Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (17 page)

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“So, I’m just a job to you, Noor?”

“I’m not going to answer you.”

“Why not? You promised me to be forthcoming.”

“The question is silly.”

“It is not,” she snapped. Anguish peaked and took a stronghold. “In less than twenty-four hours you have managed to destroy everything I believe in. Made my life a living nightmare and you expect me to just sit idly and allow you to take control unchallenged.” Fury started to build heavily. “How dare you assume so much? I’m not sure how you operate on Sanguine, but in Legend, we don’t make such a ludicrous assumption to sneakily come into someone’s life, turn it upside down and then walk away unscathed.”

“Calm down.”

“I will not calm down. You owe me more.” She fumed.

“I disagree,” he stated coldly.

“Goodness, you are insufferable.”

“What you see is a realist, sweetie. This isn’t easy on me, either.” His entire persona was aloof, unconcerned. They may as well discuss the weather outside for all Noor’s show of warmth or understanding of how she felt. She had a right to panic.

She wanted to slap the unemotional façade off his face. “Sanguine’s government obviously has something planned for me. And you will follow your commands without question, so tell me, Noor, what if I decide not to comply with their wishes and you can’t make me? Will you put two bullets in my head?”

“Now, you
are being silly.”

She was in his face, challenging him. The fury and hurt made Allura talk and act irrationally. “How do I know you aren’t lying? For all I know, this entire fiasco you dragged me into unwillingly can be a cockamamie scheme, and I’m playing right into your hands.” She seethed. “How do I know you didn’t come here knowing full well what you must do and carried out the cold-hearted assignment with calculated planning to have me dance to your tune until you got what you wanted? Me dead.” She almost shrieked in hysterics.

“Allura, you aren’t making sense and your thought process is illogical. If I wanted you dead, you would have died within ten minutes of me discovering who you are.”

Again, his chilly countenance was unsettling. He talked about her death with the emotion of a stone like if his government gave the order, he could easily go through with it without batting an eye. She stared at him, dewy eyed, unbelieving. Something in her chest hurt worse than a gunshot and made Allura feel more pain than any physical injury could.

“Get out,” she shouted.


“I don’t want you here.”

“You will get over it.”

She shoved her good arm into his side, a hard elbow jab, slamming it into his ribcage. An immense feel of satisfaction rippled through Allura triumphantly when Noor twitched uncomfortably. Then she scrambled to escape, seeing his nostrils flare, silvery eyes turn limpid, and she swore the man growled. The sound shivered through her body.

Allura rolled and dived to the end of the bed. If she could just get her feet on the floor, she would run like hell from the intolerable expression that promised retribution. “Oh!” she squealed, feeling a powerful hand clamp around her ankle. She clawed the bedcovering trying to anchor, gain some advantage so she could get away from Noor. He yanked, not hard enough to hurt, but sending her flying backwards and landing on her back. Like a predator snared prey, he pounced and loomed over her, keeping her pinned down. Allura sucked her mouth dry. She feigned bravado, lifted her chin a notch. “I don’t care what you do to me. I will not surrender to whatever cruel deeds you intend for me. Whatever you want to do to me, you can, and no matter how horrendous it is I will endure. You will not win.”

An odd expression covered his face briefly, and then it was gone in a flash, replaced by the impregnable shield. She saw it, though. It was recognizable but she didn’t believe it. Her words hurt his feelings.

“Just so you know, I always win, sweetie. So, stop this nonsense about me wanting to kill you. That is the furthest thing from my mind, if you care to know.”

“You’re like a gunslinger, aren’t you? Someone others pay to hunt and kill.”

“No, sometimes I’m called upon to assassinate, but it comes along with the job.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Noor blasted air through his nose. “Lady, I don’t give a flying flip if you believe me or not. You have already proved you tend to be somewhat specious in your thought process. Maybe because you’re so damned hot-headed. Is that it, love?” He ran his fingers down her throat, over the swell of her breasts, and rubbed a thumb lazily back and forth against a nipple. He pinched her. Allura sucked in her breath at the wicked feel, minimal pain, and glorious pleasure aching through her body like a riptide of joy. “I’ve never encountered a woman like you before,” he said, slowly kneading a breast, first one, before he moved to the other. He concentrated on his task, massaging, stroking, and using both his hands to squeeze both breasts to crown.

His mouth was diabolical. Even through the silk of her gown, she could feel his heat. He suckled a nipple, drawing it into his mouth, lavishing the swell with his tongue until her gown was soaked and she quivered. Her fingers dug into his hair when he put his mouth back on her. She held him to her breasts, wanting, needing, him to continue. The pressure of his mouth enclosed on a bud. Allura tugged at his hair in desperation. Feeling consumed, she arched into his mouth, begging for more.

And Noor seemed more than willing to oblige her.

Chapter Sixteen

Noor ran his fingers beneath the bodice of her gown and slipped his fingers inside. Allura cooed, rising off the bed, as the feel of his hot, large hands caressed over her breasts. He pulled one free, dipped low, and washed the tip of his tongue over the peak before he sucked it into his mouth.

What he did to her was beyond wonderful. In all her life, she’d never experienced something as amazing as the constant licking, bathing of his tongue repeatedly over her nipples. He took one deep inside his mouth, gently raked it with his teeth, and Allura swore she’d gone to heaven.

He was attentive, so attuned to her needs she swore the only thing that mattered to him was tasting her, giving her pleasure, arousing her to indescribable heights.

His lips moved from breast to breast. Interchanging between hard and soft, he sucked and lavished her with his tongue. With each stroke, his mouth continued to torment until her nipples strained, ripe, and ready to burst.

Allura squirmed in pleasure when he slid his hand downward, back up, gathering her gown as he went until it was bunched around her waist. Then he was back between her thighs. His hand centered on her pussy, a finger slid through the slit, causing a groan to escape as she cried at the exquisite pleasure throbbing in her clit when he touched her.

She squeezed her eyes in anticipation when his finger eased inside the soaked channel. So wet, she felt her juices coat his hand and slide down her inner thighs. The hunger beat wildly beneath her skin, a raging so intense, Allura swore she might die if he removed his touch.

Noor triggered another tide of cream to leak when he added another finger, thrust upward so deeply while flickering his thumbpad over her engorged clit.

“Mmm, you are so sweet, so fucking good and tight. I want to taste your pussy, too,” he said. Gliding down her body to the dampened alcove, licking a heated path over her abdomen, he delved his tongue directly into her pussy and tongue fucked her.

She clamped her thighs against the side of his head, her fingers gripped his hair, she went wild under his administrations feeling the continuous thrusts plunge into her pussy. His tongue wrapped around the throbbing nub and circled, and the sensation bowled Allura over into mindless bliss.

“Noor, please…”

Male satisfaction showed on his face when he looked up from between her thighs at her. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I will take care of you.” He kissed her thigh, nibbled on the flesh. “It’s all I ever wanted to do since I laid eyes on you. Kiss you.” He pressed his wet lips to her thigh, again. “Touch you everywhere.” It trailed downward toward her pussy. “Fuck you,” he groaned, putting his mouth back on the spot. Right there.

Ahhh. Yes. Yes. She wanted everything he did and more.

A small guttural moan tore from her throat as his hand cupped a buttock and spread her ass. Fingers went from her pussy, where he soaked his fingers in juices before he fluttered back and settled between her cheeks. He glided her lubricant over the untried opening, pierced it, pressing a finger through the tightness. Easy and slow, one finger stretching, scissoring, coaxing the snug territory to part more, another finger eased inside the thick tunnel.

Allura whimpered, her hair failing back and forth on the bed. She sucked in her bottom lip, feeling delicious sensations of pleasure-pain whipping through her as another finger was added and she felt expanded to excess, but pleasantly so. The fire spiking inside her butt was so wickedly sensual, she felt drugged with forbidden ecstasy.

Noor made her crazier than she already felt. He controlled her being, every degree of her body, stringing her along, playing her like an accomplished conductor, his touch increasing the need and want of him until she heard herself begging for cock.

Her voice throaty, lust-laced, Allura didn’t recognize herself. “I want you inside me. Please,” she moaned, twisting in sweet torment, feeling his fingers work inside her ass. Each forge stroked the fires of her lust, driving her to the brink of delirium.

“Ah, sweetie, I would like nothing more. It’s not to be, Allura. Your virginity must remain intact.”

She yanked his hair to get his attention. “It’s my virginity, and you won’t tell me what to do with it,” she snapped, so enraptured, so mad she lost it.

Noor’s lip quirked and he smiled fully. “You are one hot bitch. Okay, baby, you want my cock?”


“Are you sure?”

Allura glared at him. “I’m sure,” she said, wondering what she committed to do.

This was an interesting development. She’d be dumbfounded about what to do if she hadn’t paid close attention to what Katherine told her about men and their cocks. She swore if you sucked them they’d go senseless. So, she knew what to do when Noor balanced on his knees over her chest, his massive thighs spread on the sides of her face, his hands guiding his cock toward her mouth.

“Put your lips on me. Suck it for me, baby.”

“This wasn’t what I had in mind when I said I want cock.”

“Humor me,” he drawled.

She opened to accept the bulbous head. Her tongue encircled the thick crest, licked it slowly, relishing in the look of pure rapture that overcame his expression. Driven by seeing pleasure make his mighty body tremble, she enclosed her lips and sucked him deep in her mouth. Feeling the squirt of liquid hit the roof of her mouth, surprised and delighted her. Wanting to taste more of the sugary fluid inside her mouth, she increased the pressure until he groaned. Better than sugarcane, much sweeter, she purred, feeling another jet spurt free.

Frantically, she sucked harder, faster, swirling her tongue over the thick, wide dick filling her mouth. She grabbed his thighs when he retreated. She wanted him back inside, deeper, to feel the heavy tip rub against the roof of her mouth and fill her with the male flavor she craved.

“Damn, baby, you are good,” Noor groaned. He leaned over, up on his knees now, pushing his cock as far as he dared go. He withdrew, sliding out slowly past tongue and teeth before plunging into the depths again.

“Fuck, I’m going to lose it. I can’t hold back.” His body locked tight above her. Allura was determined to force the issue. She gripped the muscular buttocks between her fingers, lifted to take the entire length to the back of her throat. Her fingers curled around the heavy sacs, kneading.

Noor grunted and jerked free. Allura protested, feeling his cock pop out of her mouth.

“You are a little greedy wench. No.” He smiled.

Allura smacked her lips together, eyeballing his huge cock with the tip-slit filled with pearly cream. “I want to taste you again. You’re so sweet.”

“Gracious, you’re going to be the death of me.” Noor maneuvered around so they lay in a sixty-nine position. He reached between them, wrapped a hand around his cock, and fed it into her mouth. “Here, take it if you want it,” he groaned. Allura was already slurping at him hungrily.

He gave and she received. She gave and he received. Allura sucked him tenderly, then harder, desperate to savor each drop of Noor. He reciprocated. His mouth as busy as a bee taking nectar, his tongue lapped at her pussy, two fingers bunched in her ass as he ate at her as if a man parched from a long drought.

Their mutual sounds of pleasure filled the room, audibly arousing. Allura’s soft mewling. Noor’s sounds more raspy and harsh. They both worked over each other, mouth to pussy, lips to cock, sucking, licking, feasting as if there was no tomorrow.

Allura broke first. Her entire body went inert as an explosive climax rumbled through her body like a violent thunderstorm, and it was all she could do to breathe. She squeezed her eyes, locked her thighs, and cried out. His cock crammed her mouth full and a muffled noise came out nasally as Noor’s wicked tongue pitched her over the edge.

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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