Rapture (17 page)

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Authors: Perri Forrest

BOOK: Rapture
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“The invitation is wide open,” I said, sashaying into the master bathroom.




Nightlife comes alive at Club Temptation


~ * * * ~



Good evening, this is Delinda Ford reporting live outside the grand opening of Club Temptation. I have its owner Rush Cambridge, here with me to tell us a little bit about his club. Good evening, Rush. How are you tonight?”


“I’m well, thank you.”


“As you should be! This club is amazing and the crowd speaks volumes. The women look stunning, and the guys look debonair and ready to party. How are you feeling? Overjoyed, I can imagine.”


“Overjoyed, overwhelmed, all of it, Delinda. I just want everyone to have a good time. People really like Chaos, I just hope they feel the same way about Temptation, although the two give off very different vibes.”


“Oh, I’m sure they will. It’s a totally new experience, and one that I’m sure the Bay Area welcomes. A sports bar on one end and a nightclub on the other. Brilliance at its best. I see baseball wasn’t your only area of expertise—producing creative effect is, as well.”


“Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that.”


“Oh, you’re very welcome. So can we expect to see any of your former teammates here tonight?”


“Oh, of course. I’m still in touch with quite a few of them, so I’m sure they’ll be here in support.”


“That’s great. Well, I wish you nothing but success with this endeavor. And maybe when I’m off the clock, I can come and get down on the dance floor too!”


“That would be awesome. Get you a drink or two on the house. Come one, come all.”


“I will definitely be taking you up on that offer.”


“Awesome! See you then.”


“Well, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. I’m sure your crowd awaits you.”






Saturday, October 11, 2014



The night had finally come for the opening of Temptation. I watched from afar as patrons filled my club. Dresses and designer suits were throughout. From trendy to chic, to party wear, some of everybody had shown up: Athletes, socialites, entrepreneurs, and beyond were in attendance. Temptation had managed to lure an exclusive crowd, and from where I stood, people were enjoying themselves. Some came as one half of a couple, some came in groups, while others chose to come unattached. The music blared in the background as strobe lights twirled above the illuminated dance floor. Looking around at the variety of fashion, I was pleased with what I had opted for: Tommy Hilfiger top to bottom—grey/silver suit, with a white shirt beneath, and black dress boots. It was comfortable, but chic at the same time. Not to mention it met with Alika’s approval when she saw it. I opted for no tie. I didn’t want a look that was too formal, just professional enough. It worked, and thankfully my barber did my mustache, beard and hair justice. He had snipped and trimmed with precision. I must say, I looked dapper, and so did everyone in attendance. From the outside of the club, to the inside, it was all a great look that brought a proud smile to my face.

I was elated to have the brief moment to myself. Being the observer while I had a chance to reminisce about where I’d been. While I wasn’t new to any of this at all, I did have to take a step back and look at how far I’d come. I wanted this momentary, private celebration of my own because I was the only person who knew what this felt like—for me. I couldn’t help but think back to my father telling Jamie to try having her party a
place for parties. I shook my head and smiled. Not only was my shit a real place for parties, it was the hottest in the Bay Area, and I was going to be fast-tracking it to become the
ultimate place for parties
! Just as I was separating myself from the thoughts, I was startled by a tap to my shoulder.

“Hey, big brother.”

I turned around to see Jamie outfitted in a dress that I thought was way too revealing. I bent down to pull her into a tight hug, deciding to keep my opinion to myself. “Happy Birthday, sis! You look…stunning.”

“Oh, stop it,” she said laughing, as she broke from our hug. “I know you wanna say something about the dress being too short, and
I know you. But ‘thank you’. I really like it.”

like it. My problem is dudes thinking they can like it too. That’s the problem. This is supposed to be a peaceful night.”

“You’re so silly. And way too overprotective,” she remarked, playfully punching against my arm with a closed fist.

“Can’t ever be too overprotective, so if those words are supposed to back me off, ain’t gonna happen. Where’s the one who’s supposed to be on duty when I can’t be?” I asked, referring to Greg.

“He’s over there,” she answered, pointing to the section of VIP that was decorated just for her. “He’s scared to see you since I told him how you and your father reacted to my joke. He thinks you don’t like him now.”

“Well, he’s acting like a punk right now sitting over there wondering about anything and not coming to ask me for himself, so I have no amount of energy to give that shit. You know I don’t get along with pussies.”

“Rush! Don’t call him that!”

“His behavior dictates that, Jamie. But anyway, how’d you like your little nook of the world?”

“It’s pretty! I love it! Speaking of which…I love, Love,
the club, Rush. I’m so proud of you. It’s beautiful. Your club manager came over to check on things and to introduce herself. She’s gorgeous. Where’d you find her?” she asked, tilting her head.

“Where do people find people to fill vacancies at their places of business, Jamie?”

“Fill vacancies, I know about. But what about filling voids? I didn’t see whore when I looked at her. Not to mention she’s nice and brown; and well, you’ve been known to be Mr. International with your preferences in women,” she smiled.

“Jamie, I think your party might be looking for you,” I told her, nodding in the direction of VIP. Go enjoy yourself, I really don’t mind. In fact, I insist.”

“I’m just sayin’.”

“Me too, sis. Me too,” I laughed. “See ya. The night is still young. I’m about to go and shake a few hands before I make my announcement. Peace out,” I said, walking past her daggering stare, and down the stairs, laughing the entire way.

I walked up the other set of stairs that led to the DJ booth. I signaled for him to turn the music down, and once he did, I tapped the side of the mic for mic check. When everyone realized that the music had died, they all looked in my direction:


“Hey everybody! Now that the house is packed, I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you for coming to celebrate with me on opening night. I hope you like it enough to make it a regular hangout spot! This has been a long time coming and if any of you have ever had a dream that you saw come to fruition, then you know what I’m feeling right now. I appreciate the support from Chaos, and up until now. If it wasn’t for the love and support of you all, this wouldn’t have been possible. So thank you, again. And happy birthday to my beautiful sister, Jamie! Party on!”


When I walked back down to the first level, it was to cheers and jeers from the large crowd. There were a few pats on my back as I made it past everyone. I spotted security in all the places they were supposed to be in and that made me feel relaxed. I periodically glanced through the club to see if I could spot Bart, but I hadn’t yet. I had postponed confronting him about the lie he had told Alika, until I had gotten things off the ground with Temptation. But now that I had survived opening night, and could fully focus, Bart and I definitely needed to have a conversation—and sooner than later.

Even though my mind was on talking to Bart, I caught one of many glimpses of Alika as she sauntered around the club in her black dress. It fit her form in a spectacular way, dipping low in the back, right at the curve where her lower back and her extremely attractive ass, bridged. The hem was a few inches above the knees, and I happened to know a sweet fact about her not having a damn thing on underneath. Needless to say, I desperately wanted to lift that thing above her waist and commune with every single exposed area. Topping it all off, were the red pumps she wore against the black. Her hair was perfect, and for the occasion, she had applied a little more makeup than normal. I told her before we left that she would be model material without even the smallest enhancement to her face, and it’s true. Her skin is flawless, her eyes are beautiful and bright, and her short hair gives her a super youthful look. In my eyes, she’s perfection. I had no idea where the two of us were headed. All I knew was that she brought out feelings in me that I was convinced weren’t a part of my DNA makeup. She was somebody I wanted inside my world for all that she brought to it. Our conversations were stimulating, and our chemistry extended beyond the verbal and spilled out into the physical as well. It was intense between us. So intense that although I knew she would be going home with me, I still found myself missing her.

Suddenly, in the distance, I spotted Bart and Jillian entering the club. They were the oddest couple to me. You had Bart, who was the wannabe cool-all-the-time dude who was fairly outgoing and friendly with everyone. And then there was Jillian, who was standoffish, borderline uptight, and wore a stern look without even trying. She was attractive enough in a Hilarie Burton kind of way, but with a smile always missing from the equation, it was pretty hard to see her beauty. Put it this way, she always had me wanting to tell her to “loosen up”, just by looking at her, and that shouldn’t be.

“Hey! What’s going on, man?” Bart greeted, as he approached with a half hug, half pat to the back.

“Not much, I thought you’d be here before now. Hey Jillian,” I greeted, reaching to hug her.

“Hey, Rush. Long time no see,” she responded. “It’s lovely here. You’ve done a beautiful job with this place. This is the only club people will wanna come to!”

They were the friendliest words she’d ever spoken to me, and probably the most sentences, ever. Things must’ve been good with her and Bart, and for that I was truly happy. It was no secret how much they’d been through—courtesy of Bart—and how close they had come to divorce, a few times. I always found myself wondering exactly what it was that kept her together with Bart. I just couldn’t see the average woman staying with a man who put them through the shit that Bart often put her through. But, shit. To each his own, I guess.

“Thank you, Jillian.
, I’m counting on.”

“Oh, it’s a for sure thing!” she exclaimed.

Wow, she was really loading on the compliments.
Maybe she had a drink before they got here
. Whatever the case, it looked good on her. Nevertheless, I was ready to get a few words in with her husband, and tried to be as nonchalant as I could when I asked, “Bart, I haven’t heard from you in a few days. What’s been going on?”

“Oh, you know,” he remarked, looking back and forth between me and his wife. “I’ve been behind the scenes making sure things were cool. I haven’t been totally MIA.” Then guffawing slightly, he stated, “I’ve been giving a little more attention to some of my
clients lately. Surely you understand. I can’t keep my beautiful wife in that big, pretty house if I go around ignoring all my other duties. I was gonna come by the other day. I actually ran into Gigi and uhh…Alika, but—”

“But you had to meet with Jacob?”

“Psssh,” he said, diverting eye contact. “…
of course not. I just—”

, you promised me that there would be no business tonight,” Jillian interrupted, rubbing her hand up and down his arm. “I’m holding you to that. Sorry, Rush, I need to get this guy a drink and then on the dance floor.”

“Okay,” I stated, slowly. “You’re right, Jillian. This isn’t the night to be talking business. You guys go and do your couple thing. Have fun!”

I watched as they walked away and a part of me was boiling on the inside. I observed Bart and his demeanor was slightly off. He was definitely uncomfortable, and I’d be willing to bet that he was jumping up and down for joy that his wife intercepted his response. I just really hoped, for his sake, that he gave me the right answers to my questions when the time came.




“Hello, Mr. Cambridge. I came to see about gaining membership to your club.”

I laughed at the sound of the disguised voice and turned around see Alika’s face, smiling up at me. “You know, Sir…I would touch you so passionately right now, but I don’t want to give too much away to the lovely public.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“So, then can you at least tell me what this membership thing is you’re mentioning?”

She diverted her eyes down toward my crotch, and then brought her eyes back up again.

,” I said. “
That membership

“Yeah,” she responded, sucking on her bottom lip. “
That membership

“Well, there’s open enrollment happening. So, if you’re ready to sign, it can be arranged right here on the spot.”


“Absolutely…” I smiled down at her, oblivious to anyone who might be watching us. She was mine and I didn’t give a fuck who knew it. “But I don’t know baby. You might not emerge as perfectly put together as you are now.”

“Shit, I don’t give a damn about perfect. I got perfect standing in front of me. Besides, I already have a bag downstairs with everything I need to put myself back together again.”

“You lie…”

“I lie not. So no more excuses. Let’s go, lover. You had to know that once you gave me a taste, I wouldn’t be able to get enough.”

“I know my dick is hard as fuck right now. This hard-on is about to poke a fucking hole in the front of my slacks, so you’re gonna have to walk in front of me to shield me from embarrassment.”

! I’ll walk in front of you, but there’s not a damn thing down there to be embarrassed about. If anything, I might have to fight a bitch off for drooling!”

“I love that you piss on trees, baby.”

“Do you, now?” she asked, grabbing my hand.

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