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Authors: Dee Julian

Promise Me (14 page)

BOOK: Promise Me
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You’ll love Edwin, Papa. He’s such a dear boy, and he found Boo.”

Is that so?” His gaze strayed to Leah. “Who is Edwin?”

It’s a long story, Father. How was the hunt?”

Not as good as I’d hoped. Katrina, go wash up for supper. I’ve invited a guest to dine with us.”

Kat wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m glad you’re home.”

So am I, child. Now run along.”

After her sister headed up the hill toward the manor, Leah asked, “We’re entertaining this evening?”

He nodded. “I realize it’s short notice, but the young man is in need of our hospitality. You see, he’s been charged with the formidable task of opening Westwood Hall in time for his grandmother’s arrival next week.”

Lady Westwood? I thought she passed away half a century ago.”

No, that was her first husband.”

Where has she been all this time?”

America.” He placed Leah’s hand in the crook of his elbow. “So tell me...who is this Edwin fellow?”




I know the law, Harcourt.” For a moment, Nicolas followed the sun as it sank beyond the trees. “I realize Adrian’s illegitimate son cannot legally become my heir.” He faced the solicitor. “But that’s not the reason I wish to adopt the boy.”

I appreciate that you’re willing to provide for your brother’s offspring, your Grace, but I must advise against adoption.”

Do you expect me to leave my nephew at a workhouse to suffer poverty and deprivation?”

Not at all, but there are charitable institutions to consider.”


Why not adopt the lad out to a reputable family? It would cost no more than a shilling per week.”

You’re not listening, Harcourt. I’ll not ask strangers to care for my nephew. He stays with Grandmother and me.” Nicolas walked around the desk. “When it comes to illegitimacy, England still resides in the Dark Ages. Good God, is this not the nineteenth century?”

Unfortunately in this country parents can desert or neglect their offspring without fear of facing legal issues.” The solicitor cleared his throat. “Your Grace, about Miss Sheridan...”

What about her?”

You say she sent the child money each month?”

According to my cousin, yes.”

It appears she cares for Edwin, but why did she not tell you sooner?”

She claims that as my brother lay dying in her arms, he made her promise to keep his mistress and the child she bore him a secret from his family.”

I see, do not believe her?”

Nicolas wasn’t sure. In truth, Leah Sheridan confused him. His heart wanted to believe she was as innocent as she claimed, but his commonsense refused to listen. Bloody hell! Was he besotted? Bewitched? And what the devil did his heart have to do with anything?

Your Grace?”

Nicolas looked up. “Yes?”

I was merely commenting on Miss Sheridan’s decent behavior.”

Do not give the lady too much credit. She would’ve likely kept Edwin a secret indefinitely if Maria Santiago had not forced the issue by abandoning him.”

Perhaps, but what she did for Lord Adrian’s mistress and son goes far beyond what one would’ve expected of a fine lady, and I for one applaud her.”

Well while you’re applauding, kindly begin the adoption process.”

Of course. I merely mentioned the earl’s daughter because she could be instrumental in speeding the matter along.”

How so?”

If I understood you correctly, she can bear witness against Miss Santiago, and therefore she might possibly be called before the magistrate.”

I’d rather not involve Miss Sheridan further. At the moment, I’m...she’s...” Nicolas cleared his throat. “We’re no longer speaking.”

But she could be vital to this adoption. If you’ve slighted the lady, you might wish to make amends.”

Nicolas sighed. Even if he wished to take back the hurtful things he’d said to her, it wouldn’t sound sincere and would likely make matters worse.

A wife might become a necessity,” the solicitor added. “In that respect, Miss Sheridan would do quite nicely.”

I’m not sure I care for this line of thinking, Harcourt.”

Your Grace, you are a bachelor, and your shipping business requires you to travel a great deal.”

Yes, but when I’m out of the country, my grandmother is more than capable of seeing to Edwin’s needs.”

The courts might argue that Lady Chase is getting on in years.”

Then I’ll sell the business,” Nicolas stated. “If I require a wife, I assure you it will not be Lord Greyson’s daughter.”

Still, young Edwin’s attachment to the lady could work to your advantage.”

Not Leah Sheridan.”

Of course there is the possibility that Miss Santiago could have a change of heart. Women do, you know.” The solicitor pushed his wire-rimmed glasses against the bridge of his nose. “She could find a sympathetic magistrate who might grant her temporary custody of Edwin until his future is decided.”

I’d never allow that. In fact, I intend to warn that wretched woman to stay away from Edwin.”

You cannot afford any contact with the boy’s mother. Your reputation must not be in question at all. Leave the matter to me.”

Very well. Is there anything else?”

You realize of course that the courts take a dim view of illegitimacy. There is no guarantee they will agree to this adoption, but an understanding wife would certainly strengthen your position.”

Nicolas grimaced. “I’ll take it under consideration.”

The solicitor stood. “Well then, I’m off to Cambridge Town this afternoon to draw up the papers.”

Nicolas withdrew an envelope from his breast coat pocket. “While you’re there, would you deliver this to the editor of the


And Harcourt?”

Yes, your Grace?”

In order to save a certain lady’s reputation, this letter must reach the editor by this afternoon. No later.”

The solicitor hesitated. “Will this lady become a nuisance?”

She already is.”

Oh, dear. This will not look good to the courts.”

No, Harcourt, you’ve misunderstood. This particular lady is not my mistress. She’s not even my friend. In fact, I’ve no idea why I’m coming to her aid except to say that she found herself in a rather sensitive predicament, and I’m merely trying to set the matter straight.”

I see.” He pocketed the letter. “Will there be anything else, your Grace?”


Good day then.”

Once alone, Nicolas poured himself a brandy.

Marry Leah Sheridan?

Not for all the diamonds in Africa,” he muttered.

Then why did his pulse quicken at the very thought? And why had he gone to the trouble of making sure the letter exonerating her of improper misconduct reached Irma Crandle in plenty of time?

Simple. First, because of her betrothal to Adrian, Leah Sheridan was forever connected to the Chase family and therefore whatever scandal affected her, affected him. Second, Harcourt may be correct. When it came to Edwin’s adoption, he might very well need a reputable wife at some point.


Chapter Nine


The time for keeping secrets had passed. Secrets had a habit of coming back to haunt a person, making life miserable in the end. And that’s where Leah stood.

At the end.

So in the privacy of Greyson Manor’s parlor, she explained to her father who Edwin and his mother were and how she’d helped them by giving them monies. She confessed to the promise she’d made Adrian. Openly admitting his infidelity was more painful than she’d expected.

Afterwards her father strolled to the French doors leading out into the gardens. “I never thought Lord Adrian capable of such dishonor.” At length he turned. “What were you thinking, daughter?”

Dumfounded, Leah didn’t know how to respond.

Certainly not about your reputation,” he added.

Father, I made a promise.”

And a poor one. Does Chase know about the boy?”

I’m afraid so, and God only knows what he thinks of me.”

What do you mean?”

I wasn’t the one who told him about Edwin. I had every opportunity, but I couldn’t muster the courage.” Leah sighed. “And then there was the laudanum in his tea.”

His lordship stared.

I did not intend to drug the man, Father. It was quite unintentional. You see, I went to his room to--”

You did what?”

Leah bit her lip. “It was all quite innocent really.”

Enough. Do I need to march you and Chase before the parish priest?”

Heat rose up her neck. “I’d rather become a decrepit old spinster.”

That might indeed become your fate, my dear.”

And I wouldn’t object. In fact, I might enjoy spinsterhood. You see, I’ve grown weary of keeping arrogant gentlemen amused. It’s demeaning and more of a chore than one might think.”

Surprise crept into her father’s expression. “So, you have no use for the male population then?”

None whatsoever. Except for you, of course.”

I see. You know, Leah, for a self-appointed spinster, seems to me you’ve a great deal of frustrated emotion connected to Chase.”

Yes, that’s exactly what he is. Frustrating. I cannot imagine a more horrible fate than to wed the duke.”

Oh, I doubt he’s so terrible.”

He’s worse than terrible. Adrian hid his faults, but Nicolas flaunts them.”

He raised a brow. “Nicolas, is it?”

Leah blushed. “Father, please do not take my every word and twist it into a different meaning.”

His hand rested on her shoulder. “I may have misjudged Lord Adrian but not his brother. With Chase there’s no pretense. He’s exactly what you see.”

And I do not care at all for what I see.”

If you didn’t tell Chase about Edwin, who did?”

Leah grimaced. “Apparently Irma Crandle.”


She writes a gossip column for the

Who told her?”

Trinity O’Connell?

Leah wasn’t sure. “I cannot say for certain, and I doubt it matters at this point.” She sucked in a breath. “Lady Chase is most upset with me, and I tried to explain to his Arrogance that the laudanum was an accident, but he chose not to believe me.”

I wonder why?”

I agree the duke has every reason to be angry, but he didn’t have to snatch Edwin the way he did. And he certainly didn’t have to tell me the child was no longer my responsibility or that I was never to visit him.”

I understand your disappointment, but your involvement with Lord Adrian’s illegitimate son is my main concern. If known, you’re reputation will be ruined.”

I’m sorry if I’ve displeased you, Father, but my main concern all along was for the little boy who desperately needed help.”

Yes, well Edwin is with his family now. Let’s pray the matter is closed.”

She entered his embrace and rested her head against his chest.

I know your heart, Leah. It’s as pure and as innocent as the day you were born. did Chase and his grandmother an injustice, and forgiveness may take some time.”

I care not for the duke’s tender feelings or his misconception of my motives, but Lady Chase is a different matter. I never meant to wound her, and I’ll do whatever it takes to regain her trust.”

He kissed her cheek. “You are indeed the daughter of my dear Olivia, for she was fairly stubborn as well.”

The study doors burst open.

Papa,” Kat called, excitement in her tone. “Can we search the trunks in the attic for a costume?”

Katrina, have I not taught you to knock before entering a room?”

Don’t blame Miss Katrina, my lord,” drawled a familiar voice. “It was entirely my fault.”

Leah’s attention darted past her sister.

Well-dressed and looking like a tomcat who’d just had a tasty meal placed before him, Trinity O’Connell stood at the parlor door.

The very sight of him snatched the words from Leah’s mouth, and she almost choked on the fear rising in her throat. He strolled up to her, and she realized her mouth had dropped open.

Mister O’Connell,” her father said. “May I present my eldest daughter, Leah.”

BOOK: Promise Me
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