she finally lets go.  I’m taken through swinging doors, into a triage.  I look up, and notice that an FBI agent is with us.  As we pass a nurse’s station, the doctor stops and says, “Take the patient to X-ray, and I’ll be there shortly.”  As I’m being wheeled away, I hear him say, “Can someone get a set of scrubs to my step-daughter?  She’ll be in the cafeteria in a red dress.” 



It’s about forty-five minutes before I see the doctor again.  They took the x-rays, and then I waited in a curtained stall.  I’m not alone though.  My new babysitter is with me the entire time.  I had a little bit of time to think about everything that was thrown at me since I was placed in that cage tonight, but I couldn’t come to any conclusions.  This may be the most bewildering situation I’ve ever been in.  I just had the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen bring in the Calvary to save my ass.  Then, I find out, not only is she a cop, but her dad’s the chief, she might be pregnant, and her family’s wealthy.  Why did she even think twice about me once she was out of jail?  I know she was only in there to find out what happened to her sister, and she found that out.  Why come back for me?  I’m basically worthless to her.  The one thing I do know is, I’m exhausted.

I close my eyes, and I hear the curtain open.  The doctor, Lani’s step-father, takes the bandage off, and pokes and prods at the hole, the entire time asking if it hurts.  “Of course it hurts.  I was shot.  You’d think a doctor would understand that.”

“The bullet isn’t inside your arm, it went straight through.  It didn’t hit any bones or veins.  I’m going to have a nurse come in and stitch you up, then we’ll put you in a room and monitor you for the night.”

“Can Lani come in and see me when I’m in the room?”  I probably wouldn’t have asked, if he wasn’t her step-dad. 

“We’ll see,” he answers, and glances up at the agent, who doesn’t respond.

Soon after that I’m stitched up, given a shot for the pain, and sent to a room.  As soon as I’m wheeled into the room, the guard unlocks my cuff and leaves.  The first thing I do, is go to the bathroom, and I see it’s stocked with a real toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash. I could actually shower alone.  All I want to do is go to bed.  I brush my teeth, rinse with mouthwash, wash my face, and put on deodorant; all things I took for granted until ten years ago.  I feel almost human.

As I’m walking back to the bed, she enters.  She smiles at me, and that’s all I need.  She’s washed off the make-up, her hair is in a cute pony-tail, and she’s wearing scrubs.  “You look like you again, almost,” I say.

She doesn’t approach me.  She looks like she did the last time they threw her in my cell, as if she’s not settled somehow.  “Aren’t you cold?  Didn’t they offer you clothes?  I’ll go find a nurse.” 

I’m afraid she’s going to leave me again.  “I’m fine, really,” I say.  She continues to gaze at me.  “But if you want to keep me warm, you can.”  She looks toward the door.  “The guard is out there, huh?”

“Yea,” she says.

“But he’s not in here?”  She shakes her head.  “And you are?”  She nods, and grins.  “For a reason?”

“You think my ex-boyfriend left us alone so we could have sex?”  She moves closer as she speaks, but I stand where I am.  Why do I have this need for her to come to me?  “They took off the cuff.”

“I guess they think I’m not going to leave, for some reason.”  I finally reach out for her, and take her hand to link her fingers in mine. 

“Why’d you cut your hair?”  Damn, I love the way her eyes sparkle when she looks at me.  I feel like my chest is burning, like my heart is on fire. 

“You dyed your hair blonde,” I point out, and I kiss the top of her head.

“You look great.  You look absolutely fantastic.”  The emotions exploding inside me might make me pass out.  Or it might be the pain killers.

“That’s why I cut it.”  She touches my shoulder, and it might actually feel better.  Her soft, gentle fingers rub up to my neck, then she touches my beard. 

“It’s not as soft now,” she complains.

“I’m sorry baby, I’m sure you’ll be really mad when it’s rubbing against your inner thighs.”  I see her shoulders shake, and I grin.  “There’s a bed waiting over there, but I think you’re going to have to be on top, because I was shot.”

She takes a few steps toward it, and pulls on my hand for me to follow.  “You’re always looking for a reason to get me on top.”  She pulls down the covers, and figures out how to release the rail.  I sit down on the edge of the bed, and we’re just about eye to eye. 

“Are you really pregnant?  I mean, it’s only been a little over three weeks.”  I reach out, and touch her flat stomach.  Selfishly, I want a baby with her.

“Tony.”  Her hands move to my hair, and I feel her fingertips against my scalp.  She pulls me closer, and she licks her lips.  “I’m so nervous the nurses or, God forbid my step-dad will interrupt us.  But I want you so damn much right now.” 

Everything inside me wants her.  And hearing her say she wants me…  We’re not locked in together.  She can leave at any time, but this gorgeous woman is here.  She’s here with me, and we’re alone.  “We’ll just have to work fast, if you want it that bad.” 

She kisses me, and I feel like the luckiest man in the entire fucking world.  “Lay back,” she whispers, as she pushes on my right shoulder.

“No, baby.  I know how you like it.  Lean forward.”  Her luminous eyes tell me she knows what I mean.  I stand as she’s untying her pants.  When they’re down around her knees, I pull mine down too, and move behind her.  “Do you want me?”  She nods.  “Do you want this big cock inside you?”  I bend my knees a little, and grab the base.  When I feel how wet she is, my balls get tight, and I feel like my dick just grew four more inches.

“Tony, please,” she moans.  I push up into her, as slowly as I can.  When I’m firmly inside her hot little pussy, my hand moves to her hip. 

“Do you want my fingers in your ass, baby?”  I am balls deep inside her, and my head feels light.  I feel dizzy.  I want to make her come fast, because I feel close.  “Tell me what you want, baby.”

“Find my g-spot, and make me come.”  My face is in her blonde ponytail, and I smell her perfume, the same perfume that she put on the postcard. 

I move my hips until she squeals.  “Shhh,” baby.  You have to stay quiet.”  She moves against my cock, and then she whimpers because she can’t scream.  “Where do you want me to touch you?”  My hand moves up under her shirt, and she’s whimpering louder.  When I touch her nipples, she grunts, and I feel her tightening around me. I can’t think anymore.  I’m completely lost in the moment.  “I love you,” comes out, before I can stop it.  I don’t regret it, and I don’t want it back.  I just want her to feel it too.  I want her love.  She’s trying not to scream, so I say, “Kiss me.”

When her lips are on mine, I open my mouth and suck her tongue in.  I feel the scream she releases as her muscles contract around me, and I lose my balls and my heart into this beautiful woman.  If she’s not pregnant, I hope to God she gets pregnant now.



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