Privilege 1 - Privilege (28 page)

BOOK: Privilege 1 - Privilege
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And if he did all that, what would Ariana be forced to do in return?

Ariana swallowed a hard lump in her throat and tossed the phone onto the passenger seat. She couldn't think about that now. The best thing she could do for herself and for Hudson was put as much distance between herself and Easton, Connecticut, as possible. There would be no more visits to her past. Visits to her past were obviously too dangerous. From now on, Ariana's focus was on the future. With one last parting glance at her former friends, her former family, her former world, Ariana pulled her car into traffic and never looked back.



It all starts here.

Ariana paused outside the imposing iron gates. Paused and took a deep, satisfying breath. She closed her eyes and let it all soak in. The clean, fresh air. The cool breeze carrying the slightly musky scent of the oncoming autumn. The popping of luxury car doors and the shouts of students greeting one another after a long summer apart.

It all starts here.

Ariana turned and slid the package out from under her arm. She looked over the handwriting on the slip, satisfied that it was indistinguishable from Briana Leigh's. All that practicing on the veranda at the Philmore had done the trick. Teo would never know that the breakup letter was not from his betrothed. Would never suspect the format in which it arrived, since the two of them had been writing real letters to one another since the beginning of their romance. She hoped the ring she had nestled inside would arrive safely and that he would find


some worthy girl to give it to someday. Placing the package carefully into the FedEx box on the sidewalk next to the gates, she took a deep breath. Briana Leigh's ties were officially cut. It was up to Ariana now to decide who Briana Leigh Covington would become. This last task finally completed, she shook her hair back from her face, grasped the handle of her rolling Louis Vuitton trunk, and strode through the gates onto the campus of Atherton-Pryce Hall.

Breathless with anticipation, Ariana nevertheless managed to keep her gait to a stroll, to take it all in. The low, redbrick buildings with the arched, multipaned windows gleaming in the sun. The cherry trees lining the walkways, which would no doubt burst forth with big, beautiful blossoms in the spring. The cocky boys, already clad in their blue blazers and gray slacks as they slapped hands with one another on the lawn. The huge fountain at the center of campus, bubbling happily as underclassmen gathered around to check their schedules against one another's or gossip about who hooked up with whom over the summer.

Ariana was surprised at how giddy she felt and realized for the first time how close she had come to losing everything. How very near she had come to the brink. Never again. Never again could she take all this for granted. She promised herself right then and there that she would turn over a new leaf. She had earned her second chance. Had worked and sacrificed and suffered for it. Her fingernails dug into the skin of her bare forearm and she winced. Hadn't even realized she had been doing it. Slowly, deliberately, Ariana breathed in the crisp, cool air and felt her pulse start to


relax. Her fingers uncurled. She was finally where she belonged. It was time to focus.

As she made her way around the fountain, she saw them. They stood with their shoulders back, noses up, looking the plainer girls up and down derisively as they scurried around like excited hamsters. Even though everyone wore the same pleated uniform skirts and fitted blazers, they looked more sophisticated than the others. There were a dozen in all, clustered into little groups. But of the twelve, the trio at the center was different. Special. They stood in a shaft of sunlight that seemed to shine just for them, and every so often the girls in the other klatches would look over at them with interest and envy. These were the girls Ariana was looking for.

The tall one at the center--raven hair, exotic olive skin, regal nose--was clearly in charge. The others spoke, whispered, or laughed toward her, but she never moved for anyone. She stood perfectly straight and poised, like a ballerina. Her dark hair was back in an unkempt ponytail and the tie of her uniform hung loose around her neck. She wore expensive yet broken-in Prada boots that had no place in her preppy uniform but somehow still worked. Long, delicate gold earrings grazed her collarbone. The whole look said she didn't care, but was perfect nonetheless. The girl to her left--pale skin, short blond hair cut above the ears, big bright eyes--was the most gorgeous girl Ariana had ever laid eyes on, even if she could stand to lose a few pounds. Everything about her was big. Big enamel hoop earrings. Oversize leather D&G bag. Tons of bracelets clinking around on both arms. A watch with a face so huge Ariana could almost read it from


yards away. Her shoes were open-toed wedges. Definitely European. Definitely a designer Ariana didn't know, which was intriguing. The third girl was Asian. Tiny. Impeccably put together. Black hair back in a velvet headband hanging straight down her back like a knife. Not a wrinkle or crease on her shirt. Everything brand-new. She wore sensible yet stylish Roger Vivier flats, black with a big buckle over the front. Very nice.

Ariana took one look at them and knew she was home.

But suddenly, somehow, a skitter of nerves assaulted her heart. These people didn't know her. They didn't have to instantly accept her. What if she messed it all up? What if something went wrong? This was her life. Her new life. After everything she had been through, she couldn't screw it up now. Everything was riding on this moment.

Just be yourself, honey, she heard her mother say in her ear, just as she had on that first day at Easton so many years ago. Just be yourself, and I know they'll love you.

She had, after all, been an outsider then, too. The only girl from Georgia in her freshman class at the tony New England prep school. And look how easily she had been accepted there. Look how well that had all turned out.


Now, standing in her street clothes among all these uniformed strangers, Ariana felt her heart squeeze with longing for the sound of her mother's voice, but she quickly shook it off. Her mother would have been proud if she knew where Ariana was right now, how she was taking charge of her life. That was going to have to be enough. Taking


a deep, calming breath, Ariana lifted her long auburn hair over her shoulder, put on a big smile, and strode confidently forward.

Easton was in the past. Noelle and Billings and Thomas were in the past. Her mother, even, was in the past.

It was time to start the first day of the rest of her life.

She stepped up to the dark-haired girl in the Prada boots and smiled. "Hi. I'm Briana Leigh Covington," she said. "But you can call me Ana."


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From bestselling author KATE BRIAN

Juicy reads for the sweet and the sassy!

Sweet 16 As seen in CosmoGIRL!

Lucky T "Fans of Meg Cabot's The Princess Diaries will enjoy it."-- SLJ

Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys Featured in Teen magazine!

The Virginity Club "Sex and the City: High School Edition."--KLIAU

The Princess & the Pauper "Truly exceptional chick-lit."-- Kirkus Reviews

Published by Simon & Schuster


[Inside The Back Cover]

Some girls would die for a life of Privilege....

Some would even kill for it.

Don't miss a minute of this delectably naughty series by bestselling author Kate Brian,




Available June 2009

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