Prohibited: an erotic novel (20 page)

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Authors: Donnee Patrese

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Prohibited: an erotic novel
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“I have been looking all over for you.”


She smiled.


“I see. What can I do for you?’


I walked over
I gently grabbed her and pulled her out of the chair onto her feet.


“For starters, you can follow me.”


Still holding her hand, I led her into my study and onto my brown leather couch. Without hesitation I began to lay gentle kisses on her neck.




I had to remember to ask her later where that smell came from.


“Michael, what are you doing?” She giggled.


“I have wanted to do this all night.” I confessed.


I captured her lips with mind and fell in deep as our tongues met. She tasted like cranberry sauce.


So tangy and sweet.


I pushed her back on the couch and she laughed.


I didn’t hesitate. I removed her panties and soon I had a mouth full of her delicious pussy.


After having one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had in my life, we exited the study feeling hot and exhilarated.


I looked up to see Junior sitting in the recliner.


My son, he knew.


I could see Maxine freeze. I had to come up with something though I knew it would be in vain.


“So, that was my study. Would you like to see some more of the house?’ I asked.


It took a second, but she eventually realized what I was doing.


“No, I think I have seen enough.” She replied


Junior just stared at me. I had seen that look before. He knew that I was not faithful to his mother and whenever he caught me he gave me that look.


“So, my dad was giving you a tour?”


“Yes.” She said moving away from me.


He walked over to her and led her away.


“Let’s get your coat. Julia and Uncle ‘Enzo are ready to go.”


He never took his eyes off me.


“I’m going to go play the host to the other guest.”


I exited the foyer feeling a little flushed. The rest of the evening went by so fast. Most of the guest started to leave shortly after that encounter.


I watched as Maxine prepared to leave and I felt an overwhelming sense of shame and guilt. What she does to me I cannot explain.


I thought about that late into the night.


The house was quiet now.


I was back in the basement concentrating and thinking. I came very close to making quite a scene. What does that say about me? I mean it’s as if I do not care anymore. I wanted Maxine and I won’t stop until I have her.


“Oh, Maxi, You are going to be so happy that you accepted my invite. A double date with Justin and me would do you some good.” Julia said from the driver’s side window.


We just finished lunch and I was in a hurry to get to my apartment. I needed to be alone for a while. I was grateful Julia had a double date tonight with Mikey and Stacey. I just really needed some time to myself. The last thing I wanted to think about was going on a date.


The thought of it made my stomach hurt. Though I tried very hard to think of reasons to keep from attending, in the end I had run out of outright lies and excuses. There was no way around the situation.


The last “date” I was on was with Michael.


I have been longing for him. I have not seen or spoken to him since Thanksgiving. After Mikey caught us, he made it very clear to me in a phone conversation that I needed to stay clear of his dad if I valued our friendship. And I really did value his friendship. I really cared about Mikey and he was much more important than sex with anyone.


So, I have avoided Michael for the past month like the plague. Needless to say, my vibrator has gotten quite a workout.


I knew there were plenty of men out there that wanted to fuck me but…Michael had me pleasantly spoiled.


The things that man can do with his tongue…


I walked into my apartment dropping my coat and keys on the couch and headed for my bedroom. I glanced at my digital answering machine on the way and noticed that I had five messages.


The first two were from my aunt Tina telling me to give her a call as soon as I got a chance. I have been a neglectful niece lately. I think I will give her a call after I take a shower. I turned the volume on the machine up and listened to my messages.


I walked into the bathroom and stripped to only my bra and panties. I tossed the clothes on the floor and let the water run to get warm. I was sitting on the edge of the tub getting the water temperature just right when I heard a knock on the door. I turned off the water and listened.


I heard another knock.


I grabbed my robe and headed to the door.


I stood on my tiptoes and looked out the peephole. What I saw made my heart race. There was another knock. I swung open the door and the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks.


Michael stood nonchalantly leaning against the frame.


cara mia
, good afternoon.” He said.


He was wearing a gray button up shirt, black slacks and a black blazer. The darkness of his clothes mixed with his dark hair made his green eyes sparkle.


I froze. I stood there for what seemed like an eternity.


He chuckled.


“Can I come in?”


I blinked.


“Umm…okay, sure.”


I moved aside and let him pass me into my apartment. His arm brushed mine as he passed leaving a trail of his cologne. I caught a whiff and it sent shivers down my spine. For a few seconds, I was lost. I took a deep breath, regaining some form of composure, and closed the front door. I watched as he made his way to my couch, took off his coat and took a seat.


I just leaned against the door. He patted the seat on the couch next to him.


I shook my head.


He smiled and stood from the couch. He walked to me, grabbing my hand and leading me over. I sat down, and he sat down-very close.


“Michael, why are you here?” I said sliding away from him.


He grabbed my hand and began to slowly caress it.


“I’ve missed you.”


I turned from him. I didn’t want him to see the desire hiding in my eyes.


I promised Mikey after all.


He reached over turning my head, forcing me to look at him.


“I have been calling?”


“I know.” I said


He continued to caress my hand.


“You have not returned my calls.”


“After our last encounter, I decided it would be best if we just stay away from each other.”


He smiled and with his right hand he began to slowly caress my cheek.


“You make this declaration every time we see each other and so far…you can’t seem to keep your hands off me.”


It was hard to concentrate with him touching me. Yet he was right. I wanted to rip his clothes off right then and there.


“I mean it this time.”


He smiled.


“Of course you do, my love.”


He moved closer until our faces were very close. He leaned in and softly placed his lips on mine. It felt so good to taste him and to smell the sweetness of his cologne. He pushed me backwards on the couch until I was lying on my back.


His body was on top of me and I could feel his hand undoing the knot on my robe. I wanted, no wait, I yearned to feel his hands on my body.


He moved opening my robe. While on my back, I started to undo the buttons on his shirt. When I was done, I watched him take it off, tossing it on the floor. He toke off his shoes and undid his pants.


I watched him.


He really has done this a lot. He was practically naked in 2.5 seconds.


In only his underwear, he adjusted my body on the couch, removing my robe in the process. He began to kiss me on the neck, down my collarbone and to my breasts. I was lost and could not free myself from the temptation. He looked up at me and smiled. I could feel his fingers trailing a path down my stomach and into my panties.


I moaned.


Just as he trailed his head down to follow the path his fingers made, my cell phone rang.


The noise brought me out of my stupor and I sat up quickly. I let it ring as I was in no position to talk to anyone at the moment. Michael sat up and tried to pull me toward him, but I dodged his advance and pulled myself off the couch.


I grabbed my robe and put it on tying the belt as tight as possible.




I wrapped my arms around me so that I was sure to keep my hands to myself.


I looked at him.


“This happens every time you get near me, but I mean it this time. No more!”


I was not expecting his reaction. He leaned back on the couch still only in his underwear. He placed his hands over his face and sighed. The look of depression and sadness  he wore was such a shock. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside him.


“Michael, are you alright?”


He looked at me, and his eyes were dark.


“I know the position I am putting you in and I apologize.” He said taking my hand.


I’m not quite so sure that he understands the toll our relationship is taking on me.


“I just really needed to see you, to be with you.”


He exhaled nosily.


“Michael, we should never have slept together at your house on Thanksgiving.”


“I know it was a mistake. I wasn’t thinking. You see what you do to me?” He chuckled.


“Michael you have to remember that this is just sex. I mean it was incredible and mind-blowing sex, but just sex.”


He folded his arms across his chest.


“Are you sure sweetheart? I have a feeling that you care about me just as much as I care at you.”


With hands on my hips, I dismissed his claims.


“No, believe me. I just want your amazing dick in every hole on my body.”


He laughed.


“Okay.  Say what you want to say, but I know you feel something more. When we make love…”




His eyebrows furrowed.


“Excuse me?”


“We fuck. We don’t make love.”


At first he looked disturbed, and then his green eyes brightened. He started to laugh. His laughter then changed into a full out chuckle fit.


I had to admit, it was contagious.


“Is it really that funny?”


He was starting to get himself under control.


“My dear, you are a hard nut to crack.”


“I’ll take that as a compliment.”


“Don’t get me wrong my darling. I am still hopeful. I’m hoping…”


“Hoping that I will change my mind? Not gonna happen.” I declared.


He squinted with an eyebrow raised.


“I see doubt in your eyes
cara mia.”


He just wasn’t letting up. If Mikey asks, I am really trying not to give in to temptation, but this man that sits before me is insatiable.


It made me wonder how a man who is married to such a beautiful woman would want to be in my bed. How awful is his relationship?

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