Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (43 page)

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“What would you say if we named him after my uncle?”

“Strong…Wind?” He didn’t try to hide his astonishment.

Allura laughed. “Zephyr,” she said, grinning. Noor’s expression flashed with relief.

“The name is suitable. Zephyr is so small and fragile…I want to touch him,” he said, coddling Zephyr between the cotton mesh gloves carefully as if he were a delicate, expensive, and a rare gift.

“You can.”

Again, Noor looked surprised. “The physicians forbid direct contact because they wanted to ensure Zephyr’s immune system was functioning at full capacity, and he wasn’t susceptible to catching an infection.”

“Today the doctor cleared his health. I’ve been waiting on you all day so we could hold our child for the first time together…touch, smell, feel his skin.”

Allura lay in the bed, and Noor snuggled up to her side while she cradled Zephyr in her arms. He couldn’t stop touching his son or wife and watched in wonderment and pride seeing the instantaneous bond that mother and child shared when Allura breast-fed his child. Emotions overwhelmed him, and for the first time—no second, the first was when he realized he loved Allura—he basked in the totality of raw feelings that surfaced and left him emotionally amazed and in tune to his heart. Something he thought he was incapable of until now. To cherish a person, love them, as much, if not more, than he loved anyone else—ever—outside of family. Until Allura and Zephyr came into his life, he was accustomed to feeling ennui, existing in a fog, accepting the vagueness and monotonousness his world had become, not seeking anything different. Not realizing anything as spectacular as what his wife and son provided could even be true.

“He’s a greedy little fellow,” he pronounced instead of thinking about what dwelled outside the walls and his need for vengeance. He refused to dwell on all the potential catastrophes that may await him when he hunted the emperor down.

“Like father, like son,” Allura said. She rubbed Zephyr’s back until he hiccupped.

Unable to help himself, he glanced at her full breast exposed through the open slit she had yet to close, even though Zephyr had eaten and fallen asleep, cuddled against her shoulder. Focused on the delicate swell of her peaked nipple, he didn’t realize she watched him until he looked up and found Allura staring at him.

“What?” He feigned innocence, as if she wasn’t aware of his salacious look and thought process.

“You have that expression, Mr. Rynoir. I know that look, sir,” she jested.

“And what might that be?” He took his son and held him close, inhaling the faint scent of powder and purity. He kissed his forehead gently and carried him to his bed. He glanced over his shoulder, eyeing her perceptively. “I was merely adoring my wife who I haven’t touched in…too damned long.”

“I agree. It has been twenty-eight days, forty-six hours, and some odd minutes.” Allura held out her arms in a show of welcoming.

Noor chuckled. “Not that you have been keeping count.”

“Uh-uh. I haven’t missed you at all.” She looked mischievously and sweetly cute. He adored her.

“Glad to hear it.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled Allura close. He meshed their mouths together in a tender encounter, and then withdrew. She gave a little moue, pressed her breasts against his chest, and pushed her nipples into his flesh, which burned his skin through his shirt. “Woman, don’t tempt me. You are recovering,” he said. The comment was more to remind him than her not to take advantage of what she offered.

Allura framed his jaws and slid against him like a cat basking in the sun. She raised her thigh high on his, purred, rubbed, and elicited a low growl when her gown fell open and he felt the warmth and inhaled the scent of her sex. “The only reason I remain in the hospital is because I refuse to leave Zephyr. I’m fine. Apparently, technology on Magnus far exceeds Legend and in Texan terms, I’m as healthy as a horse. You know what that means?” she joked, nibbling on his chin. Her hand slipped between them and cupped his erection, which tented his trouser front.

Noor sucked in his breath, and then exhaled slowly and captured her hand. “Behave.”

Allura arched her eyebrow. “You really want me to? Really? He,” she glanced at bulge in his pants, “wants you to be a bad boy. And she,” the friction of her hand increased, “demands you make restitution for leaving me alone too many days.”

“I married a demanding vixen.” There was no vinegar in his tone, but instead light, jovial bantering.

“Are you complaining?” She pretended to pout.

Noor couldn’t resist the heart-shaped, moist lips within reaching distance. He brushed their mouths together, speaking words between his lips. “Do I look foolish?” He encircled her breasts and kneaded the full globes between his fingers, enjoying the engorged softness and moisture that coated his palms. Withdrawing his fingers, he examined the milky residue there with intrigue, remembering.

Women on Magnus did not breast-feed, so the notion was new to him. It equally interested and aroused him. Unsure if it were politically correct, and not caring, he dipped low and licked his fingers to taste the milky drops that seeped from her nipple. He moved back. “Mmm…interesting and damned arousing. You taste creamy. Can I have more?” Allura nodded and held his face to her breast. He licked a nipple, running his tongue over the swell, and then suckled, gently filling his mouth. She squirmed beneath him. He let her nipple pop free. “I could get to like tasting you.”

Allura hurriedly unfastened the slash of her robe. “I want you.” She worked on the enclosures of his pants. Noor held her hands still. She protested, giving him that look that said she wasn’t going to be agreeable.

“We should be cautious. It’s not as if—” He grunted when her fingers curled around his shaft. “We shouldn’t,” he said halfheartedly, no conviction in his tone.


Noor roved his eyes appreciatively over her luscious curves, flaring hips, and rosy sex when she spread her legs. “The hell if I know,” he uttered. He caught her busy little hands trying to stroke his erection, which was stiff and aching. “Don’t start this, Allura. I’m not that strong and you are still recovering.”

“I’m fine, Noor. I want you.”

“We shouldn’t, sweetie. Let’s give it some time,” he said. His mind on what almost happened and knowing he was responsible for her suffering, almost dying trying to birth his son, he couldn’t bring himself to forget the memory. Not wanting to test fate, he’d already decided not to impregnate Allura again. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t go through that hell again.

She touched his cheek endearingly. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” he lied.

“You’re being irritating,” she quipped.

Noor glanced over her briefly. “No. Behave before I spank your bottom.”

“You promise?” She cooed and arched up to tempt him. Her breast rubbed his thigh, milk seeped into his clothing, and her arousing scent invaded his senses driving him nuts with desire.

And he was eager to oblige her and be drawn into her lure. He felt his resolve slipping.

“You are a naughty woman,” he murmured, moving her robe aside. Cautiously, he slipped a finger between the wet plump folds, tenderly, carefully gauging the distance he penetrated before stopping. Allura grabbed his hand, as if she might push him away. She didn’t.

“This is not what I had in mind.”

“I’m afraid it is all you are getting, love.” He massaged, coaxing, bringing her to a feverish pitch. She lay back against the bed, closed her eyes, and basked in the touch of him.

“I want you inside me. Please.” She tried to touch his erection.

“No.” He swatted her hand away. “If you keep it up, sweetie, I will stop.” Her eyes opened to slits and darkened. Noor grinned, brushing her lips lightly with a kiss. “Kiss me,” he softly commanded. Bracing her back against the pillows, holding her firmly in place, he called upon on his strength to keep from taking her fully. With easy deliberation, he toyed with her tongue, swirling their mouths to mate sensually, whipping around in heated parlay as silkily and smoothing as his fingers glided back and forth inside her pussy.

Allura sunk further into the pillows and smothered a sob, and Noor suckled it into his mouth. His fingers gliding between her thighs, a thumb encircled the hard nub, working it with the tip of his finger as his other fingers plunged, submerged, penetrated her clenching vagina.

She writhed under his touch, melting, softly pleading for more as his caress escalated inside her. She begged, “Please Noor.”

“Okay, sweetie…” he nibbled her lip, kissing her sweetly, thrust two fingers in the moist receptive tunnel, another damp finger eased inside her ass and drilled wickedly until her high, squealed pleasure began.

At the edge of her release, he dipped his head low and captured a turgid nipple between his lips and suckled, filling his mouth with her milk…she jerked erratically, clutched his arm, and died away in bliss, shuddering with her orgasm.

“Damn, I wish I could have been inside you to feel you climax. Are you happy?”

She looked at him between sultry lashes, fully pleased, and said with a half-smile. “I’m satisfied for now. Thank you.”

“You’re most welcome.” His grin was brazen and arrogantly male.

“You want me to reciprocate?” She eyed his crotch, licking her lips.

Noor grunted seriously considering her request.

He heard footsteps stop outside the door. “I will take a raincheck. We have a guest.”

Allura doubted she would ever get used to Noor’s ultra sensitive hearing, along with all the other things that made him unique. She hadn’t heard a thing.

He said. “Now, cover yourself and be a good girl.”

“Or you will spank my ass?”

“Damn right.”

“Promises. Promises,” she said, softly adjusting her robe to cover her nakedness sufficiently, as Noor walked to the door.

“I will spank your ass. Behave, for now.” He winked at her.

Allura looked at the tall gentlemen that towered over Noor when he entered the room.

“Father, meet my wife Allura.” Noor made introductions.

* * * *

Tier Rynoir was a formidable sight. He towered over his son by a head and had emerald, dark, intense eyes that softened when he smiled at Allura. Now she realized where Noor got his striking handsome looks. Tier Rynoir’s gaze was businesslike and direct. His tone was a low murmur, but still resonated, and bespoke of his quiet authority and gracious demeanor that commanded attention.

“Noor, I came as soon as I could. I had to use enhanced mach-speed enhancers to make the journey in record time. Your mother and I were visiting on Polaris. She returned home to ensure everything was ready for your wife’s arrival. Even though I told her everything was in pristine order, she insisted on checking on things herself. By now, the servants are probably in a tizzy trying to meet all her demands. Otherwise, she would have come and welcomed your wife to our family. You know how your mother can be.” Allura noticed the Tier grinned slightly.

Noor stepped forward and made introductions. “Father, meet my wife, Allura.”

Tier Rynoir stalked over with a long stride, took Allura’s hand, and engulfed her slender fingers. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Tier was royalty. Did she bow or curtsey? Unsure, Allura settled on nodding instead, and said, “Thank you, and it is nice to meet you finally as well. Noor has told me so much about his family. I can’t wait to meet everyone. May I introduce you to your grandchild, Zephyr?”

“You may…by the way, you should prepare for my wife, Lana, to spoil the child beyond repair.” Tier Rynoir smiled broadly.

“Noor has already warned me.”

“Good, you understand what you are up against,” he said politely.

“Allura understands, but I’m not sure if she is prepared. Mother likes to get her way in certain matters, like child rearing, that include consistent spoilage. She believes it is her maternal right.” Noor smiled warmly, attesting to his fondness for his mother. “She might be unbearable at first, but I can assure you, Mother has mastered the art of rearing grandchildren with a firm hand, if need be, and an abundance of affection.”

“I’m sure me and your mother will get along splendidly.”

Tier Rynoir leaned over and examined Zephyr as if he might do something he didn’t understand and wanted to see how the small body functioned. He didn’t touch the baby, but looked him over with his eyes, and she got the sense he was trying to decipher something. Allura had no idea what, but he seemed satisfied. He stepped back and smiled. “He is going to be a handful.”

Allura looked as father and son exchanged glances. She knew a silent message had passed between them but had no idea what. Both men were grinning.

“Did I miss something?” Allura said.

Noor said, “There are a lot of things you need to learn about Magnus men, and I will educate you but not this moment. Father and I will step outside while you dress and prepare to leave.”

Tier Rynoir bent eloquently, perfect like a gentleman, and said, “Allura, I look forward to accompanying you to my home.” He left the room.

“I would feel better if you came with us,” she said quietly.

“My father seems like he might bite, but I assure you he is harmless.”

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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