Prohibited: an erotic novel (17 page)

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Authors: Donnee Patrese

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Prohibited: an erotic novel
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Stacey, Mikey’s wife, was being paraded around to all the relatives. That gave me some time to sit and flirt with her husband.


“This is a beautiful house Mikey. If it were my house I would fuck in every room.”


We laughed.


“You have such a foul mouth little girl.” He said leaning in closer. “One I would like to stick my cock into.”


I spit out the water I was sipping.


“Okay, you win.” I chuckled.


He took a bow still laughing.


He looked up and spotted his mother coming out of the kitchen.


“Hey wait right here. I want you to meet my mother.”


Before I had a chance to scream; WHY DO I NEED TO MEET YOUR MOTHER, he ran over to her and practically dragged her over to me.


It was a very uncomfortable situation and I couldn’t begin to describe the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I was introduced to her.


She was short and petite with an aura of elegance and strength. She didn’t seem to smile a whole lot just slightly lifting the corners of her mouth. She was breathtaking however. Just looking at her I wondered why Michael would ever want to even be in my vicinity yet alone in my bed.


Along with breathtaking, she was unnervingly intimidating. As Mikey introduced us she slowly and cautiously extended her hand to me. I hesitantly shook it. Her grasp was loose and not as strong as I would imagine.


“Nice to finally meet you Maxine,” she said in her soft velvety voice.


“Yes, it’s nice to meet you too.”


As we exchanged greetings I felt eyes on us. I turned my head to the side only to find those emerald eyes watching us closely, intensely. I tried not to focus on him.


“My son speaks very highly of you. He claims that you are close yet this is the first time that we are meeting. I find that strange.”


It really didn’t matter to me.


“I guess it is strange.” I lied.


At that second there was a call that dinner would now be served.


I followed Julia and Mikey toward another part of the house.  I guess the first room was just a pit stop. The second room looked as if it were an enormous family room transformed into a dining room for the evening.


There was room enough for four tables that seated eight people. Each table was beautifully decorated with leaf-patterned placemats in three different fall colors. The best china was presented. Each dish was trimmed in gold and offset the placemats beautifully.


Everything was immaculate. Margaret, the Salvatore’s maid, and three other house staff began dinner by bringing everyone a drink and salads. Just from the salads I thought this was going to be a gourmet Thanksgiving dinner. I was used to the traditional Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce and macaroni and cheese.


As the dinner progressed I realize that the dinner was somewhat traditional after all. The staff set plates with turkey breast, real berry cranberry sauce, white cheddar macaroni and cheese and green bean casserole. I wasn’t too fond of the green bean casserole but everything else I thought was delicious.


I was seated at the table with Julia, Mikey, Stacey, three of Mikey’s cousins and his little brother Mitchell. Mitch was a cutie. He had curly black hair and was very tall for his age. He looked an awful lot like his mom.


Stacey barely said two words to me. I also noticed that whenever Mikey and I began a conversation she would avert his attention to something else. It was obvious to me but everyone else just acted like they didn’t notice.


After dinner, I looked around for a place to hide. I just needed a minute to be alone before it was time to go. After meeting Mikey’s mother I could feel the guilt creeping up my spine.


I went for the bathroom first. I grabbed the knob but the door was locked. I heard voices coming from inside.


I remembered I saw a really comfortable looking chair in the foyer. I found it and got really cozy. I was full and sleepy and I didn’t normally feel comfortable around so many people. I decided I would hide out here until Julia and her dad were ready to go.


I didn’t have the opportunity to sneak away with Michael. Not that I thought I would have the opportunity. I assumed that our encounter at the beginning of the evening would be all that we have time for that night.


But I was wrong.


As I sat quietly, I heard someone. I looked up to see Michael enter the room.


“I have been looking all over for you.”


I smiled.


“I see. What can I do for you?’


He walked over to me grabbing me by the hand and lifting me from the chair.


“For starters, you can follow me.”


Still holding my hand he led me into a room just off the foyer. When inside I noticed that it was his office. The room smelled of him. There was a leather couch on one wall, a very large desk and a door in the corner that led to God knows where.


He brought me over to the brown leather couch and we both took a seat. I didn’t normally like leather furniture but this couch just might change my mind.


He moved very close and leaned in nuzzling my neck.


I laughed.


“Michael, what are you doing?” I asked truly amused.


I was completely sure my blood pressure was rising and I knew that my heart was racing.


“I have wanted to do this all night.” He said.


Before I could speak, I could feel his soft and smooth lips caressing mine. I let his tongue glide into my mouth. My mind was flooded with emotion and heat. I was drowning in his arms. I knew that I could not get enough of this man. He had me and he knew it and at that moment I was not sure if I had a problem with that.


Before I could think, I was on my back and his tongue was drawing circles on my clit.


The amazing things this man can do with his tongue.


It had to be at least 40 minutes of mind blowing sex before we exited the room back into the foyer sweaty and disheveled.


Waiting in the foyer for us was Mikey.


When I saw him, I froze.


Immediately I started to rummage through my brain for excuses. Michael seemed to gain his composure quicker than I could.


“So, that was my study. Would you like to see some more of the house?’ He asked.


It took me a minute to catch on. I stared at him for a second.


“No, I think I have seen enough.” I answered.


Mikey did not look convinced. He was sitting in the same seat I had been pulled out of by Michael with a weird look on his face.


“So, my dad was giving you a tour?”




He walked over to me grabbing my hand gently.


“Let’s get your coat. Julia and uncle ‘Enzo are ready to go.”


He spoke so calmly the whole time keeping his eyes on his dad.


“I’m going to go play the host to the other guests.” Michael said exiting the room.


Alone with Mikey, I started to feel really nauseous. I just knew he knew and I was not ready to be confronted by him. He helped me with my coat and sat back down in the recliner. I just stood there quietly waiting for him to speak.


Then suddenly he smiled at me.


“Did you have a good time?” He asked still holding onto that radiant smile.


“Um…yes, I had a very nice time.” I answered.


“Looks as if you and my dad are getting along great,” he said folding his arms across his chest.


I froze. I was having a hard time finding my voice.


“I’m guessing as great as you guys got along at my wedding?”


“Yes, um…well, your parents are nice.” I said.


After I said it, I realized that maybe “yes’ was not a good answer. I was beginning to feel sick.


He stood from the chair and walked towards me. His smiled disappeared and his eyes told me that I should run and get the hell out of there.




“No,” he said forcefully. “We will not talk about this shit now.”


He took a step closer and lowered his voice to a whisper.


“I am not going to disrespect my mother in her house by causing a scene. I will deal with you and this bullshit later. Right now, you need to leave.”


I would love to leave and not have him look at me like that anymore, but Julia and her dad were my ride.


He stood staring at me with disdain written all over his face.


After a few minutes, Julia and her dad and I walked out the house and drove the 30 minutes to my apartment. I didn’t say very much the whole ride. Reality started to hit me and I realized that because I couldn’t keep my legs closed I probably just lost my two best friends. Mikey I could tell hated me and when Julia found out… I didn’t want to think about that. I sat quietly in the back seat and listened as Julia and Mr. DiGarmo talked about the great time they had.


Once in my apartment I changed my clothes and took a nice long hot shower. I was about go to sleep but I could not stop recapping in my mind the evening that I had and I could only think one thing… I am all screwed up in the head.


Here I am again attracted to a man that I shouldn’t be. Not only that, I am finding myself wanting a relationship with him.


He is married and he just keeps putting me in these situations that could possibly lead to the ruining of both of our lives.


What am I going to do?
















I was so exhausted.


Planning Thanksgiving this year has been a nightmare. I have had a hard time focusing. I was still recovering from planning Mikey’s wedding.


Getting the house ready, sending out invitations, working on the food menu, getting the staff in order has done a number on me. I spent all this time planning and executing all so that I could get this evening done and over with.


Michael always assumed I loved throwing these functions, but in reality I hated it. The holidays are so stressful, but I have to do it. It is expected of me. There is so much expected of me it is difficult to keep it all together.


There was another reason why I dreaded Thanksgiving this year. After our little kiss I was anxious about seeing Selena. I would not know what to say to her. I have thought about the kiss so much. It has kept me awake at night. It has haunted me so much that I am currently hiding in the kitchen with the hired staff.


I was in the process of going over the order of the food with the kitchen staff when my brother-in-law Mario, bustled in and planted himself at the kitchen table.


“My beautiful sister-in-law, where is my little brother hiding?” He said holding his usual glass of whiskey and cola.


It was very difficult to find him without one.


“Your brother is probably hiding in his usual spot.”


He smiled.


“The basement.” He said already heading out of the kitchen.


“Yes and make sure you tell him dinner will be starting soon. He needs to mingle with the guests.” I shouted after him.

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