Rapture's Tempest (44 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Smith

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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The general frowned. “How did they know…?”

“Sir. It’s my belief that someone within our own ranks is involved in this.”

“Captain Clayton, you did not answer my question. How did the Westlakes know?” the general demanded.

“They were informed that the
was going to be attacked, and they came after us.”

The general was genuinely surprised. “Who told them, Clayton? I want to know names.”

“A man named Martin Montgomery, sir.”

“Montgomery?” The general was pensive for a moment. “I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of him. Is he a sympathizer?”

“Not that I know of. From what I understand, he told Marshall Westlake that he had overheard the plans being made.”

“But he didn’t reveal who was making those plans?”

“No, sir.”

“I want Montgomery, Clayton. Are you up to the assignment?”

“Yes, sir.” Mark brightened. He’d been afraid that the general was going to relieve him of his command.

“Good. Now as to these allegations that you believe there is someone connected to this within our ranks…I want facts and names. Not innuendo! Is that understood, Captain?” the general asked sternly.

“Yes, sir. I’ll get on it right away.” Mark stood and started from the room.

“And Captain? ”

“Yes, General?”

“I’m glad you made it back.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Delight left Marshall on deck and entered the cabin quietly to check on Jim. At the sight of him standing awkwardly near the washstand, Delight gasped and demanded, “What are you doing out of bed?”

He turned to her, a proud grin on his face, “Just testing myself. We’ll be home tonight, and I wanted to make sure that I’m strong enough to start moving around.”

“You shouldn’t be up yet,” she protested uselessly as he hobbled toward her.

“And why not?” He braced himself against the wall as he stopped in front of her.

“Well—because…” Delight gazed up at him and couldn’t help but smile. It was good to have him on his feet again, no matter how unsteadily.

“Don’t I get a reward for my efforts?” His eyes raked over her, taking in all of her natural beauty. “Your hair’s getting long again,” he murmured, and with his free hand he reached out to toy with her silken tresses.

Delight didn’t speak as his hand slid lower to the back of her neck and drew her forward. Her lips parted in anticipation of his kiss, and their mouths met in a flaming caress. Resting her hands on his chest, she could feel the thunderous poundings of his heart as she slipped her arms around him to hold him close.

As Delight pressed herself against him, Jim broke off the kiss and stared down at her, his eyes dark with passion. “I love you, sweetheart.”

“Show me,” she encouraged, and, keeping one arm around his waist to support him, she walked him to the bed.

Delight helped him to undress and lie down, and then, after quickly shedding her own things, she joined him.

“Someday,” he promised, as he claimed her mouth for a passionate kiss, “I’m going to make love to you on a nice, soft, big bed.”

Her hands moved restlessly over him, tracing teasing paths, as she met him in kiss after kiss. “I think you’re doing fine right here,” Delight breathed as his mouth sought the tender flesh behind her ear. She shivered as his lips explored the pulse that was beating wildly in her throat and then dipped lower to the valley between her breasts. With eager hands, she pulled him to her, wanting and needing all of him. They came together and were lost in the bliss of their rapture.

It was growing dark when Delight stirred in Jim’s arms, “I think we just slept the day away,” she murmured, stretching sensuously against him.

“I enjoyed every minute of it,” he said, his voice husky as he pulled her to him for a quick kiss. He was about to say more when a knock sounded at the door.

“Jim? Delight?” George spoke to them through the door.

“Yes, Father?” Jim answered, and Delight tried to dive under the covers.

“Marshall and I are going in to dinner. Would you like us to have something sent to your cabin?”

“Please,” Jim called out, holding her immobile and grinning at her embarrassed confusion. “Delight and I will dine in here.”

“All right. I’ll have them bring your dinner to you.”

“Thank you, George,” Delight finally managed.

“You’re welcome,” George answered, and they heard him move off down the deck.

“What are you grinning at?” she demanded, sitting up furiously in the bed.

“You,” he chuckled. “What did you think Father was going to do? Walk in on us?”

Delight slowly returned his smile. “Well…yes, I guess I did,” she answered sheepishly.

“Don’t worry, love. We’re married, and they’re gentlemen enough to respect our privacy.”

“They are, are they?” And she returned without hesitation to the security of his embrace. “How long will it be before they bring us our dinner?”

“I don’t know. Maybe a half an hour or so. Why?”

“Don’t you know?” Delight teased and she raised above Jim to meet him in a heart-stopping kiss.

Mark left the general’s office anxious to be about his business. After stopping at his quarters to bathe and put on a new uniform, he was off for a quick visit with Dorrie and to deliver George’s and Marshall’s messages.

“Captain Clayton!” the maid greeted him excitedly. “Come in, come in. Let me get Miss Dorrie for you.” Ushering him into the parlor, she went in search of Dorrie.

“Mark!” Dorrie came flying into the room and without pause into his waiting arms. “Oh, thank God you’re back! We were so worried….”

His kiss silenced her, and they only broke apart when they heard Martha and Renee coming down the hall.

“Mark!” They greeted him warmly. “We’re so glad to see you! Are Marshall and George with you?”

“No. I came on alone.”

“Was there a problem?” Martha was immediately concerned.

“Jim was injured….”

Before he could finish his sentence, Renee interrupted him, “Was he hurt badly? Where is he?”

“He’s going to be all right, but he was wounded in the leg and…”


“We caught up with the guerrillas, but they saw us before we saw them.”

“Oh. You couldn’t get the gold back?”

“Unfortunately, no. They took us by surprise…Jim and I are very lucky to still be alive.”

Dorrie hugged him tightly, terrified at the thought that she might have lost him.

“So, I came on back to report in and to let you know that everyone was all right. George and Marshall said to tell you that they’ll be along as soon as they think it’s safe to move Jim.”

“Good.” Martha was relieved.

“How’s Delight?” Renee asked.

“She was doing fine.”

“Can you stay for dinner? We’d love to have you.”

“I have some business I have to take care of first. What time do you plan to eat?”

“Whenever is convenient for you.”

“How’s seven o’clock? That should give me time enough to do what I have to do.”

“We’ll plan on it, Mark.”

He headed for the door then, his arm still around Dorrie. When he was certain that they were alone, he pulled her
close and kissed her. “I’ll be back,” he promised, and with that he was gone.

Mark rode directly to Clara Montgomery’s house. He knew this might be an awkward interview, but it was something he had to do.

Clara herself answered the door and was surprised to see Mark Clayton on her doorstep. “Mark…this is a pleasant surprise. Come in.”

“Thank you, Clara. I was wondering if I could talk with you for a few moments?”

“Of course. Let’s go into the parlor.” She led him into the room and directed him to take a seat. “What is it? Is Delight all right?”

“She’s fine. I take it you know everything that’s happened?”

“Yes. Renee and Martha have been keeping me informed. Is there any news?”

“I just got back today. We didn’t get the gold back.”

“I’m sorry.”

“So am I.” His expression was grim as he thought of the explosion and fire. “Jim and I chased them, but they got away.”

“Where is Jim now?”

“We were both wounded by the guerrillas, but his injury was more serious. He had to stay behind until it was safe for him to travel.”

“And Delight’s with him?”

“Yes. George and Marshall, too.”

“I appreciate your coming by to tell me all this. I can rest a little easier now, knowing that Delight is safe and well.”

“Clara?” His tone was determined and she looked up at him questioningly.


“I need to talk to you about Martin.”

Clara paled suddenly. “Why?” she whispered.

“He may have been involved in the plot to blow up the

“Martin?” Her eyes widened at the thought.

“Yes. I’m sorry. I know this is painful for you, but I need to know if you’ve seen him lately.”

“No. Not since Wednesday night when I threw him out.” There was a steely edge to her answer.

“He’s made no effort to get in contact with you since then?”

“No. None.”

“Do you know if he had any unusual business acquaintances?”

“He handled most of my affairs for me, but he didn’t deal with anyone unsavory that I’m aware of.”

Mark paused pensively. “Do you have any idea where he might have gone? Did he have any family?”

“No. Don’t you understand, Mark? I don’t want to hear from that man again as long as I live,” she told him with fierce finality.


She cut him off. “When I think of what he almost did to Delight…” A shudder of rage shot through her.

“I’m sorry, Clara.” Mark was contrite at having upset her so much.

“So am I,” she told him regally. “But it’s over now. The important thing is that my daughter is safe.”

“Did Renee tell you that they got married?”

“Yes, she did. And I’m so happy for Delight. I know she loves Jim very much.”

“I’m sure they’ll be happy together.” Mark knew there was nothing more he could learn from Clara. “I’d better be going.”

She sighed. “I wish I could be of more help to you.”

“Well, if you do hear anything from him, I’d appreciate it if you’d let me know.”

“I will, Mark.” She escorted him to the door.

“Thank you, Clara. I’ll be in touch.”

Clara watched him ride away, the sadness in her heart lightened a little by the knowledge that Delight was well and would be coming home soon.

It was after ten when the steamer docked at the St. Louis levee. Eager to get back home, George and Marshall wasted no time hiring a carriage, while Delight waited on board with Jim. Though they kept a blanket carefully wrapped around his bare injured leg, Jim was glad for the cover of darkness when Marshall finally came to help him to the coach.

The ride home was short and sweet, and Martha was thrilled when she heard the sound of her husband’s voice in the front hall.

“George!” She hurried from the parlor where they had gathered after dinner to greet him.

George was waiting for her with arms spread. “Martha, darling. It’s so good to be back.”

She hugged and kissed him quickly, before looking around for Jim. “Where’s Jimmy?”

“Marshall is helping him in right now.”

Renee, who’d followed Martha into the hall, rushed to the door to see her husband coming up the steps, his arms supportively around Jim’s waist, and Delight following them both. “Hello,” she greeted him, her voice husky with heartfelt emotion.

Marshall bent to give her a quick kiss as he came through the door, “Where do you want him?” he asked teasingly, and Renee and Martha turned their attention to Jim.


“Hello, Mother.” He accepted her kiss.

“Take him on into the parlor for now,” Martha directed as she hugged Delight. “Hello, dear.”

“Martha, it’s good to be back….” Delight returned her embrace.

“Come in. Have you had dinner?”

“Yes, we ate earlier on the steamer,” George informed her as they gathered in the parlor. Then, greeting his friends warmly, he asked, “How are you, Ollie?”

“I’m doing fine.” Ollie told him.

“You told everyone about Jim and me, didn’t you?” Delight asked Rose.

“Yes, she told us.” Martha smiled at her with open affection. “And we couldn’t be happier for you.”

“Does Mother know?” Delight asked quickly.

“I went to see her the day after Rose returned. She was pleased.”

“Good.” Delight went to sit beside Jim as Marshall helped him down onto the sofa. She noticed that he looked a bit strained and she asked him, “Do you want me to send for the doctor tonight?”

Jim took her hand and squeezed it gently. “No. There’s no need. I’m just a little tired.” He smiled tenderly at her and didn’t release her hand when she would have moved away. “Stay here.”

She settled in comfortably next to him, ready to enjoy a night of visiting.

“Papa!” Roger’s excited cry echoed through the front hall as he charged down the front staircase and jumped into his father’s arms. “You’re back!”

“We just got here. Did we wake you?” Marshall kissed his son and hugged him tightly.

“Uh-huh, but that’s all right. I wanted to see you real bad.”

“Why?” Marshall asked, thinking that something was wrong.

“Because I missed you, Papa.” Roger threw his arms about his father’s strong neck and gave him an endearing hug. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, son,” Marshall told him, momentarily choked with emotion, and Renee joined in the intimate family embrace.

Jim watched the exchange and longed for the time when he would be coming home to Delight and their own children.

Delight sensed the direction of his thoughts and leaned closer to kiss his cheek and whisper, “Some day…”

He smiled and pulled her closer as Roger finally noticed him and his grandpa.

“Uncle Jimmy! What did you do to your leg?” Roger’s eyes were round as saucers.

“I had a run-in with some bad guys, and I’m afraid they won, Roger.”

“Gee, Uncle Jimmy, I thought you never lost.” Roger pondered the profound revelation that his cherished uncle was, indeed, a mortal.

“But your papa and grandpa saved me.”

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