Protecting the Future (SEAL of Protection Book 8) (18 page)

BOOK: Protecting the Future (SEAL of Protection Book 8)
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Alabama felt her insides moisten as she straddled Christopher’s stomach. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, I’m not up for making love yet, but,” he put his hands on her ass and pulled her forward, “I
up for this. Let me taste you, babe. Let me
you how much you’re loved.”

Alabama didn’t say anything else, she simply did as she was told. She held on to their headboard as Christopher did indeed show her how much he loved her and how much he’d missed her.

iona sat outside
on her front porch, not wanting to miss Hunter when he pulled up. She knew he’d be coming home soon, and as much as she wanted to know the exact time, there was something about the anticipation coursing through her belly that made this moment unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

She hadn’t been able to eat anything earlier because of her excitement, but she could now hear her belly growling. There was no question of whether or not she’d leave her post to grab something. She wasn’t leaving until Hunter was in her arms.

The light was leaving the sky when Fiona finally heard the sound she’d been waiting for. She stood up and watched as Hunter’s truck came rumbling down the street. She stepped off the porch and waited on the grass next to the steps until he stopped the vehicle. Then she was there as he turned the engine off and reached for the door handle. She took a step backward to allow Hunter to open the door, but didn’t give him a chance to get out.

Fiona threw her arms around Hunter’s waist and held on as tightly as she could.

Cookie swallowed the lump in his throat. It would never get old to be welcomed as honestly and joyfully as Fiona always welcomed him home. He put his arms around her shoulders, waiting for her to get her initial rush of tears out of the way. She always cried when she first saw him.

Finally she pulled her head back and looked up at him. Fuck, he was the luckiest man alive. She was beautiful with her eyes wet with tears and the small smile on her face.

“Welcome home, Hunter.”

“Thank you, Fee.” He waited, then smiled when she didn’t say anything else and didn’t move. “You gonna let me get out or are we going to stay out here all night?”

She smiled but didn’t move. He smiled back. So be it. He put his hands under her arms and hauled her up and onto him until she was straddling him on the seat. It was a tight fit because of the steering wheel next to his arm, but she didn’t seem to care. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.

Cookie shifted his weight and turned with one hand on the small of Fiona’s back she was resting against the steering wheel. He leaned over and shut the door to the truck, then reached down and pulled the level that shifted the seat until it was as far back as it could go. Finally Fiona pulled back and smiled down at him.

“Are we going somewhere?”

“No, but you didn’t seem to be in any hurry to go inside, and I’m content holding you in my arms no matter where we are, so right here is as good a place as any to make love to my wife.”

“Hunter!” Fiona groused without heat. “We can’t make love out here.”

“Why not?”

“Well…because. We’re outside. It’s still light.”

“It won’t be light for long.” Cookie put both hands on her jaw and looked into her eyes. “I love you, Fee. You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

Fiona stopped complaining; hell, she was happy right where she was. She moved her hips forward and nudged against his hard shaft. She’d missed him, but she’d also missed his body. She never thought she’d become as comfortable with her sexuality as she was after all she’d been through, but she believed deep down it was because she trusted Hunter explicitly. He took things slowly with her and made sure she was comfortable with anything they did together. He’d even gone to the clinic and stayed with her every second as she’d had blood drawn and been examined for any sexually transmitted diseases. By some miracle, she’d escaped any physical long-term effects of her time south of the border. And mentally, she was as whole as she was because of the man sitting in front of her.

“I love you too, Hunter. Is everything okay? Is that girl all right?”

Cookie gave Fiona a weird look. He hadn’t told her anything about the mission, but obviously she knew, had figured out, some of what they’d done and where they’d been. Knowing she never would’ve brought up the issue if it hadn’t been for her own history, Cookie told her what he could, while still retaining the confidentiality of the mission. “Yeah, she’s amazing, actually. She reminded me a lot of you. No complaints and she did what she had to do.”

Fiona sighed in relief. God, she was happy to have Hunter home. She reached down and worked on releasing him from the confines of his pants. “You’re right. It’s getting dark, we’re on private property, and our neighbors aren’t close enough to see us. I need you.”

Cookie smiled and leaned back in the seat as far as he could, giving his wife room to work. “I need you too,” he groaned when Fee finally pulled him free of his pants. He looked down to watch her stroking him.

She looked up and licked her lips seductively. “Help me get out of my pants?”

Cookie leaned over, without breaking eye contact and rummaged into the side pocket of his duffle bag sitting on the seat next to him until he found his KA-BAR knife. He flicked it open and reached for the waistband of her yoga pants. “These aren’t your favorites, are they?” he asked.

“No. But even if they were, I wouldn’t care. Do it.” Cutting her clothes off wasn’t exactly the help she’d been expecting, but she’d take it if it meant getting her husband inside her quicker.

Cookie took his time and ran the knife down the cotton of her pants, easily slicing through them. She wasn’t wearing any underwear, which made him even harder in her grip than he was before.

“Lift up,” he demanded.

Fiona came up on her knees and Cookie pulled at her ruined clothes until he could see to the heart of her.

“Fucking beautiful,” Cookie murmured, closing his knife and blindly throwing it toward his bag on the seat, not taking his eyes off of Fiona. He brought his hand down and found her soaking-wet folds. With the other hand, he shoved up her shirt and palmed her naked breast, feeling her nipple peak at his touch.

“This is gonna be fast, Fee. It’s been too long since I’ve been inside you.”

“Oh yeah, do it. I’m ready,” she breathed, panting.

Cookie brushed her hand away from him and ordered, “Hold on to me.” When she put both hands on his shoulders, he took himself in his hand and palmed his wife’s ass. “Lift up and scoot forward.”

Fiona did as he asked and after he’d notched himself where he most wanted to be, he let go and took both her ass cheeks in his hands.

Fiona didn’t wait for Hunter to make the next move, she dropped down onto him and ground her pelvis forward, seating him as far inside her as he could go.

“Jesus, fuck,” Cookie groaned.

“God, yes,” Fiona said at the same time. She tangled her fingers into his too-long hair, remotely taking note that he needed a haircut, and slowly lifted her hips before slamming down. She did it again, and then again before Hunter took over their rhythm.

He moved his hands from her ass to the sides of her hips and gripped her hard enough to leave marks. Neither cared. It was a tight fit, and they couldn’t move more than a few inches, but it was enough.

When Cookie felt himself getting close to losing it, and realized Fiona wasn’t quite there yet, he ordered, “Take yourself there, Fee. Do it.”

He watched as she straightened her spine and sat up on his lap. She moved one of her hands down to where they were joined and used their fluids to coat her fingers before touching herself. She moaned and threw her head back as she continued to quickly flick against her bundle of nerves.

Cookie could tell she was getting close by the way her body gripped him rhythmically. “That’s it, Fee. That’s it. You’re so beautiful. I’m the luckiest bastard in the world. Fuck me, Beautiful. Take me.”

At his last words, he felt Fiona grind down on him and hunch into his chest. Her muscles sucked him in and squeezed him so hard he groaned. He lost it and couldn’t help his hips from thrusting up once, then again as he emptied himself inside the most beautiful woman he’d ever known, inside and out.

Neither moved, enjoying the closeness and intimacy between them after being apart for so long.

“I love you, Fee,” Cookie told his wife, shoving one hand up and under her shirt to rest on her back. The other moved to her ass, holding her to him.

“I love you too. More than I think I’ll ever be able to put into words.”

ummer woke up slowly
, wondering what had disturbed her. She didn’t hear April fussing on the baby monitor next to their bed, so wasn’t sure what was going on for a moment.

“Hi, Sunshine.”

The words were hushed and spoken right next to her. Summer looked up into the eyes of her husband. “Sam,” she breathed, trying to clear her sleep-muzzled head. “You’re home.”

“I’m home,” he said simply.

Summer scooted up until her back rested against the headboard. She reached out and hauled Sam into her arms, loving how great it felt to have him home again. She realized he was wearing only a pair of sweats, and no shirt when she felt the crisp hairs of his chest against her cheek. She pulled back and looked up. “How long have you been home?”

“About ten minutes. I looked in on April, then came in here, took off my shirt and I’ve been sitting here watching you sleep for the last five minutes or so.”

“I meant to be awake when you got here, but April has been fussy and waking up more often at night.”

“Probably because she feels your stress. She’ll sleep better now that I’m home,” Mozart said with a bit of arrogance.

Summer would’ve called him on it, but he was most likely right.

“It looks like I got here just in time though,” Mozart said, looking down at Summer’s chest.

She looked down and blushed, even though it wasn’t the first time her breasts had leaked in front of her husband.

“I’ll go get April, settle in,” he told her, standing up.

Summer saw the bandage on his arm for the first time. “Sam, your arm! Are you okay?”

“It’s nothing. Swear. I’ll let you examine it tomorrow.”

Satisfied he was telling the truth, Summer nodded. “Okay. Now, go get our daughter before I flood the place.”

Sam left the room and returned with April cradled in his arms. Summer moved over and picked up the nursing pillow. Sam put April on it and flicked open the buttons to the shirt Summer was wearing. He parted the material and held up her breast as Summer guided April to her chest.

Mozart settled down deeper into the pillows next to his wife and watched his daughter nurse. It wasn’t something he ever thought he’d be interested in watching, but he couldn’t get enough of it now. It was amazing to see Summer nurturing his daughter in front of his eyes. April’s lips suckled and pursed as she nursed. Her little fist clenched against her mom’s upper breast as she fed.

Mozart looked up into Summer’s eyes. She was watching him, not April. “You like this,” she stated.

Mozart could only nod.

She smiled at him. God, she loved this man. “Switch sides?” she asked, and watched as he turned April and readjusted the pillow. He again held her breast up while Summer guided April’s mouth to her breast. Sam’s head was right next to his daughter’s now and he stroked her head as she fed. When she was full, April’s mouth fell away from Summer’s nipple.

Mozart ran a finger over the tip of Summer’s breast and wiped away a stray drop of milk. “Fucking beautiful,” he muttered, before reaching for April. He brought his infant up to his shoulder and stood. “I’ll burp her and put her back down. I’ll be back. Don’t move.”

When Summer went to pull her shirt back together, Sam stopped her. “I said, don’t move. Not an inch.” Summer smiled up at her husband and put her hands back at her sides. “Okay, honey. Hurry back.”

Sam was back within five minutes. Without a word, he stripped his sweats off and climbed into bed next to her, completely naked. It was obvious he was happy to see her.

He pulled the shirt she’d been wearing the rest of the way off her shoulders and eased Summer down flat on the bed.

Mozart nuzzled his wife’s breasts, loving the sweet smell of milk that lingered after April had fed. He wasn’t interested in the milk she could produce, but he
interested in how sensitive her breasts were. He pinched both nipples gently, watching as a bit of milk came out of each breast. She squirmed under him, and Mozart smiled. Oh yeah, he loved how sensitive she was.

“I love you, Summer. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“You’re just horny.”

Mozart didn’t get upset, just smiled wider at his wife. “That too, but that’s not why I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. It’s because you just are.”

“Yeah, I smell a little funky, and I manage to ruin half the clothes I wear because I can’t stop lactating. I’ve got stretch marks all—”

Her words were cut off when Mozart put his hand over her mouth lightly. “You have stretch marks because you were carrying my child. I don’t care how many clothes you ruin, I’ll buy you more. You have no idea how amazing it is to watch April suckle from your breast. I understand why some people have kinky baby/mommy fantasies now.”

Summer laughed and Mozart continued.

“You carried my child for nine months and you now nourish her. That’s a miracle. You are
miracle. I know we might not ever have another child because we’re concerned about your age, but it doesn’t matter. I have you and I have April. I can die a lucky man.”

Mozart moved his hand from Summer’s mouth and hovered over her, loving how she immediately spread her legs to give him room. He settled himself and reached down to ease himself inside her already wet folds. He kept one hand on her right breast, kneading and caressing her, ignoring the liquid that oozed out and down her side onto the sheet below them.

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