Reckless (30 page)

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Authors: S.C. Stephens

BOOK: Reckless
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When the song ended, the D-Bags immediately moved into another one. I wasn’t sure if they were using a set song lineup, or if Evan just randomly decided which song to start playing next
and the rest of them went along without hesitation. They’d been playing together for so long, maybe it was a little bit of both.

Their next song was fast and catchy, and Jenny and I dragged Rachel onto the floor to dance with us. Anna joined in, bumping and grinding despite her growing curves. I noticed Denny pulling Abby
to the side of the crowd; they danced with bright smiles on their faces—no pain, no jealousy, just peace, which is what I’d always wanted for him.

When the song was over, Kellan took a quick bow, thanked the crowds, and then jumped right into the midst of them. He waded through a sea of wandering palms to get to me. Our arms wrapped around
each other and eventually the friendly fingers of fans backed off. Kellan gave me a few light kisses as Rain’s voice broke over the microphone. “Thank you, boys, but it’s the
girls’ turn to kick ass now!”

Kellan looked back at her, laughing as they started one of their driving beats. Jenny headed back to work while Rachel slinked off to join Matt at the table. Anna meandered to a stool to sit
down. Griffin headed over to nibble on
ear for a while. Denny gave me a small wave as he headed toward the doors with Abby. Kellan and I stayed in the thick crowd, dancing to Poetic
Bliss’s infectious beat. It had been a while since I’d danced with Kellan; the boy had moves. Sliding up behind me, he swayed his hips with mine in such a seductive way that I suddenly
wanted to stop this public celebration and have a much more private one instead. Breath hot on my neck, he ran his nose up the side of my throat. Closing my eyes, I laid my head on his shoulder and
reveled in the feeling of his body against mine. With a soft kiss on my jaw, he said over the music, “Wanna go somewhere with me?”

Boy, did I ever.

His hands slid down my hips, subtly pulling them back into his. I didn’t need to feel his body to know what he was in the mood for, but feeling the outline of him through his jeans sparked
a fire in mine. Twisting my head to look at him, I gave him a playful half smile and nodded. His corresponding grin was as devilish as the sudden gleam in his eye.

Biting my lip, I tugged him through the crowd of people until we got to the hallway. People tried to stop us as we moved along toward the back room of the bar, where only employees were supposed
to go, but I expertly weaved us around them. Sliding around a couple of girls coming out of the bathroom, we slipped into the back room, quickly closing the door behind us.

Kellan pressed me into the door, turning the lock on it as he did. “New lock still works,” he whispered, leaning in for my mouth. I chuckled as I drew him into me. It might have been
the dancing, or the few beers I had, or seeing him on stage, or just the novelty of showing affection for him in public—something we hadn’t been able to do much while on tour for the
single—but I desperately wanted him.

While our mouths frantically worked together, my fingers slid down his chest to unfasten the button of his jeans. Groaning, his hands started in on mine. As I unzipped his jeans, I looked over
his shoulder, just to make sure we were alone. The room was fairly open, I didn’t see anyone hiding anywhere, so I found his lips again and closed my eyes.

As Kellan started to shove my pants down my hips, I slipped my hands into his jeans. He was so ready for me, hard and straining against my palm. He whimpered a bit as I squeezed him. My breath
was fast as I fed off of the fiery passion I felt from him. It was like he was going to explode if he didn’t have me. I was sure he was already on the edge, and just the slightest touch would
send him right over. Remembering something Kellan had said once, to Denny, of all people, I stopped his hands from removing my clothes. He made a noise that sounded close to a growl as his fingers
curled around my jeans. Well, we
celebrating, perhaps I should give him a present, something I didn’t typically do for him—but maybe I should, since most guys like it. Or
so I’d heard.

Pushing him away, I slid my back down the door. Kellan watched me descend with clear confusion on his face. “Kiera . . . ?”

When I stopped at his waist, he stopped breathing. The look on his face was as clear to me as if he’d begged:
Please do what I think you’re going to do.
His finger slowly
reached down to trace my jaw, and I felt more powerful, more desirable, and more beautiful than I ever had before. Not able to pull myself away from his intense eyes, I adjusted his clothes so he
was exposed. The anticipation grew as we stared at each other. Kellan started breathing again, faster than before. He didn’t say anything, didn’t pressure me in any way, just continued
to beg me with his eyes. When I noticed he was trembling, maybe fighting back the urge to bring my lips closer to him, I lowered my mouth and took him in. Kellan gasped, then groaned. I heard a
thud as his forehead hit the door. I had tasted him before, on several occasions, but usually just a small lick or two when we were both rolling around naked. Nothing like this. Nothing that was so
blatantly just for him.

As Kellan’s erotic breaths picked up the pace, his hand cupped my cheek. He stroked my skin with his thumb while I did my best to relax as I moved over him. Faster than I thought it would
take, I felt him tense and knew he was close. It was a now-or-never sort of moment, and I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I knew I wanted to satisfy him, and I knew what
would want
if the roles were reversed. Kellan had his own thought on the matter, though. Murmuring my name with a light groan, his hand moved to my shoulder and he tried to push me back. I grabbed his hips
and pulled him deeper into me. I’d committed to do this, and I would see it through to the end.

My aggressive move pushed Kellan over the edge. Crying out, he grabbed the door handle and squeezed it as he released; I could hear the metal rattling in the lock. It was enough to distract me
from the taste . . . which wasn’t quite as bad as I’d imagined.

After he slowly came down, I adjusted his boxers and slid my way up the door. His head was still resting against the wood, his eyes closed as he breathed in and out of his mouth. His face, his
look, his reaction . . . I don’t think I’d ever been so turned on in all my life. Slinging my arms around him, I nestled into his chest.

He shifted to bury his head in my neck. “Holy . . . oh my . . . fuck,” he muttered.

His body sagged against mine and I giggled at his complete lack of coherency. I think I satisfied him. Stroking his back, I whispered, “Don’t swear.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Sorry.” His voice was groggy, like he’d just woken up.

My body was blazing with need, but Kellan was still slumped against the door; he didn’t seem to be in any shape to help me with my situation. And I didn’t really want him to. I loved
the fact that I’d completely overwhelmed him, and I wanted this moment to just be about him. Reaching down, I slowly zipped up my pants, then moved my fingers over to zip up his. Still
breathing deeply, Kellan pulled back and glanced down when he felt me fastening his jeans.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

Giving him a soft kiss, a kiss that a part of me really wanted to deepen, I told him, “I’m making you presentable, so we can finish celebrating with our friends.”

Kellan seemed even more confused by my answer. “But you didn’t . . . don’t you want me to satisfy you?”

Just the inquiring angle of his head made me want to tear off his jeans and beg him to take me against the wall. But smiling at him, I shook my head. “You did satisfy me.”

Kellan cocked his eyebrow. “I did? Are you sure? Because you’re usually more vocal when you’re satisfied.” He gave me a provocative grin.

Biting my lip and rubbing my legs together, I debated changing my mind. Pushing him back a smidge, I told him, “I may not have . . . finished . . . but you definitely made me happy.”
I swept a strand of hair away from his eyes. “I want to give you this.” Grabbing the doorknob behind him, I muttered, “You can return the favor later.” I could hear him
chuckling as I stepped into the hallway.

With the tour with Avoiding Redemption starting soon, the D-Bags dropped off of the face of the earth as they hid away with their significant others. I didn’t see or hear
from my sister for the next five days. When I wasn’t visiting with old friends in the area—mainly Denny and Cheyenne—Kellan and I spent most of our dwindling free time tangled up
in our sheets. I was very happy for my laptop; I could get some much needed work done while spooning with Kellan. And what greater writing inspiration could there be than that?

Needing a break from the drama of my past, I closed my manuscript file and started surfing the Internet. Kellan lifted his head from the pillow and kissed my shoulder. “You finally done
with that?”

“No, I’m just taking a break. And no, you can’t read it yet.” Smiling, I typed in the name of his song with Sienna—“Regretfully.” Maybe I was crazy for
wanting to watch it, but the curiosity had been eating away at me ever since Denny had called it “convincing.” Sienna wasn’t why I wanted to watch it anyway. I wanted to support
Kellan. He’d released his very first video, and I still hadn’t seen it. That didn’t sit right with me.

Kellan sat up, the sheet over his chest sliding to his waist. “Well, good, because I didn’t want to read it right now anyway.” I gave him a hard look, and he threw on an
innocent smile. “I
finding the ceaseless typing relaxing, though.” He glanced at the screen and frowned when he noticed what I was about to watch. “You sure you want
to see that?”

There were dozens of titles on the screen that were close matches to what I’d typed in, but a still shot of Kellan’s face was staring at me on the very top of the list. “No,
not really . . . but it’s your first official video. I feel like we should watch it. Maybe it won’t be so bad if we do it together?”

Kellan nodded and grabbed my hand. He tenderly kissed my wedding ring, an apology already on his face. I reached up to stroke his cheek, then turned back to the laptop. It felt hotter as it
rested on my legs, like it was slowly burning a hole through the thin sheet covering me.

After I clicked on the link for the video, a short ad for perfume started playing. I read some of the comments below the video while I waited. “Kellan and Sienna are so hot
together!” “OMG, I love these two!” “They need to be together! Are they getting married?” “I heard they already were!” “OMG, Kell-Sex

I frowned. Kell-Sex? The fans had already combined their names. Fabulous. And the moniker they’d given them was downright God-awful. Couldn’t they think of something a little more .
. . poetic?

The video started playing, and I clenched Kellan’s hand. He didn’t complain about how tightly I was gripping him. I could feel his eyes on me as I watched him and Sienna rolling
around in a bed together. I’ll admit, it was painful to watch at first, but after a while, I got sucked into the beauty and artistry of the video and I almost forgot that the man cringing in
ecstasy was my husband. By the time the video ended, I saw what the fans were attracted to—Kellan and Sienna sizzled on screen.

Kellan cleared his throat, and I twisted to look at him. He was searching my face for any clue of what I was thinking. Giving honesty a shot, I told him before he could even ask. “The two
of you look amazing together. I can see why the fans are so in love with the idea.” Kellan started shaking his head, and I cupped his cheek to stop him. “Were you really thinking about
me throughout that entire thing?”

He nodded, his face intense. “It was the only way I could get through it.”

My heart swelled as we stared at each other. He really did only have eyes for me. Pushing aside what the world wanted for him, I focused solely on what
wanted, what I wanted. Feeling
languid and content, I asked him, “Kellan Kyle, will you marry me?”

Moving the computer off of my lap, he gave me a teasing smile as he climbed on top of me. “I thought you’d never ask,” he murmured, lowering his lips to my neck.

“Is that a yes?” I asked, giggling.

He ground his hips into mine as he brought his lips to my ear. “With you, it’s always yes.”

As he ran his lips down my skin, I thought about my mother . . . which was sort of a strange thought to have at the moment. But she’d called me that morning asking about wedding
invitations; she desperately wanted to get some ordered. She’d tried to hide it over the phone, but I’d heard the uncertainty in her voice as she talked about my future. She
wasn’t sure if the wedding was still on. She watched TV. She noticed the magazines at the store. She heard the gossip just as much as I did, and I’m sure she had heard all about how hot
and sweaty Kellan and Sienna were getting. If I were her, I’d wonder if Kellan and I were still together too. I’d reassured her that we were still getting married, but I hadn’t
given her a firm date.

Before Kellan’s lips found their way to my chest, I pushed him back. He looked up at me, eyes blazing with desire. I had to swallow twice before I could remember what I’d wanted to
ask him. “How long is the break in the tour schedule for Christmas?”

Kellan looked over my shoulder, thinking. “Ah, I’m not sure. Four or five days, maybe a week?” He looked back at me, a small smile on his face. “Why?”

Shrugging, I looped my arms around his neck. “Want to go to a wedding with me in Ohio?”

Rolling to my side, Kellan sat up on his elbow. “Anyone I know getting married?” he asked, amusement in his voice.

Smiling, I shrugged again. “Just some annoying wishy-washy girl that half the world hates.”

Kellan raised a brow, then lowered his lips to mine. “They don’t hate you.” He chuckled against my lips. “They don’t even know about you. And you’re not
annoying or wishy-washy. At least, not anymore.”

He laughed and I smacked his shoulder.
Then I frowned. He was right about the “Kell-Sex forever” fans not knowing about me. And it was probably a good thing that they
didn’t. If they did . . . they would certainly hate me. Kellan kissed the corners of my mouth, erasing the worry lines. “I would love to marry you in December . . . in Ohio . . . in
front of your entire family.” Pulling back, he gave me a wide grin. “In front of my family.”

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