Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (28 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“Awkward. It’s always awkward. I thought we’d eventually form a friendship, but he won’t give me an inch. Diane tries to get us to connect, but to no avail. He doesn’t know me and he doesn’t want to either.” I hear tears in her voice and it breaks my heart.

I know it’s not a love-match, but I agree with her and Diane. Ezra and Ade make the perfect pairing: two prominent families combining in an alliance and with both of their sexual orientations neither would feel hurt when the other takes a lover.

“I’m just going to get this over with, but you have to be honest with me for once. I know what you want to speak with me about and I have some conditions and questions, but if you lie, I’ll refuse to help you. Do you understand me, Adelaide? I’m
sick of the derision,” I warn.

“Yes, I promise to be honest.” She flashes her brilliant smile at me. “You’re perfect for this, you know that.”

“Why? Why keep an eye on him. It won’t change anything between you two. If anything it will create a fissure when he finds out that you’re spying on him, especially if he grows to trust any of us. What does it matter who he’s playing with? You have lovers, too.”

“I know all this. I’m not asking for myself and it’s not just of Ezra. I can’t tell you any more than that, Regina. I promise I want to, but I can’t. I’ve been forbidden.”  Her eyes glaze with fear and her voice quivers with anxiety.

“You have to explain better than that or I’m not helping,” I say flatly.

“I would like to know if Ezra ever takes a woman. I know who his lovers have been. He’s been very modest considering his hobbies. I only know of three people he has been sexual with. That’s all I can tell you on that subject. But the reason I worry about the females is because of our last meeting. He made me sign a contract for our engagement, stating that when a woman he’s interested in agrees to marry him I must publically break our engagement. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel? There is this anvil hanging over my head and if I fuck up, I’m finished. Daddy will kill me if I don’t land the billionaire. And we both know that isn’t an empty threat. Who the fuck is this bitch? And where did she come from? And why does he want a woman in the first place? Is her cunt gilded in gold?”

I sit in shock and awe. I have no idea how to comfort her. I’ll go to Restraint and do everything she wants because of this. She is right:
The Bastard
will kill her or something equally as worse. Katherine solidified her status as a Whittenhower by landing a Junior Senator. If you can’t be a Politian, marry one. Adelaide fell into his good graces when she managed to get engaged to the
Billionaire Bachelor
. Her place will never be solid until she steps from the altar as a Zeitler. Whitt will never earn an ounce of recognition from his father since I doubt marriage will provide what
the Bastard
is looking for. My Grant is gone from this world because he grew a backbone and opposed his father. Oh, God, my poor Niel- who will he be forced to marry, who will he be forced to become for the perceived perfection of the Whittenhower name?

“What do you need me to do?” I ask gravely.

Adelaide sobs violently and lays her head on the island. I haven’t heard those sounds since I was told that Grant was gone. I pull her into my arms and hold her while she tremors.

“Thank you, I knew you’d do it for me. I trust Kristal, but she doesn’t have the finesse you have. You will never fail at anything. You will do anything to win. I need that right now. My life depends on it. Daddy said I had three years to marry Ezra, if I don’t manage it… Oh, God,” she howls and runs to the waste basket and heaves her lunch.

I wait while she cleans herself up at the sink.  I worry because what could her father do that is worse than death.

“WinterCrest asylum,” she whispers answering my unspoken thoughts. “If I don’t meet his expectations he’s going to have me committed. The woman I’m seeing isn’t powerful enough to block his request. He has power of attorney over all of his children until we’re married. He can do it. He can commit me.” Desperat
ion and terror lace her voice.

“Shit,” I spit with feeling. “He’d do it. He’s despicable enough and he’d hold no remorse. Oh, Ade, I’ll do all I can to make sure that doesn’t happen. He said three years, right? That’s three years to plan.” I worry that that isn’t enough time. I had five years to plan and twelve-hours before we succeeded, he ruined our lives.

“Who are you seeing? You tried to have sex with me last night, I doubt she’d appreciate that.” I ask to change the subject. Just thinking of the eldest Daniel Whittenhower makes me want to visit the waste basket, too.

“I can’t say who. She’s as powerful as my father. She’s trying to figure out something, too. Trust me when I say she wants this marriage to work. It’s not sexual between us. I know she’s interested, but it hasn’t gone that far yet. She wouldn’t mind, honest.” She looks at me hopefully.
“Not happening, sister, not even once.” I smirk at her poor attempt.

“We need to plan. Will you allow Fate to bring you to Restraint? She can do the acting and you can pretend to be her submissive, that way you
’ll only have to stand there.”

“No- I’m in control or I’m not doing it. Here are my conditions: I will be the Dominant because I am and I can’t pretend not to be. I will not place my body in someone else’s hands. I won’t be everyone’s meat. Everything I do will be because I want to. I will do my best to get as close to him as possible and ferret out who this bitch is and change his mind about your nuptials.”

“Fair enough, agreed. You’re going to have an issue with my next suggestion, but it’s necessary. I need you to play a lesbian. It’s for your own safety. There aren’t many women who they would mix you with, but you would be a target for the men. Kris said there are four male Masters and one in training, and a female Mistress. There are many patrons that are men and women, but I need you to get close to the Masters.”

“I’m guessing your real motivation is that you hope I’ll enjoy the female contact? I’m not fucking a woman. I’ll do my best at acting, but I’d prefer a man. I have the same concerns as you so I’ll concede, plus I don’t want to have sex with Ezra. That would gross my ass
out. Sorry, Ade, it’s creepy.”

“It’s not that bad,
Regina,” she says with a grin.

“What? Having sex with a woman isn’t all that bad or having sex with Ezra?”

“Both,” she giggles. “He was rather good at it; very giving and dominating.”

Shit, Ade!” I squeal. “When?” 

“We did the night before our engagement. We wanted to know if we’d be able to get married. Since marriage includes kids, we had to know if we could stand to have sex. It wasn’t earth moving or anything, but it was pleasant. We both enjoyed ourselves. We were together a few times after that. He started acting weird and then sprung that ridiculous contract on me.”

“When did you guys stop telling me stuff? When did you start editing your lives?” I ask in disbelief.

She doesn’t answer me and I let her drop it. I know the answer- the night Grant died. I’ve been in a fog of my own making- a fog of despair.
“Well, I apologize for my absence. I’m back and I have your back. Tell me when and I’ll be ready. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m a fast learner.”

“Thank you, Regina. You have no idea how this lifts some of my stress. My…” She thinks for a moment. “My lady will be relieved as well. We both thank you,” she says in obvious relief.
“If you’re going to talk like that, you better confess this chick’s name. You’re looking starry-eyed when you speak of her.”

“No can do. Go take a nap. Kris has some clothes picked out for you. Fate will bring them by around eight o’clock and help you get ready. Kristal has to work at Restraint tonight; just act as if you don’t know her. The rest is entirely up to you. I need to know what Ezra is up to and any information you can get me on the workings of the club and its Masters. I know it’s a lot, but my future depends on this, Regina. Thank you so much!”

















Chapter Five

I look absolutely ridiculous- drag-queen comes to mind. My six-foot-tall body is encased in black latex. The black vinyl skirt barely covers my ass. The lace-up bustier
only extends to my ribcage and plumps my large breasts to enormous. I’d worry about anyone noticing my face or the tummy fat that’s on display, but I doubt their eyes will leave my tits. Stiletto boots gain me a few extra inches in height. I tower over Fate’s diminutive figure. My hair is severely pulled from my face and smoothed to the nape of my neck in a twist. My face is made up like a French whore.  If I have to pull this charade off on the long term, I’m going shopping.

I glare down at Fate while we wait in the mile-long line. Fate holds my hand tightly like a child on their first day of school. Her eyes are glassy and her face is flushed. She’s scared, but excited to be here. It’s more fun since we are infiltrating Restraint, not just coming for pleasure.

I want to growl at her comfort. The five-foot firecracker is wearing a loose, white shift that leaves nothing to the imagination, but manages to make her look virginal. It also covers everything and looks unbelievably comfortable. I can attest that latex and vinyl are scratchy and don’t get me started on sweating while wearing it.

I fondle a stand of her hair. Yeah, I seem to have a hair fetish. I don’t like the texture of my own, so I feel up everybody’s. Her dirty-blonde hair falls past her shoulders in a soft wave. It lends to the virginal look she has going on. No doubt it will drive the dominant men insane. I bet they’ll want to pet and debase her.

Fate pulls my hand to gain my attention and looks at the beefy bouncer baring entrance to Restraint. I’m confused since we’re behind at least a hundred eager clubbers.
I pull Fate behind me since she keeps trying to drag her feet in fear. I chuckle under my breath at Ade for thinking that Fate could ever pull off acting like a dominant.

I approach the stacked bouncer and smile at him. We’re looking eye-to-eye. He’s a big guy, but my heels make us the same height. His crystal-clear blue eyes shine back at me. He’s a handsome guy, a bit young for my tastes. He radiates cheerfulness. I wish his hair was longer than the skull-cut; I’d love to know how it falls. I think it’s blond, but it’s hard to tell.

“Well, hello there, handsome,” I drawl. “What’s your name?” I realize too late that I’m supposed to be playing a lesbian. Fate reminds me with the painful dig of her heel into my toes- little bitch. I try to hide my wince, but his eyes zero down to my aching foot with the incriminating evidence of Fate’s heel still pressed into my boot. I give a throaty laugh to distract him.

He quirks a pale eyebrow and huskily laughs.
Oh God, that voice is like liquid lust- Jesus. I’m fascinated by the way his chest moves up and down in his tight, black t-shirt. It draws my attention to the logo of Restraint on his left pec. His masculine hand draws my attention to his full-mouth as he covers it while he laughs at us good naturedly.

“Hmm… Your pet needs some discipline.” He chuckles.

“I know, right? Looking at her, you’d think she was an angel. I think she likes punishments more than pleasing her Master. I think it’s time I get more creative and teach my little bitch a lesson.” The opposing reactions my statement elicits is amusing. Mr. Muscle’s eyes flare with lust and Fate hides behind me and cowers like a good girl. One of her hands is in mine, while her other grips the back of my skirt like a child at her mother’s apron-strings.

“My name’s Aaron, Ma’am. May I stamp your
hand.” His voice is husky and hits gravel deep. I blink at him and eagerly place my hand in his. He applies a stamp on my hand with efficient practice. I pull Fate and my clasped hands for him to mark her. She’s shivering like a leaf. I examine our stamps, mine is a paddle of some sort and Fate’s is obviously a ball-gag. I laugh at how embarrassing Fate’s stamp is- serves her right for being a coward and hiding behind me. Maybe she isn’t acting; maybe she really is a submissive. It fits her perfectly. I still can’t believe Kris- that Chica is raw.

“Are you ready, my angel?” I decide on the spot that that’s her new nickname. The virginal getup mixed with her size and coloring-
it’s perfection. We mustn’t use our real names.

“You have a pleasant night, Aaron,” I purr. I feel up his chest for good measure. It’s very brazen and hides the fact that I’m quaking in my boots and scared shitless.

I drag my sub behind me on an invisible leash. I know that she’ll always be a step behind. I’m her protector, her lifeline.

“Are you ready, scaredy-cat?” I smirk at Fate. She’s blazing red in her white gown.
“Angel, pfftt- bitch,” she scoffs at me.

“You acting as a dominant- pfftt- joke,” I scoff back. I keep my mouth set in a serious line. She bust
s out laughing and I join her.

“Oh God, this would have been a disaster if we did this the other way around. Je
ez- it would have been awful.”

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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