Punished Into Submission (39 page)

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Authors: Holly Carter

BOOK: Punished Into Submission
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“You are an impossible woman, you know that?” Hunter smiles.

“Does she still look like a slurry mole?” I ask, unable to help myself.

Hunter sighs and shakes his head. His smile gets bigger before it half fades into a smirk.

“You got her a beauty, that’s for sure. But she is recovering well and I will tell her you wish her well.” Hunter’s eyes find mine. He laughs at the look of shock on my face. He wouldn’t...would he? “Come on, we have one sin left then you can enjoy your remaining days at the palace doing whatever the hell you like.”

I follow Hunter as he walks up stairs. I look back at the door to the basement a few times before I give my attention completely to Hunter and his plans for the last sin.


now know just how screwed I really am. This was never supposed to happen and I was never, ever going to be someone’s submissive again. But, here I am, on my fucking knees bowing down to Hunter.

Yes, fucking sure of it...

I have come to see so many different sides to this man and he has seen almost every side of me, except the one I want him to see the most. Mistress Kat...Hunter can be a gentle soul, a dangerous soul, an emotional soul and I think he can be a loving soul. We have so much in common, yet so many differences. The one thing that we both have in common is our inability to stay focused. As Hunter had said, I have been a temptation to him, which he gave into of course, high fucking five to me. And me? I am bowing down to his instructions.

Fuck, I missed Sailor. But I hated him also. I couldn’t wait to wrap my hands around his neck at the ball and give him a piece of my mind! I glanced up quickly to see where Hunter was. Of course, he caught me looking because he was also staring at me. His cold eyes had nothing behind them; no regret, no remorse, and no sympathy and no feeling. Tonight was going to be hard, I could tell.

Maybe I could strangle him with his own rope, or maybe Sailor would do it for me if I told him that Hunter damaged...fuck, I was damaged long before I came here. But who knew what Sailor thought of me now; our relationship was skating on thin ice right now? I can’t even say how much I hated him, but me being weak, missed him more. The damage was done when I was a child; growing up in a whorehouse, with a drug addict father and a mother who sold more than her body to willing men and women.

“Whatever you are planning or thinking in that mind of yours, stop,” Hunter growls.

How the hell does he manage to do that? It’s like he’s is in my mind, every time I think I am out smarting that fucker, he gets me...every God damn time!

“A few more days, Kat, that’s all you need to think about.”

“I don’t want to think about that. All I want to think about is getting the fuck away from here.” I lift my head as I speak. I can’t sit on this floor much longer and submit to him, this is not natural for me.

I’m a fucking Dom, not a submissive, neither am I a switch. I have decided I would never switch again; I just want to be the Mistress. Hunter walks over to me and kneels in front of me. His eyes bore into mine, pain and dominance is all I see in those eyes, no softness whatsoever. The man who slept with me when I was broken is gone, left... and deep down; I don’t know if I will ever see him again after our exchange.

“Is that what you truly want, Kat? Put aside all the hurt and damage we have caused each other.” As he spoke, he leaned in close, our lips so close.

“You’re not the only one who can put on a front Hunter, so yes, this is what I want.” I say, instantly feeling the hole in my chest widen.

Before I have the chance to gather myself, I’m being pulled up to a standing position by Hunter. I’m then lead over to the bed and ordered to sit. I eye Hunter and eye the bed. I get this small thrill from him when he is in play mode, but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of dominating me today.

He’s made me so fucking wild I’m seething. So wanting, I’m wet already. So heartbroken, I’m internally sobbing.

“Get on the fucking bed, before I do something I swore I would never do,” Hunter bites. “My patience is wearing thin, Kat.”

He is threatening me and I don’t like it. I can take all the shit he deals out to me, but what I can’t take are Hunter’s threats. I get on the bed as ordered, reluctant at first, but I do it. When I am in the middle of the bed, Hunter rakes my body with his eyes, then he slowly joins me on the bed, nestling his body next to mine. His hand runs up my thighs until he reaches my knees. Gently he pulls my legs apart until I’m wide open for him. He looks serious, his eyes dark, hooded...dangerous.

“Arms above your head. I’m going to cuff you.”

He reaches above me and cuffs each wrist to hidden cuffs attached to the bedposts. His proximity intoxicates me. I want to resist him, but I can’t. I run my parted lips along his jaw, feeling his prickly stubble under my tongue. He stills. His breathing changes slightly but he doesn’t pull back.

“Stop,” he warns.

But I don’t stop. I continue to run my tongue along his jaw, chin, and lips. When my lips meet his, I run my tongue along his lip until he slightly parts his lips; I take this as an invitation. I shouldn’t, but I do. I coax his tongue with mine, entwining, playing, teasing.

I moan.

He moans.

His hands roam over my body slowly. When Hunter’s hands grasp my shoulders, he forces me flat, breaking our contact.

“Do I need to gag you?”

“You loved it, don’t get so uptight.” I grin.

I affected him just as much as he did me, and he couldn’t deny it. He cocks his eyebrow in response. I have learnt a thing or two about Hunter in the past twenty-five days, some good and some bad. One of those things is that he is a sucker for his own punishments; whether he knows that or not is another thing.

Hunter straddles my waist and produces a blindfold. He leans down and gently kisses my lips, taking me by surprise. I try to deepen it, but he pulls back and smirks. Fuck, now he is playing me at my own game. When he pulls back, I take in his features: his strong structure, dark messy hair, piercing eyes, kissable lips. When Hunter leans over me, I pick my head up to allow the blindfold to be slipped over my head. I use blindfolds on my clients, as it heightens the experience; this is the first time Hunter has done this to me, and I’m a little scared. But I rake those thoughts aside and take a deep breath.

I feel Hunter’s weight shift and his breath on my neck. Tiny kisses are placed down my neck, over my breasts, and on my stomach before he makes his way back to my neck. My own breath quickens and I force back a moan. I can’t give in just yet; I have to be strong. With his lips at my ear, he nips me gently.

“I want you to remember what I teach you, how I punish you. Remember how you feel in this moment with me, blindfolded, cuffed, completely at my mercy. You, Kat, have learnt my way of punishment,” he whispers.

Before I have the chance to respond, he shifts off my body and seconds later I hear his feet padding across the floor. The sounds of drawers opening and closing quicken my pulse after long minutes. I jolt when I feel his hands on me.

“Relax, and trust your instincts,” Hunter says, before placing a soft kiss on my throat.

I inhale sharply as his knuckles suddenly brush over my cheek and down my neck. My senses rise to attention at his touch and a cautious shiver runs through me. I groan as he works his way down towards my breasts, which are now aching for his delicious touch. I arch my body further into his hands as he continues to work his way down my body. His hands disappear off my now humming body and I groan in protest. I want to feel his hands on me. I need something more. It amazes me how scared this man makes me, yet how dependent I become after he touches me just once.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs in a husky tone.

That’s when I feel the soft feather on my cheek, working its way down my neck to my breasts, which are now aching more than ever. I gasp as the feather brushes softly over my now erect nipples. They form hard peaks, sending tenderizing shivers down my body. Hunter repeats the same treatment to the other breast, taking his time, tormenting me slowly.

“Your next sin is Lust,” he whispers.

Holy fuck.

I shiver involuntary at his words.

“Lust is the intense desire, or excessive want of all things sexual,” Hunter nips my throat with his teeth.

I buck my body under his actions.

“Have you ever experienced Lust, Kat?”

I shake my head in response.

I feel a sharp, stinging pain from his palm connecting with my thigh seconds later. It’s a warning.

“No,” I pant.

I hear his throaty laugh echo in my ears.

“Well, let me tell you something...you’re about to.”

Hunter’s words echo in my mind; ‘Lust is the intense desire, or excessive want of all things sexual.’ What the hell does that mean? I have a feeling I won’t have to wait long to find out. Again, I feel the soft feathery device trailing down my body, once again starting from my cheek and working down my throat. This time Hunter bypasses my breasts and travels down my cleavage towards my stomach. He knows how sensitive I am there, so this is going to be torture in itself.

“Lust is considered by Catholic’s to be a disordered desire for sexual pleasure, where sexual pleasure is sought for itself,” Hunter’s voice is mesmerizing. “However, when sexual desire is separated from God's love, it becomes disordered and self-seeking. This is seen as lust.”

I suppress the urge to moan as the feather strokes over my sex and continues down my thighs before it disappears all together. I want to protest but before I do, Hunter’s hands are on me. One of his fingers strokes down my folds before he pushes it inside my wetness.

“Do you read the bible daily?” I swallow hard as I speak.

His hand comes down hard on my thigh. The sharp and painful sting adds to the aching release I need. Now. Hunter is silent for long minutes, but I hear his intake of breath.

"You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery; but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

It comes out as a whisper but I hear it. Sailor says the same thing to me all the time. I never understood why he said this, but I do know what part of the bible it’s from.

“Matthew, five-twenty seven,” I whisper.

“Do you know this, Kat?” Hunter’s pauses his assault.

“Sailor says it a lot to me, when he thinks I’m asleep at night,” I say as I wriggle against his hand.

“Does he now? Very, very interesting.” Hunter says, and I can sense his smile. “No more talking now.”

Hunter puts a finger over my mouth and I quiet. He continues to use slow, even strokes with his fingers as I basically pant with desire. I feel his breath against my core and suck in a breath. His tongue darts out and licks my clit with the same motion as his fingers. I moan, and then hush when he stops. He waits until I have stopped wreathing and moaning before he starts again. His touch is so gentle and soft; it’s alluring and reminds me of indulgence. Gently, he sucks on my clit as his finger move a little faster, stroking over and over my sweet spot.

I can feel myself building and I try to hold it back for as long as I can. Several things pass through my mind but it doesn’t matter what I think of, Hunter always end up there. I hear Hunter hum then feel the vibrations through my core. I half sigh, half moan when he does this. That pending orgasm continues to build faster, I’m about to lose control and I can feel it.

“Hunter, stop.” I pull the restraints as I turn my head from side to side.

“Hush, hold it, Kat,” Hunter whispers against my skin as he continues his slow torture.

I suck in another breath and try to hold it off a little longer. Of course his soft touch is just as dangerous as his rough touch and I am falling apart again in seconds. I just can’t hold it anymore. My body has never responded to anyone like it has him. I start to buck against his mouth and fingers warning him I’m so fucking close.

“Come.” Hunter speaks against my skin just as the no point of return hits.

I convulse and shiver while he continues to stroke and suck. I pull harder on the restraints when my orgasm is prolonged by the continuing motions of his fingers and the harder sucking that I feel against my clit. My moans fill the air in the room and I can’t stop them. My toes curl and my hands knot in the restraints. My eyes are so tightly closed they pain. Hunter slows, and then stops his fingers before pulling them out slowly.

“Intense?” Hunter asks, moving up my body, showering kisses over my public bone, stomach and breasts.

Hunter caresses my breasts gently and slowly before sucking ever so softly on my erect nipples. He takes turns going from left to right. With the wetness on my skin, he blows, sending a cold shiver over me. I can feel my skin bump and Hunter grins against my sensitive skin. Hunter starts to move again, showering kisses over my collarbone and throat as he works his way up to my cheeks and face. I feel his fingers behind my head and the darkness seems lighter, I choose to keep my eyes closed in this moment.

My hands are next to be released, but I continue holding onto the bars on the bed. Hunter rubs my wrists are he continues to shower tiny, soft, delicate kisses over my face and lips. He shifts again and I feel his length probing at my entrance. His mouth finds mine in an all-consuming kiss as he gently slides into my wet core. Our tongues coax as our moans get heavier. The whole act becomes very intimate in an instant. While my mind screams stop, my body pushes for more...

Hunter’s hands find mine and he threads his fingers through them as he slowing fucks me. I try to pull my hand out of his grip without breaking our searing kiss, but cant. He has me tightly in his hands, and I know that’s right where he wants me at this point. He continues to slowly ease his cock in and out of me as he swallows the moans I cannot seem to stop.

“I want to feel you come,” he says, against my mouth.

“I can’t, I don’t like it.” It’s a lie.

“Feel it, Kat. Feel every single inch of me inside you.” As he speaks he strokes his cock inside me slowly, almost too slowly. But I feel it; I feel every fucking inch of him. Not only that, I feel more than I have ever felt before. I feel lust...

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