Promises (Blood Brothers #1) (21 page)

BOOK: Promises (Blood Brothers #1)
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“You big lug, what makes you think I want you to stop?” Jollie whispered, then arched up to meet his lips. She rolled to a half sitting position, evidence of just how strong her core strength was and bent to kiss him where he lay between her thighs. Then she lay back against the pillows and grinned. “Now, where were you?”

Rafe’s eyes grew wide, then he lost all semblance of control.

The essence of Jollie, sweet, fragrant and warm liquid escaping from her core filled the room and Rafe was lost at the first taste. He was a starving man who wouldn’t last another hour without a touch from this hellion he held in his arms. His tongue lapped and teased, his teeth gently pulling and spreading those feminine lips to allow his tongue to slip inside of her in a dance as old as time. He watched as Jollie came unglued in his arms, her screams of pleasure filling the room and echoing from the walls as she reached peak after peak time and time again. Once he had Jollie completely weak from so many orgasms, Rafe moved up her body to take her lips, feeding her the taste of her juices from his lips. His cock was steel hard and aching past the point of no return, his nuts drawn up into his body as he tried to hold back, give himself time to take this woman who tempted him beyond redemption He knew he couldn’t hold back his own mounting orgasm any longer. Rising to his knees Rafe pulled her moist opening down to meet his cock and surged into her depths, causing her to scream.

Rafe pushed deep into the soaking mouth of her pussy and groaned at the furnace of the body that could only be Jollie began to suck him into the depths of her very soul, binding his soul to hers. Eyes closed, he soaked in the heat, felt the tightening muscles of her channel hold his cock like a glove as he slowly sank further to bury himself to the root, holding as still as possible to allowed Jollie to become accustomed to his larger than normal length. That she could take him without pain concerned him the most, he clenched his eyes closed and counted backwards, trying not to lose it like a first time youth,

“Oh gods, Rafe,” Jollie screamed again, clutching his forearms with her nails as she pushed into him, pulling him down to her. She tilted her hips and wrapped her strong legs around his hips, and Rafe’s heart nearly stopped.

“Damnit, woman, stay still,” he growled through his teeth, trying hard to hold back the building eruption to ensure Jollie found her pleasure. He could tell Jollie heard none of it as she came apart once more under his hands. He felt her muscles contract and his body took over.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

“Don’t stop,” she begged softly, looking up at him, realizing he was trying to be gentle. Jollie didn’t want gentle right now. She want all that Rafe could give her. The heat, the strength, the man that was this powerful warrior.

Dark eyes collided with cobalt blue as Rafe held her in his arms. With a gentleness born of instinct rather than practice, he pulled almost completely out of her warmth and surged back in slowly, watching her eyes for any hint of discomfort. When there was none, he sped up his thrusts, his body taking over his need. His emotions rolled and suddenly Rafe sensed the link, so tenuous and fragile as it threaded a bridge between them while their bodies took what they needed.

Rafe felt the raging feminine desire flow back on their link, the softness of Jollie combined with the wildness of his were blinding behind his eyes. He fought his need to dominate, instinct gentling his touch, determined to take her to the same heights he felt and bring them both to the other side of the psychic bridge whole and connected. Closing his eyes, he allowed his emotions to flow to someone else other than his team for the first time. They ebbed out along the link and he tasted Jollie’s surprise the instant she realized he was there with her, feeling her, riding her. It was the most glorious thing in his entire being to link with the other half of his soul, to feel her recognize him in that instant, to acknowledge him and to take what he offered.

“Rafe?” Jollie’s eyes opened, searching his face as she became motionless under him held by the power and shock, the true beauty of what the connection created between them. “I
you, Rafe. I feel you in my mind.” Her gaze locked onto his, probing and demanding while at the same time softening as her arms lifted to pull him down to her.

“Don’t be afraid, baby.” He licked at her plump lips again, demanding entrance then slid between them to taste her essence once more, tasting the sweet heat of her mouth as he tried to hold himself rigid so as not to frighten or harm her.

“I’m not scared, you big lug. But if you don’t start moving I’m going to kill you myself!” He felt Jollie’s nails dig into his back as he reared up, startled by her words.

Rafe’s frown turned to awe and then a grin at the look of pure joy he saw in his woman’s eyes as she opened her body beneath him like a bloom opening in the morning sun. Gone were the shadows and fear he had seen when she had arrived. In its place he felt need and the desire they both rode hard. Their link zinged with her demand as Jollie tightened her thighs around his waist and tilted her hips, taking his shaft even deeper and his cock nudged the mouth of her cervix. He groaned, trying to keep his seed from spilling like a youth.

“Woman, if you don’t be still for just a minute this will be over before it starts,” he whispered, trying to think of anything other than the warm flesh in his arms.

“I thought that was the point?” Jollie replied saucily, licking the dripping moisture from his neck to his ear lobe, his breath finally losing the battle.

He tilted his hips again and spread her thighs wider, locking eyes with her as he thrust deep. The tip of his shaft nudged her cervix again and Rafe lost his mind as Jollie’s screams of ecstasy filled the room. Jollie met each thrust with the same vigor she fought with, her emotions rolling back to mesh with his as Rafe struggled to hold his orgasm in check until she met her total pleasure. He watched her peak and felt the velvet glove of her channel clench around his cock in sweet agony as the tingle of imminent release raced up his spine and back down to his tight balls, pulling them into his body. Rafe’s roar of release came seconds after Jollie’s final screams, her nails sinking into the top of his upper back and her small teeth clamping down into the top of his shoulder as she held on for dear life and marked him as hers for all to see. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. Watching Jollie taking her pleasure as he spilled deep inside of her would be his goal in life.

Rafe held her tenderly as she relaxed against him and he thought at first she might have fallen asleep until he felt her small hand rubbing against his nipple, a small hitch of breath brushing his chest.

“What is it, baby?” Rafe whispered against the top of Jollie’s head. His hand unconsciously moved in slow circles along her lower back, something he never did with other lovers. Hell, he was usually a fuckin’-and-leave them type of a guy rather than stay around for any cuddles. He didn’t exactly jump out of bed but it wasn’t normal for him to hang around for cuddles with his hook-ups.

Jollie was so quiet for such a long time he began to wonder if something was wrong so he reached out softly on their now hared mental bond to see if he could seek out what was bothering his new mate. He was shocked to come up again against a very solid brick wall. Rafe pushed her up so he could look directly into her face.

“What is it?” he asked, searching her eyes. At first Jollie refused to look at him until he lifted her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his. “Your mental blocks are stronger than almost anyone I know, love. However, you have nothing and no one to be afraid of around here. Almost all of the team possess some level or another of telepathy but none as strong as Kayne, Gabe or myself. No one will try to invade your thoughts so you have nothing to worry there. You and I should be able to share thoughts freely and I know you can easily block others while talking to me. So what is wrong?”

“I’ve never been in a relationship before,” Jollie said, then licked her lips before trying again. “I never thought I would meet anyone I could share a life with, much less something so extraordinary as what we seem to have. What if it’s -.” She stopped, unable to finish.

“What if it’s - what?” Rafe waited, letting her process her feelings and the flow of love he was sending her that was just as new for him as it had to be for her. “It’s new for both of us, baby. We’ll fuck up, probably fight. However, I promise I’ll let you kick my ass once in a while just to make it look good, if you want!” he teased. She punched his chest and Rafe chuckled, finally seeing a sparkle come back into those chocolate and honey eyes.

“Ass. I want food.” She tried to get up but Rafe pulled her back down into his arms. “I know I’m being strange. Just give me some time, ok?”

“One - you are not strange.” He licked her chin, watching Jollie’s lips curve into a grin. “Two - you can eat as much as you want even as tiny as you are, because I have no clue where you put all of that damn food. And three - woman, you can have anything you want as long as I’m on the list!”

Rafe let go of her and watched as she jumped from the bed and headed for the en suite bathroom, tossing her dark hair over a slim shoulder. At the door she stopped and looked back, a twinkle in her eyes.

“Well, are you going to be lazy or come wash my back?”

With an invitation like that, Rafe knew he wasn’t going to be feeding her within the next twenty minutes. At least not if he had anything to say about it.

Chapter 28

“What’s going to happen now,” Jollie whispered against the broad chest under her cheek as she teased the taunt nipple next to her lips. They had made love again after their shower and still hadn’t made it down to the kitchen. She was once again sweaty but sated, yet knew there would be a reckoning for their actions that could not be avoided. Jollie felt Rafe tense underneath her and cursed. She had forgotten to lock her thoughts down this time after his request.

“I’m glad you didn’t lock them away, but it’s ok?” he asked, chuckling. She looked up at him, glaring at that all-knowing grin Jollie just knew she was going to come to hate.

“I’m stronger than you think. How do you think I managed to keep those nut jobs out of my head?” Throwing back the light blanket, Jollie hopped out of the bed and reached for the light sweatpants lying on the back of the chair by the dresser and a t-shirt. “I need some food, hot-shot. Are you going to feed me now or keep me locked up here as your love slave all of the time?”

Rafe watched her dress and couldn’t keep the grin from spreading across his face. There was no way she could hide from him but he would leave it alone for now. His woman was embarrassed and that was ok with him. He’d give her time to realize there were no walls between them now, no secrets and certainly no locked doors. Rising and heading to the bathroom he stopped by the door, looking over his broad shoulders.

“I’m very capable of feeding my woman, I’ll have you know.” Rafe waited for her to look at him, before he continued softly. “And I’m not ashamed of you, Jollie. I will tell the world that you are my mate, woman. So get used to it!” He heard the quick indrawn breath before he shut the door behind him.

The kitchen was too quiet when the two of them made it downstairs. Only Kayne and Chayle were sitting in the breakfast nook and from the thick tension in the room it was apparent from the look on Chayle’s face she was not a happy camper. Jollie took the cup of coffee her mate handed her, taking a seat at the oval table across from the scowling woman, and almost regretted it when Kayne growled.

“Don’t start with me again,” Chayle growled right back at her mate, picking up the cup in front of her. “I will have my one cup of coffee in the morning whether you like it or not. It will
harm the baby but it will harm you, my mate! That is a promise!”

“Well now, I guess we will just see about that,” Kayne grumbled loudly, reaching across the table as he made a grab for the cup Chayle was about to drink from. She leaned back with a smirk and took a huge gulp from the cup, a sigh coming from her lips as she closed her eyes.

“Damn, that tastes like heaven,” she whispered.

“What’s the matter, Kayne?” Rafe asked, standing next to Jollie. “A little caffeine will not harm the baby so stop being an ass.”

“Yes, but the temper it puts her in afterwards isn’t worth the effort.” The look on Kayne’s face was telling and Chayle’s red face was priceless.

“What did you do, puppet?” Rafe whispered as he eased into the seat next to her, watching his sister-in-law’s face when she refused to look at him and he knew it had to be something bad. He watched the two people he loved more than his new mate as they refused to look at anyone else and knew there was something more here than just a cup of coffee.

“Ok you two, out with it. What’s going in?” Jollie was almost livid thinking that Kayne had done something to her friend and Rafe could feel it about to bubble over through their new mental link.

“Easy, mate,” Rafe whispered, reaching over to pull Jollie onto his lap as he continued to watch Chayle. “This is something that they have to work out if they can’t tell us and you cannot be jumping in to protect Chayle from her mate.”

“Oh, Christ on a crutch! You would think I had committed a mortal sin or something the way everyone is acting around here just because I’m six and half months pregnant. The doctors says I’m fine and that exercise will not hurt me or the baby. In fact, it’s good for us and as long as I don’t overdo it or strain anything, I can continue it up until the last few weeks.” Chayle threw Kayne a look that could fry eggs and picked up her cooling coffee. “And he also said
cup of coffee in the morning would NOT hurt me or the baby. So get over it!”

Kayne softly set his cup down on the table and took a deep breath, trying to calm his temper. He wasn’t angry at Chayle, per se, but he had been having a hard time with the reality he couldn’t be in two places at once - namely protecting his mate and their unborn child, or going on missions to protect and save others in the save situations.

BOOK: Promises (Blood Brothers #1)
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