Rapture's Tempest (45 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Smith

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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“Did you, Papa?” Roger turned his hero worship to his father.

“Well, uh…yes, Grandpa and I did help out, and so did Mark.”

“It’s going to be lots of fun when I get to go with you, huh?” Roger couldn’t wait to share in their adventures. Everything sounded so exciting.

“Right,” Marshall groaned. “Lots of fun.”

“Let’s get you back to bed, young man.” Renee tried to take him from Marshall, but Roger held on to him with a death grip.

“Will you tuck me in, Papa?”

Marshall looked down at the sweet young child who was his son and knew he could refuse him nothing. “I think I’d like that. But Roger?”


“Can your mother come along too?”

“Sure,” Roger stuck out a chubby hand to Renee. “Mama
gives great bedtime kisses. You should let her tuck you in sometime, Papa.”

Marshall’s eyes were twinkling as he gave her an assessing look. “Great bedtime kisses, huh? Maybe I’ll just do that….”

After they had disappeared upstairs to put Roger to bed, Ollie and Rose excused themselves for the night, knowing that the family would want some time alone.

Martha sighed contentedly as she handed Jim and George each a drink. “I have a feeling you both need one.”

“You’re right about that, dear,” George acknowledged as he leaned back comfortably in an overstuffed wing chair. “It’s been one long day.”

“It’s been a long week,” Mark added sardonically.

“Have you found out anything since you’ve been back?” Jim had to ask.

“I talked with Clara at length this afternoon, but she hasn’t seen or heard from Martin since Wednesday night. I checked with the hotels and discovered that he stayed two nights at the Planter’s House before checking out Friday morning.”

“Did he give any forwarding address?”

“No. Nothing.”

“He could have gone anywhere.”

“I plan on checking with the steamship lines tomorrow, and the stables in town, too. Just in case he bought himself a horse.”

“That’s a good idea.” George agreed. “I’ll help you all I can.”

“What about Sam Wallace?”

“He hasn’t been seen or heard from since the day I hired him.”

“Then something must have happened to him.”

“That’s the only conclusion I can come up with.” Mark paused. “We have got to find Montgomery…he’s our only connection.”

“We will,” Jim said with grim determination. “I want those spies.”

“We all do,” Marshall said, as he and Renee came back into the room.

“Is Roger all tucked in?” Martha asked, pleased to have her family gathered around her.

“He’s sound asleep.” Renee smiled gently.

“And now we can all relax,” Marshall added.

And they passed the rest of the evening in easy camaraderie, enjoying one another and the sense of peace that came from being with family.

Chapter Thirty-nine

It was well after midnight when Mark stood with Dorrie in the privacy of the dimly lighted front entry foyer. Everyone else had retired, and they were left alone to say their good nights.

Dorrie glanced up the steps to make sure everyone had disappeared from view before slipping quickly into the safe, inviting confines of Mark’s embrace. “I’ve been waiting all day to do this,” she told him as she pulled his head down for her eager kiss.

“So have I,” he responded as their lips met again and again in short, passionate exchanges. “It’s been hard to keep my hands off you.”

“You don’t have to anymore,” she teased invitingly, leaning more fully against him, and Mark tightened his hold on her, crushing her to his chest.

His mouth descended to ravage hers in a plundering caress that stole her breath and left her trembling and weak. “Dorrie….” His voice was a husky whisper.

“What?” she asked quietly as she pressed tender, soft kisses against his throat.
“Stop that for a minute,” he growled, holding her a little away from him.

“But why?” Her eyes were round as she pretended to be unaware of the effect her touch had on him.

“Because, my love, I need to talk to you.”

“You mean you can’t talk while I do this?” She repeated her actions.

“I can’t even think while you do that, much less talk, woman.” “Oh, Mark…I love you.”

His mouth sought hers then in a soaring brand of total commitment. “Marry me, Dorrie.”

“Oh, yes, Mark.” She knew that she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life loving this man.

There in the deep shadows of the hall, Mark enfolded her in his arms and sealed their pledge to each other with a single, heart-stopping kiss. Their breathing was labored as they ended the embrace and moved a little apart.

“I love you,” he declared, framing her face with his hands.

“I love you,” she responded, her eyes luminous with her love for him.

Gently Mark leaned toward her again, and his lips met hers in a delicate caress that left them shaken by its intimacy.

“I’d better go,” he muttered in frustration as his need to know her grew unbounded.

“Do you have to?” she protested, not knowing how close he was to losing the little control he had.

“I’m afraid so, darling. But I’ll come back tomorrow and we can begin to make our plans.”

“We could always go to a justice of the peace.” She looped her arms about his neck and kissed him lingeringly.

“The idea is tempting, but I want everything to be perfect for us. I want to see you walk down the aisle to me in a flowing white gown. The memory of our wedding should be a special gift we give ourselves…something we’ll treasure for always.” With gentle fingers he caressed her cheek.

Her face was radiant as she smiled up at him, and she turned to rub her cheek against his warm hand. “It sounds beautiful.”

“It will be, just like you.” He kissed her one more time and then forced himself to move away as the thought of staying longer grew far too tempting. “I’ll see you tomorrow. All right?”

“All right. But I’m already looking forward to the time when you won’t have to leave me.”

“No more than I am, believe me.” He grinned at his self-imposed exile. “Good night.”

Dorrie watched as he strode from the house and closed the door softly when he turned the corner on his way back to his quarters.

“Do you realize what a torture this is?” Jim muttered from where he sat on the bed.

“A torture? Really? I was thinking it was an exquisite pleasure.” Delight’s laugh gurgled from her as she sank beneath the water in her bath. It seemed to her that it had been an eternity since she’d had the pleasure of a steamy, scented soak, and she was going to enjoy every moment of it. “I may just stay in here until the water turns cold….” She slanted him a sideways glance, her eyes twinkling with merriment.

“If you plan on staying in there more than another five minutes, I’m going to join you.” He glowered at her.

“But your leg…” Delight reminded him saucily; and, as she rested her head back against the tub and closed her eyes, her expression turned to one of sublime contentment.

“Since you’re so worried about my physical condition…you’d do well to extract yourself from there right now,” he threatened as he moved to the edge of the bed.

Delight opened one eye to peer at him. “Why?”

“Because I’m going to come and take you out if you don’t hurry.” Jim’s gaze traced the water’s edge where it lapped enticingly against her bosom. Unable to resist the urge to touch the creamy flesh, he stood up and walked cautiously to her.

“Jim!” she protested, sitting up quickly and splashing water on the floor. She didn’t want him taking any chances with his leg. “Get back in bed.”

“I intend to in a few minutes.” His eyes were riveted on her breasts as he drew a chair up next to the bath. “And I don’t intend to go back alone.”

“Then, I guess I’d better hurry and wash.” She looked up at him, her expression telling him everything he wanted to know.

A short time later she reached for the towel and stood up.

Jim took the towel from her hand as she stepped from the bath and began to dry her with quick, brisk strokes that left her flesh tingling. “You realize I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time,” he told her, motioning toward the bed. “Did you happen to notice how nice and big and soft it is?”

“Now that you mention it,” she smiled up at him serenely, “it does look inviting.”

They moved to the bed where, with Delight’s help, he pulled off his nightshirt. Lying back on the bed, he drew her down beside him. She went to him eagerly, her body thirsting for a full draught of his love. Giving herself up to the headiness of his kiss, her caresses grew more bold as she sought only to please him.

Excited by Delight’s uninhibited response, Jim could deny himself no longer. They came together in love’s most passionate embrace.

As they clung together in the rapturous aftermath, Jim murmured treasured endearments to Delight while they rested, unaware of anything save the perfection of their joining. They loved through the night…each touch, each kiss a cherished enchantment, until at last, near dawn, they fell into an exhausted slumber. And even in sleep they refused to be parted, as they sought each other’s warmth and lay nestled together in blissful peace.

“Where’s Uncle Jimmy?” Roger asked cheerfully as he came down to breakfast the next morning.

“He decided to sleep late, today,” Renee told him.

“Oh.” The little boy’s face fell.

“But don’t worry, he’ll be staying here with us for a while, and you’ll have lots of time to be with him.”

“He will? That’s great,” Roger responded, his mood brightening again.

“What are your plans for the day?” Renee asked her husband and father-in-law as the maid began serving the meal.

“We’re supposed to meet Mark at his quarters around ten o’clock, so we can coordinate our efforts to locate Martin.”

“I hope you find him.”

“So do we.” Their determination was evident.

“I’d like to come along, if you don’t mind,” Ollie offered.

“Are you up to it?” George worried.

“I’m fine.”

“Good. We can use the extra help.” With that settled, they began to eat.

When breakfast was over they went their separate ways, and Renee and Roger saw them off.

“Can I go see if Uncle Jimmy’s awake yet?” he pressed, eager to spend some time with him.

“No.” Renee was firm. “He needs his rest.”

“Did the
really burn up, Mama?” Roger had overheard the general conversation of the past few days and knew that something was greatly amiss.

She looked at him quickly, realizing that it was time she told him the truth. “Yes, it did.”

“But what’s Uncle Jimmy going to do now that he doesn’t have his boat anymore? Is he going to stay here and live with us forever?” Roger was hopeful as he voiced his most fervent wish.

“I don’t think so.” Renee couldn’t suppress her grin. “But the first thing he’s going to do is get completely well again.”

“Is his leg real bad?”

“He’s getting better,” she assured him. “He’ll probably be up and walking around today.”

“Good. I don’t like it when he’s sick….” Roger was thoughtful.

“Nobody does.”

“Do you think he’ll buy a new boat?”

“I’m sure they’re planning on it.”

“I’m glad. Uncle Jimmy wouldn’t be happy without one,” he said with amazing insight for one so young.

“You’re right about that,” Renee agreed. “Now, are you ready to go to school?”

“Do I have to? Can’t I stay home with you today?”

She hid her smile when she saw his mournful expression. “No. Now get your things together. It’s time for you to leave.”

Amidst a string of protests, she followed him from the dining room to help him get ready to go. After Renee had seen him safely off, she sent the maid to Dr. Freemont with a note requesting that he drop by and check on Jim’s leg, and she returned with the news that he would be by sometime during the morning.

It was nearly ten o’clock before Delight and Jim emerged from their room and came downstairs.

“Good morning,” Renee greeted them as they came into the dining room.

“Is it too late for breakfast?” Jim asked, in good humor.

“Of course not. I’ll go tell the cook to fix you both something.”

“Thanks, Renee,” Delight said graciously. “Can I help with anything?”

“No, You two just relax and take it easy,” Renee told them as she bustled off to the back of the house.

When Renee had gone, they shared a quick passionate embrace before settling in at the table. “I think the first thing I’m going to do this morning after we eat is send word to Mother that we’re back.”

“Good. I’m sure she’s been waiting to hear.” Jim could well imagine how upsetting the past week had been for Clara.

Delight nodded, her expression reflecting her concern, “She’s probably lonely…now that Martin and I are both gone.”

“It’s probably been a very difficult time for her,” Jim agreed. “But now that you’re back, she’ll be happy.”

“I hope so.” Delight sounded worried, and Jim was puzzled by her attitude. He was about to question her further, but Renee returned.

“Are you talking about Clara?” Renee asked, coming into the room with a pot of steaming coffee.

“Yes. I’ve been concerned about her.”

“Well, Martha was going to stop by your house on her way out with Dorrie and Rose this morning to let her know that you’re back. I’m sure she’ll be over to see you right away,” she told Delight as she poured her a cup of the hot brew.

“Thank you.” Delight was pleased with the news. “I have missed her, very much.” Delight sighed. A few weeks ago Clara had had everything, and now it was all gone. Delight felt somehow responsible for Martin’s actions, and she hoped that her mother could find it in her to forgive her.

“I know, and I’m sure she’s missed you, too.”

“I also took the liberty of sending word to Dr. Freemont that you needed to have your leg checked,” Renee informed Jim as she efficiently fixed him a cup of coffee, too.

Jim grimaced at the thought, but he didn’t protest. “What time is he coming?”

“He sent word back that he should be here sometime this morning.”

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