Pygmy (13 page)

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Authors: Chuck Palahniuk

BOOK: Pygmy
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Next then, deluded male and female apprehend operative Oleg, panting oxygen, gripping black dress uniform. Lunatic female, eye bleeding water flooding own face blind until water sheet own cheeks to chin, say, “They took you for testing.” Clutch Oleg, stamping lunatic pursed lips so contact many locations operative Oleg face, say, “They took you, and said you were dead.”

Deranged female clutching Oleg. Deranged male clutch female, tugging to remove out rank and file state operatives. Extract from entire parade.

For official record, operative Oleg produce great resistance. Launch counterattack, sweeping leg to make
Leaping Hyena, foot battering lunatic female. Fist smiting
deranged male. Agent 68 make elbow
Punching Panda. Fashion head-butt
Ramming Ram, additional while continue march, covering five yards with every eight stride.

Next now, lunatic male flaunt fake bear. Expose black eye crafted button. Stitch mouth. Citizen male exhibit sewed artificial fur bear, say, “We brought Wolfy.” Say, “You remember Wolfy…”

Lunatic female straining so contain battling limbs of Oleg. Leaping Lizard. Hitting Hound. No body able advance until body Oleg advance. All operative frozen. All cannon and battle tank grind until total halt.

Vast muscular might entire enormous state approaching official annual review. Eminent top statesmen await.

Same now, pallid blue eye of operative Oleg land frozen on fake bear. Oleg feet no stride. All limb no fashion Punching Panda.

Male and female deluded citizen envelop operative, encase black dress uniform within layers lunatic arms circling around.

Oleg halted, squad halted. Squad halted, battle tanks halted. AMX-30 sourced Venezuela halted. Model 1877 siege gun sourced Italy, halted. Steel clank out treads, rumble, looming progress shadows along pavement, halted. Silent. Vast apparatus of state power and might clogged from lunacy single male and female. Brutal steel metal armored plated tanks, treads stop roll, cease rumble for reason two demented citizen silly embrace single youth on path.

Crowd citizen roped aside, halt cheer. Hand halt whipping flags. Blue sky left silent so only witness foolish mouth of aberrant female clutching inhales while grinding self so fused to idiotic male and victim Oleg. That operative, agent 68, much
assaulted with affectionate gesture, heavy violated utilizing caresses.

Vast mighty display military machine power, straight driving phalanx, total interrupted.

At present location between two distant horizon, all halted. Spread acreage infinite soldiers shouldered with bazookas, with loins girded pistols and ammunition, remain merely witness. Crowd silent citizen witness.

Next then, prudent stride squad leader among rank and file frozen operative. Adroit squad leader arrive so to grip nape of citizen male neck,
until male collapse. Repeat same effect on lunatic female. Both deranged citizen fallen crumple heaped to pavement, squad leader command Oleg, say, “Atten-hut.

“Operative,” say squad leader, trumpet for all parade so register, say, “Behold two diseased cellular units of the state.” Say, “Witness two infectious bodies.”

Lunatic individual threat as cancer, contagion to the state, spread dangerous illness so destroy all. Must excise. Heal state. Purge infection.

Eye of operative Oleg, blue eye merely remain rest upon fake stuffed fur. Black button eyes and stitch mouth, fallen among pavement stones at beside deranged female.

Sage squad leader say, “Present arms.”

Obsession lunatic man and woman, restraining entire yearning streaming phalanx state military machine. Misguided affection-deranged citizens, choking righteous purpose whole vast device state power.

Squad leader face filled blood glow, repeat say, “Present arms.”

Operative Oleg release holster strap, withdraw Beretta
loaded fifteen-round reversible magazine, muzzle velocity 2130.3 feet per second. Oleg blue eye empty as blue sky. Chilled blue of no cloud.

“Reject damaged dangerous organism,” say squad leader.

Lunatic female lift own shoulder, propped own elbows so rest eye on Operative Oleg. Entire whole structure of female pushing deranged face so more close. Same mouth. Same eye. Irrational mouth open, say, “My sweetness…”

Idiot words.

Same current now, muzzle flash. Loud retort. Stink gunpowder smoke.

Face demolished. Dangerous words eliminated. Contagion all vented out exit wound from behind of skull where foolish blood saturate artificial stuffed bear. Imitation fur sponging escaped blood. Sodden. Fur bag of button eye, stitch mouth, filling red with blood glow.

Eyeball astute squad leader observe corpse lunatic female, leader squat so clasp ankle cadaver, drag until corpse reside lengthwise along gutter of boulevard. Boot squad leader, kicking cadaver to gutter, shrewd leader say, quote grand ruler, magnificent chieftain Benito Mussolini, say, ‘“War is to man what maternity is to a woman.’”

Next then, lunatic male stumble backward, spring so upright feet, flee. Mental ill male tunnel path digging with elbows, driving with own knees so escape, possible able spread insanity infection.

Operative Oleg drop to assume sniper crouch, stretch one own arm as brace, steady hand of nonglare Beretta, matteblack finish so able sight diseased target in distant. Receding target clamber among audience crowd. Muzzle sight steady. Tracking target.

Next now, muzzle flash. Loud retort. Smoke. Impaired brain lunatic male, hair so mirror hair Oleg, yellow hair explode, cascade hot gray meatloaf surrounding citizens.

Crowd explode splitting ear cheer. Acclaimed squad leader signal, wielding baton so indicate new march pace. Step size of thirty inches. More fast six-to-five speed, cover five yards with six strides. Making more fast toward eventual victory. More speed abandon failure misery of past history. Improved progress each thirty inch, thirty inch, thirty inch into new shining bright future.

During march, eye of operative me cast on passing stranger woman nose same as nose this agent. Behind cordon rope, stranger mouth mirror mouth of operative me. Name of operative me choked back within throat strange female. Rest on eye identical. Inside head, voice of operative me say, in secret say,
… Say,
Must no attempt rescue

Eye of operative me warn stranger woman yearning forward, display same ears. Caution stranger male fanning hand for snag awareness this agent. Stranger man offering same face as operative me, same nose and eye, same exact mouth and color hair. For protect possible reproductive source, this agent turn away. Fashion scowl with brow, cast eye opposite direction.

Next now, next now, next now many ten thousand boot striding. Tread stomp face stuffed bear. Row after row operative stomping boot down atop face stitched black button eyes, saturated blood of dead lunatic. Each stomp wring blood out stuffing, press fur more flat. Each row, bear squeezed more dry. Chewed below tread of battle tank, grinded on pavement stone until vomit stuffing, repeat so bled dry, stomped empty. More small, more small particles until small bear never exist. Erased.

Soaring so control sky, Rafale C fighter jet sourced France. Parallel stripe many JAS-39 Gripen fighter jet sourced Sweden. Pregnant of glorious AIM-9 Sidewinder missile.

Boots marching print tread, track printed blood down boulevard.

Proud boots treading gray matter, stomp stuffing, until history neither distant nor recent past no longer exist.

Quote, “War is to man what maternity is to a woman.”

Boot of operative me, entire whole generation this agent stride to direction far horizon, march step, march step, marching five yard every six stride toward distant vanishing point.


Begins here fifteenth account of operative me, agent number 67, seated subterranean chamber designated purpose family Cedar observe television viewing appliance. Subdivided community residences border major metropolitan area
. Date
. Recumbent aboard large upholstered bench crowded many cushions, accompanied host pig dog brother so analyze documentary video recorded during resolution Model United Nations. Evade numerous telephone contacts American television network program

For official record, drooling jackals of American news media pacing outer perimeter this residence. Outdoors swarm many journalist hyenas, equipped camera, capable ruthless satellite broadcast. Hovering parasitic vultures. Patience relentless pack buzzard.

Pig dog brother review variety news images current distributed. Scrolling different evil network affiliate, all display weeping citizen subsequent Model United Nations. Show corpse dead delegate Brazil, covered white fabric, fabric stained red. Revealed as Brazil merely reason towering headdress rainbow parrot feather sprout beyond one edge white shroud.

Within head of operative me, quote enlightened prophet, regal martyr Richard Nixon, say, “When news is concerned, nobody in the press is a friend—they are all enemies.”

For official record, additional reside aboard bench cushions vast breathing cow, host father. Twitching chicken, host mother. Dual host parent unconscious splayed wide
limbs spread, neck muscles lolling heads loose until rest own shoulders, lips loose, trickling long ropes translucent saliva. Unconscious, breathing prolonged liquid inhales, loud sputtering exhales.

Host brother hard elbow sleeping father, cram aside so cushions able accommodate brother and this agent. Pig dog brother keyboarding buttons layer surface small silver-color box. Point small end of box direction television appliance, continue keyboarding. Nothing occur. Glass face television viewing appliance become dark, no issue image. Continue dark.

Host brother invert silver box, finger open tiny latch so expose small gold-color cylinders. Pry cylinders free, say, “Thanks Mom …” Small cylinders pinched between thumb with index finger, brother shake near touching shut eyes of host mother. Shaking cylinder in chicken mother asleep face, host brother say, “Thanks for leaving us your dead batteries.”

Then now, make small parade to arrive sleeping chamber, where, normal today, host father sleep atop mother. Pig dog brother bend knee so able reach arms below mattress host parents. During kneel, penetrate both arm deep below mattress, extract wide, flat box. Plastic box molded of vivid color blue, stenciled images vivid red, vivid yellow, and color orange. Image striped tiger animals so leap to fly through ring-shaped inferno. Other image, male appareled decadent Western formal wear, coat of tails and tall hat, flogging whip at nothing. Other images classic comic figure featuring white paint on face, comic red nose, ludicrous oversize apparel. Comic figures tossing spheres in circle so all suspended.

Host brother fashion face of half smile, tap box with index finger, say, “This used to be
my toy box

Hands of brother manipulate latch, lift so top cover open
on hinges, reveal interior cluttered numerous small missile, plethora diminutive bomb. By smooth appearance, colors pink, yellow, white, probable cast plastic or latex rubber. Some missile ribbed many flutes. Missile chased with bands many bumps. Some bomb short mortar shell, boasting wide girth. Other bomb stretched long, carbine slender. Hands host brother select long missile, artillery shell, gripping by both end, nose and tail, twist same missile two opposite direction. Pig dog twist until seam hidden at midpoint missile, seam appear, widen to reveal threads. Two mated halves of missile twist until come separate. Brother shake one half so cylinders battery emerge out missile.

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