Promises (Blood Brothers #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Promises (Blood Brothers #1)
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“Yes, but I don’t know how.” Rafe ran his hands through his hair. “Derek, what the hell’s going on? All Gabe did was talk to us telepathically while we were cornering the kidnappers.”

“Are you sure? Rafe, think about it. Tell me exactly what happened.” Derek’s command was sharp and direct, causing Rafe to bristle but he recounted the incident as best he could. What he couldn’t fill in Merc did, since he was in the helicopter with Rafe on the side door and could clearly see the front of the other aircraft.

“Oh Gabe,” Derek groaned through the connection.

“What?” Rafe and Kayne both shouted, demanding to know what the Commander was keeping from them. They were both tired of being kept in the dark and now their friend and team mate was lying in a hospital bed, possibly dying.

“Boys, you have no idea just how powerful Gabriel Sorrel really is and neither do most people. There are only about four individuals in the entire history of science who have ever shown as much promise or as much ability as Gabriel. He is what is considered a Class 4 but was always unable or unwilling to control it. Because of his lack of abilities, he chose to go with your group wanting to stay under the radar and out of government hands.” Commander Derek groaned, and the connection was quiet for a long time.

“Is. He. Going. To. Live?” Rafe’s question hung in the air between all of them.

Merc sat against the wall, his strong face pale and sick looking, shaking his head with the knowledge that the young IT geek could be lost to them now after so much had happened. Kayne sat on the corner of the desk, his impressive face unable to hide the anger and hurt at not knowing how to help one of their own. Both of them echoed the same feelings Rafe worked to pushed down as he waited for the Commander’s next words.

“Gabe will wake up when he’s ready. Evidently, he used a lot of power to knock out those in the other helicopter, especially from such a long distance away and without line-of-sight connections. It’s almost impossible to do and the fact that he was able to do it shows you just how strong he really is when he puts his mind to it.” The soft reply lay over the airways and settled in the room like a prayer.

“All you can do now is keep him comfortable and warm. Once his mind heals and his body catches up, Gabe will wake up on his own. Until then, please,” Derek paused. “Take care of him.”

“Sir, may I ask you something personal?” Kayne came to stand close to the phone but locked eyes with Rafe.

“You want to know what my connection is to Gabe.” Derek’s statement was almost a sigh. “He’s my son. His mother was the love of my life but refused to marry me. She wouldn’t be second to the service. I didn’t get to raise him, but I’ve kept track of him since he was born. Made sure she had the money to take care of him. So you see, Gabe is important to me in more ways than one.”

“Yes Sir.” Rafe wasn’t sure if it was smart but decided it was the only thing to do. “Sir, do you want to move Gabe from the Compound? It would be understandable if you did.”

“No. He’s safer there than anywhere else and I’ll know you will take care of him. If you need anything, let me know. Anything.” With that, the line went dead.

“Damnit, I want some quiet for a while,” Rafe growled, standing from his chair.

“Agreed. I’m going to see my mate and boys. Call me if you need me.” Kayne slammed out the door, Merc right behind him. Looking over at Jollie, Rafe held out his hand, who walked into his arms.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered.

Chapter 37


The dog days of summer were getting long and sticky and Jollie decided a trip to the lake would be the perfect cooling off project for the day. Chayle and the babies were still getting their routines down so it was just her and she was determined to get Rafe to take some time off to go swimming. Packing a knapsack with a picnic lunch for both of them, she grabbed a blanket and headed for the water, sending her mate a silent message.

“Lover, I have a skimpy two piece on, a t-shirt, and a picnic. Come join me by the water.”

“Where is your bodyguard?”

“I told him my husband was meeting me for a swim,”
Jollie could feel the jolt that come back at her along their bond. They hadn’t talked about getting married, but she was determined that if they were to have children then it would be after they married.

“Woman, did you just propose to me?”

“Well, I guess you will have to come down to the water to find out. Now won’t you?”
Jollie laughed out loud as she spread the blanket out under a large tree out of sight from the Compound but close to the water. She was just propping the knapsack up against the tree when strong arms wrapped around her and lifted her off the ground.

“Say it again,” Rafe whispered in her ear.

“Say what?” she wiggled against him, feeling his arousal poke her belly as she slid down his body to stand in front of him.


“Gezz! You are so easy to spin up, aren’t you.” Jollie pushed back the black hair that hung over his eyes, loving the fact that he grew it for her. Looking deep into his dark blue eyes, she caught her breath.

“My Heart, will you marry me?” Rafe asked, just before he kissed her.

Jollie’s eyes filled with tears and she was unable to hold them back as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He took them both to the ground on the blanket, taking all the weight on his haunches as he lay back with her pressed to his stomach. Looking down, there was no way she could deny how much she loved this man who was so strong yet willing to protect with his life. If she could give him even a little piece of herself to make his life easier, then that was her destiny in this life.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” he whispered, kissing her chin and wiping away her tears.

“I am your mate and your lover. But you are my soul!”
Jollie opened her soul to him, letting him see just how much he meant to her.
“Yes, I’ll marry you!”

“Thank god. Kayne was going to whip my ass if I didn’t get it done soon. Guess I’ve been a bear lately,” His look was comically.

“Yes, you’ve been beastly and you owe everyone an apology.” She kissed him, but then laughed at his face. “What, I can agreed with you. Get used to it, lover. I never said I would always be nice, now did I?” Rafe promptly picked her up and walked to the edge of the water.

“You wouldn’t?” She fumed, and if looks could kill Rafe would sleep somewhere else if he knew what was good for him. An evil laugh rang over the lake as Rafe jumped and a scream echoed as he hit the water.

“I’m going to kill you.” The Fates had succeeded once again.



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