Queer Theory and the Jewish Question (40 page)

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Authors: Daniel Boyarin,Daniel Itzkovitz,Ann Pellegrini

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Literary Criticism, #Nonfiction, #History & Criticism, #Criticism & Theory, #Regional & Cultural, #Jewish, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Social Sciences, #Specific Demographics, #Religion & Spirituality, #Judaism, #Lesbian; Gay; Bisexual & Transgender eBooks, #LGBT Studies, #Gay Studies, #Lesbian Studies, #World Literature

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    1. The theoretical gesture that Boyarin points to in Freud, namely, his claim of Jew- ish superiority over the “nations” because Moses taught Israel
      avant la lettre
      the Kantian antisensual ethic of ascetic self-mastery (1997:259–60), is precisely the reverse of Cardoso’s appeal to the personalistic imagery of the Kabbalah against the impersonal abstractions of the philosophers. The fascination with Kabbalah that emerged among some German Jews in the early decades of this century, most notably Scholem and Benjamin, results in part from a rediscovery in it of an alternative way of legitimizing Jewish identity after the re- jection of rationalist philosophies among the youth following World War I. Scholem’s first foray into the study of Sabbatianism began with a reading of an Oxford manuscript as- cribed to Cardoso, which he shared with Benjamin in what Scholem describes as “a mem- orable evening, and Benjamin later adverted to it as a high point of our encounter” (Sc- holem 1981:136).


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