Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (20 page)

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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He moved with finesse, using tender but precise strokes that sent his hard shaft delving deep before he retreated, only to start the maddening thrust over again. Repeatedly, he crammed his erection inside her pussy, and she was sure he had taken her, but there was no pain. She expected discomfort, something, not the wild rush of heat that stroked the inside of her vagina walls.

Each forge went to greater depths, and she felt sufficiently gorged and loved every minute of it. She wiggled about, and in a raspy voice he told her to not to move. It was difficult, but she did as he asked, knowing he was more experienced in these matters. Noor knew what he was doing. She trusted him.

Struggling against the desire to raise her legs and wrap them around his waist to increase the penetration, she panted in short choppy breaths, as wave after delicious wave of pleasure consumed her body. When he cupped her butt and drove deep, it was all she could do not to holler. She bit his shoulder instead, and then licked the area she assaulted with her tongue. She tasted his sweat, purely male and tangy, arousing on her lips.

Noor groaned, trembled, and mumbled something intangible before he rocked his body inside her, long fluid motions, then harder, faster, continuous untamed strokes of wildness that built her lust to a crescendo of heat. She felt every inch of him, hard, dragging against her most sensitive parts as he withdrew a part of him with her. He plunged deep.

“Jesus—Noor…” Her words died away on the next thrust.

He kissed the tip of her nose, and said, “I know, sweetie.” He brushed her lips lightly, and whispered, “I know.” He took her mouth and crushed their lips together. His tongue invaded and started a wicked tango, dueling, tantalizing, and feasting with feverish thirst. When he finally let her up for air, she felt like she had broken the surface of a rapid river and had to suck in air to live.

Then she died, faded away as he withdrew almost out, and then plunged inside her pussy and mimicked the roar of crashing waves again and again—he slammed his body sending his mighty cock inside her pussy until it was all she could do but cling to him.

She did it again, put her teeth in his shoulder and cried, a guttural sound from deep within her chest, and then she shattered as the last of her resistance disappeared and red-hot flashes of incredible sensations burst alive between her thighs. The feeling was so intense her nipples stiffened and ached, her stomach clenched, and she shivered and cried out softly, experiencing the wonderful climax.

The world was wonderful. This. Everything at this moment was right.

* * * *

“Noor.” Allura touched his face gingerly. She kissed his mouth. “That was incredible…perfect…defied my imagination. Did you…”

“Ejaculate? No.”

“Didn’t I please you?”


“Then why…I mean. You know what I’m asking.”

Living among the Karos for two years, he learned the art of restraint. There was a method Karos women and men practiced so that they could enjoy the pleasures of sex but keep the female’s virginity intact for their wedding night. The males were skilled in the technique required them to have the upmost control of their bodies, specifically the libido, while bringing the female and themselves gratification during sexual intercourse.

Until he encountered the Karos, he had no idea what self-control meant or what discipline was required to hone the technique. It had been a difficult lesson, albeit a necessary one, as the males were ultimately accountable for not breaching the hymen. If you did, the consequence was death.

Taking Allura would not result in a fatality, yet the notion of what he intended to do warranted serious consideration. He could not risk impregnating the legacy of Oridus. He could not deliver her into the hands of the guardians unless she was a virgin. That was just the way things worked.

“Noor?” She searched his features, the depths of his eyes, which were dark, hooded, strained. “You needn’t hold back,” she said softly. He remained hard, inside her. She rose faintly against his imbedded erection and began a wanton undulation.

Incredibly wet, hot, so slippery, she glided along his hard cock feeling his fingers dig into her flesh. She wiggled salaciously, sending shimmers of heat racing up his stalk, and threatened to make him lose what little control he managed. He caught her hips, holding her from moving. “Allura, don’t. I might lose control and that wouldn’t be good for either of us,” he breathed. Tightening, he tensed all over, fighting through the urge to give her what she wanted and what he desired.

She palmed his cheeks with her hands. She shifted her hips to feel the entire breadth of him. “I trust you.”

“The question is do I trust myself.” Being part Magnus had its advantages. He had the ability to control whether he released enough seed to impregnate a woman, and he was always careful not to do it. For obvious reasons, he never gave too much of himself to a woman. Like the Karos technique, it took concentration and practice. With Allura having him so hot and bothered, he’d fill her womb full of semen.

Allura was going to make it damned difficult to resist her. She shimmied over his cock, pressed her palms into his buttocks and wrapped her legs around his flanks until he was fully submerged into the delectable cunt.

“Fuck, baby, I can’t resist…” His admission died away when she encircled his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Her lips were warm, moist, and endearingly tender as she kissed him affectionately. When she slipped her tongue into his mouth and increased the pace of their mating, Noor felt all caution go to the wind.

He groaned. A rumble came from deep within his chest as his hands firmed on her hips as he arched and lost himself in the delectable slickness. The heat of her moisture wrapped his cock in a feverish blanket of fiery suckles as she drew him deeper. Feeling raw and untamed, he thrust his rampant cock repeatedly into the demanding and passionate hot-blooded woman.

Noor held his body rigid and fought for control that threatened to crack. Wound as taunt as a bow, he concentrated on the squish-squish sound of their sweat slicked bodies pounding against one another, ignoring the temptation to just let go. Not yet. Not quite. He wasn’t ready to let her go. He withdrew, shut his eyes and gritted his teeth against the sleek and tight pussy, and plunged as deep as he dared. There he stayed, immobile, relishing in the pleasurable ripples the penetration provided along his shaft coupled with the snugness milking his cock. Against all sane thought, he plunged maddeningly.

“Allura,” he gasped. He intended to gorge his fill until his conscience broke through, and as quickly as he felt his release raging up the stalk to freedom, he growled and jerked free. Noor gulped in oxygen, shuddering, and ejaculated, spilling a load of semen on her stomach. The spurts seemed endless. He never came so hard or so much, and he remained quivering, watching his seed coat her belly, leaving the butter rum complexion dotted and smeared with cum.

Finally, the feeling returned to his legs. He rolled away, collapsed beside Allura, and threw his arm over his face. “Damn it, Allura, I almost came inside you.”

Either she didn’t care or wasn’t aware of the precarious situation he barely avoided for both of them.

She threw her body against his, kissing him. “You’re amazing. I love you,” Allura said, snuggled up against him and holding him tightly.

Accustomed to accolades given in the aftermath of a sexual interlude that left the recipient in an induced gracious haze, he didn’t take Allura’s words literally. He patted her arm affectionately and rose into a sitting position. He swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stretched, working the kinks out of his neck before he headed for the bathroom. Midway there, he paused and glanced over his shoulder at a very smiling, content woman. He wondered if Allura would always look at him as if he was capable of righting all the wrongs in the world.
Why did he care?

Wow, that was a heavy thought, he considered. The reasoning for it was niggling. Normally he had a difficult time remembering a woman’s name after sex, so why so serious now? A few answers came to mind, but he cowardly refused to consider any response that made him feel culpable for his behavior.

This was a mission. He had already made a major blunder by dropping his guard and as a result, Allura got hurt. Next time, she might be killed, which meant another error was unacceptable.

The only way he could ensure he took care of business was to focus.

Allura was a distraction.

He couldn’t afford to lose control again.

Noor finished cleansing before he came back into the bedroom and found Allura snoring lightly. She looked soft and angelic, and the last thing he wanted to do was wake her. Carefully, he wiped his semen from her belly and thighs before tossing the cloth aside.

Bad move, he thought, easing in the bed beside her. He ignored the warning from his conscience to send Allura packing and spooned her warm, soft lusciousness against his chest instead.

Welcomingly, she wiggled her bottom against his groin, murmured something, and held his hand in hers when he encircled her waist with his arms. She held him in place.

This felt so right.

It was damned wrong.

* * * *

The cigarette butt the man flicked in the air caused tiny sparks to flash no brighter than a sparkler on the verge of fizzling out before it hit the ground. The sparks temporarily reflected in the darkness. He pushed from the tree where he rested, removed his hat, and ran his fingers through his hair before sitting the brim of the hat low on his head.

He concentrated on the room where Allura had gone to meet up with the stranger for a long moment, as if she would materialize if he stared enough. That was hours ago. Dawn was coming, and she had not come out. It didn’t take an educated man to realize she was fornicating in the outsider’s bed. With the thought, the betrayal, a sense of rage overcame him that made him quake.

He expected a lot out of Allura, but he didn’t think she was a whore. Well, she had proved him wrong. Not that it mattered. He knew how to deal with a half-breed cheating cunt.


Chapter Nineteen

The Agaci compound rested at the top of a slope on the eastern hill, and clusters of foliage and an expansive blanket of vibrant green grass surrounded the palace. Towering trees lined the winding path that started at the base of the pebbled entryway and led up to the iron gate and stonewall that enclosed the structure and protected it from intruders and the chance of a surprise attack. You would have to be a giant to scale the secure wall, and even then the feat was impossible with the many guards that patrolled the grounds twenty-four–seven.

Like sentries, giant mountains that disappeared into the clouds overlooked the edifice and shrouded it in shadows and dimness. This, coupled with the slate-gray roof and duns exterior, made it appear ominous even in the daylight.

Maybe if the vast numbers of windows with floor to ceiling drapes were open, he wouldn’t have a sense of eeriness, making his way down the cobbled hallway. That wasn’t allowed. By the emperor’s orders, no daylight shone into the palace, as if the Grace feared the contact of the heated rays against his alabaster skin would cause damage.

He listened to the echo of his movements, watched his shadows, in the quiet hallway as he walked down the corridor that would lead him to the bridge that separated the main quarters from the pavilions within the walled gardens. His thoughts were many and concentrated on nothing in particular, and he refused to let the unsettling feelings that seeped into his mind gain any leverage. Until he validated a catastrophe had occurred, he refused to panic. The Grace preyed on fear.

Just as he rounded the corner, he saw a humongous outline, a powerful sight standing with its back to the entrance, arms clasped behind him, shoulders squared, and head faced forward. The cretin had a proud military stance and didn’t turn around even when he knew he was there. Dolunas intentionally snubbed his presence, a show that he did not consider him of significant importance and tolerated him because of his direct link to the emperor.

“Tell me you have good news.”

Limpid, fiery eyes turned in his direction. No matter how many times he encountered Txtrca Dolunas, he couldn’t get accustomed to the pits of hell, as he referred to the burning irises.

“My men failed with their first attempt to secure the woman,” he said matter-of-factly. He shifted his attention, talking into the crisp night air rather than facing him. “The atmosphere is not suitable for my kind, and we were required to use unfamiliar weapons. Both aided in our failed attempt.”

The cretin struck a nerve. The mere word
vibrated down his spine and lodged fear in his throat. He would have to report this to the emperor. “You give me excuses to explain? Have you any idea what this means?”

“There will be another opportunity to get the female.”

“Perhaps, but now Rynoir will be on guard now that he knows you are there.”

Dolunas nostrils flared, and he snorted. “Rynoir is Magnus and therefore inferior.”

“Yet he managed to outwit what you said were the best warriors of your clan. How did that happen?”

Unlike most of his kind, Dolunas didn’t have the slave mentality that made the Txtrca easy targets. Maybe being a ruler and the aristocratic blood that ran in his veins gave him an air of superiority that he wielded like a blade.

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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