Rebound (25 page)

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Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Rebound
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“We meet again...”

Chapter 29

She felt a little stupid. What if she was making a big deal out of nothing.

“One way to find out...”

She slowly pulled the champagne satin ribbon that adorned the box and hesitated before she removed the lid. “Oh, for criminy sake there isn’t a cobra in there.”

She took off the lid to find the inside full of delicate cream paper. She started to remove the layers. Katrine reached in and pulled out the mysterious item. In the middle of the box, snug in a cocoon of tissue, was a gorgeous dress. It was black and sleeveless, with a high boat neck. But what she found really striking about it was that the back draped and it would expose her back, most likely to her waist.

“Wow, it’s beautiful.”

She reached in expecting to find just tissue, but she had to make sure, just in case. So she was surprised when her hand hit something hard, another box. She pulled out a black box about the length of her hand.

Oh my god…

 She knew the kind of things that came in boxes this size and they were usually sparkly.


The objects shining back at Katrine were the biggest and most beautiful emerald earrings she had ever seen in her life. 

There was a square stone at the top, about five carats, and then below hung a octagonal-shaped gem. But the main sides were longer than the rest giving it more of a rectangular look. The center stone had to be at least ten carats! She wasn’t sure, she had never seen anything this big. Her hands were shaking, these couldn’t be real, could they? She could’t accept these, could she? How much would something like this cost? She couldn’t even guess. But if she had to, she would say that one could buy a very fancy car or maybe a house with these baubles. 

Hair up and no other jewelry, these babies are the main attraction, hands down.

 She had a fabulous pair of emerald colored pumps she had never worn, that would look amazing. Only the tip would be visible anyway. This dress was long and she was short. She hoped she could make it all work. Wow, this wasn’t the surprise. Just those earrings would have been enough to get on her good side, front side, back side, any side he wanted.

“Ok, so the surprise must be the where. And it must be somewhere fancy. Whatever it is, I am sure it will be amazing.”

She took a picture of her new green buddies and sent it to Maddie and the girls, including Tristan. Her phone exploded when everyone saw the gift Xander had given her. 

She laughed, they were all freaking out. But hey, so was she.

She wrote back
“suck it bitches”
in response.

 “Women really
suckers for jewelry.”

She looked at the clock and saw it was 1:30. She put her beautiful dress in a garment bag and quickly threw the rest of the things she needed to get ready together. She decided to take her toothbrush and a change of clothes just in case. She didn’t know what he planned, but she always liked to be prepared for any actuality. She put on a pair of white cropped pants with a matching jacket over a silky aubergine shell. She put on a pair of linen open toe wedges in the same shade of purple and she was ready to go. 

He came right on time. Xander was always punctual.  He gave her a very hearty kiss and grabbed her bag. She gushed about the presents he had given her. They made it out to the curb and like before he waved the driver off. Xander opened Katrine’s door and helped her into her seat.

“Before you ask... just don’t.”

She smiled and snuggled into him, and zipped her lip. They had been on the road for about twenty minutes when he said. “Ok close your eyes.” The car stopped and she heard his door open and close. A few seconds later he was helping her out.

“Now we need to hustle or we will be late.” 

“Late for what?”

“Late for our flight.”


She opened her eyes and saw that there was a sleek private jet in front of her. It said
Challenger 300
on the side. She knew nothing about planes, but knowing him, it was fast and top of the line. As they climbed up the steps into the plane, her breath caught in her throat. The leather was light tan and there was dark wood paneling throughout. There were three rows of executive chairs and beyond that a seat that looked like a small couch. It was definitely top of the line. 

“Wow! I have never been on one of these before.”

“Not even with your rich surgeon ex-husband?” he joked.

“No. He made money, but not private jet money.”

“Mr. Abbot, we are ready when you are sir.” The man she assumed was the captain told them. The uniform and captain’s hat he was wearing totally gave it away.

“Very well Mitchell, let’s be on our way if you please.” 

He led Katrine over to one of the executive seats and he sat beside her. She was trying to process the events that had already transpired today, but it was hard to wrap her mind around. These things did not happen to her. Ostentatious jewelry and private jets were not part of her normal life. This was like a fairytale in a way. A fairytale with amazing sex and an expiration date.

“Would you like a drink, Ms. MacNamara?”

“What no stewardess? Excuse me flight attendant?” said with a slight eye roll.

“I requested that there not be, privacy and all.”

Mile high fantasy marked off my list? Yes please!

“I would love a drink, thank you.”

 Sometime later, she wasn’t sure how long, the captain came over the speakers. “Mr. Abbot we will be landing in about thirty minutes. You should reach your destination on time.” It seemed as if they had just taken off, and that was always indicative of the company she kept. It seemed with him time passed too quickly. But she was grateful for once because she couldn’t wait to find out where they were going.

“So he’s in on this too…Oh well, I am already having the most amazing time, whatever comes next is just icing on the cake. Really we could just fly around with no where to go and this would be the best night ever.” Just then she looked out the window and saw the ocean.

“The ocean, where are we? Please Xander, I beg you. Put me out of my misery!”

“Everything will be revealed in under an hour. Just be patient. I hope this meets the expectations you have conjured in that head of yours. I would hate for you to be disappointed.”

“There is no way I will be disappointed. Trust me on this one, if I am with you it will be a night to remember.” She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Now get me off of this freaking plane so I can get the rest of my surprise!!” 

When they got off the plane she still had no idea where she was.

Shouldn’t there be a sign with the name of the airport or something? Oh there it is, and it doesn’t tell me a thing….

Over here Katrine, we have to take this to get to the final stop.” And by this he meant the helicopter that was at the far end on the tarmac.

She shrugged her shoulders and thought “what the hell”. He helped her into the helicopter and she buckled herself in. She took some deep breaths to settle her nerves and put on those enormous head phones they make you wear. She had never been in a helicopter before and she was a little shaken, but the excitement far outweighed any jitters she was feeling. What an adventure. She had no inkling where they were going and she didn’t care. At that precise moment she was just glad to have this amazing man at her side and for the first time, she didn’t mind being divorced.

Chapter 30

Katrine looked out of the window and took in the scenery. They were over the water but were flying parallel to the visible coastline. The water was littered with sail boats and yachts. 

“Are we at Martha’s Vineyard or the Cape? I still have no idea where we are and frankly I’m feeling a bit stupid that I’m this clueless. I really need to get out more.” He just squeezed her hand and smiled. Then Katrine noticed some of the biggest houses she had ever seen. Well houses was putting it mildly. These were mansions. The helicopter started to descend and landed in a huge section of lush green grass surrounding a palatial estate. It was smaller than some of the others, but just as grand in her opinion.

“They let people land helicopters here?”

“No, not usually, but they made an exception.”

As the blades slowed Xander helped her step down onto the ground as she took in her surroundings. The house was a large two story that reminded her of the estates she had seen while touring the English and French countryside. It was white stone with sprawling gardens and that was just the back of the property. She could not wait to see it from the front.

“This is one of the summer cottages built by the Vanderbilt Family. And this my dear girl is our destination. I have to admit that we’re not just here for pleasure. I had to mix a little business in with  tonight’s festivities. You have been occupying most of my weekends as of late, and this was something that I couldn’t cancel. I hope that doesn’t upset you.” Katrine was still doing slow 360s, trying to take in all of the beauty that surrounded her. 

“Umm, no. I think I’m good.”

“Well the good news is we do get a private tour and we get to have a nice dinner, just the two of us. So let’s not waste any time. I am dying to see you in that dress.”

“Patience my dear Xander, all will be revealed in due time.” He smiled and pulled her by the hand as they made their way across the manicured lawn. 

“Can we start in the front? I have got to see the drive up to this shack.”

“Katrine you can have anything you want. I am here to fulfill your every wish. I have a doghouse to get out of, you know.”

“So I probably shouldn’t tell you that you haven’t been in my doghouse since last night, when you did that thing you do with your tongue that I like so much.” She slid her arms around his neck and gave him a half grin.

“Well it was the least I could do. And when I say the least, I mean that I can do much, much better than that. I
an overachiever you know.” He was so close that she could feel his breath on her cheek. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and show him what she could do with her tongue, but thought that they might lose their private tour if they threw down on the lawn of a historical landmark. So she settled for a soft, quick kiss on the lips. He let out a disappointed sigh.

“Patience,” she whispered in his ear as she pulled away.

They walked around to the entrance and Katrine was not surprised to see that it was absolutely lovely. There were four large columns supporting the front portico and the overall look reminded her a bit of the White House, or a manor you might see in a period film. A dark-haired woman in an elegant cream colored dress approached them with a friendly greeting. “Mr. Abbot, we are so delighted to have you here.”

“Thank you Ms. James, it is my pleasure. May I introduce Ms. Katrine MacNamara.”

“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Macnamara. I’m Helen James, the special events coordinator. We are so honored to have Mr. Abbot attend the charity ball. It means so much to the organization. I would be happy to take you on a tour of the house if you are interested.”

“That would be much appreciated Ms. James.”

“Please call me Helen, and if you would follow me.”

They started up towards the entrance and Katrine leaned in and whispered, “Charity Ball? So that’s what we are doing here.” He looked at her expectantly, “Do you mind? I know they can be dull, but I thought if we were in it together, it might not be so intolerable.”

“No, it sounds amazing.” 

Katrine stepped into the foyer and her mouth dropped open. “Wow,” was all she could say. 

The entire façade of the room was floor to ceiling marble, and in a word, opulent. The grand staircase was also made of the same golden hued marble. Gatsby could have called this place home.

 “This is Marble House. It was built by Mr. And Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt in the latter part of the 1800s. The house and grounds total around four acres and is reported to have cost $11 million dollars, which would be more than $260 million today. It was given to Mrs. Vanderbilt as a present for her 39
birthday.” Helen’s voice and high heels echoed against the marble and high ceilings.  

Xander looked at Katrine and grinned, “Don’t get any ideas.”

“Hey, I’m usually thrilled to get a Starbucks gift card for my birthday,” Katrine said with a grin. 

They continued up the staircase as Helen filled them in on historic details about the house and the Vanderbilt family. The interior was French inspired with gold filigree, fine furnishings and lush fabrics. Each room was different, and each as decadent as the next. Katrine loved the room decorated entirely in lavender. She wasn’t surprised to hear that it was Mrs. Vanderbilt’s bedroom. It was the ultimate in luxurious femininity. 

They ended the tour in the ballroom, the site of  the charity event. The large cherubic chandeliers warred with the dark, slightly demonic images flanking the fireplace. The hand-painted murals on the ceiling were heavenly. She was completely taken by the grandeur and couldn’t wait to glide across the parquet floor in Xander’s arms. That is, if he actually danced at these things.

“I think I could totally have a princess fantasy moment in this place.” She grabbed his hand and winked. He smiled down at her and seemed very pleased that she was enjoying herself. Helen showed them to his and hers lounge areas towards the back of the property where they could change and freshen up for the evening. Katrine assumed this area was used for wedding parties and things of that nature. 

“Ms. MacNamara, you will find your things inside and please let me know if you need anything at all.”

“Thank you for that, and for the tour as well. I loved it.” Helen smiled and excused herself. 

“So which one of these rooms do we get to have dinner in tonight?”

“None of them.”

“Well then where are we eating? Or am I not privy to that information either?”

“It is on the premises, but not in the  house. That is the only hint you get.”

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