Rain (The Quest Trilogy-Book Two) (37 page)

BOOK: Rain (The Quest Trilogy-Book Two)
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Earth lifted the quilt and looked at Rain questioningly.

You made this?

Rain nodded and then tilted his head.

Like it?

Earth lifted it to her face and rubbed it softly on her cheek.

I love it!




All of the next week Rain was mostly away from the camp, making periodic appearances to have meals and then wander off once more. Evenings were usually spent in front of the camp fire, with Angel and Rainbow huddled in one corner cooing into one another’s ears, and Heart and Destiny doing the same in another.


Earth spent his time playing chess with Subodh. The few times that Rain played, he would just sit there and stare at her, occasionally moving a piece on the board for formality’s sake. Today, again, he was doing just that while they played.

When he made yet another cursory move during his turn, Earth sighed and gave up. This wasn’t playing, it was annoying. She walked into the forest saying she needed a quiet walk alone.

Sometime later, she looked up and realized that she was in a very unfamiliar and fairly sinister-looking part of the forest. Worry furrowed her brow. She should not have gone walking all alone so late in the night, unarmed and undefended. Besides, she had the eerie feeling that she was being watched.

She was about to turn back when she heard the sharp sound of a branch snap, followed by a soft curse. Earth let out a shaky breath.


There was a loud sigh and then; “Drat that stupid branch!”

At the sound of his voice, her pulse began racing. Obviously, Earth told herself, it must be relief.

been following me all this while?” said Earth.

Rain walked out of the shadows with a sheepish grin and his hands jammed into his pockets.


“Don’t be. I’m glad that you followed me.”

And she was. She was hugely relieved to know that she wasn’t alone. With him here, she no longer felt threatened but in fact, felt safe.

“You are?” said Rain, smiling. “In that case, can I show you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Come with me.” said Rain, taking her by the hand. “I’ve been working on this for some time now with the help of my Geeya…” he explained, as they walked along.


Earth wasn’t really listening. The second he had taken her hand in his, her thoughts had scattered. Surely, this was just some remnant of her earlier sense of relief. Earth concentrated on putting one foot ahead of the other so she wouldn’t stumble and fall on him, because that would only prolong this weird sense of relief, she was sure.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the mouth of a small cave.

“We have to go in.” said Rain.

Earth stood there, hesitating.

“Relax. It’s safe.” said Rain, demonstrating by going in first.

Earth followed after him.


Inside, the cave was like a large, open-topped dome with a small pool of water in its centre. Surrounding the walls were large purple flowers with white strips running through them. From above, the moonlight shone down directly over the pool, getting reflected on its surface and brightening the area around them. It was all truly a sight to behold.


“Is that the Marsipaeus flower?” whispered Earth.

She didn’t know why she was whispering. Probably because the place somehow had a sacred feel to it.

“Yes. They bloom whenever it rains.” said Rain. “Are you ready?”

Earth nodded and Rain concentrated.

It began to rain inside the cave, over the pool of water and the flowers. Everywhere except on the two of them. All around them, the Marsipaeus flowers started to pop open and bloom, letting out a heavenly fragrance as they did so.

Earth took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

“Rain … this is out of the world!” she breathed in awe.

“There’s more where that came from.” said Rain with a grin.

“There’s more?”

Rain pulled out a small round object from his pocket and placed it on Earth’s palm. The ball was colored blue, white and brown. Earth turned it around in her hand.

“Planet Earth?” she said, looking up.

“Yeah. I made it myself … for you.”

“It’s … really well crafted. The likeness is great.”

“Wait until you see what happens when rain falls on it.”

“Am I going to have to get drenched to see that?”

Rain imagined Earth standing before him soaking wet, and with her clothes clinging to her body.

“Er … no.”

He snatched the globe from her hand and walked forwards.

“What is the matter with you? Why are you walking so strangely?” said Earth, frowning.

“Look!” said Rain, making it rain over his hand in a bid to distract her.

The minute the drops of rain touched the mini-planet, it transformed into a small heart and began to beat and glow steadily.

“That is amazing!” exclaimed Earth, “How in the world did you manage to do that?”

“Never mind the how.” said Rain, walking back to her and handing her the globe. “What matters is the why.”

“So it turns into a tiny beating heart each time rains, huh? Neat.” said Earth, admiring the little ball of magic.

“It will do the same thing every time I think of you, too.” said Rain softly.

Earth looked up at him. He was staring at her lips.

“Will the surprises never stop?” she said in a whispery voice, feeling breathless all of a sudden.

“They will now, because that’s all I have to show for today.” said Rain, never taking his eyes off her lips.

“In that case, I think it’s time to head back.” said Earth and turned and walked out of the cave.


Once outside, she found that she could breathe normally again. Rain walked out of the cave right after her.

“So, what did you think?” he asked.

“I thought it was all very nice. Very different. Very you.” grinned Earth, walking a few steps ahead of him quickly.

“Earth, wait.”

Earth stopped, but didn’t turn around.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you …”

She waited silently for him to go on.

“Earth … that’s the day you’ll finally say … what?”

Earth gasped and spun around. Those were the lines of the song she had sung that day during the mock party. So he had been paying attention that day!

Earth looked down shyly and felt herself blush. Rain bent his head to peer at her face.


“Look!” said Earth, pointing to the side.

Rain turned his head and Earth leaned in and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. Then she turned and scampered off in the direction of the camp. Rain was standing there, one hand cradling his cheek, duly stunned.

A slow smile began to spread across his face. It wasn’t the answer he had sought, but it would do. Oh, yes, it would surely do.




Subodh had long since started to snore. Angel and Rainbow were humming.

Heart’s chest was rising and falling evenly. Even Destiny had stopped tossing around. But no hand had come to clasp hers yet. Had he somehow fallen asleep, wondered Earth?

She always slept facing away from Rain because if she slept facing him, then a good part of the night would be spent just admiring his sleeping features. But now, curiosity had gotten the better of her. She simply had to turn around and see if he was awake.


He was. And he was lying there, looking at her. They stared at each other in silence for a while, neither saying a word.

“Can I hold you?” Rain whispered finally.

Earth gave him her hand.

He took it, wrapped it around her waist and then pulled her entire body towards him. He fell asleep that way, with his arm around her, holding her close. Earth, however, didn’t.

She was vitally aware of the arm around her waist and the warm body stretched out behind her back for more than half the night, falling asleep only close to dawn. This would take some getting used to.







“What are you doing after lunch today?” asked Rain.

“I usually help Destiny and Rainbow with the dishes. Why?” answered Earth.

“Could you take the afternoon off? I want to show you something that I came across in the forest today.”

“I think so. What is it you want to show me, if I’m allowed to ask?”

“The wishing well.”

“The wishing well? That sounds interesting. Like something right out a childhood bed-time story.”

“You’ll come then?”


“Great! It’s a date.” said Rain with a wink. “I should go make myself more presentable.”

He bounded off towards the stream for a bath.




Earth took pains to brush her hair until it lay flat and shiny across her back, like a silver waterfall. Then, she stuck a couple of forget-me-not’s in her hair above one ear. There was a soft rap on the tent flap and then Rain poked his head through.

“Earth, you ready to … wow!”

Earth batted her lashes playfully. Ideally, she would have been thanking Rain now for the compliment but Subodh had taught her, and everyone else, that they would do well to refrain from using the word in his presence. She stepped out of the tent and checked out his appearance from top to toe.

“When are you going to start roaming around with a shirt on?” said Earth.

“When you start roaming around without one!” came the tart reply.

The comment earned Rain a light punch in the side.

“Shall we?” said Rain, offering Earth the crook of his arm. Earth stuck her nose in the air and began striding forward.

“Hey, where are you going? You don’t even know the way!” said Rain, jogging after her.




They reached the site of the wishing well this way, ribbing and teasing one another good naturedly.

“Where is the well?” said Earth, looking about herself.

“That pretty lake ahead of us
the wishing well.”

“It is? How strange.”

“I know. See that bridge passing over its middle?” said Rain, pointing to a beautiful wrought iron bridge just ahead. Earth nodded, looking at the intricately designed bridge traveling over the lake in an arc.

“On the other side of that bridge is a black lake. That is the ‘wishing bad’.” explained Rain.

“The what?!”

“The wishing bad.” repeated Rain. “They are twin lakes that grant wishes. If you wish someone well, you stand over the ‘wishing well’ and make a wish. If you wish someone ill, you face the ‘wishing bad’ and make a wish. Whatever it is you wish for over either well will first happen to you, and then to the intended person. Want to try it out?” said Rain eagerly.

“I don’t know… it sounds scary.”

“Oh, come on! We’ll just make wishes over the wishing well. That way, we won’t harm ourselves or anyone.” said Rain, taking her by the hand and pulling her towards the bridge.


The two of them stood on the bridge, peering down into the lake.

“Now make a wish.” said Rain.


“Tell the wishing well you want to make a wish.”

Earth bent over the edge of the bridge and called out loudly to the lake.

“Wishing well, I would like to make a wish.”

A small bubble popped up on the surface of the lake and floated upwards, hovering before Earth’s face.

“What do I do now?”

“Blow your wish into it, and then let it go.”

Earth took the transparent bubble between her hands and blew softly into it. A white mist appeared inside the balloon and began to swirl.

“Go.” said Earth, releasing the bubble. It floated upwards slowly.

Rain turned to Earth. “What did you wish for?”

“If I tell you, will it jinx the wish?”


“Okay, then. I wished for my sisters, too, to find someone just as nice as you.”

There was silence.



“Are you trying to make me kiss you?”

“No. And don’t even try it or I’m going back!” said Earth, edging away from his side.

“Okay, okay. I won’t. Just stay here.”

Earth shook her head, backing away further. “I don’t trust you.”

Rain casually leaned a hip on the side of the bridge. “I’m about to make a wish now. Don’t you want to know what my wish is?”

Earth paused and hesitated, and then came running back to stand next to him.

“Now that’s a good girl!” grinned Rain, wrapping an arm around her waist and drawing her close.

“Just make your wish.” sniffed Earth.

Rain chuckled softly and leaned over the edge of the bridge. “Wishing well, I want to make a wish!” he yelled.

A small bubble popped up on the surface of the lake and began to grow in size.

“I want a star shaped bubble.”

The bubble blew up in the shape of a star and floated up, halting in front of Rain’s face. Rain rummaged through his belt pocket and drew out a golden marker pen.

He wrote the words ‘DIEGO’ on the star and then blew inside it. A white mist began to swirl within.

“Here’s wishing you well, brother.” said Rain, watching the bubble float higher and higher, until it was just a speck in the sky.


He turned to face Earth. She was standing there, staring pointedly at the marker in his hand.

“Something wrong?” said Rain.

“What have you got in that belt of yours? All of Mt. Chimpu?”

“Yup! Ask for anything and see. I’m sure I have it in here.”

“All right. I would like a nice, warm, bed for myself.” said Earth, directing a challenging look at him.

Rain reached forward and collected her in his arms. “At your service.”

Earth stood in his arms for a moment, her mind blank. And then, the meaning of his words sank in and she pushed his body away.

“That’s not what I meant, you nut!”

“Hey!” laughed Rain, throwing up his arms. “It’s the best in the house!”

“In your dreams!” said Earth, shaking her fists menacingly at him.

“That’s right, baby. This bed is the stuff dreams are made of.” said Rain, coming forward to collect her in his arms again. It was useless to argue, Earth knew. So she did the next best thing.

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