Ravage Me (9 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Ravage Me
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Claps coming from the doorway had both of our heads snapping to the sound. Shit. The fucking door. “Get out!” I shouted.

Dagger and Rhys were standing in the doorway with shit-eating grins plastered on their faces. “Fucking awesome show. Now I need to get laid.” Dagger took off, and Rhys just stood in place.

“Get one of the Prospects to find a door out back!” I growled as he eyed Princess’s body. Not that he could see much, but I didn’t fucking like it. He chuckled, shaking his head walking off.

“Get off,” Princess said, trying to push me off.

“No.” Her damn brain was taking over again.

“Now!” she yelled her anger rising.

“No. Stop whatever it is that you’re thinking.” I could only imagine the shit that was racing through that thick skull of hers. She seemed to like to conger up shit for the fun of it.

“This is why I don’t fuck brothers. It won’t happen again.” She tried to push me off of her, but I wouldn’t budge.

“Listen to me. That’s enough of this fucking bullshit. My dick in you right now says that no one touches you, but me. Got it?”

Her eyes showed a small bit of vulnerability that I hadn’t seen before. She’s always so damn strong and hard to read. “What about her?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“She’s nothing. She’s only here because she wouldn’t leave Cooper. But that shit’s about to change.”


“You’re gonna be my ol’ lady. You’re gonna be part of Cooper’s life. I’m not having her hanging around.”

“You want me to be his mom? We just fucking met! Are you fucking crazy? And ol’ lady?” Her eyes lit up in panic as her breathing picked up.

“I’m not playing games. Not my style. You’re mine, and you will be at my side.” Her body relaxed a bit, and she melted back into me, but the trepidation was still there. I needed to find some way to get rid of that shit.

“You have no idea what you are doing,” she said, shaking her head.

“From what I saw already, I probably don’t.” Smiling at her, I brushed my lips against hers as she arched her body, taking the kiss to another level completely. My dick grew inside of her, and my hips began pumping. Her moans and mews kept me going.

As we both stood there breathless, for the second time, I edged out of her, needing to get the condom off before it exploded.

Movement at the door caught my eye as Princess tried to cover her body haphazardly with her hands.

“Cruz?” Tug’s voice came from the doorway.

Grabbing the door from his hand, I snapped, “Thanks.”

“You need help?” He eyed Princess, which pissed me off.

Looking down at my naked body, I growled, “What’d you think?”


Instead of attaching the door to the hinges, I rested it against the frame to block out all the fucking eyes that were everywhere. Princess hopped down from the counter grabbing her clothes, quickly throwing them on. “I’m gonna head to bed,” she said not looking at me. To hell if she was gonna be embarrassed.

“You’re in my bed,” I said grabbing her arm and pulling her to me staring into the beautiful blue eyes of hers.

“I can’t,” she whispered as her head sunk into my chest.

“Why the fuck not?”

“I have a roll in Pops’ room. I’m just gonna crash there.” Her head shook slightly on my chest.

Placing my hand under her chin, I forced her eyes to meet mine. “You didn’t hear me right. Get your ass in my room and lock the fucking door. Coop’s sleeping in the side room. I’ve got shit to take care of. You’d better be in there when I get back. If you’re not, I’ll come find you.” My eyes didn’t leave her until she nodded. I moved the two doors getting out of the tight space.

I needed to get shit sorted out with Mel. I was tired of that bitch. I swear to God I think she poked holes in the condom when I fucked her. How the hell else would she get knocked up? And Coop looked just like me so I couldn’t fucking deny him, not that I wanted to. Since she told me she was pregnant, she’s been trying to get in with me. Sure, I’ve fucked her a couple of times, why the hell not, it was free pussy. I didn’t want shit from her. I was only grateful she gave me my boy.

Stalking over to the couch in the main room of the clubhouse, she sat snorting powder haphazardly draped over the guy next to her; I couldn’t believe I was stuck with this woman in my life forever. She looked up at me, eyes dilated, completely high.

“Hey, Honey.” She smiled as much as she could and tried to get her bearings.

“Don’t come to my room. Stay the fuck out here and away from me.”

“I wanna see my boy,” she whined, but it didn’t mean shit to me. I was done with this bitch.

“No, you can see him tomorrow. Till then, stay the fuck away.” Turning away, Mel said a few words that I didn’t catch, nor did I fucking care. I had a Princess that needed attention.

Walking into my room, I couldn’t help but smile seeing Princess lying in my bed covered from head to toe with my blankets, making me hard a-fucking-gain. I needed to be inside of her, but I had beaten the shit out her and fucked her good already. She needed to sleep.

Checking in on Cooper, I was glad to see that he was sound asleep. Coop has always been a great sleeper; not much could wake the boy up. That was good considering God knows what happened at his mom’s place.

After locking the door and stripping, I climbed into bed, pulling this beautiful woman into my body. As she melted into me, I knew I’d made the right decision to hang on to this one.



Bang… bang… bang
“What the fuck?” Princess groaned from underneath me. Somehow during the night she laid on her back, with my body draped across hers. Having this little interruption when I could have my dick inside her again was not making me happy.

“Hang on, Baby.” Scooting out of bed, I threw my jeans on, not bothering to button them.

Pulling the door open, I was confronted immediately with a very angry G.T. “What the fuck is going on here?” he said, as he barged in the room, his eyes landing on the woman clutching the sheet around her naked body in my bed.

“G.T., calm down, you’re gonna wake up my boy.”

Princess sat up in bed, her eyes growing wide as a strangled gasp came from her lips, but remaining quiet. She was a grown fucking adult and had no reason to feel embarrassed.

“Princess, what the hell is going on here?” G.T. moved to her side of the bed kneeling down to the floor, his eyes turning soft for his sister.

Princess stared at her brother attempting to open her mouth, but nothing came out. As her eyes found mine, they flickered, not telling me much of anything, but as she looked back at her brother the words fell from her lips. “Get me out of here.”

Moving away from the door; I’d be damned if she was pushing me away. “Princess, you’re not going anywhere.” I stood at the end of the bed staring down at her. Her head bowed low to her chest.

“Yes. I am.” Her voice was a quiet whisper. This was not the Princess that I met yesterday. This one was timid, lost, and I didn’t fucking like it one bit. This was not the fierce bombshell I knew.

“Baby…” my words were cut off abruptly when G.T. stood toe-to-toe with me, so close I could smell the stale beer on his breath from the night before.

“Don’t!” G.T.’s voice boomed as Princess jumped. “I’m getting her out of here and so help me fucking God, I will pound your ass if you try to stop me.”

“Stop,” Princess’s voice croaked out over the testosterone thickening the air. Both our eyes snapped to hers. “Cruz. It was a mistake. I have to go.” Princess scooted off the edge of the bed as G.T. stood in front of her, his back to her and fierce eyes on me.

“It wasn’t a fucking mistake. You’re damn head’s overthinking again,” I growled, my anger coming through me full bore.

As Princess began grabbing her clothes, she quickly put them on, not once showing her brother or me any skin. Her movements were methodical and fast. It was like Princess took a bit of a vacation and this other woman decided to visit. What the fuck? What got me the most was she didn’t respond to my comment about her head. Nothing, no smart ass comment. No snarky comeback… nothing… dead… cold…

G.T.’s eyes were focused on me, but I could give two shits. He wasn’t my priority.

“Princess, stop this shit.” I knew I was talking to her like when I scolded Cooper, but I didn’t care. She was not walking out on me like this. Not happening.

Princess stepped around G.T., who tried to put his arm up to block her from me, but she pushed it out of the way. Her eyes met mine, and inside them I saw a swirl of emotions that I couldn’t place. Normally she wore her heart on her sleeve, but this, this wasn’t getting me anywhere.

Her hand reached up as she cupped the left side of my face, her fingers moving through my scruff. I loved her soft fucking hands on me, just that one touch, and I was hers. “Cruz. I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I know you don’t understand, but I can’t.”

“The fuck you can’t,” I snarled as she shut her eyes only to open them right back.

“You don’t know me. This isn’t me. I don’t just fuck one of you and go on my merry way.”

“Damn right. You only fuck me, Babe.” Her shoulders sagged almost in defeat. This couldn’t be. Couldn’t.

“I’d appreciate you keeping this just between us.” Her words shocked me to my core. She didn’t fucking want anyone to know. Fuck that.

“Honey, I’ll tell every fucking guy in this place. No one is touching you.”

It was as if my words flipped a light switch inside her. Her sagging body instantly snapped straight as if her spine got its hardness back. Her face came eye to eye with mine and the fire that was inside before began to burn bright. “You do what you gotta do. But this,” her finger motioned pointing to her and then me, “is done. Won’t happen again. I fucked up last night. It won’t happen again.”

Princess’s legs began moving, but I wasn’t letting her fucking go. Grabbing her arm, she pulled as hard as she could, but I kept my grasp.

“I guaran-fucking-tee this will happen again. I’ll let you leave for now, but this shit is far from over.” She whipped her arm quickly, this time breaking free and she walked out of the door.

“I fucking told you not to do this shit. It’s the one thing she always said she’d never fucking do. You don’t think she knows what it looks like to be a whore around this club? And now… you open your fucking mouth… all these guys will know.”

“Dagger and Rhys saw us. I’m sure everyone already knows, and even if they didn’t, it will be known that Princess is mine.”

“Great, just fucking great.” G.T. began shaking his head in disbelief as he walked to the door.

“You know I’m not done with her.”

“I didn’t think you were,” was all he said as he continued out the door slamming it shut.

“Fuck,” I uttered to myself as I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. This was not how I wanted to spend my fucking morning… I was supposed to be balls deep in Princess. Fuck!



Watching Princess sit at the bar joking with Buzz and Breaker has been getting under my skin the past hour, but I was supposed to be listening to Dagger and Rhys talk with the other chapter members, so I tried not letting it show. Too bad I was having a fuck of a time focusing on shit.

“I wanna see my boy!” Mel stomped her foot like a fucking little kid not getting her way as she approached me. It was fucking noon, and she was just rolling out of whoever’s bed she was in last night. I was tired of this fucking bitch. Growing up with just a mom, I knew how important she was in Cooper’s life. That’s why I let some shit slide. I knew I shouldn’t, but my mom’s words always rang in my head:
a boy always needs his momma
. I couldn’t forget that, even if she was a junkie.

“Cooper!” I called from the main room. Ma had him back in the kitchen helping her make sandwiches for everyone. He loved helping.

Cooper ran out of the kitchen, but instead of running to Mel or me, he veered towards Princess sitting at the bar laughing. “Pin… ess!” he screamed, holding his hands up in the air for her to pick him up, which she did without hesitation.

“Hey, Bud. How’s it going?” Her beautiful smile illuminated the entire fucking room, and it looked like Cooper was entranced with her.

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