Property of a Lady Faire (A Secret Histories Novel) (46 page)

BOOK: Property of a Lady Faire (A Secret Histories Novel)
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“In all the excitement I’d forgotten all about it,” I said. I reached into the pocket dimension at my side, found the box, and brought it out. I studied it carefully, with Molly leaning in close for a good look. Just a small, oblong black-lacquered box, about a foot long and four by three inches. Gold-leaf filigree, in intriguing patterns, but no lock or hinges, and no obvious way to open it. I shook the box gently, but it didn’t rattle.

“According to Grandmother Martha’s will,” I said, “something inside this box could make me undisputed Patriarch of all the Droods. No one in the family would be able to stand against me.”

“Why would she leave you something like that?” said Molly. “I mean, she never liked you.”

“More important, she never approved of me,” I said. “Or any of the things I believed in. Still, family love can be . . . complicated.”

“Maybe it’s booby-trapped!” said Molly. “Set to blow you to pieces if you try to open it!”

“The Armourer thought not,” I said. “And I’ve always trusted my uncle Jack.”

“So what the hell is inside the box?” said Molly. “One of the Forbidden Weapons? Secret information on where all the bodies are buried? Blackmail material?”

“See?” I said. “You’re learning to think like a Drood.”

“Don’t be nasty. What do you think is inside the box?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Grandmother made it very clear in her will that I was to be given the box only if I formally agreed to give you up. To never see you again. That was her price for the power to make me Patriarch.”

Molly looked at me. “You’re telling me this, with the box in your hand?”

“Relax,” I said. “I stole it when they weren’t looking.”

Molly laughed. “See? You’re learning to think like me.” She looked back at the black box. “You really believe that what’s in there could set you in charge of your family?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “But it certainly put the wind up the Council . . .”

“Do you want to be Patriarch, Eddie?” Molly said carefully.

“You know I don’t,” I said.

I threw the little black box into the pond, and it disappeared into the dark waters. We sat and watched for a while, just in case, but it didn’t reappear.

“Are you going to tell your family you did that?” said Molly eventually.

“No,” I said. “Let them worry.”

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Table of Contents


Title page

Copyright page

CHAPTER ONE: Who Wants to Know?

CHAPTER TWO: Where There’s a Will, There’s a Complication

CHAPTER THREE: After the Will, a Last Testament

CHAPTER FOUR: The Drood in Cell 13

CHAPTER FIVE: A Short History of the Lazarus Stone

CHAPTER SIX: False Knight on the Road


CHAPTER EIGHT: Murders on the Trans-Siberian Express

CHAPTER NINE: So Many Lovers, So Little Love

CHAPTER TEN: Everything Revealed at Last

CHAPTER ELEVEN: What Really Matters, at the End

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