Rebels at the Gate: Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided (60 page)

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Authors: W Hunter Lesser

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636. R.E. Lee to his wife, February 23, 1862 and March 14, 1862, Dowdey,
Wartime Papers
, 118, 127–28; Thomas,
Robert E. Lee
, 214; Hawkins, “Early Coast Operations,” 645; Freeman,
, vol. 2, 6. Fort Donelson was named for Confederate General Samuel Donelson, who served under Lee in Western Virginia.

O. R
. vol. 5, 922–33;
O. R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 158; Freeman,
, vol. 2, 17.

Chapter 24. All's Fair in Love and War

638. “The War in Western Virginia,”
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, October 2, 1861.

639. Rutherford B. Hayes to his mother, November 25, 1861 in Williams,
The Life of Rutherford Birchard Hayes
, vol. 1, 154.

640. Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 23–24; Price,
History of Pocahontas County
, 445, 449–51; “War Recollections,” Evelyn Yeager Beard,
The Pocahontas Times
, November 25, 1926.

641. Ben May to his brother, July 17, 1861, PC; Samuel V. Fulkerson to his sister, August 22, 1861, PC.

642. Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 539–41.

643. Beatty,
The Citizen-Soldier
, 16–17.

644. Siviter,
Recollections of War and Peace
, 78–80. Another version of this story can be found in Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 90–91.

645. “Rebel Ladies,”
Cincinnati Daily Commercial
, July 19, 1861.

646. Hamilton,
Recollections of a Cavalryman
, 30; Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 136; Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 100–01n.

647. “Mother To the First Tennessee Regiment,” 290; Quintard,
Doctor Quintard
, 18. Dr. Quintard recalled how Mrs. Sullivan took off her shoes and gave them to a barefoot soldier during the campaign in Western Virginia.

648. A Member of the Bar,
Cheat Mountain
, 46;
Cincinnati Daily Gazette
, November 26, 1862 in Christen, “Mrs. Van Pelt,” 23–24; “Sent Up,”
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, September 17, 1861.

649. Womack,
Civil War Diary
, July, 24, 1861; “Another Runaway,”
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, July 19, 1861.

650. “No Women,”
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, October 31, 1861; “Letter from Alf. Burnett,”
Cincinnati Daily Commercial
, November 28, 1861; Dewitt C. Howard to P.S. Bishop, August 2, 1861, PC.

651. Matthew C. Dawson to his brother, January 28, 1862, James Dawson Papers, OHS; Skidmore,
The Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 83–84.

652. Smith,
A View From the Ranks
, 24.

653. Cobb, “Story of Moses and Margaret Phillips,” 32; Plum,
The Military Telegraph
, vol. 1, 107.

654. Cook,
Lewis County in the Civil War
, 152–55.

Chapter 25. Lincoln's Odd Trick

655. McClellan,
Report on the Organization
, 125; “Gen. Orders #4, HeadQuarters, Mountain Department. Wheeling, March 29, 1862,” PC; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 314–315; Williams,
Lincoln and His Generals
, 77. General Frémont had been removed from a Missouri command in 1861 for reckless leadership and the unauthorized emancipation of slaves. But the Radicals in Congress declared him a martyr, and Lincoln yielded to their pressure by creating for him the Mountain Department. Abraham Lincoln's “War Order No. 3” defined the Mountain Department as “the country, west of the Department of the Potomac, and east of the Department of the Mississippi.”

656. R.H. Milroy to his wife, April 4 and April 7, 1862, Milroy Papers, IHS; Adams,
A Post of Honor
, 152, 161–62;
O. R
. vol. 12, pt. 3, 828, 833–34; Hall,
Diary of a Confederate Soldier
, 50; “From Western Virginia—Milroy Advancing,”
Indianapolis Daily Journal
, April 28, 1862; Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 161; Monfort, “From Grafton to McDowell,” 11–12; Lang,
Loyal West Virginia
, 64–65. The vacated Confederate cabins at Camp Allegheny were reportedly left standing by Ed Johnson as a “favor” to the widowed Mrs. Yeager. General Milroy wrote that Johnson had been “courting” her!

O. R
. 51, pt. 1, 566; Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 321–23; Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 439. West Virginia's Constitution was ratified by a vote of 18,862 to 514. The small voter turnout was a topic of debate. Also much debated was a straw poll in several counties on the gradual emancipation of slaves. The results indicated nearly ten to one support for the measure—a surprise to many. See Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 172–73 and Curry,
A House Divided
, 97.

658. McClellan, “The Peninsular Campaign,” 168; Downer,
Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign
, 24; Dowdey,
Wartime Papers
, 125–27, 179–81.

659. Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 325; Waitman T. Willey to Harrison Hagans, May 7, 1862 in Curry,
A House Divided
, 100.

660. Ambler,
Waitman Thomas Willey
, 77.

661. Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 458–59, 463–67, 501; Waugh,
Reelecting Lincoln
, 225; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 818, 882; Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 326. The West Virginia statehood bill originally contained the names of forty-eight counties. Berkeley and Jefferson Counties were added to West Virginia in 1866; Mineral, Grant Lincoln, Summers, and Mingo Counties were added later, bringing the modern total to 55.
See also
Cometti and Summers,
The Thirty-fifth State
, 457–58 and Hagans,
Sketch of the Erection and Formation of the State of West Virginia
, 89–96.

662. McGregor,
, 293–95, 297; Curry,
A House Divided
, 103;
Congressional Globe
, July 14, 1862 in Cometti and Summers,
The Thirty-fifth State
, 352–53.

663. Willey,
An Inside View
, 112–13; Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 469.

Congressional Globe
, 37 th Congress, 2nd Session in Ambler,
Waitman Thomas Willey
, 86; Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 327. Ironically, Carlile and Willey had reversed their original positions on West Virginia statehood!

665. McGregor,
, 300; Curry,
A House Divided
, 10, 108–09, 114–15, 138–39;
Cincinnati Daily Commercial
, September 4, 1861; Waugh,
Reelecting Lincoln
, 89–90; Smith,
The Borderland in the Civil War
, 329–30; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 864–65. Clement Vallandigham may have been the model for Edward Everett Hale's
Man Without a Country

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, November 13, 1862 in Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 183; Curry,
A House Divided
, 107–08. Other leading figures abandoned the statehood movement upon adoption of the Willey Amendment, including John J. Davis, John S. Burdette, Sherrard Clemens, and Daniel Lamb.

667. Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 328; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 265; C.D. Hubbard to William Hubbard, November 11, 1862 in Curry,
A House Divided
, 98.

668. Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 328; Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 483;
Congressional Globe
, 37 th Congress in Curry,
A House Divided
, 122–23;
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, December 11, 1862; Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 184. The West Virginia legislature passed a resolution demanding Senator Carlile's resignation, but he refused to comply. See Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 471–72.

669. Waugh,
Reelecting Lincoln
, 76, 79.

670. Shaffer, “Lincoln and the ‘Vast Question’ of West Virginia,” 97–98; Randall and Pease,
The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning
, vol. 1, 600.

671. Edward Bates to A.F. Ritchie, August 12, 1861 in Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 219–20;
New York Times
, June 27, 1861 in Shaffer, “Lincoln and the ‘Vast Question’ of West Virginia,” 88n; Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 496.

672. Basler,
The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln
, vol. 6, 17; Curry,
A House Divided
, 124; Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 485, 490–94; Lewis, “How West Virginia Became a Member of the Federal Union,” 605–06.

673. F.H. Pierpont to Abraham Lincoln, December 30, 1862 in Cometti and Summers,
The Thirty-fifth State
, 368.

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, January 22, 1876 in Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 497–98; Boyd B. Stutler, “Lincoln's Odd Trick,” Stutler Collection, WVSA. Whist is a card game, the antecedent of Bridge.

675. Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 496–98, 500, 504–05; Boyd B. Stutler, “Blair Enters Through White House Window,” Stutler Collection, WVSA; Welch, “The Odd Trick,” 139; Siviter,
Recollections of War and Peace
, 104–06; Basler,
The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln
, vol. 6, 27–28; Lewis,
Second Biennial Report
, 201–02;
The Clarksburg Patriot
, March 20, 1863 in Curry,
A House Divided
, 128. Ten of the forty-eight counties included within the new state of West Virginia submitted no voting results on its amended constitution. The Thirteenth Amendment preempted West Virginia's gradual emancipation clause.

676. Ambler,
Waitman Thomas Willey
, 103; Siviter,
Recollections of War and Peace
, 94–95. Governor Pierpont's charred Bible was later pulled from the flames by a neighbor.

677. Ibid., 106, 108–09; Lewis,
How West Virginia Was Made
, 334–37; Curry,
A House Divided
, 137.

678. Lewis,
Third Biennial Report
, 205–06; Dickinson,
Tattered Uniforms
, 1–2, 409–10; Curry,
A House Divided
, 7–8, 53, 76–77, 167–68; Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 188. The estimate of twenty-eight thousand Federals to eighteen thousand Confederates in service from West Virginia closely matches scholar Richard Curry's calculation of a 60–40 percent split in favor of Unionists within the state.

Epilogue. Memories and Ghosts

679. Smith,
, 218–20; Newell,
Lee vs. McClellan
, 266–68, Cox,
Military Reminiscences
, vol. 1, 145; Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 103.

680. Stevenson,
Indiana's Roll of Honor
, 224; Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 154;
O. R
. vol. 5, 229–30, 1046; Skidmore,
Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 92; Baxter,
Gallant Fourteenth
, 49; Culp,
The 25 Ohio Vet. Vol. Infantry
, 26.

681. Taylor,
Four Years
, 17; Van Dyke, “Early Days,” 30.

682. Thomas,
, 210; Alexander,
Fighting for the Confederacy
, 91.

683. Freeman,
, vol. 2, 541–42; Taylor,
General Lee
, 32; Lee,
General Lee
, 126.

684. Ibid., 396; “The Monument to General Robert E. Lee,” 244; Davis, “Robert E. Lee,” 371; Lee, Jr.,
Recollections and Letters
, 376–77; Long,
Memoirs of Robert E. Lee
, 456–57; Thomas,
, 380–81.

685. Cox, “McClellan in West Virginia,” 136–37; Benham,
, 689;
Cincinnati Daily Gazette
, April 1, 1862.

686. Sears,
George B. McClellan
, 169; Walker, “Jackson's Capture of Harper's Ferry,” 605–06.

687. McPherson,
Battle Cry of Freedom
, 568; Sears,
George B. McClellan
, 331, 376, 388;
New York Tribune
, November 10, 1862; Williams,
Lincoln and His Generals
, 177; Waugh,
Class of 1846
, 519.

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