Quick Trick (A Rough Riders Hockey Novel Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Quick Trick (A Rough Riders Hockey Novel Book 1)
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His wince transitioned into a grimace. “You don’t have to do it. It’s just in the idea phase—”

“Oh my God.” She squeezed his hands. “That’s amazing. This is just all so—”

“Overwhelming. I know. I’m sorry. It sounds like I’m going to get called back in the next day or two, and I want you to know everything before I have to leave. You don’t have to make any decisions until you’re ready.” He threaded their fingers. “We’ll just have to have phone sex.”

That made Faith burst out laughing and allowed her to take a full deep breath.

“You could fly from New York to Ashville with just one connection,” Grant continued. “It’s about three hours, and I’ve got a ton of frequent-flier miles you could use. You could come here once a month if you want, more often if you need to. When I’m not playing or training, I could come with you, but realistically, that won’t be until June, which is why I’m asking about you moving in with me and not offering to move here for you.”

“The fact that you even thought about it says everything.” She put a hand to her temple. “You’re making my head spin.”

He grinned. “Tell me about it.” But then he just kept talking, his enthusiasm growing. “DC is such a cool place to live. God, there’s so much to show you. There’s always something to do. And I think you’d really enjoy the team. They’re no different from the guys you deal with in your store every day, and I know you’d be a welcome change to some of the high-maintenance women the other guys have in their lives. There’s a lot of laughter, bitching, practical jokes, and a whole hell of a lot of meals and hanging out together. We’re sort of one big ugly family, for better or worse.”

Faith’s nose stung with encroaching tears. But these were happy tears. “That sounds…”
Warm, joyous, fun…
She laughed. “Amazing.”

His brows shot up, and his eyes took on that stunned glaze. “Yeah?”

She stroked his face. “And scary and unnerving, but yeah.” She kissed him and rested her forehead against his. “If you’re sure you want me around that much, I’m sure I’m ready to give it a try.”

“No way.” He pulled back, eyes wide. “Really?”

She laughed. “Why are you so surprised?”

“Well… It’s… Because…” He regrouped. “Honestly, I didn’t think you’d leave the store. And I didn’t think you’d leave Holly. This is your home.”

She curled her fingers into Grant’s collar. “My dad always said, home is only home because the people you love are there.” She scraped her bottom lip between her teeth, the realization that she had fallen so hard for this man so quickly making her nerves tighten and shiver. “So wherever you are, I guess that’s going to be my home from now on.”

He cupped her face, scanning every inch while more emotions flashed through his eyes. Warm, real emotions that made Faith feel like the most beautiful, most wanted woman in the world.

“Have I told you lately,” he asked, “how amazing you are?”

“I doubt a girl could get tired of hearing something like that.”

He pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You, Faith Nicholas, are a-freaking-mazing. And if you’re willing to put up with my bullshit during the season, I am willing to indulge your every desire off-season.” He grinned. “And every night, on
off season. I am so crazy about you, I can’t even put it into words.”

He kissed her again, and that light-headed sensation returned, making Faith dizzy with happiness. She opened to him for a long, deep kiss filled with emotion. And when she pulled back, she stroked his cheek. “What do you say we close this deal…in my room?”

Grant laughed and pulled her against him, holding her tight. “Baby,” he murmured in her ear, “I’d say this is going to be one
merry Christmas.”


h my God
, it’s packed.” Faith stood just inside the door to Yuletide Spirits, where the pub was filled with cheerful celebrants.

After spending the last week in Washington, DC—including nights with her face all but pressed up against the glass of the Verizon stadium, watching Grant play three games between Christmas and New Year—she should be used to crowds. She just wasn’t used to them in Holly.

Grant squeezed in behind her, letting the door close on the blustery night outside, and slipped his arms around her waist, pressing his body to hers. He was warm and strong, and he filled Faith with the kind of joy no words could describe.

He lowered his head and spoke into her ear. “We could always ring in the new year at your place.”

She grinned, turned her head, and kissed him. “Oh, that’s definitely going to happen. Right after we stop by and say hi to Taylor and drop off Caleb’s jersey.”

“You want to give him that tonight?” Grant asked. “He’ll never get to sleep.”

Faith laughed. Grant had all the Rough Riders sign a jersey for Caleb, and he was right—Caleb would be so excited, sleep might be tough. But she said, “He’ll sleep
it. And we only have”—she glanced at the screen where the New Year’s countdown continued—“eight minutes until we can go do that.”

He tightened his arms and pressed his face to her neck. His nose was cold, but his lips were warm. “Eight minutes never felt like such an eternity.”

Happiness spread across her face in a smile that made her cheeks ache. Anticipation for the future bubbled in her chest like the champagne flowing at the bar.

Grant released her to remove her jacket just as Patrick and his girlfriend, Jennifer, pushed their way through the crowd. Faith had met them both during Christmas dinner at the Saber house—Jennifer for the first time, Patrick for the first time in a decade—and was surprised to find she enjoyed both Grant’s brother and his choice in women.

“Hey,” Jennifer said, her eyes alight with excitement.

“Hi.” Faith hugged Jennifer and said hello to Patrick over his girlfriend’s shoulder. “This place is crazy. How long have you been here?”

Jennifer pulled back. “Right? Only half an hour, but I think my hearing’s already damaged.”

Grant cupped a hand around one ear and leaned forward. “What?”

Laughing, Jennifer slapped his arm.

The crowd parted as more people came through.

“Mom?” Grant said, his voice lifting with surprise. “Dad? What the heck…?”

When Jennifer stepped aside, Faith saw Grant’s parents approaching. Hazel looked happy, maybe even a little tipsy. Martin didn’t look exactly thrilled to be there, but he was, which meant he was making an effort. It was a first step.

“What are you two even doing awake at this hour?” Grant asked.

“We knew you’d come straight here from the airport.” His mother came directly to Faith and took her hands. Her eyes shone with excitement. “And I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to hear about it. So? How did it go?”

Faith’s heart softened, and she squeezed Hazel’s hands. For all the pain his parents had caused Grant, they were sincerely trying to make amends now. They had already scheduled trips to see two of Grant’s games in the coming months and planned to stay a few extra days in the city so Grant could show them around. Patrick and Jennifer had also scheduled trips into DC for visits and games. And while it might take some time for Grant’s older brother, Shawn, to come around, things were definitely headed in the right direction.

“Oh my gosh,” Faith told Hazel. “It was amazing. Really amazing. Wait until you see Grant’s apartment. The view—ridiculous. And everywhere he goes, someone asks for his autograph or a picture. Watching him play…just, wow. I have no words. You will be
so proud

Hazel smiled at Grant. “I’m looking forward to it.” She returned her gaze to Faith. “And the segment taping? How did it go?”

good.” She rolled her eyes as another gush of pleasure rolled through. “I still can’t believe how good.”

“She’s a natural.” Grant’s voice came from behind her just before his hands closed on her shoulders and slid down her arms. He leaned in and kissed her head. “And she looks gorgeous on camera.”

Hazel laughed. “I have no doubt.”

“When will you start taping shows?” Martin asked, stepping into the conversation.

Before Faith could answer, Kelly climbed onto the bar and shouted, “Grab your drinks and your significant others, everyone. We’ve got a minute until the New Year kicks in.”

Patrick dragged Jennifer to his side, Grant’s father wrapped his arm around Hazel’s shoulders, and Grant tucked Faith into their own little corner and pulled her close.

Faith relaxed into his arms and smiled up at him. “Do you want to grab a drink before the ball falls?”

“Nope.” He lifted a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “My mouth is going to be busy in other ways far more pleasant than drinking.”

God, her chest ached with the pressure of the love filling her. “You’re amazing. I have no words to tell you how incredible the last two weeks have been for me.”

Grant’s gaze rested on hers, soft and sweet with all the love he returned. “I have to tell you, baby, there was nothing like playing and winning at my home rink, knowing you were right there watching. Absolutely nothing more fulfilling or settling or thrilling than coming out of that locker room after the game to find you there, this gorgeous smile on your face.” He shook his head. “I never knew I could love like this, and I know everything has happened cyclone fast, but I can’t imagine ever being without you.”

She leaned into him, tilted her face up, and slid her hand around the back of his neck. “You’ll never need to. I’m not going anywhere.”

Grant lowered his forehead to hers as the crowd started the countdown. But neither Grant nor Faith were interested in looking at anything but each other as the count reached one and he took her face in both hands.

Cheers and horns and bells filled the pub. But before Grant kissed her, with his lips a breath away, Faith said, “I love you, Grant Saber.”

He paused. “And I love you, Faith Nicholas.”

They were both smiling when they kissed, surrounded by the rowdy bar.

His lips were warm, his kiss soft and filled with emotion. Everything in Faith’s world righted and filled. And when she pulled back, Faith discovered romantic love wasn’t the only love destined to enter their lives in the New Year.

Hazel and Martin asked them over for breakfast the next morning. Patrick and Jennifer asked them to go out to dinner the following night. Grant had already promised Caleb a guys-only movie day so Faith could check in on the store and grab some quality time with Taylor to talk business.

Their short time back in Holly before they returned to DC, Grant’s hectic schedule, and Faith’s new career venture was packed. But it was packed with good things.

After making dates for the following day, Grant wrapped an arm at her waist and whispered, “Ready to take this celebration to a private location?” Faith knew she’d found that kind of love. The kind that fulfilled and supported and gave her a new perspective on life. A perspective that allowed her to stretch to become who she was meant to be.

She leaned her head back against Grant’s shoulder, looked him in the eye, and said, “My dad would have really loved you.”

A moment of confusion passed before he smiled, kissed her temple, and squeezed her tight. “And I would have loved your dad, because he created the most beautiful woman in the world—inside and out.”

She turned in Grant’s arms and linked her hands at the back of his neck. “Let’s get this year started off right.”

On their way toward the door, they said a few good-byes and stepped outside, where Holly’s quiet, snowy night wrapped them in the familiar arms of what the town had always offered, those timeless gifts of the Christmas season three hundred and sixty-five days a year: hope, love, and the promise of miracles.

Dear Reader

you for reading
Quick Trick
. I hope you enjoyed Grant and Faith’s story.

This is book one in a brand new NHL hockey series! And I can’t wait for you to meet more of the intense, tight-knit men of the DC-based Rough Riders’ who I hope will win your heart over in a heartbeat.

Stay tuned for more hockey hotties with:

Hot Puck

Dirty Score

Wild Zone

And keep up to date on all my new releases by signing up for my newsletter here:

If you enjoyed
Quick Trick
, please recommend it to a friend.

ntil next time
, happy reading!

~ Skye

About the Author

New York Times
bestselling novels are all about enjoying that little wild streak we all have, but probably don’t let out often enough. About those fantasies we usually don’t get the opportunity to indulge. About stretching limits, checking out the dark side, playing naughty and maybe even acting a little wicked. They’re about escape and fun and pleasure and romance. And, yes, even love, because Skye is ultimately a happily ever after kinda gal.

Skye is a California native recently transplanted to the East Coast and living in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington DC with her husband of 25 years. She has two grown daughters in college in Colorado and Oregon. In her free time she’s always taking classes and attending seminars. She’s currently loving mosaics, sculling, writing retreats, watercolor, pastry and cooking classes and knitting.

Make sure you sign up for her newsletter to get the first news of her upcoming releases, giveaways, freebies and more!

BOOK: Quick Trick (A Rough Riders Hockey Novel Book 1)
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