Rebels at the Gate: Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided (61 page)

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688. Guie,
Bugles in the Valley
, 145; Alexander,
Fighting for the Confederacy
, 49; Warner,
Generals in Gray
, 99;
Richmond Times-Dispatch
, October 13, 1985.

Indianapolis News
, March 24, 1904, Stutler Collection, WVSA; Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 88–89; Sears,
George B. McClellan
, 421n.

690. Warner,
Generals in Blue
, 410–11; Reid,
Ohio in the War
, vol. 1, 348–49.

O. R
. vol. 5, 669; Warner,
Generals in Blue
, 30; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 58–59.

692. Warner,
Generals in Gray
, 232; Griggs,
General John Pegram
, 92, 114.

Lafayette Daily Journal
, April 5, 1862; Frame, “David B. Hart,” 73–75.

694. Maxwell,
History of Randolph County
, 309; Fansler,
History of Tucker County
, 154n.

695. Warner,
Generals in Blue
, 260–61; Maxwell,
History of Barbour County
, 250.

696. Carnes,
J.E. Hanger
, n. p.; Carnes,
Centennial History
, 26.

697. Grebner, “
We Were the Ninth,”
xiii; Reid,
Ohio in the War
, vol. 2, 72–75.

698. Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 690; Starr,
Bohemian Brigade
, 356.

699. Warner,
Generals in Gray
, 152; Robertson,
Stonewall Jackson
, 753, 760.

700. Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 411; Ecelbarger,
Frederick W. Lander
, 122, 274, 278;
Cincinnati Daily Commercial
, March 12, 1862.

701. Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 157–59; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 552; Keifer,
Slavery and Four Years
, vol. 1, 315–16; Warner,
Generals in Blue
, 326.

702. Robert H. Milroy Papers, 37, IHS; Obituary of Richard Green in Entrepreneurship Class,
A Dish of History
, n.p.

703. Elwood,
Elwood's Stories
, 275; Armstrong,
Virginia Infantry
, 176.

704. Warner,
Generals in Gray
, 194; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 492; Quintard,
Doctor Quintard
, 53–54.

705. Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 158–59; Warner,
Generals in Blue
, 398; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 694–95.

706. Warner,
Generals in Blue
, 267–68; Boatner,
Civil War Dictionary
, 381.

707. Skidmore,
The Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, i, 149, 156.

708. Cammack,
Personal Recollections
, 21–22, 153–56.

709. Warner, Generals in Gray, 150, 159;

710. Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 30–32;
Upshur Record
, December 20, 1917.

711. Siviter,
Recollections of War and Peace
, xvii, xx–xxiv; Myers,
Myers' History of West Virginia
, vol. 2, 296.

712. Willey,
An Inside View
, 190–97;
O. R
. ser. 2, vol. 3, 813; Ambler,
Waitman Thomas Willey
, 20n.

713. Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 471–72; Curry,
A House Divided
, 140, 176n; Willey,
An Inside View
, 208–09.

714. Plum,
The Military Telegraph
, vol. 1, 105–06; Stutler,
West Virginia in the Civil War
, 43–48; Christen, “Mrs. Van Pelt,” 23–24.

O. R
. ser. 2, vol. 3, 218, 753, 775; Brigham, “The Civil War Journal of William B. Fletcher,” 46–47; Hall,
Lee's Invasion
, 161–64; Lang,
Loyal West Virginia
, 195.

716. Warner,
Generals in Gray
, 90, 342; Hall,
Rending of Virginia
, 192; Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 212.

717. Warner,
Generals in Blue
, 28; Keifer,
Slavery and Four Years
, vol. 1, 208.

718. “Trainer of Traveler,” 548–49; Deitz, “Ghost of Traveler,” 13–18.

719. Toney,
, 69, 80, 122, 124.

720. Lang,
Loyal West Virginia
, 243.

721. Ashcraft,
Virginia Infantry
, preface; Cook,
Lewis County in the Civil War
, 117.

722. Hall,
Diary of a Confederate Soldier
, 137, 139.

723. Monfort, “From Grafton to McDowell,” 19–20; Bierce,
Battlefields and Ghosts
, 16–17.

724. Pool,
Under Canvas
, 49–50. The verse is from “Lines on the Death of Serg't Price and Respectfully Inscribed to Co. A 14th Reg't Ind. V.M.” by “W.H.A. Cheat Mountain, Va. Oct. 6, 1861.” Sergeant J. Urner Price died of wounds received at the Battle of Greenbrier River.


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Continental Monthly
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Adams, Charles R., Jr., ed.
A Post of Honor: The Pryor Letters, 1861–63
. Fort Valley, GA: Garret Publications, Inc., 1989.

Alexander, Edward P.
Fighting for the Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander
. Edited by Gary W. Gallagher. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1989.

Military Memoirs of a Confederate: A Critical Narrative
. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907.

Ambler, Charles H.
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. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1937.

Sectionalism in Virginia From 1776 to 1861
. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1910.

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. Lynchburg, VA: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1990.


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. Randolph County Historical Society, Elkins, WV, no. 2 (1925): 46–52.

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Magazine of History and Biography
. Randolph County Historical Society, Elkins, WV, no. 13 (June 1969): 59–75.

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. Lynchburg, VA: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1988.

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. vol. 37 (May 1930): 186–189.

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. 9 vols. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1953.

Baxter, Nancy N.
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. Traverse City, MI: The Pioneer Study Center Press, 1980.

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Hoosier Farm Boy in Lincoln's Army: The Civil War Letters of Pvt. John
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. Privately published, 1971.

Beauregard, G.T. “The First Battle of Bull Run.”
From Sumter to Shiloh: Battles and Leaders of the Civil War
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Beatty, John.
The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of A Volunteer
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. vol. 24 (February 1916): 76–77.

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. Edited with an introduction by William McCann. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway, 1956.

Bird, Jacob.
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Boatner, Mark M., III.
The Civil War Dictionary
. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1959.

Bosworth, A.S.
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. Privately published, 1916.

Brigham, Loriman S., ed. “The Civil War Journal of William B. Fletcher.”
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. vol. 6 (June 1898): 292.


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