Rapture's Tempest (24 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Smith

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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Not since Paul had she allowed herself the luxury of a man’s caress, but tonight, with Mark, it suddenly seemed so right…all thoughts of Paul fled her mind as Mark’s lips explored hers with a fervor that lit fires deep within her. Fires that she’d thought she’d never experience again.

Mark was burning with desire for her. And, when she’d responded to his overtures, he had been ready to profess his
love. But a little common sense remained, and he released her reluctantly, knowing that he was moving too fast for her.

“Until Sunday…” he said abruptly, and then turned and quit the room, leaving Dorrie standing there, staring after him.

As the final few guests departed the house, Clara closed the door and turned to hug Delight. “It was a wonderful party, don’t you think?”

“Yes, Mother. It was.” Delight tried to sound enthusiastic, but her upcoming confrontation with Jim was weighing heavily on her mind.

“What’s wrong, dear?” Clara noticed her daughter’s less than excited manner.

“I think I’m exhausted.” Delight sighed heavily, hoping Clara would not look beyond the obvious. “We’ve had one busy, long day.”

“That we have, darling, but it was worth it. You were stunning. Why, I don’t think you sat out a dance all evening.” Clara beamed, proud of her beautiful daughter’s social success.

“I don’t think I did, either.”

“Well, you go on up to bed. We can talk more in the morning.”

“Good night, Mother.” Delight kissed her cheek. “Martin…”

Martin had been watching the two of them, his expression enigmatic. “Good night, Delight.”

Delight started up the staircase, very aware of her stepfather’s piercing, stripping gaze upon her. Hurrying down the upstairs hall, she entered her room and shut the door behind her. There wasn’t much time…Jim had left the party almost an hour before, and she was sure that he would be back at any moment….

Delight paced her room in anxious despair, alternating between the fear of seeing Jim again and the exciting thought that before the night was over she would once again be in his arms. Listening and hoping that her mother and Martin would soon retire for the evening, she waited.

* * *

“Would you like me to refill your drink?” Annabelle offered, gazing up at Jim adoringly.

“No. I’m fine,” he told her. “In fact, I must be leaving shortly. It’s getting late.”

“Must you go so soon? Father’s already gone on to bed,” she offered, pressing more closely to him.

“I’m afraid so. Tomorrow’s going to be a very busy day.” He knew he wasn’t lying about that.”

“Will you have time to stop by?”

“I’ll try,” he promised, setting his glass aside. Standing up, he drew her up with him. “Walk me to the door?”

“Of course.” Her lips curved into an inviting kissable pout, but, when Jim didn’t take her up on the offer, she wondered at his thoughts. He had been most attentive at the party, but since they’d come back to the house he’d seemed introspective…as if there was something important on his mind.

When they paused before the door, Jim drew her to him and kissed her lightly. “Good night.” His words were soft as he let himself out, and Annabelle stood alone in the foyer, staring at the closed door.

Chapter Twenty-three

Her eyes downcast, her hands clenched nervously in her lap, Delight sat silently across from Jim in the swaying carriage as it rumbled down the cobblestone street.

“Where are you taking me?” Marveling at how calm she sounded, Delight waited for his answer. She looked up and tried in vain to make out the expression on his handsome features in the gloom of the darkened conveyance.

“Someplace you’re quite familiar with, my dear.” His voice
was smooth as silk, and Delight saw the flash of his smile in the deep shadows.


“My cabin. It’s the one place we’re guaranteed privacy.”

“I don’t know why we can’t say what needs to be said right here,” she stated with a firmness she little felt.

“Don’t you?” he asked sardonically.

Swallowing nervously, she didn’t respond, but waited, much like a fly caught in a web, for what was to come next.

Jim sat back, intent on watching her every move. He knew she was upset, but there was no help for it. He had to see her…touch her…hold her…one more time. They had to talk about what had passed between them, and there was no better place to do that than back in his cabin where it had all happened. He didn’t want this to be difficult for her, but damn, when he’d tried to help her into the carriage she had shaken off his helping hand and sat as far away from him as possible. The thought that she might not feel the same way he did unnerved him, and he was anxious to be alone with her so he could discover the truth.

When the carriage drew to a halt on the levee near the
, Delight grew tense. The sight of the big white steamer brought back all the memories of her days with Jim, and she didn’t want to think about that…not now. She had to keep her wits about her. He was going to marry Annabelle. What was he doing taking her back to his cabin? Did his betrothal mean so little to him?

But Annabelle was the furthest thing from Jim’s mind as he helped Delight down from the carriage and escorted her up the gangplank. They spoke not a word as they made the companionway to the texas deck.

“Jimmy? Is that you?” Ollie’s call drew their attention, and Jim cursed under his breath as they came face-to-face with him. “Murphy?” His tone was incredulous as he stared at her feminine beauty in the dim light of the boat’s lanterns.

“Oh, Ollie!” she cried, throwing herself into the gentle man’s arms.

Ollie stood bemused for a moment and then patted her back reassuringly. “Where have you been? The captain and I’ve been so worried. My, you look like some fine lady…are you all right?” His words soothed her, and, sniffing loudly, she moved slightly away.

“You were worried?” She looked at them both.

“We were frantic. Why Jimmy’s been searching the town for weeks now.”

“That’s enough, Ollie.” Jim cut him off, furious at Ollie’s revealing words.

Ollie waited only a second before continuing. “So, he finally found you, did he?”

She nodded, looking nervously at Jim. Had he really been looking for her? Hope flared within her breast, but she quickly denied it to herself.

“Yes. I found her all right. Her name is Delight de Vries, and she’s a close friend of Renee’s.”

“You’re the Delight Renee wanted Jim to meet all those weeks ago?”

“The same,” Jim replied dryly, and Ollie couldn’t help but chuckle. “Now, if you’ll excuse us?” Taking her by the arm again, Jim steered her toward his cabin. “We have a few things to discuss.”

“Yes, sir, I’ll just bet you do. Delight, it’s nice to finally know who you really are.” Ollie was still smiling as he went on down to the saloon, thinking that his captain certainly had his hands full tonight.

The sound of the cabin door being closed and locked completely unnerved Delight, and she turned to Jim quickly as he stalked across the room.

Standing before her, his emotions masked behind a cool expression, Jim paused momentarily to study her, his eyes capturing and holding hers with an intensity that left her breathless. Then, in a simple motion, he reached out and unfastened
the clasp at the throat of her cloak. The warm garment fell to the floor in a soft heap, but neither moved to pick it up.

“You look beautiful tonight,” Jim murmured, his eyes caressing every inch of her.

He wanted her…God, how he wanted her! His body ached with the sweet need to be joined with hers, but there were things he had to settle between them first. He knew he could take her now, but he didn’t want that kind of relationship with her. When they came together, he wanted what they’d had that first, magical time. Shaking himself mentally, he turned away.

“Why did you do it? Why the disguise?” he asked bluntly.

Delight felt a moment’s panic. She didn’t want to talk about Martin, but she knew that on that subject Jim deserved the complete truth. “It was Martin. You saw what he tried to do tonight…”

“Yes, I did.” His manner softened, and he wanted desperately to hold her and let her know that he would always be there to protect her, but he held back, sensing her agitation.

“He’s wanted me ever since I returned from school to live with my mother, but I was too naive to understand what that meant. At least, I was until that night you and Ollie found me wandering the streets…”

“Go on.” Jim understood the difficulty she was having in retelling what must have been a traumatic event in her life.

“My mother had been ill, and I’d been caring for her.” She wrung her hands in an unconscious nervous gesture. “I was so tired, and Martin said he would sit up with Mother that night…when I woke up he was in bed with me and…”

“What did he do to you?” Jim demanded as a powerful killer instinct previously unknown to him surged to life. The man would pay for what ever he had done, and he would pay dearly.

“Nothing—I got away, thank God. If it hadn’t been for Rose—” she said plaintively.

He started forward, wanting to take her into the shelter of his embrace, but Delight would have none of it, and she moved quickly away from him.

“Who’s Rose, darling?” he asked quietly.

“Rose is my companion. She used to work for my mother, but that was before Martin came. She quit when he approached her…”

“I get the picture.” He stopped her explanation. “Remind me to thank Rose, will you?”

Delight glanced back at him, reading his very real concern for her. The emotion she witnessed on his face gave her pause, but she dismissed it quickly. He was to be married! He had no business approaching her this way and forcing her into an impossible situation. Determined to settle things between them quickly, she continued.

“What did you mean when you said that I’d used you?”

“It’s not important anymore.” Jim didn’t want to explain his doubts about her loyalty, but Delight pursued it.

important,” she insisted. “I want to know what you meant!” He took a few steps in her direction, but she held up a hand to stop his progress. “Don’t you come any nearer to me, Jim Westlake. We can talk just fine the way we are.”

Frustrated, but anxious to have this whole unsavory scene over with, he retreated to his desk and sat down.

“Well?” she demanded.

“There has been a serious breach of security concerning our gold shipments, and ‘Murphy’ was the most likely suspect to have done the dirty work.”

“Me?” She was totally shocked. “You suspected me?”

Jim nodded, more than pleased by her very real surprise and knowing then, without a doubt, that she was innocent. He gazed across the desk at her, seeing her for the first time for what she really was…A beautiful young woman, victimized by a lecherous stepfather, pursued by an engaged man, desperate for some peace and contentment in her life. He smiled to himself. From now on he would personally see to it that she
had everything she deserved in life. “Yes. But after tonight…well, there no longer is any doubt of your guilt or innocence. Marshall has assured me that you are in no way connected with the Southern spies.”

“Marshall assured you?!” For some unknown reason it infuriated her that he had to ask Marshall for a character reference. “You believed that I was capable of spying?”

“Delight…” He spoke her name softly, liking the way it sounded now that he was getting used to it. “How could I trust my own instincts where you’re concerned? After all that’s happened, I find that I can’t be quite as objective as I should be about you…” Jim stood and came around the desk to stand before her.

When she didn’t move away from him, he took it as encouragement and pulled her into his embrace. He bent to kiss her, but Delight pushed away, moving from the haven of his arms.

“Delight?” Jim questioned, wondering at her sudden withdrawal…one minute she seemed willing, and the next…“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.” She managed to sound cold and almost indifferent. “I’ve told you what you wanted to know; now take me home.” Delight had felt too safe and too comfortable when he’d held her, and she wanted to get away from his overpowering presence before it was too late. She loved him, but in despair, she knew he would never be hers.

Jim could wait no longer to have her. In one quick move, he pulled her to him and kissed her. His mouth seared hers in a fiery brand that was breathtaking in its intensity while his hands moved over her in an intimate rediscovery of her softness.

Overpowered by his ardor, Delight was lost momentarily, drowning in the ecstasy of his desire. This was Jim, and he knew who she was and he still wanted her…There was no darkness disguising them…no liquor to cloud their senses. She looped her arms around his neck and moved closer,
enjoying the feel of his hard male form against her softer, more supple one.

Jim rejoiced as he felt her surrender. She was his! Eagerly, he slipped a hand within the bodice of her gown to stroke the tempting silken flesh of her breast.

It was the shock of his bold touch that forced Delight to face reality. He wanted her all right, but he was engaged to marry another. She couldn’t allow this to happen, no matter how much she desired him, no matter how much her body ached with the need to meld with him.

“No, Jim…please, stop…” She fought to free herself from his ardent caresses.

“What’s wrong now?” He released her, stunned by her sudden refusal. Would he ever understand her?

“This attraction we have for each other is wrong, Jim,” she told him, struggling with the agony of the decision she had to make.

He stared at her in confusion, “I don’t understand. How can anything this beautiful…this perfect…be wrong?”

Delight was scandalized by his attitude. “Does your engagement to Annabelle mean so little to you?”

“My engagement?” As he finally understood her reason for denying him, his love for her swelled deep within him.

“Yes, your engagement.” She turned away from him, afraid that at any moment she might throw herself into his arms, regardless of Annabelle.

“Delight.” His voice was like velvet over her frayed senses, and he went to her, taking her once more into his arms. He drew her rigid form to his chest. “Darling, what we have is so special…I knew that I had to find you…to make you mine. Love me, Delight,” he told her, as he kissed her softly and with infinite tenderness.

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