Push the Envelope (6 page)

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Authors: Rochelle Paige

BOOK: Push the Envelope
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Holy crap! Even in my dreams, the attraction
between us was insanely hot! I actually came because of a dream of Drake. Just
a dream. I didn’t know if I wanted to find him right this minute so I could
jump his bones or stay as far away from him as I possibly could. After
everything that had happened with Brad, I hadn’t so much as noticed another guy
in a sexual way. Drake was another story altogether. I couldn’t stop myself
from thinking about him. Great timing for my hormones to jump back to life.


Luckily, the morning flew by. I’d jumped in the
shower and had a quick breakfast with my dad before we were to head to the
airport. Drake had stopped by while I was in the shower to see if I wanted to
eat with him. Dad had already been working on a batch of pancakes with yummy
maple syrup and fresh strawberries. It was my favorite breakfast, and Dad
wanted to surprise me. Drake couldn’t join us since his parents had expected him
to share breakfast with them, so I’d had a reprieve from seeing him for a
little bit.


When we met outside at the car, Drake wrapped me
into a deep hug that seemed to last forever. He huffed as he let me go. “Missed
you this morning, babe.”


I pushed myself away from him. “Drake, please


He raised a brow at me as I stepped away. “Not
gonna happen. My dad raised me to go after what I want, and I want you. Thought
I’d made that clear last night.”


I shook my head at him in frustration. “Yes, you
made your intentions crystal clear. But I still need time to decide what I want
to do about them.”


“Just don’t push me away. I can handle the wait,
but I want you to give me a chance. Spend time with me. Let us get to know each
other better, babe. You know you want to say yes.”


“Fine! We can see each other when we get back on
campus and see what happens. Okay?” I huffed in exasperation.


Drake’s eyes beamed at me as he grinned. “Better
than okay. Give me your cell. I need to make sure you can reach me.”


I handed him my phone without really thinking about
it. Before I knew it, his cell was ringing in his front pocket. My eyes
followed his hand as he reached inside to pull his cell out. The phone snagged
on his shirt and lifted it up to reveal his six-pack abs. He pulled the phone
away and chuckled when he realized I was staring.


“Hey! What are you doing?” I asked.


“Doesn’t do me much good if you have my phone
number but I don’t have yours. I don’t know that I can trust you to call me
yet.” Drake handed my phone back to me. I glanced at the screen and saw that
he’d added himself to my contacts as ‘Drake aka My Boyfriend.’


I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips
before I changed the contact information to just his name. “Really? So you’re
my boyfriend now? After one sorta date at your parents’ house?”


Drake shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll take whatever
edge I can get. Thought that subliminal messaging just might work on you.”


“Subliminal messaging, huh?”


“A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. You’re not
exactly making this easy on me.”


“I only met you two nights ago and we’ve already
kissed, been on a date, and met each other’s parents. That doesn’t exactly
scream ‘hard to get’ to me.”


Drake reached out and stroked my cheek. “True, but
I’ve wanted you since I saw you weeks ago. Most other girls would’ve been in
and out of my bed by now.”


I snapped my head away from him. “Geesh, Drake.
Talking about other girls isn’t going to help you with me.”


“It’s not like I’m sharing details here. Just pointing
out that you should never think of yourself as an easy conquest. I don’t think
of you that way at all. Now, are you and your dad ready to head back to


Arms crossed, I glared at Drake. I was a little
irritated with him for putting the thought of him with other girls into my
head. “Yes, we can leave whenever you want to go.”


“Alexa, stop. I didn’t say that to make you angry
with me. We have lots to learn about each other, and we both have pasts. But
that’s all it is—the past. I’m not interested in having anyone else in my bed
or in my life but you. I’m not the kind of guy who will blow smoke up your ass.
You can trust me to tell you like it is, whether you want to hear something or


I shook my head in response. “I don’t know you well
enough to throw around the word trust about anything.”


“But you will, babe. You’ll know me better than
anyone else. And I’m gonna know you, inside and out. In every way possible.”


I could feel the heat rising as I blushed in
response to the images his words evoked of our bodies entwined. “Down, boy. I
thought you said you were okay with the wait.”


“I did, but I never said that I’d pussyfoot around
with you. That’s not my style. But I hear what you’re saying. Let me know if
I’m pushing too hard. Yeah?”


“Consider yourself warned that you’re pushing
then,” I responded.


Drake raised his hands up in the air. “Gotcha.
Backing off here.”


The trip back to campus was uneventful. We rode to
the airport in the same limousine, with Drake and my dad talking about sports
again. Male bonding time, I guessed. At least it gave me time to rest before
the flight since I was tired from my restless night. I curled up on the seat
and leaned my head back so I could take a little nap. When we got to the
airport, I awoke, disoriented, with my head on Drake’s shoulder and his arm
wrapped around my shoulders. My dad sat across from us and smiled indulgently
at me as I stretched.


“You sure you’re alert enough to co-pilot? You seem
awfully tired, Alexa,” he asked.


“Yeah, Dad. I’m fine. I had a little trouble
settling down to sleep last night. That catnap helped a lot though,” I


“Alexa’s welcome to rest with me in the cabin if
she wants,” Drake offered.


I was tempted to skip out on co-piloting, but I
could easily imagine the temptation Drake would provide for me instead of
resting while we were alone. “No, thanks. I need more hours logged in the Lear,


I jumped out of the car as soon as it rolled to a
stop. I needed a moment away from Drake so I could pull myself together. My
defenses were down, and I wasn’t ready to move forward so quickly with him.


“Alexa, you okay?” I heard Drake ask from behind me
as his hand skated up my spine.


I turned and smiled at Drake. “Yup, everything’s
okay. I’m just excited to get back in the cockpit.”


Drake chuckled and said huskily, “I’d love to hear
you say cock in a totally different setting, babe.”


I punched him on the shoulder and shushed him.
“Drake, my dad is right over there!”


He held up his hands in mock surrender. “Got it,
babe. I’ll save it for later when we’re alone. Go do what you need to do to get
ready for the flight. I’ll see you when we land.”




By the time we got back to town, Drake had to run
so he’d make it to his team meeting on time. He wanted to drop me at my dorm
first, but my car was already at the airport. I raced to the dorm to meet
Aubrey. I’d sent her a text when we landed to make sure she was there. Luckily,
Faith and Natalie were gone for the day, so we’d have some privacy. I needed
her advice about Drake. She had a lot more experience than I did with boys and


Aubrey was waiting for me with the makings for
sundaes set out. She had all my favorites—vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce,
whipped cream, and cherries. “Comfort food! It sounded like something was up in
your text. Sounded like a sundae occasion to me!”


“Damn! That’s why I love you, girl. Just what I
needed.” I gave Aubrey a hug and started to pile ice cream into a bowl. I was
generous with the toppings I added before we settled onto the couch.


“What’s up? Did something happen with your dad on
the trip?” Aubrey asked.


“You won’t believe who our passenger was. Drake
fucking Bennett,” I answered.


Aubrey’s jaw practically hit the floor. “Shut the
front door! Seriously? Is that what has your undies in a bunch?”


I shook my head. “Nope. Flying with Drake as a
passenger wasn’t that big of a deal. Finding out that he’s interested in me
threw me for a curve. Going to his mom’s birthday party was a little different.
Kissing him and having him pretty much telling me that I am going to be his
girlfriend? Yeah, that’s enough to make me a little crazy.”


Aubrey squealed. “Yikes! Sounds like you were
wrong. Third time was the charm with him. What did he say? Did he kiss you or
did you kiss him? C’mon, dish already!”


I recapped the trip for her, sparing very few
details. By the time I was done, she was on the edge of her seat, her sundae
sitting forgotten on the table. Apparently, the idea of me having a love life
that featured Drake Bennett was more interesting than ice cream. Go figure.


“So when are you going to see him again?” she


I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m not sure. He had to
get back to campus for some rugby thing. We swapped phone numbers. I’m not sure
when he’ll call.”


Aubrey wagged her finger at me. “Uhm, no! You don’t
have to wait for him to call. Take the initiative and make the next move. He
made it clear that he’s interested. There’s a ton of girls on campus who would
die for a chance like this. Go for it!”


I held my hand up to stop her rant. “No way! That’s
not gonna happen. I’m not even sure that I want to date Drake in the first
place. He seems like a player to me. The last thing I need is another cheating


Aubrey just laughed at me. “Lex, no! You can’t
think that way. You have to start dating sometime, and I will kill you if you
pass up this opportunity. You haven’t noticed another guy in two years, but you
perked right up when you mentioned Drake yesterday morning. You’re interested
in him, aren’t you?”


I shoved a big spoonful of ice cream into my mouth
and pointed at my face to indicate that I couldn’t talk. Aubrey leveled a stare
at me until I finally broke. “Okay, okay. I admit that he’s hot, but does that
really mean I should date him? Maybe now that my hormones are awake, I’ll start
noticing other guys too.”


“I know you’re scared to trust someone again.
Dating a new guy is scary no matter what. After Brad, it has to be even more
frightening for you. But you aren’t going to go out and find someone you are
barely attracted to just so you can try to protect yourself. That’s just
crazy.” Aubrey looked disappointed in me. “Besides, you already told Drake you
would give him a chance. You just told me so yourself. Are you going to go back
on your word? Because I don’t think he’s the type of guy who will let you get
away with that.”


My cell phone chimed with a text message.


Free tonite?


Aubrey snatched the phone from my hand to read the
message and typed out a response before I could react.








You pick. Pick you up at 8.




I chased Aubrey around the room as she replied to
each of Drake’s messages. “Woo-hoo! You have a dinner date with Drake tonight
at eight. No backing out now!”


Aubrey handed my phone to me, and I read through
the conversation. “Aubrey! I told you that I wasn’t sure I wanted to date
Drake. Whose side are you on anyway?”


“Yours. I am always on your side. No matter what.
That’s why I’m telling you to go on this date. Drake’s hot and seriously
interested in you. If he ends up being a total ass, you’ll find out before you
get in too deep with him. I’ll just ask Jackson for all the dirt on Drake. I’ll
have all the details for you when you get home tonight. Promise.” She swept her
finger across her heart in a cross motion.


There was a knock on our door promptly at eight.
Faith and Natalie were both hanging out in the common area so they could get a
glimpse of Drake before we left for dinner. Aubrey had told them about the date
and threatened them with bodily harm if they flirted too much with him when he
picked me up. Her warning didn’t stop either of the girls from primping before
he showed though.


Aubrey waved them away and answered the door. “Hey,
Drake. Not sure if you remember me. Aubrey Silver, Jackson’s sister and Alexa’s
best friend.”


Drake nodded his head. “Yeah, I’ve seen you around
with Jackson. Nice to see you.”


Aubrey waved Drake into the room. “These are our
suite mates, Faith and Natalie.”


Drake lifted his chin in greeting at the girls on
the couch, his eyes locked on me. They giggled and whispered to each other.


Drake came over to me and pulled my body towards
his. “Babe, you look fantastic! I’m starved. Ready to go?” he whispered into my
ear with his husky voice.


I shivered in response and just nodded my head. I
felt his lips graze my ear as he pulled away to look at me.


“You okay?”


“Yes, I’m fine. Just really hungry,” I answered.


“Let’s get you fed. Can’t have you starving on my
watch.” We waved goodbye to my roommates, and Drake took possession of my hand
as we walked out of the dorm. He laced his fingers through mine and held on
tight, like he thought I was going to pull away.


He led me to a Dodge Viper parked illegally at the
curb in front of the dorm and opened the passenger door. Once I was settled
into my seat with the door closed, he went to his side of the car and climbed
into the driver’s seat. The car smelled like Drake, I inhaled deeply and closed
my eyes.


Drake looked over at me as he started the engine.
“You doing breathing exercises over there?”


My eyes snapped open, and I blushed. I was
embarrassed to have been caught sniffing his car, but I wasn’t about to admit
to it. “Nope, just trying to catch my breath.”


“I take your breath away, huh?” Drake flashed me a
sexy smirk in response.


He really could be a cocky bastard. “Not what I
said. It’s been a busy day, and I’m starving. I’m happy to have a moment to
relax and think about food.”


Drake chuckled in response. “Sure, that’s what you
were doing. Where am I taking you to satisfy that hunger of yours?”


“Do you like Italian?” I asked. “Ciao Bella is
probably my favorite restaurant in town.”


Drake picked up my hand and placed a light kiss
into my palm. He put my hand on his thigh and squeezed before he pulled the car
away from the curb. “Sounds good to me. I like the idea of feeding you your
favorite foods.”


I could feel the heat from his body through his
jeans. His muscles clenched as he pressed the gas, and it took all my willpower
not to squeeze his thigh. My hand still tingled where he’d kissed it, and my
heart was racing. “It’s downtown, across the street from the library.”


I sat in silence, darting occasional glances his
way as we drove to the restaurant. It was only a few minutes from campus and
served fantastic food. I’d been going there since I was little, so it seemed
like a safe place for our first date. When we pulled up in front, Drake opted
to use the valet service. He hopped out of the car and waved the attendant away
from my side of the car to help me out himself.


I smiled up at him, happy that he had opened the
door for me. “Good manners. Your mom would be proud.”


“I’m sure she would, but it doesn’t have anything
to do with the manners my mom taught me. Don’t need to give another guy an
excuse to get up close and personal to you.” Drake tugged me into his side as
we walked into the restaurant.


The hostess who greeted us wasn’t one I recognized
from my previous visits. She was young, probably still in high school, and she
stared at Drake as he asked for a table for two with some privacy. He smiled at
her while making his request, and she giggled in response without looking my
way even once.


“Right this way,” she sighed as she sashayed her
way to our table, swaying her hips while she walked in front of us. I glanced
over at Drake, expecting his eyes to be glued to her ass. I was surprised to
find him staring at me instead, a twinkle in his eye. He rolled his eyes at me
and shook his head as he glanced at the hostess. I felt so much better knowing
that he found her actions amusing instead of attractive.


She gave Drake exactly what he’d asked for—a booth
in the corner, away from the other diners. As she placed the menus on the
table, Drake ushered me into the booth and squeezed in next to me. The hostess
huffed a little as she finally noticed me. She gave Drake a secret little smile
before walking away.


“That happen often?” I asked.


“What?” Drake acted like he had no idea what I was
talking about as he glanced at the menu. “Any recommendations for what’s good


I shook my head and let him change the subject. It
wasn’t like he had control over how other people acted around him, and he
hadn’t done anything to make the girl think he was interested the way other guys
might have done. “Yes, anything with pasta.”


Drake glanced down at the menu and scanned the
contents. “Babe, everything has pasta.”


“Exactly. I’ve never eaten here and not liked the
food. You can order whatever you like. Trust me. It will be delicious,” I
quipped back as the waiter approached our table.


“Alexa, welcome back!” Tony greeted me. “I didn’t
know you were coming in for dinner tonight. Is your dad joining you?” Tony
started working at Ciao Bella about a year ago. It seemed like he was always assigned
to my section whenever I came in.


“Hi, Tony. No, Dad isn’t having dinner with us
tonight,” I replied.


Drake draped his arm across my shoulders as we
spoke. Tony glanced his way and his expression seemed to fall as he realized
that I was on a date. “Ahhh, date night, huh?” he asked.


“Yeah, man,” Drake practically growled in response.
“Could you bring us a bottle of Chianti to start?”


“I’m sorry, sir. I can’t serve Alexa alcohol since
she isn’t twenty-one. May I see your ID? I can bring you some wine if you’d
like. Alexa, how about an iced tea?” Tony offered.


Drake turned to me. “You’re not twenty-one yet?”


“Nope. I’m only twenty. I have several months to go
‘til my birthday. Sorry,” I apologized.


“No apology needed. Guess I figured you for older
with the whole pilot thing,” Drake said. He glanced up at Tony. “How about two
iced teas then?”


Tony nodded and left to get our drinks.


“How do you know the waiter?” Drake asked.


“Just from the restaurant. My dad and I come here a
couple times a month,” I answered. “I know a lot of people around here. The
benefits of being a townie.”

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