Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (15 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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The feel of his warm weight at my back and th
e hard length inside of me ripples through my body. I understand why he likes to be conquered. It’s nothing I’m accustomed to and this will be one of the last times I experience it. This WILL be the last time Grant ever dominates me.

I lie motionless imprinting the sound of his breathing, the scent of his skin, and the rhythm of his body against mine. I close my
eyes and relish the sensation.

I wh
imper with every thrust. I’m close to releasing, but can’t and I don’t know why. It feels incredible and maddeningly frustrating as the pressure mounts.

Grant’s movement’s falter and I c
an feel him pulse inside me. His breath heats the back of my neck as he harshly breathes in puffs of air. I wait.

“Regina,” he moans full of emotion
on the edge of orgasm.

I make my move. I reach around and grip the back of his neck and flip us
over. I quickly scurry until I’m facing him again. I take him back into my body before his need to release vanishes. I grind on him and he cries out my name as he spills inside of me. I twine my fingers with his and pull our hands above our heads. I lean down and suck his kiss.

“I own you, Grant,” I
proclaim and my orgasm finally releases. I scream knowing that I couldn’t climax earlier because I wasn’t in control.


















Chapter Fifteen

“Miss Regal, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Mr. Whittenhower says as he catches me unawares in the study.
I guess the rules of the street apply at Whittenhower Estates, too. Never be caught unawares; you never know who may be lurking around the corner.

“What can I do for you, Sir?” I try for polite.

Five years is a long time to be hostile towards the bastard. But I don’t trust the calculating look in his gaze or the sly tone of voice he uses on me now that we’re in private. Smarmy comes to mind.

“I knew you’d be drawn to this room.” His eyes
are so similar to Grant’s that it’s unnerving. They heat as they drag over my body. I back up towards the door. He cuts me off. I try to swallow the panic that rises.

“What can I do
for you, Sir?” I ask again, this time in an authoritative voice. I sit in a nearby chair to show him that he isn’t affecting me. He smirks at me and I know he knows what I’m doing. He smiles brightly and sits across from me. I silently vow that I’ll never enter this room again if he’s in the house.

“I want to change the terms of our agreement. It seems I may have been premature in my thinking. I worried about my sons not having
acceptable children. But they’re already inferior and no matter how strong the mother is, the product will be inferior. Grant is weak and Whitt was weakened by Grant. His behavior leads me to believe he’ll never have children. Now, if two very strong-willed individuals were to create a child, the results would be outstanding,” he says grandly.

Daniel Sr.
leans forward in his chair getting into my personal space. I don’t flinch. I stare him in the eyes. What did he mean by Grant weakening Whitt?
“And what do you suggest?” I ask straightforwardly.

“You and I create a strong, remarkable, intelligent child who is resilient. A son that will carry the Whittenhower name with the pride and respect it deserves.”
He speaks with the exhilaration of a zealot. Because he wants it, I will do as he bids. My outraged and sickened reaction doesn’t even register as his eyes glaze with want. Not want of me- want of what I can give him.

He moves fast. One moment he’
s regarding me from his seat and the next I’m pinned to mine. I struggle, but he clamps my arms to my sides with his knees. I open my mouth to release a blood-curdling scream. His hand smacks over my lips with bruising force.

“I chose you long ago, Regina. You
r successes have spread throughout our community. Others may have wanted you for future business, but I saw other talents inside of you. You have great value to me in both business and personal relations. It took me nearly a year to break Adelaide before she would invite you to our home. I made her a promise, but you’re too much of a temptation to resist. I want a real son that has the balls to support this family- a man. I wish my daughters would’ve been born male. Adelaide would have been the perfect son I never had.” The venom in his voice when he speaks of Grant and Whitt is frightening. The awe he holds for Ade is scary.

I try to break free as he speaks. I hoped he would be too engrossed in his speech and lessen his hold. I was wrong. He
grips me tighter as his eyes calculate moves that won’t enter my mind until minutes from now. I’ve met my match.

“If you don’t struggle, I won’t hurt you. I should warn you,
though, I want you to struggle,” Daniel Sr. purrs with an evil glint in his eye.

He starts to loosen his belt. I panic and start to struggle harder. I scream against his palm. I try to find purchase with my teeth, but my breath
slickens his skin and every time I try to bite my teeth slide. My nails dig into his knees, but the fabric of his trousers cushions my efforts.

“It’s too late. It’s too late.” I repeat it over and
over until he realizes that I’m trying to say something.

He worked fast while I was trying to gain his attention. His pants are undone and his privates are on full display. All the buttons on my dress except
the bottom two are unfastened.

“What did you say, Regina?” He asks me calmly.
One lump of two in your tea, Regina?

“I said,” I swallow the spit that had a
ccumulated in my mouth. “I said that it’s too late.”

“Too late for what?”
He arches a brow just as Grant does and I almost vomit.

“I had sex with Grant last night,” I whisper barely moving my mouth. My lips are
swollen and it hurts to talk.

“I very much doubt that, Regi
na. Good try. You make me proud,” his voice is filled with emotion I cannot fathom.

Daniel laughs at me as he
moves his thighs so he can get to my panties. He grinds my palms into the chair with weight of his body. The more I struggle, the harder he presses. Tears prickle the back of my eyes. But as always they do not release, for which I am thankful. I don’t want this man to see me cry, to know he made me cry.

“I’m not lying. I probably conceived last night. Is it worth raping me when you won’t know i
f the child is yours or not?” I try to bring the logical businessman back. I’m sick of dealing with the crazy, maniacal rapist hell-bent on reproduction.

“Grant doesn’t have the guts to fuck you. He would want to befriend you first. I don’t believe you.” His face says otherwise.
I can see his wheels turning.

“But you know
that I do have the guts. I went to him because I didn’t want to stress out while I waited. We had sex last night- all night. He gave me his seed five times. Loosen my hand and I will prove it,” I persuade.

He gives me an incredulous look and presses his knees harder into my hands. I inwardly wince when I hear my knuckles pop.

“I could have you arrested for this, Mr. Whittenhower, but I will make a deal with you. If you trust me, I’ll trust you. Try this again and I will ruin you. You have a lot farther to fall than I do, Mr. Whittenhower,” I threaten.

He moves to the chair opposite of me again.
He doesn’t bother to button up his pants. He’s proudly displayed in his lap as a warning- a very large warning. He eagerly waits for my proof.

I know that if
my proof isn’t sufficient he’ll be on me in a second. He’s aroused by that fact. He is confident that I won’t run. I have nowhere to go. It’s too late.

I press my
fingers inside me and wince. I’m rubbed raw from our play last night. When I got up this morning I found out that what goes up, must come down. One session may have washed away down the shower drain, but not five. All day Grant’s spending have seeped out of me. At first the tickling was annoying, but it started to soothe my abused skin. I’m glad that this is the case.

I show Mr. Whittenhower my
fingers, which are drenched because of Grant, as proof.

“We both know that I’
m not turned on by you,” I give him a look that shows him just how revolting I find him. “So, therefore, this must be from Grant.” I wipe my fingers on the inside of my cotton sundress and start to button it.

“Don’t pull this shit again, Mr. Whittenhower. The more you anger me the worse it will be for you in the end. Cora couldn’t tame Grant like you do, but what do you think will happen when I have his child? I can satisfy your son in ways
that you can’t and someday I may have as much money as you. What will you offer then? I’ll have sex with him and fulfill every one of his fantasies. I’ll bear his children. I’ll make him love me. I’ll tell him how special he is. In the end I will be wealthy too. What more will he ever need? We will be a family- a family I took from you. And I’d do it all just to spite you, Sir.” I give him a smile that would make both Ade and Fate proud. He looks back at me terrified.

“Your wife already likes me. Your youngest has attached
himself to me. Adelaide sees me as her sister. I will command your heir. One day I will be the head of your house and you won’t be in it. Mark my words, Mr. Whittenhower, you will rue the day you fucked with Regina Regal,” I deeply vow.

As I speak my empty threats, they
’re no longer empty. I can feel the righteousness ring in my voice and he can too. It frightens me more than it does him. What will I turn myself into?
“You’ll never love him- Grant. You’ll be miserable taking me down. He has nothing to offer you, Regina. It’ll be the worst mistake of your life.” He says assuredly.

I laugh at him. He’
s telling me what I will feel moments after he tried to rape me and impregnate me. His deflating cock still rests on his bare stomach. What a joke.

“It’s too bad that you don’t s
ee Grant for the man that he is and the same goes for Whitt. They’re both exceptional. You’re the one who is lacking,” I taunt him.

“You and I are going to have loads of fun, Regina. I finally have a worthy opponent who will fight back.” My queasiness returns when he widens his thighs so that I can watch him harden with arousal over the idea of me fighting him.

I stand to leave and what I see in the once-closed doorway renders me speechless- Ade. I haven’t seen or heard from Adelaide since graduation. I thought it was odd that she didn’t come to me last night upon my arrival.

She looks as sick as I feel. Her face is drawn and her skin is pasty-white. Dark circles rest under her sunken eyes. Bruises peek out from beneath the three-quarter length sleeves of
her blouse.

“Oh my God, Ade,” I say in shock. I run to her. “Are you sick? Did someone hurt you?” She looks like my mom did a few months ago. I pull her into a hug
and release her when I worry that I will hurt her more.

“I’ll be okay,” she breathes out. She kisses my cheek lightly and I can feel the moisture from her eyes dot my face. I try to hug her again, but sh
e steps farther into the room.

“Daddy, you promised. I held up my end of the bargain and you reneged on yours.” She glares at her father. The disappointment
, betrayal, and pain in her voice break my heart.

“He did this to you?” I screech.

I remember Grant saying how long it took Ade to break, how Mr. Whittenhower said he worked on her for over a year.

“And you allowed it? Your family didn’t s
top him?” I yell in outrage.

“I love you, Regina,” she sobs. “I tried. I really tried. Don’t you blame me for being here? If I hadn’t told them how smart you were or how much I looked up to you
, he wouldn’t have targeted you. I know what you have to do. It’s my entire fault. I knew he’d do this too,” she spits scornfully. She points to her father and the state he is in. He still hasn’t bothered to cover himself up. Worse is the fact that he’s still aroused.

wasn’t able save you or Grant, but I tried to save you from him,” she hisses. “You promised, Father. A long time ago I made you promise never to touch Kristal. I did this,” she stabs her finger into her arm, “So that you’d never touch Regina or Fate when she visits. I heard everything you and Regina talked about. How you said the boys are worthless. No one is more worthless then a grown man who doesn’t stand by his own word. I hope Regina takes you down. I’ll even help her do it,” she vows.

“If only you were a man,” he says in a sing-song tone. He gives her a look I can’t comprehend, but one she clearly understands. She pales and presses her lips in a tight line. “I bet you wish you were Grant right now. I blame you for Whitt more than I blame Grant. He inherited Grant’s weakness and your issue. You better hope she gives
me a grandson,” he threatens.

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