Rapture's Tempest (26 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Smith

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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“A little after nine, now. You do realize that that’s the fourth time you’ve asked me in the last hour?”

Jim shrugged as he realized that the time had come to face Annabelle.

“What are you going to tell her?”

“I don’t know…the truth, maybe?”

“I wish you luck.”

“Why are you wishing Jim luck?” Renee asked as she rejoined them.

Marshall and Jim exchanged quixotic glances before Jim answered, “He’s wishing me luck because I’m on my way to Annabelle’s to break off our engagement.”

“You’re what?” She was taken completely by surprise, for Marshall had not yet told her the news about Delight.

“He’s found ‘Murphy,’ ” Marshall clarified.

“You have?”

“You know about Murphy?” Jim frowned.

“I told her in the beginning.”


“Is she the spy?” Renee was immediately concerned.

“Hardly,” Jim replied, smiling ruefully.

“Who is she? Where is she? What are you planning to do?”

“First, she’s none other than Delight de Vries.”

“Delight is Murphy?” She couldn’t believe it. Why would Delight have done such a thing? But, then, it all fit together…her supposed visit to her uncle’s…Del Murphy….

“As to your second question, I hope she’s at home, because that’s where I’m going as soon as I’m finished talking to Annabelle. I intend to ask her to marry me as soon as I’m free to do so.”

“Jimmy, that’s wonderful!” Renee was rapturous.

“I know.” He grinned boyishly. “I thought I’d never see her again…and when I discovered who she really was last night, I couldn’t decide if I was angry or excited.”

“My guess is excited,” she teased. “But Marshall’s right…it’s going to be hard for you to break off with Annabelle.”

“I guess I’d better not put it off any longer.” He stood up reluctantly. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”

“We’ll be waiting to hear,” Marshall said as he walked with Jim to the door and saw him off. When Jim had gone, he returned to the study to Renee.

“Why do you suppose Delight did it?” Renee was truly puzzled.

“I don’t know. Jim didn’t say, and I don’t suppose it really matters now that they’ve found each other again.”

“I guess you’re right, but I am curious…Maybe someday she’ll tell me why.”

“Maybe she will, but until then, do you think we can go ahead and have breakfast?” he asked innocently, and, laughing, they went into the dining room for their delayed meal.

Jim paused on the Morgans’ doorstep to take a deep breath before lifting the knocker. The maid answered almost immediately and ushered him into the parlor to await Annabelle’s coming.

Annabelle, who was in her room, was very surprised by Jim’s early arrival. She hadn’t expected to hear from him until later in the day, and she was glad now that she could confront him with Wade’s damning evidence and get it over with. She had convinced herself that there was nothing to Jim’s nocturnal visit with Delight, but she had to let him know that he could not treat her in such a casual manner. He was, after all, her betrothed.

Knowing that she looked her best, Annabelle swept gracefully into the parlor, ready to accept his abject apologies and get on with their life together.

Jim was standing and staring out the window.

“Jim.” She greeted him, making sure to keep her tone a bit cool.

“Good morning, Annabelle.” He turned to face her.

“Is it?” she challenged as she shut the door to ensure their privacy.

He frowned. It had never occurred to him that she might have heard of his activities last night. “What do you mean?”

“I understand that you were with Delight de Vries last night after you left me, and I was hoping you would explain….”
She looked at him expectantly, totally unaware of Jim’s real reason for being there.

“There are times in our lives when mistakes in judgment are made,” he began, and Annabelle was thrilled when she thought that he was about to apologize for causing her any embarrassment.

“I understand.” She nodded in agreement, but still held herself a bit aloof.

“I’m afraid this has been one of those times…” He paused to gather his thoughts. “Our engagement was a mistake, Annabelle. I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you.”

“What!? How can you say that? I love you….”

“But I don’t love you, and it would be a grave injustice to both of us if we were to continue with our plans to be married.”

“What did that little slut do last night to change your mind?” she demanded furiously.

“Delight didn’t do anything to change my mind.” Jim drew himself up stiffly at Annabelle’s slurs on Delight’s character. “I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you, but it’s over.”

Stunned by the finality of his statement, she completely lost her temper and slapped him as hard as she could. “You are a cad, sir! You have abused my tender affections! You have used me! I despise you!”

Without another word, Jim abruptly turned on his heel and left the house, leaving Annabelle in a frustrated rate. Up until when she’d hit him, he’d felt badly about ending their engagement, knowing how difficult the situation would be for her. But all his feelings of guilt had died when she’d struck out at him. Without looking back, he headed for Marshall’s again, feeling the need for a stiff drink before going to see Delight.

Rubbing his cheek in remembrance of Annabelle’s fury, Jim leaned back in the wing chair and closed his eyes. Thank God that was over….

“Here’s the scotch you wanted.” Marshall handed Jim a tumbler filled with a liberal amount of scotch.

“Thank you.” He took a deep swallow of the potent liquor and then sighed loudly. “I needed that.”

“How did it go?”

“I think it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. I hope I never have to go through anything like that again.”

“What did she say?”

“Not much, actually. Annabelle distinguished herself more as a woman of action.” Jim could grin now as he thought about it. “She slapped me.”


“I’ll say. She was one angry woman.”

“Do you think she really loves you?”

“I don’t know. She told me often enough that she did, but I never sensed that depth of feeling in her. I felt more like I was a trophy for her.”

“Annabelle is big on appearances, and you were, pardon me—are—the most eligible bachelor in town.”

“Not for long. Believe me, as soon as I talk to Delight, that dubious title will rapidly be awarded to someone far more worthy.” Jim grew suddenly solemn as he thought of the possibility that Delight might not accept his proposal. Did she love him? She had said she did in her passion.…God, he hoped so, for she meant everything to him. But her mood had been so strange last night when he’d left her….

Chapter Twenty-five

Though the early morning hours passed quietly, Delight had been unable to sleep. Tossing and turning in the softness of her own bed, she found herself haunted by the memory of Jim’s kisses and the touch of his warm, knowing hands upon her all too willing body. It angered her that she had given in to him so easily after vowing not to, but how could she resist him? She knew she should have, but she loved him. Those few brief moments of paradise in his arms last night had proven that to her.

Rose’s tentative knock on the bedroom door drew her back to the present. “Yes?”

“Breakfast is ready, if you feel like getting up,” Rose told her as she entered the room. “And,” she added reassuringly. “Martin is nowhere to be found, so there won’t be any embarrassing scenes if you come down and eat now.”

“All right.” Delight agreed halfheartedly. Thank you.”

Rose helped her to dress and in a few short minutes she was on her way down to eat. But as she started down the stairway, Sue opened the front door and Jim walked in.

“I’d like to see Miss de Vries, please.” The sound of his voice so rich and full, and the sight of him so tall and devastatingly handsome froze her in place.

“Just a minute, sir. I’ll see if she’s up,” Sue told him courteously, glancing upstairs. “Oh…Here she is now…”

Jim turned slowly and looked up. She was a vision to him as she stood, seemingly with great poise, on the staircase. He didn’t notice that she had suddenly paled at the sight of him or that she was trembling slightly. He only saw the woman he loved, and he had to fight down the urge to rush
up the steps two at a time and sweep her into a dramatic embrace.

“Good morning, Delight.” His lopsided smile was from the heart as he leaned a forearm on the newel post. “You certainly look lovely this morning.”

“Thank you, Mr. Westlake. You wanted to see me?” To Delight, who was fearful of being near him lest she reveal her true emotions, his smile looked more like a leer, and his casual stance seemed to reflect a cocky attitude.

“Yes. It’s most important that I speak with you right away.”

Putting a hand on the railing to steady her shaking knees, Delight descended with a grace she little felt. “Will the front parlor do?”

“Will we be alone?” he whispered for her ears only, and she blushed, much to his pleasure.

Delight didn’t respond verbally to his baiting, though, and she led him into the sitting room, and bade him to sit down. Where he went straight to the sofa in hopes that she would join him there, she took a seat in a high-backed wing chair directly across from him.

“What was it that you wanted to see me about?” Delight asked politely, refusing to meet his eyes.

“Delight. I need to talk with you this morning,” he began, but the sight of her sitting so tense and nervous brought a curse to his lips. Rising from the sofa, he stalked across the room, and, before she had time to flee, he pulled her to her feet and into his arms. “Don’t put me off, darling. I had to see you…to hold you.” His mouth sought hers in a fiercely loving kiss.

But Delight was infuriated at his high-handed ways. Did he think that she was so easy that he could just walk into her house at any time of day or night and snap his fingers and she would give herself to him? If so, she thought dazedly, fighting against the wonderful feelings his teasing lips were arousing in her, he was sadly mistaken. With a burst of pride, she freed herself from his embrace.

“I want you to leave, right now!” She hissed at him, her eyes filling with angry tears. She didn’t want Jim to see how much her refusal of his advances was hurting her.

Jim saw her misery, and he wanted to draw her to him once more. He felt that somehow the situation had gotten out of hand, and he wanted to set things straight between them right now. No longer was he encumbered by Annabelle and his mistaken betrothal. He was a free man, and he wanted to declare himself to Delight.

“Delight…” he began impatiently. “You’re not making this easy for me.”

“Why should I?” she asked heatedly as she glared at him. Her mind wished he would leave, yet her tortured heart was hoping that he would stay.

“Because, darling…” he changed his tone, wanting to soothe her and calm her so that they could talk about their future.

“Don’t you ‘darling’ me!”

“Delight!” He was getting frustrated. She refused to listen to him! What an obstinate woman! He hoped she didn’t prove so difficult to deal with in the future after they were married. The thought made him smile. “Damn it, Delight! I love you, and I want you to marry me!”

A stunned silence fell upon them. Jim hadn’t meant to shout, but he had. And Delight gaped at him in mute surprise.

“You what?” she asked, wide-eyed.

“Murphy…” he began, his voice softer, more seductive, now. “I love you.”

With a soft cry, she went to him. But just as she was about to surrender to his kiss, she stiffened in his arms. “But what about Annabelle?”

“I broke off the engagement this morning. There’s no way I could marry her after loving you…no way in the world.” And his lips met hers in a caress that transcended time and place.

Clasped in each other’s arms, they were oblivious of Clara standing in the parlor doorway. She had been breakfasting in the dining room when she’d heard Jim’s romantic declaration, and she rushed into the hallway to see what all the commotion was about.

“Delight?” The sound of her voice brought them both back to reality rather abruptly.

“Oh! Mother…” Delight was embarrassed but ecstatic. “You know Jim…”

“Yes, I know Jim. Good morning, Jim.” Clara couldn’t stop the smile that threatened. “What was all that shouting about?”

“I have just asked your daughter to marry me, and I believe she’s accepted.” Jim gazed down at Delight, his eyes reflecting the depth of emotion he felt for her.

“Oh, yes. I’ll marry you!”

“And Annabelle?” Clara asked wisely.

“I’ve broken off the engagement. Delight’s the woman I love.”

Looking from one to the other and remembering well how powerful first love can be, Clara smiled. “That’s wonderful. You have my blessing.

“Who has your blessing?” Martin asked, suddenly appearing from the back of the house.

“Why, Delight and Jim, dear. Jim has just proposed, and Delight has accepted him.”

“What?” He stared at her in disbelief. “Isn’t he engaged to Annabelle Morgan?”

“He was, but he broke it off so he could marry Delight. Isn’t that romantic?” Clara sighed, watching her husband’s reaction.

“Yes. Very.” He spoke curtly. “Congratulations, Westlake.”

“Thank you.” Jim met Martin’s hate-filled gaze knowingly. Then, looking down at Delight, he asked. “How soon do you want to be married?”

“Just as soon as possible.” she murmured, feeling safe and protected in Jim’s strong embrace.

“I’ll be leaving Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Would you like to plan on having the ceremony as soon as I get back?”

“Sounds marvelous,” she breathed, still caught up in the wonder of the moment.


“We have lots of plans to make…let’s go into the dining room and get started,” Clara invited, and they moved off, chatting gaily.

Martin lingered sulkingly behind, glaring malevolently at Jim’s back as they disappeared into the other room. Somehow, he would see the end of Jim Westlake before that wedding took place. Delight was his!

After the tentative plans for the wedding were completed, Jim and Delight left the Morgans’ and went to tell his family their happy news. Renee and Marshall were pleased, as Jim had known they’d be, and the rest of his family, though a bit surprised by the suddenness of it all, wished them the best, too. Jim and Delight spent a long afternoon enjoying their well-wishes and talking about the future before heading back to have dinner with Clara and Martin.

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