Rapture (15 page)

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Authors: Perri Forrest

BOOK: Rapture
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“As bad as I want this, I also want it to last, so if I go too slow, you can let me know. Okay?”

“Okay,” I obediently responded. There was no amount of anything that he could do to me that I would’ve objected to because there was no part of where we were that felt wrong.

He pulled back to look at me, and slowly began to undress me until I was down to nothing. He took his finger and began a sensual trace from my lips, down past my neck, then between my breasts and travelled downward until he reached the sea of juices that had gathered at the entrance to my soul. With his thumb and his forefinger, he navigated back and forth along my lips, before thrusting his finger inside me. “Mmm…ahh,” I gasped. I held my breath as he explored deeper. Then when he withdrew, he moved into me to capture my lips in between his and then simultaneously captured my clit in between the very fingers that were tag teaming to send me over pleasure’s ledge.

I wanted to grab for him, but in my weakened state, it was impossible. I was rendered to a place of limpness. “Rush...”

“Yes…” he panted, against my lips.

“Can we
?” I begged.

By the time we reached my room, I made sure to release Rush of his clothes and they were strewn in areas from the bottom of the stairs and into my room—though the only item that managed to make it there were the briefs—barely. I fell back onto the bed, and scooted towards the pillows while I watched him come toward me with meat that was sure to fill me up. He was well-endowed, and probably more than I envisioned when I was using him as my muse. I could without a doubt say that Mr. Hunter Michael Cambridge came with a size that would debunk all the myths.
! I was staring at that thing like a groupie at a rock concert! Before I knew it, a smile was upon my face. He smiled back at me, and as I reached for him and parted my legs to receive him, much to my surprise, he detoured, diving face first into my juices to drink away at what he had brought about.

My hands were inside his hair, massaging his scalp as his mouth moved up and down the area from which babies are born. He licked from my clit to my lips, and down to my opening, in sweet repetition. Each time he spread me wider so that his tongue could go deeper, I clasped my fingers tighter around his hair, each moan louder than the one before it. In my mind, I was telling him to “come here”, but my mouth was only releasing sounds and not words. I didn’t realize it at the time but it was because I was in the middle of an orgasm that was so powerful, I could only emit sounds. My toes curled, and stiffened, while my back arched, and everything in my middle tingled. Any energy to speak left my body the moment the spasm hit, and I was left satiated in a way that I’d never experienced.

The moment the arch left my back, my body fell back into a place of relaxation. It was then that Rush ascended to where I could see him. My eyes closed and my hands quickly covered them. I felt bashful, even a little embarrassed. I couldn’t believe that I was actually cowering before him, and shielding muffled giggles against opened palms. But honestly, my body had never reacted to a man in that way before, so as stupid as I should’ve felt for my reaction, I couldn’t find it in me to feel that way. I felt what I felt. There was no way around it.

When Rush covered my body with his, kissing my hands away from my face. “No hiding,” he whispered.

“No hiding…” I responded, looking into his eyes. I was more than ready to receive him. His body heat warmed me, and as his tongue circled around the circumference of my nipple, it was clear that he wasn’t done with me, and that the best was still yet to come.

I cupped his face in my hands and brought his lips to mine. The mixture of mint and rum greeted me in a light breeze when I dragged my tongue across his lips. I felt Rush’s erection lying firmly against me, but he was in no hurry to enter.
But I was
! I wanted to command that he give it all to me
! I was more than a little eager to see what he felt like.

“I told you I was gonna take my time, didn’t I?”

“Yesss, you did,” I purred.

“Do you feel like I’ve taken my time enough?” he asked, moving his body against mine, causing me to move against him in the same manner.

“Yesss, you’ve taken your time. Yesss,” I panted. “I can feel

My breaths were labored, my body was begging for him, but I already knew that I wasn’t the one in control. It only increased my desire for him to depths that had my brain screaming aloud from the inside. I felt lightheaded.


“You’re mine, right?” he confirmed, placing long, slow kisses in the curve of my neck, then nibbling my earlobe.

He had to know that he was driving me fucking crazy! “

I’m yours
,” I spoke softly. The moment I felt him at my entrance, my lips parted into an unexpected smile. The anticipation was killing me with excitement.

Rush’s hands, his fingers, were exploring my wetness while he intermittently teased my bud’s nerve causing me to shiver against his touch. All I could feel were his hands and as bad as I wanted the dick, whatever he was doing in that moment felt just as fucking good! And just when I lost all sense of where I was, and closed my eyes, he entered me swiftly with a single thrust. My mouth and my eyes opened wide at the same time, but nothing came out. It couldn’t. I couldn’t speak. The only thing I could do was react, so that’s what I did—I reacted by riding the fuck out of him from beneath, giving him all I had.

He penetrated me inch by inch and while no two movements were the same, they all felt equally fantastic.







Thursday, October 9, 2014



Well, damn
…it had finally happened. I was in bliss. After all the thoughts, all the fantasizing, after all the self-pleasuring, and after all the flirting, I got my chance with Rush. And boy oh boy was it worth the wait. It was…pure magic. Talk about a primal connection of the body and soul. Talk about my voice going MIA after each of my powerful orgasms gifted to me by the very generous man that I already knew I would not be able to get enough of. How was it that my body could still be feeling the effects of him long after he was gone? It was as though my body was going through withdrawals as tingles shot through me like a meteor shower in the sky. If anyone had asked where I wished I could be in that exact moment, I would definitely tell them: “In
arms being held tightly, while he inserted all of what he was blessed with into my honeycomb—over and over and over again.” Yep, that’s exactly what I’d tell them.

“Boo! What are you thinking about, girl?” Gigi blurted out, laughing.

I turned to cut my eyes at her. “Girl, do not do that, you kook!”

Gigi and I were on the way to Temptation. I had volunteered to help her set up the section of VIP where Rush’s sister would be having her birthday celebration.

“Well you shouldn’t be so far up in your thoughts without sharing! Then I wouldn’t be so inclined to burst in!”

“Girl, just drive, I ain’t in my thoughts,” I lied.

“Bullshit! And I need some excitement, so spill it.”

“Just life shit is all. It’s not hella deep or anything like that.”

“Life shit, huh? Like what? You’re living the life! You have the situation that dreams are made of, so stop with all of that. This is as good as it gets.”

If only she knew

“You’re right, Gigi. And that’s what it is. I’m just excited about this opportunity that Rush is giving me to manage Temptation and I wanna make sure I do right by him. I haven’t been given chances like this before.”

“Well, you have now. You’ll be fine. Everything happens for a reason. So, just take the opportunity and run with it.”

“You always have some knowledge to kick, girl!” I teased.

“Yeah, it’s for the needy.”

“Forget you! I am not needy!”

“I know, girl. I’m just playing. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. You just have to get to a place where you know you’re the shit and own it. After you do that, you’re gonna be like, ‘Fuck the world!’ Just as long as you don’t say
fuck me
, in the process!” she laughed.

would I. You already established a place as my ride or die.”

“Awww…” she gushed.

“No, for real, Gigi. I really am thankful for the friendship,” I told her as we pulled into the parking lot. “I haven’t had that from anyone, so I appreciate you.”

“Thanks, Alika. I know the feeling. I haven’t really had the whole girlfriend thing either. I have cousins and things like that, but we’re not close. Never really have been. We all grew up way different from each other, and then especially when I started working for Hunter, there was
hate. All of a sudden word on the street was that I thought I was better than everybody.”

“Girl, bye! Ain’t nobody got time for that. So, because you ended up working for a ‘celebrity’, you’re all that, right?”

“Pretty much. But they don’t faze me. Not one bit. I have my immediate family and that’s who I roll with.”

“Well…and me!” I chimed in.

“Of course, you! And now since you see how quickly a connection can be made with friendships, maybe you’ll stop tripping off of knowing Hunter for a few days and see it for what it can be. We don’t always have to wait for the dude to make the first move.
, when they’ve already expressed an interest, and I know he has because he already told me that he thinks you’re beautiful,” she divulged, while cutting the engine and getting out of the car. “Hey, Bart’s here,” Gig stated casually.

We walked to the back of the car to grab items from the trunk. I was blushing the entire time, but I didn’t open my mouth about what happened between Rush and me. I didn’t know if I was ready for people to be all up in our sex life until the time was right. And I had no way of knowing if that moment we shared would lead somewhere long-lasting. But I sure won’t deny that I want it to. As we walked to the doors of Temptation, I glanced over at Gigi to see if I discover a knowing look on her face; because it was really quite possible that she already knew and was just waiting for me to tell her.

Our hands were filled with bags, and we were almost at the entrance when the door swung open, and Bart emerged. But he wasn’t alone. He had two other guys with him that I had never seen before. I locked a suspicious eye on the two strangers, before turning my attention to Bart.

“What’s up, Bart?” Gigi curiously posed, as we both looked from one man to the next. “What are you doing here?”

One of the two guys said quick goodbyes and ended up driving off in one of the new Mercedes Benz’s. He never looked back even once. And whatever Bart was doing there, he had turned beet ass red at the sight of us and started to stutter and stumble all over himself trying to answer Gigi’s question. But it didn’t faze Gigi at all. No sooner than she posed her inquiry, she was pecking Bart on the cheek and heading inside. She had let him off the hook it seemed without even knowing it. I, however, wasn’t going to make it as easy for him. I stood in place even after Gigi headed indoors. I was curious, particularly, because of the fact that he had a person with him that I’d never seen around.

“Come on, girl!” Gigi shouted from inside the still-opened door that Bart was holding. But I wasn’t moving. I was seeking answers. His friend had a smirk on his face, then decided that he wanted to address me. “So, do one of you beautiful women belong to Rush? I’m Jacob. Me, Rush, and this guy here, go way back.”

Without giving a single thought to entertaining this Jacob person’s intrusive ass question, I came back with a comment of my own instead. “Rush has never mentioned you…Jacob,” I stated, looking at Bart who was trying his best to remain cool. “
Neither has Bart
…” Maybe my suspicions were in overdrive, but I didn’t think so because Bart’s flushed tone was in full effect. I was surprised that Gigi didn’t pick up on it. She’d known him far longer than I had. And even if she didn’t get a suspicious read on Bart, the one coming from the other guy was tenfold. He looked shady.

“Well, it’s been a while since we saw each other, but Bart here was just saying how we need to get together again and rekindle old times. Right, Bart?”

“Yeah, right,” Bart responded.

“Oh, okay,” I said, finally stepping to the side of them to make my way inside. “It was nice meeting you, Jacob,” I offered, with a forced smile.

“Nice meeting you too,” he said, looking at me quizzically. “Though I can’t help but feel we’ve met before.”

“No. I’ve never met you.” I couldn’t answer him fast enough. “I’m sure of it.”

Looking down at his expensive watch, Jacob announced, “Looks like it’s time for me to get going. Little lady, tell Rush that his old friend, Jacob, said what’s up.” Then he turned to address Bart: “Well, Bart…it’s been real. I’ll see you later. Give me a call,” he requested, as he departed.

After he was gone, I walked all the way inside, as did Bart, finally allowing the door to close. I shook my head left to right at him and proceeded to join Gigi. But Bart stepped in front of me to block my efforts. I gave him a look that he must’ve read because he slowly retreated. I proceeded past him and to the VIP area to get ready to set up.

“Alika!” Gigi yelled. “I need to run to Rush’s office to grab some tape, because stupid me forgot. I’ll be right back!”


As soon as Gigi disappeared, I heard Bart’s voice. “You know, I’ll be seeing Rush in a few minutes. Have to meet up with him for something, so I’ll go ahead and give him Jacob’s message,” he shrugged. He was nervous; I could tell.

I smiled at him, and slightly tilting my head, I asked: “You needed to stay behind to tell me that?”

“Yeah,” he chuckled mildly. “Well, I just didn’t want you to have to remember it later, since I’ll be seeing him soon. You know…him and Jacob haven’t really talked that much over the years. I mean, they’ve talked minimally, so Rush might not be all that happy to hear from him. They go back and forth. You know, boys will be boys,” he stated. I could tell that he was trying to throw me off his scent, by trying to fast-talk me.

“Boys will be boys, huh?” I repeated. “For him and Rush to not be all that cool,” I said, demonstrating with air quotes, “…he sure seemed comfortable coming out of Rush’s club…in Rush’s absence. That strikes me as a little odd. It just seems like Rush is way more territorial about shit than to have two random people coming out of a place that’s not even opened to the general public yet.”

Bart chuckled nervously. “Are you implying something, Alika?”

“I’m not implying anything, Bart. I’m stating a fact based on what I observed, and on what just came out of
mouth. The entire time I’ve been around Rush, he hasn’t mentioned Jacob to me, nor have I seen either of those guys around. I’ve seen Quinton, and I even met Gavin briefly. But guess what? No Jacob.”

“You’re brand new to Rush’s world. It doesn’t surprise me that he hasn’t shared his
life with you,” he said, semi-sarcastically.

“See, Bart, thing is, he doesn’t really have to share it with me in order for me to survey on my own. I know people, and I know situations. And this one seems suspect. So, if you think that’s me implying something, I guess the more I think about it, you could probably be right about that. So now what, Bart?”

He stepped back a few feet, and seemingly puffed out his chest in an indignant fashion. “It seems like you might have some kind of problem with me, Alika.”

“I don’t have a problem with you, Bart. I have a problem with you seeming like you have something to hide. You walked out of Rush’s club—
his new club
with two people that I have never met. Someone you say is an old friend but who Rush hasn’t seen in a while. Someone that you say he may not be all that happy to hear from. It just seems a little off to me. And that’s just me being honest with you.”

He stood there for a few seconds, seemingly debating what to say next. But when nothing came out, it gave Gigi the chance to burst back on the scene.

“Alika! Come on, girl. Put that stuff down so we can get going!” she exclaimed, heading back up the stairs. “Bart! We got work to do, so if you’re not helping us, you might wanna take off,” she laughed. “You know I’ll be handing you stuff to hang before long.”

“Oh yeah! We don’t want that.” His response was to Gigi, but he was looking at me. I used that moment to conclude any business he and I had by walking away so that I could proceed with what I’d come for in the first place.

“Enjoy your day, Bart!” I yelled out without looking back.

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