Purgatorio (29 page)

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Authors: Dante

BOOK: Purgatorio
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the voice tells of
Mary, Roman matrons, Daniel
the voice recalls the
Golden Age
(acorns and water) and
John the Baptist
(honey and locusts) for temperance

The angel who had shown the way   

to the sixth circling now was left behind,

having erased another swordstroke from my brow

as he declared that those who long for righteousness

are blessed, ending on

without the other words he might have said.

And now I could move on, lighter   

than at the other entrances, so that I followed

the swifter spirits up with ease,

when Virgil began: ‘A love that is kindled by virtue   

has always ignited another, as long as its flame

was shining where it could be seen.

‘From the hour, therefore, when Juvenal descended

into the limbo of hell, among us,

and made your affection known to me,

‘my good will toward you was as great

as anyone has ever felt for someone never seen,

so that to me these stairs will now seem short.

‘But tell me—and as a friend forgive me   

if with too much assurance I relax the reins,

and as a friend speak with me now—

‘how could avarice find room

amidst such wisdom in your breast,

the wisdom that you nourished with such care.’

These words made Statius smile a little   

before he answered: ‘Every word of yours

is to me a welcome token of your love.

‘But, in truth, things often are misleading   

when their true causes remain hidden,

thus leading us to false conclusions.

‘Your question shows me you believe,

perhaps because of the terrace I was on,

that I was avaricious in the other life.

‘Know then that avarice was much too far

removed from me and that this lack of measure

lunar months in thousands now have punished.   

‘And had I not reformed my inclination

when I came to understand the lines in which,   

as if enraged at human nature, you cried out:

‘ “To what end, O cursèd hunger for gold,   

do you not govern the appetite of mortals?”

I would know the rolling weights and dismal jousts.

‘Then I learned that we can spread

our wings too wide with spending hands,

and I repented that and other sins.

‘How many more will have to rise again, hair shorn   

through ignorance, which takes away repentance   

of this sin in life and in the hour of death!

‘Note this also: the fault that runs   

directly counter to a sin

is here grouped with it and is withered of its green.

‘Therefore, if I, to purge my sins, have been   

among those shades who weep for avarice,

this has befallen me for the opposing fault.’

‘But, when you sang the savage warfare   


between the twofold sorrows of Jocasta,’

said the singer of the

‘it does not seem, from what you wrote with Clio’s help,   

that you had found as yet the faith,

that faith without which good works fail.

‘If that is so, what sun, what candles   

dispelled your darkness so that afterwards

you hoisted sail, following the fisherman?’

And the other answered him: ‘It was you who first   

set me toward Parnassus to drink in its grottoes,   

and you who first lit my way toward God.

‘You were as one who goes by night, carrying

the light behind him—it is no help to him,

but instructs all those who follow—

‘when you said: “The centuries turn new again.   

Justice returns with the first age of man,

and new progeny descends from heaven.”

‘Through you I was a poet, through you a Christian.

But, that you may see better what I outline,   

I will set my hand to fill the colors in.

‘Already all the world was pregnant   

with the true faith, inseminated

by the messengers of the eternal kingdom,

‘and the words of yours I have just recited

did so accord with the new preachers

that I began to visit them.

‘More and more they seemed to me so holy   

that when Domitian started with his persecutions

their weeping did not lack my tears.

‘While I remained on earth,

I gave them comfort. Their upright ways

made me despise all other sects.

‘I was baptized before, in my verses,   

I had led the Greeks to the rivers of Thebes,

but, from fear, I stayed a secret Christian,   

‘long pretending I was still a pagan.

More than four centuries, because I was lukewarm,   

did I circle the fourth terrace.

‘You, then, who have raised the veil   

that hid from me the great good I describe,

tell me, while there is time in this ascent,   

‘where is our ancient Terence, where Cecilius,   

Plautus, Varius, if you know.

Tell me if they are damned and in what place.’

‘Those, Persius, and I, and many more,’

replied my leader, ‘are with that Greek

the Muses suckled more than any other,

‘in the first circle of the dark prison.

We often talk about that mountain

where those who nursed us ever dwell.

‘Euripides is with us there and Antiphon,

Simonides and Agathon and many other Greeks

whose brows were once adorned with laurel.

‘Among those from your works who may be seen   

are Antigone, Deïphyle, Argia,

and Ismene, still sad as once she was.

‘She that revealed Langìa also may be seen,

as well as the daughter of Tiresias,

and Thetis, and Deïdamìa with her sisters.’

Both the poets now were silent,

again intent on looking all around them,

freed from the constraint of stairs and walls.

Already four handmaids of the day were left behind   

and the fifth was at the chariot-shaft,

guiding its gleaming tip still higher,

when my leader said: ‘It might be better if we turned   

our right side’s shoulders to the outer edge,

circling the mountain as we are accustomed.’

Thus habit was our teacher there,

and we took our way with less uncertainty

because that other worthy soul encouraged us.

They went along in front and I, alone,   

came on behind, listening to their discourse,

which gave me understanding of the art of verse.

But soon their pleasant talk was interrupted   

by a tree found in the middle of the path,

with fruits that smelled both savory and good,

and, as a fir tree narrows as it branches upward,

this one tapered down from branch to branch,

so that, I think, no one could climb it.

On that side, where our way was blocked,   

from the high rock fell pellucid water,

which was dispersed among the upper leaves.

As the two poets neared the tree

a voice from among the boughs called out:   

‘This is a food that you shall lack.’

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