Protecting Rose (19 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Yeko

Tags: #Romance, #ebook

BOOK: Protecting Rose
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He kissed the top of her head. “Close your eyes and get some sleep. Tomorrow’s a big day.” His voice sounded husky.

After a while, her eyes grew heavy as the warmth of Nate’s body seeped into hers.

The next thing she knew, she opened her eyes to see rays of sunlight stream through her window. She had slept soundly and deeply.

Filled with both excitement and trepidation about the upcoming session, she hopped out of bed. Maybe today she would get some answers to her questions. Whether she was going to like those answers was another matter altogether. However, she was prepared to deal with it either way. The not knowing was worse than anything that could have actually happened. She was still alive. That was all that really mattered. Whatever else there was, she would deal with it.

She ran her fingers through her tangled hair and hurried to the kitchen, determined to be in time to help Nate and feeling guilty for lazing in bed while he made breakfast. Of course, she was too late. A stack of pancakes sat in the middle of the table, and he was pouring juice into their glasses by the time she got there.

Nate gave her a big grin. His eyes heated as they swept her body. “Remind me to thank my sister for that nightgown.”

Rose blushed, which only made his grin widen, deepening that sexy dimple.

Her breath caught. She was mesmerized by the raw sensual power that rose off him like rays off the sun. The feelings she had for him expanded exponentially, until there was nothing but her, Nate, and her overwhelming desire for him.

“Have a seat, breakfast is served.” He plopped a couple pancakes on her plate.

Rose sat down and put a pat of butter on her pancakes as well as a generous amount of syrup. Nate laughed, and she glanced up to find him eyeing the river of syrup on her plate.

“I’ve decided I like syrup,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument.

“I can see that,” he teased.

He placed three more pancakes on his plate and walked over to sit across from her. “Good news. Rick called earlier this morning while you were asleep. He said they’d gotten an early start and could be here by eleven.” He glanced down at his watch. “So, in just a few more hours, maybe we’ll finally get some answers to your past.”

Rose’s heart raced and she reached up to place a hand over it. “Really, that soon?” she asked, not certain if she was prepared for what her memories might bring. Even more unprepared if it turned out she was unable to remember anything.

“You’ll do fine,” he said with confidence. “Rick has worked with Sheila in the past and has assured me that she’s very good.”

She gave him the bravest smile she could muster. “I know you’re right. And I’m sure she’ll be able to help me remember something.”

They finished breakfast in a comfortable silence. “I’m ready to go take a look at the old schoolhouse you’ve been promising to show me,” Rose said. She had noticed the little building at the back of the property and wanted to check it out. Besides, she needed something to keep her mind occupied for the next couple of hours.

“Your wish is my command.” He opened the door with a flourish and she stepped outside. The morning air was brisk, cool against her bare arms. She shivered and rubbed at the goose bumps.

“Chilly?” Nate wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

His body heat soon had her warm as they walked into the backyard and headed for the schoolhouse. He smelled like the aftershave she had seen in the cabinet. She even caught a whiff of the same peach shampoo she’d used. Only on Nate, the combination took on a thoroughly pleasant scent that made her want to taste him.

The morning flew by. Nate showed her the schoolhouse, currently used as a playhouse by his two nieces.

He glanced at her with a grin. “There is a family plan to repaint it and repair the weathered floor over the summer. They were still at the arguing stage over the color scheme. The girls, of course, wanted to paint everything pink. But the guys are holding out for something a little less...” He snorted, “Well, a little less pink.”

His family sounded delightful, and she hoped she would have a chance to meet them someday. Wondering about her own family gave her the strength she needed to meet with the counselor.

Nate clasped her hand in his and they took another stroll down the walking path. She discovered something fun and new each time through. They were heading back toward the house when Nate stopped and tugged her back against him.

“Sshhh. Look, Rose.” He pointed off to the side of the path.

She glanced over and saw three deer standing not more than thirty-feet away. A graceful doe and two fawns. They were beautiful.

They stood and watched the deer graze for a long time. Nate’s arms wrapped around her waist, and her head rested against his chest. As she stood in Nate’s embrace, it dawned on her that she was head over heels in love with him. This sexy, gentle warrior had protected and charmed her with every breath he took and every move he made. He was an incredible man who seemed happy just to make her smile.

Before she had a chance to ponder the fact that she loved him, the buck lifted his head and looked past them toward the house. Nate stiffened behind her. The doe turned and ran deeper into the woods, followed by the fawns. He stepped in front of her and reached for his gun. With steady hands, he pulled the Glock from his waist and took aim. A car drove onto the property. Rose stepped closer and fisted his shirt into her hands. Nate relaxed.

“It’s okay, babe. It’s just Rick.”

She hadn’t noticed the approaching car, but wasn’t surprised Nate had. He was, after all, a badass detective. She smiled.

Rick stepped out of the car. He was a bruiser of a man, even taller than Nate. He quickly moved to the passenger side of the car where the woman inside had flung the door open. He reached down to help Sheila Williams out of the low-slung Corvette. She was a tall, slender woman with a kind face and long blond hair. She appeared young for a counselor, not much older than Rose herself.

Nate strolled over and shook Rick’s hand. Rick, in turn, slapped Nate on the back before pulling him in for a quick hug.

“Stone, it’s good to see you, buddy.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Nate muttered. “Are you gonna kiss me next?” He pulled away, but Rose could see the warmth in his eyes when he looked at his friend.

Rick laughed and turned to Rose. “Well, is this the lovely lady you’ve been keeping all to yourself? I think I would much rather kiss her.” He winked at her.

Nate growled and walked over to Rose’s side.

Rick chuckled.

She liked him. His warm laugh and kind eyes put her at ease and overrode her initial impression of him as dangerous man. Although she was sure he had a warrior side as well.

Instead of kissing her as threatened, he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Rose. I know it’s been a rough week.”

Sheila Williams came over to stand next to Rick. “Hello, Rose. I’m Sheila, and I’m very happy to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Sheila.” Rose chewed at her lower lip and assessed the counselor. How exactly did this woman plan to help her get her memory back?

Chapter 12

Nate watched Rose hesitantly greet the counselor. She appeared anxious about the meeting, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched Sheila with guarded eyes. He needed to do something to put her at ease.

“You two must be hungry after your long ride. I thought we’d throw some brats on the grill. We can discuss the situation over lunch.” He hoped the women would bond on a more personal level and make it less intimidating for Rose.

“Sure, that’s sounds great,” Rick said. “It was a long drive and we drove straight through.”

Sheila nodded in agreement. “Actually, if you could point me in the direction of your restroom...”

Rose visibly relaxed at Sheila’s request. He grinned. He had to admit Sheila was good. For centuries, women throughout civilized society had bonded over the call of nature.

“Of course, Ms. Williams, let me show you,” Rose said.

“Please, Rose, call me Sheila.”

Rose laughed. “Okay, Sheila, come on. I’ll show you where it is.”

“Hang on, ladies.” Rick popped open the trunk of the car and took out a handful of bags. “Joe sent these along for you. He said they were still in the car when the bombs went off.”

Rick had brought the clothes Rose had purchased in Chicago. Nate was pleased to see her eyes light up when she saw them. It reminded him of how much fun she’d had shopping that day. His pulse increased when he thought about the sexy underwear he’d seen the clerk bag up for her at the lingerie shop.

Rick gave Rose the shopping bags.

“Thanks, Rick. I thought they’d been destroyed. And please thank Joe for me. It was very considerate of him to send them along.”

“You’re welcome, and I will,” Rick promised.

After the women entered the house, Nate turned toward Rick. “So, what do we know?”

“Not much I’m afraid. We haven’t been able to locate any information on her from the Chicago Symphony lead. But I met with J.D. yesterday, and if all goes as planned, we should have the traitor soon.”

Nate frowned at the thought of one of their team members going bad. Men and women he considered almost family.

“So, how have things been going here?” Rick asked with a grin. “You seem pretty, uh, protective of her? Something you want to tell me, buddy?”

Nate had known Rick for years and he was, in fact, his best friend. Someone who had saved Nate’s ass numerous times in both Iraq and at home, but he wasn’t prepared to discuss his feelings about Rose. Not yet anyway. Not until they were able to figure it out themselves.

“Nothing to tell.” He snorted. “But if that changes, I’ll be sure and let you know.

“Okay. Whatever, dude. But she’s a beautiful woman...if you’re not interested, maybe I could give it a shot.” He gave Nate a raised brow and a grin.

“Don’t even think about it,” he growled, surprised at the surge of anger he felt toward his friend.

Rick laughed. “Yeah, didn’t think so.”

Nate glanced at the house. “Well, let’s hope Sheila is able to help her out. She’s had some bad nightmares.”

The grin dropped off Rick’s face. “I’m sorry to hear that. Sheila told me on the way up that she’d like to try some hypnosis. Do you think Rose will go for it?”

“Yeah. I think she’d do just about anything right now to get this behind her.” He headed toward the house. “I’ll grab the brats. Why don’t you get the grill going? The charcoal’s in the shed.”

The women were busy preparing the side dishes when Nate walked into the house. They seemed to have hit it off pretty well, and the sound of their laughter filled the kitchen.

He noticed with satisfaction that Rose now wore the silk rose scarf he’d bought her in Chicago. She had it draped across her shoulders and tied with a loose knot at the side. The reds and pinks brought out the deep auburn shades of her hair. Her hair was secured back with one of the colorful clips she’d purchased at the Navy Pier.

Whatever Sheila had said had put a pretty smile on Rose’s face and her eyes twinkled. She was breathtaking. A rose so delicate and beautiful Nate had to resist the urge to pluck her up and take her to his bed, spread her petals, and bury himself deep within her sweet nectar.

Instead, he set his jaw and stepped up to peek over her shoulder. It looked like they were having baked beans and deli potato salad with their brats.

“Hey, ladies, we’re going to throw on the brats now. I figure since it’s such a nice day, we could eat outside at the picnic table.”

“Okay,” Rose agreed. “Is that all right with you, Sheila?”

“Sure,” Sheila replied. “That sounds lovely.”

“Cool.” Nate grabbed the package of brats and headed back outside.

By the time the brats were done and the picnic table set, the sun had warmed the morning chill to a comfortable temperature. Rose laughed over something Rick said. She seemed more relaxed now that she had had a chance to get to know them better. Her head dipped in close to Sheila, who whispered something in her ear that made Rose smile.

He wasn’t sure exactly what was involved with hypnosis, but he was certain that the more relaxed she was, the better the outcome would be. So far, everyone had ignored the elephant in the room. Nate decided it was time to bring it up so Rose could get used to the idea.

“So, Sheila. What’s your plan to help Rose regain her memory?”

Sheila gave Rose a questioning look. “Are you ready to discuss it now?”

“Sure,” Rose said with some hesitation.

Sheila smiled and reached out to touch the back of Rose’s hand. “It’ll be fine, I promise. I just need you to bring me up to speed. I know some of your background. That you expertly play the piano and that you may have remembered your parents. Have there been any new developments I should be aware of?”

“Well. I have nightmares. But I can’t ever remember what they were about.”

Sheila nodded. “All right, anything else?”

Rose glanced at Nate from under her lashes and bit her bottom lip, but didn’t say anything.

Nate grimaced. “I believe she had a PTSD episode a few days back.” His words came out far more calm than he actually felt. Rick raised two quizzical eyebrows.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Sheila seemed surprised at the news.

Nate ran his fingers through his hair. Damn. Not only had his relationship with Rose crossed a line that should have never been crossed, he felt like a bastard for his part in her meltdown. But Sheila needed all the facts before they could proceed.

“Our relationship...Rose and I, that is. Our relationship is...complicated.”

“How so?” Sheila asked.

Nate looked over to Rose and directly into her big beautiful brown eyes. Affection for her flooded his senses. He was gratified when he was met with matching warmth. He smiled and for a moment there was just the two of them. Just him and Rose. Everything else faded into the background as they drowned in each other’s eyes.

He was brought back to reality when Rick loudly cleared his throat. Nate tore his gaze away from her and back to Sheila.

“I see.” She looked thoughtfully from Rose, and back to him. Understanding dawned in her eyes. “Can you tell me what happened?”

He gritted his teeth so tightly he thought they’d crack. Then with a deep sigh, he proceeded to explain what had led up to Rose’s meltdown. He left out the more intimate details, but gave her enough information for her to understand the severity of the episode.

She smiled. “Thank you for telling me.”

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