Private Tuition (22 page)

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Authors: Jay Merson

BOOK: Private Tuition
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"Paula, about your dress for tomorrow night,” he said pointedly. “White panties, black hold-up stockings, a short skirt and a blouse—tight fitting of course."

"Bra?” Louise asked.

"Yes of course.” The professor looked perplexed, unsure of why she should ask.

"Black or white?” Paula added, laughing.

"Oh! Black naturally.” The professor finally arrived at the reason for their questions. His mind was distracted with the arrangements for the coming night. A lot rested on the success of the venture. He just hoped that Paula appreciated the importance of this night.

"Boots or shoes?” Paula asked in a matter-of-fact fashion, breaking his train of thought.

The professor pondered for a moment.

"Boots I think would be nice, the ones that you wore for the guest night."

He seemed on edge and ill at ease. Something was bugging him. His eyes roamed over their bodies as usual, but he seemed distant and lacking that hungry lustful look that he usually had about him.

"When will I get the chance to go to the barn professor?” Louise asked quickly.

The professor shot a damning glare at Paula and Louise realised that she had dropped Paula in the shit. Only he and Paula knew it was a barn. She began to wish she had never said the words, she cursed herself for having done so, promising herself to think in future before speaking.

The professor said nothing, Paula just wished that he would speak out, to say what he was feeling, but that wasn't his way. He would make them both wait and wonder, he usually did. They must wait to see, or to feel, the results of his displeasure. He stood silently and returned to his room.

Louise ducked as Paula hit her with a cushion.

"Sorry, sorry, I just didn't think."

"You can take the caning this time!” Paula said firmly.

"Mmmm yes please,” Louise giggled.

Paula didn't reply. She went silent, thinking more on the trip to the barn. Of the pleasures or otherwise that it might have in store for her.

* * * *

"Absolutely lovely!” Louise said sincerely as she entered Paula's room. Paula was dressed as the professor had asked, and was just applying her final make-up when her friend entered. Paula gave a grateful bow and resumed her making-up.

"Came to wish you luck."


"Can I smudge the lipstick a bit before you go?” Louise asked sexily.

Paula slowly put down the lipstick and turned to face her almost naked friend. Louise hugged her tightly, her lips meeting those of Paula and kissing her passionately, mons against mons, grinding hard as they pressed their bodies against one another.

Paula's hands ran down over the slim body of her friend, exploring every curve and contour of her flesh, fingers slipping easily under the tight panties to fondle the firm buttocks beneath.

The kiss ended but the embrace remained. The fondling continued as they held themselves pressed against each other. Two beautiful young women, sexually charged and with a desperate need for each other, taking advantage of not only liking men and the pleasures they could bring to them, but the sensuous delights of another woman and all that she could offer. Sexually they were matched, each as hungry as the other for the satisfying sensations that their pussies demanded.

Paula stopped to take one of Louise's long hard nipples in her mouth, bit lightly and sucked the firm bud. Louise gasped and moaned as the soft lips worked on her. Paula broke reluctantly away and held her at arms’ length, looking longingly into her eyes.

"Think of me tonight,” Louise said huskily. “All alone and not getting a share of the action. When you are there and getting a good seeing-to, think of me."

Paula smiled, moved close and whispered in Louise's ear. “He keeps that big dildo in a cupboard in his wardrobe. Just don't wear it out!"

"You're a real pal!” Louise smiled back and squeezed her tightly. “Listen, hope all goes well and have some for me."

Paula kissed her again quickly and broke away to resume her making-up.

* * * *

It was getting dark as the time professor brought the car to a halt in the same lay-by in Buckinghamshire that they had stopped in previously. He passed the blindfold to Paula, who slipped it over her head and fitted it into place.

"Nervous?” the professor asked. It was the first time he had spoken since they had left the flat.

"Just a bit,” Paula lied. She was terrified.

"No need to be I assure you, just be your usual sexy self and all will go well.” She felt his hand rest on her thigh, stroking the nylon of her stockings. His hand slid up under her skirt to caress the inside of her thigh close to her pussy.

"You look wonderful,” he breathed, his face close to her. He kissed her cheek lightly then removed his hand and started the car.

About another half an hour's driving and the car was bumping and rolling. Paula recognised the dirt track road by the violent way it bounced around. Then they drew to a halt and the professor got out.

Paula sat silently for a moment before her door was opened and the professor guided her out. The blindfold was removed and as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she could see the barn door in front of her. The two large lights either side of the door revealed that it was old and well used, but in good repair and well maintained.

The professor took her wrist and tied her hands behind her back with a length of the soft cord that she knew so well. Flutters of uncertainty in her stomach increased as he clipped a dog lead onto the front D-ring of her collar and threaded his hand through the loop in the end.

"There will be lots of people in there Paula, nothing to be afraid of. Your lovely body is the point of interest in there and nothing else. They will never have seen a slim young body such as yours, so expect some reaction to that. You are the most beautiful and sexy woman ever to enter this place remember that that as we enter. Come now, in we go."

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As the professor and Paula approached the barn door it opened as if by remote control. A naked man opened the door and stood back to allow them to enter. Paula noted the bend in his flaccid cock as it hung down from his bush of pubic hair. His eyes were covered by a fitted black mask, the type of mask that moulds itself to the shape of the nose and cheekbones. A velvet hood with a red number nineteen embroidered on the front covered his hair and fell down the sides to cover his ears and neck, only his mouth, chin and eyes could be seen. The piercing eyes roamed Paula from legs up to her head.

The curtains had been drawn around the doorway, creating a small foyer that sealed it off from the rest of the barn. The three stood together in silence as the naked man looked Paula over. The professor nodded to the man and began undressing.

"Door keeper's privilege,” the professor said simply by way of explanation as the man approached Paula. His hand touched and felt her tight buttocks through the material of her skirt, hard and pinching his fingers roamed. The professor was naked now, he took a mask from many that were hanging on a rack in the foyer and put it over his head. Fitting it into place took on an almost ceremonial air.

The man's cock had stirred, semi-hard now as he enjoyed feeling Paula's buttocks. His other hand was now squeezing her left breast through the blouse and bra that she wore. She stood still as he felt her, she felt good, very good, it excited her to be touched like this by a total stranger, exciting him, letting him feel what he obviously hadn't felt in a very long time.

The professor stood before her. His mask had a silver number five embroidered on the forehead, because he was an elder Paula guessed. They waited patiently whilst the man continued to fondle Paula. His hand slipped under her skirt and ran lightly over her silky smooth buttocks. He moaned in appreciation as he felt her all over.

"Enough!” the professor announced suddenly and gathered the dog lead in his hand. It was with a great deal of reluctance that the man stopped his pleasure and stood back to allow them to enter, but he didn't argue or offer any protest. An indication of the chain of command here and just how effective it was, Paula thought.

The man opened a small door to the right that Paula hadn't noticed on her previous visit. The professor led the way through and Paula followed, pulled along slightly by the lead attached to her neck.

She felt so sexy, the powerful charge of anticipation combined with a feeling of naughtiness filled. Tamed and bound, tethered and being led by the leash, the situation had a sexual charge of its own, one that she was responding to rapidly. Helpless and unknowing, she was allowing herself to be taken meekly to quite what she couldn't imagine.

Down a dark wooden corridor, narrow and unsteady, the walls constructed of rough wood as a partition within the outside wall of the barn. Carefully down three rough steps that caused Paula to stumble slightly. The professor didn't wait, pulling roughly at the leash he dragged her onwards. Two turns left brought them to a small curtained-off area where the professor stopped and let go of the leash. All was silent.

"Wait here and don't move,” he said in a hushed voice. Then he pulled the curtain aside slightly and walked through. Paula tried to see to the other side before the curtain fell back into place but it had happened too quickly. She stood silently waiting as she had been told, an eerie and unnerving silence in the musty smelling barn beyond.

"Members, Elders, Senators and Principal” she heard the professor's voice boom out from the other side of the curtain as he addressed the audience. “As part of my application to be accepted as a senator, I offer tonight for your enjoyment the first of my trainees."

A loud cheer filled the barn, a light ripple of applause and then silence again filled the huge barn. Paula felt a pang of uncertainty as she stood waiting, glad that she was at least fully dressed. A motor began whirring and then the curtain moved sliding slowly to one side.

The scene before Paula as the curtain stopped took her by surprise. She was on a stage. A long catwalk like that on a fashion parade pushed far out from the stage into the sea of black masked people that were gathered around it. Naked people of varying ages, she judged by the condition of the bodies. One or two were female certainly not many, most of them were men. Cocks of all shapes and sizes, some flaccid, semi-stiff and some rigid, some were tiny, some medium and some positively huge. All of this Paula noted as the professor slowly led her onto the catwalk, guided by the lead attached to her.

Paula felt a mixture of emotions. She was wet, aroused and her clitoris throbbed, but she felt uncertain as the crowd watched her silently. Slowly they walked, Paula rolled her backside, swinging her hips as her leather boots clumped noisily on the hollow wooden boards of the catwalk, the professor in front guiding her, his naked backside looking comical, she had never seen a naked man walking before.

Suddenly the room erupted in noise, a loud cheering and clapping, the audience shouting and hooting their approval. It seemed to happen at once, as though there had been a specific time lapse of silence or a set point, which the visitor must reach before, they were allowed to comment.

Paula couldn't contain a broad smile, she felt more relaxed now, wallowing in the attention that was being paid to her as they reached the end of the long catwalk. The professor stopped and halted Paula, so that she stood for their approval as the shouting and applause went on. She adopted a wide legged stance that emphasised her slim thighs beneath the short skirt. She felt her pulse racing as she looked at the eyes that peered from the masks; her legs and breasts seemed to be the points of attention. One or two were lingering on the swell of her buttocks as they pushed against the material of the skirt. She felt good, so sexy and so very aroused. Sensations of pleasure bursting within her, she stood arrogant and poised allowing them to view her.

The clapping and cheering subsided slowly falling almost into silence. Someone shouted loudly, “three!", another shouted “four!"

The professor raised his hands to silence them as the noise erupted again. From a platform at the back that Paula hadn't noticed, there came a loud thumping and silence fell instantly. On the platform were the Elders, seated both sides of the Senators resplendent with their gold numbers fitted to their masks. In the centre and holding a long staff that he was thumping onto the wooden platform, sat the principal.

He stood and announced loudly. “Members please! The bidding has not yet begun. Please allow the Elder candidate to continue.” He sat down again and nodded to the professor.

The professor gripped the front of Paula's blouse and ripped it down, tearing the material and revealing her soft breasts restrained within the tight black bra. A low moan of appreciation from many mouths echoed around the room. The ripping continued until all of her blouse was gone. Her skirt was next, pulled roughly from her. She felt a surge of sexual excitement as she stood before her audience in just her underwear and black hold-up stockings. The many pairs of eyes again roaming her body and inspecting the freshly exposed flesh.

The professor gripped her shoulders and guided her to turn around, a complete turn of her body so that all viewed every part of her.

"Ride the rodeo!” someone shouted. Further shouts of agreement were heard and a chant began.

"Ride the rodeo."

"Ride the rodeo."

The professor again raised his hands to silence them and the chanting stopped. Paula noted a smile on the professor's lips as he again approached her. Her bra was ripped of, the professor tearing the straps and making them cut into her soft flesh, pulling and burning. Her breasts swung free, the nipples hard and erect. A ripple of pleasured moaning filled the room as Paula pushed out her chest to make her breasts seem as big as she possibly could. The nagging ache in her vulva pounded its reminder to her that it needed attention.

In one swift move the professor had gripped her small panties and pulled them down over her hips and to the floor. A series of gasps filled the huge barn as her pussy was displayed. Heads craned to look between her legs as she stepped out of the panties. Paula's heart pounded fiercely as she stood naked before the crowd. No amount of banging his staff on the boards by the Principal could quieten the crowd this time. The shouts and comments were almost deafening. Paula felt so good and wanted, so alive with sexuality it almost hurt. She felt as though she could imagine her erect clitoris sticking out from the top of her labia for all to see.

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