Rebound (27 page)

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Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Rebound
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“May I have your attention for a few moments please. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Helen
James, the event coordinator here at Marble House. I would like to welcome you all. It is our great honor and privilege to have Mr. Alexander Abbot here tonight. Without his philanthropic efforts and astounding generosity, this night would not have been possible. And tonight we have raised over a million dollars towards finding a cure. On behalf of the Newport Preservation Society, I thank you.”

Applause broke out and Katrine was dumbfounded. Not one time did she ask Xander why they were here, what charity this ball benefited. Her heart thumped in her chest as she looked at his face. His eyes glistened, but no one would notice unless they were as close as she was. It all clicked into place. His mother, this was for her.

“Mr. Abbot would you care to say a few words?”

Xander squeezed her fingers lightly and made his way up to the front of the room. He was so deliciously handsome it made her swoon a bit. He exuded confidence in a way she had never witnessed before. It was staggering and it made her so proud to be on his arm. The applause trickled as he reached the microphone.  

“Thank you, Ms. James, for the kind introduction, and thank you to everyone for attending and contributing to this worthy cause. The Joanna Abbot Cancer Fund is more then just a tax write off or an attempt to garner positive publicity. This cause is personal. I lost my mother to ovarian cancer at an early age and I swore that I would do everything in my power to make sure her death was not in vain. Tonight your generosity has brought us one step closer to finding a cure for a disease that has destroyed so many lives. With your help no child will be left without a mother, nor a husband without a wife. Together we can make a difference, and I thank you all from the deepest part of my soul… Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

Again applause broke out and Katrine was clapping louder then anyone. She had tears in her eyes as he came to stand in front of her. He wiped a stray tear and rubbed his thumb across her cheek bone as he often did.

“Oh Xander, I had no idea…”

“Shhhh, let’s not talk about it.” 

 She gazed at him with admiration and respect, which she realized he had earned completely in that moment.

“I have never seen you look at me that way Katrine, I like it.” 

 They said their good byes and shook hands. They took a car back to the small airport. The ride was silent, as both were feeling the effects of the long day. He held her close, rubbing her arms and kissing her hair. He loved the way she smelled. It wasn’t perfume, just her. He also liked the way she fit in his arms, she just fit. But it was destined to end, wasn’t it? He didn’t know what to think anymore.


When they got back onto the plane a second wind came over Katrine. When would she ever be on a private jet again? Probably never. It had been such a glorious night. The lights were low in the cabin and they sipped red wine. There was soft music playing from somewhere. She got up and went to the restroom. All of that constrictive material she had under her dress had served its purpose, now it was time to say goodbye. She took it off and folded it as small as she could. She crammed it into her purse, but more than half of it was sticking out. She stuck her tongue out at the offensive undergarment and she giggled a bit. 

“Whoa, I must be a little buzzed.”

She made her way back to Xander, but she didn’t sit where she was before. She seductively lifted her dress up to her knees and straddled the gorgeous, generous man in front of her. She put her hands lightly on his shoulders and lowered her face down to his.

“Thank you for tonight.” She kissed him.

“Thank you for everything.” She kissed him again.

She didn’t mean for it to sound like a goodbye, but for some reason that was how it felt, for both of them. Katrine started to explore his mouth, making lazy circles with her tongue. She did not neglect his lower lip. She sucked and bit it lightly. She looked into his eyes and he into hers. His hands gripped her thighs and then pushed her dress up around her waist. His fingers pressed into her skin, almost hurting, but not quite. She deepened their kiss. While she did so, she lifted herself up ever so slightly. She reached down and unzipped his pants. Once pulled free, she stroked him slightly, while kissing him passionately. The soft leather was cushioning her knees as she increased the speed of her strokes. She didn’t bother moving from her position, she simply pushed her panties aside and slowly, very slowly took him inside of her, inch by satisfying inch. 

She moaned as he slid inside her. Xander moaned as well. They were both fully clothed and that just added to an already erotic situation. She slowly started to ride him as he looked into her eyes. The air was thick with unspoken emotion. Tonight seemed different than any they had experienced before. They started to kiss once more and she gripped the seat behind his head. Her body crashed into him with abandon. She broke the kiss and threw her head back, he was holding her at the waist, head bowed into her, almost in reverence. She screamed, letting go of all the inhibitions and sadness she had felt in the past. She let herself go like she had never before. Katrine’s shuddered and let her head drop onto Xander’s shoulder as she caught her breath. But he was not quite done with her...


Xander lifted Katrine from his body and he moved her over to the small couch towards the back of the plane. He placed her in front of him, kissing the exposed skin on her back while he carefully pushed the soft fabric off of her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He took each earring off and placed them in his jacket pocket. He discarded his own clothes quickly as she stood with her back to him. He removed her bra and panties and she started to gently bend over in front of him. He was standing and her hands were flat on the couch cushions. She was still in her heels so the angle would be just right. But he lifted her up and turned her to face him.

“I want to see your face, but keep the shoes on.” 

She gasped at the intensity of his first thrust. After a few moments she lifted her hips and bound him with her legs. She dug her nails into his back as he took one of her nipples into his mouth. As he sucked, his speed increased and Katrine met him stroke for stroke with her hips. He raised one of her legs as he threw his head back and came. The feeling of him pulsating inside her and the intensity of the angle took her over and she came for a second time. That had never happened to her before...

They lay naked and totally spent as the captain said they were making their descent. Slowly they helped each other get dressed, laughing and kissing. When they finally got back to Xander’s, they wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep. Katrine put on his Yale shirt and snuggled into him, before unconsciousness took her.



Chapter 32

When Katrine finally woke up she realized Xander was not with her. She must have really slept in, because she always got up before him. She had serious bed-head, and she was sure her eye make up was down to her cheeks. That motivated her to get out of bed and get washed up. Plus, she really had to go to the bathroom.

“Whoa! I look like Courtney Love after a binge.”

She washed her face and brushed her teeth, after she went to the restroom. Now to find that hot guy who gave her two orgasms. 


She had finally joined the multi club. She had always thought there was something wrong with her or it just wasn’t in the cards. Who knew she just needed spontaneous, private jet sex to motivate her glands. 

Two baby, two... count ‘em bitches!

She spanked the air and broke it down a little bit.

“Are you celebrating something?”

She froze. Then shrugged her shoulders.

Uh, totally busted…Oh well.

“As a matter of fact, I was. If you really want to know, I was celebrating the amazing night we had, followed up by some seriously amazing sex. Do you want to see that again?”

“Oh please, once wasn’t enough.”

So she did an encore performance, with an audience this time. He threw his head back and laughed.

“Well, I’m glad my performance merited a dance,” he said with a grin. 

“What have you been up to? You’re usually the slug a bed, not me. Perhaps you were making me breakfast?”

“Come and find out.” He offered his hand and she gladly took it.

“Yeah, room service! This has been one of my favorite things about coming over here.”

“I hope seeing me ranks higher than the room service.” 

“You know you do, but by a very narrow margin,” she teased.

He had ordered her french toast and an omelette. Her mouth was starting to water.

“I figured after all of the wine you had, you would appreciate some carbs.” He smiled.

“You know me so well, Xander. Or maybe I’m just that predictable.” 

“Oh, a little of both.” 

The grin dropped from his face and he looked down at the table. She knew what he was thinking. This was one of the last weekends they had together. And he seemed to feel as horrible about it as she did.

“Hey, none of that. Let’s just enjoy each other, right? That is what you said when this whole thing started,” Katrine reminded him.

“That was before...”

“Before what?”

“Before this,” he said, as he pressed his hand into his chest.

She could feel the tears starting to well up. She knew exactly how he felt. But she shook herself out of the melancholy, before it took over this wonderful breakfast.

“Okay, so it didn’t end as casually as we planned, but it has been awesome. And hey, there is nothing that says we can never see each other again, right.”

He didn’t answer.

She wasn’t sure what his silence meant. She figured he was still having a moment, so she stood up and walked over to him. She sat on his lap and gave him a huge hug and kiss.

“Cheer up or I will be forced to dance until you beg for mercy.”

That elicited a small smile and she was satisfied. Katrine kissed him on the nose and returned to her french toast, which was made with brioche and was smothered in bacon infused syrup. She took a huge bite and her eyes rolled a bit. 

“So fucking good,” she said with her mouth full.

That made him laugh and smile, for real. She laughed too, and then he started to dig into his own breakfast.

Yeah me! Sorrowful crisis averted!

For now...


When she went home she called Teddy to check in. She had not had time to call him the night before.

“Hey baby! Sorry I didn’t call last night. I was very busy.”

Busy, getting busy!!  

“No big deal. Grandpa and dad made a fire on the beach and we cooked hotdogs on sticks!”

That made her smile. She was so glad David was spending so much time with their son. She knew how much it meant to Teddy. The thought of father and son roasting hotdogs together warmed her heart.

Whoa, were did that come from?

“That sounds so wonderful. I know you have had so much fun at the beach, but can I tell you, I’m so glad you are coming home in a couple of weeks.”

“Momma, I will be ready to come home. I miss you and I miss my friends. I’m looking forward to starting school, too.”

“Do you want to come home early?” She got excited at the prospect.

“No, I’ll be home soon. I don’t want to disappoint grams and grandpa. Dad either.”

“I understand. That is what makes you such a great kid. You care about others.”

“I learned from the best. Not seeing you for this long has really made me appreciate how wonderful you are, mom. Well, even more than before.”

She started to cry.

“Oh mom sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Please don’t.”

“Sorry baby. It’s a happy cry, I promise. I am the luckiest lady in the land. I really am.”

“Mom, you sound good. I think this summer has been good for you too.”

“Ted my boy, you just said a mouthful.”


“Never mind. Well, I will talk to you tomorrow from the computer so I can see your face. I love, love, love you!!! I am giving you a huge hug right now.”

“And I’m hugging you right back, momma.”


Katrine sat there a while, staring down at her phone. She was trying to soak it all in, put everything into perspective. She was brought out of her reverie by a knock at the door. 

She looked out the peep hole and saw that it was Maddie.

“Hey sis! What are you doing here?”

“I just had to hear the whole story and see those earrings, in person!”

“Okay, come on in you nosy B.”

She went back to her bedroom and took the box from her underwear drawer, where she kept all of  her important items. Why? It was just one of those things.

“Holy shit! Are those real? Holy shit!”

“Yes they are, and I am not sure I’m keeping them. So if you are having any delusions about borrowing them, just stop right now.”

“What if you do keep them?”

“The answer is still no!”

“You are so selfish. I wouldn’t lose them…Well, it’s a possibility… Ok I agree, do not let me borrow them under any circumstances! You know if we hawked those, we could feed about twenty African villages, right?”

“I know, I know.”

She told Maddie all about their night. 

“Wow, two orgasms, huh?”

“Really, out of all that, private jet and dancing in a beautiful mansion, you are impressed with the orgasms?”


“Me too.” They both started to giggle like school girls.

“I never had much to compare to, but sex is different with Xander. It is just so good. I just figured sex was sex, no matter who you did it with. You know, same set up, same rigamarole. But wow, what a difference.”

“I know, isn’t it great! Every man I have slept with has been different. Some in subtle ways and some in not so subtle ways. And some men are just shite in bed, plain and simple.”

“David wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t that spectacular either. I am sure he is having great sex with Dr. Ariel. It is all about chemistry.”

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