Reckoning (11 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Reckoning
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Sabine nodded and retook her seat before talking with an animation that had been absent for too long. Rachel watched her, relief settling over her. Sabine would be fine.

“Hello beautiful,” said a voice.

She turned, ready to give the interloper a gobful, until she realised it was Troy who owned the club they were in. He looked like something the Eighties had spat out with his Flock of Seagulls haircut, shoulder pads and brilliant white teeth but Rachel thought he was a sweetheart. Ryan thought he was a prat but a harmless prat so he tolerated him.

“Hi Troy,” she smiled.

“Thank you for gracing my humble establishment. Another girlie night out?”

“Yep. We all needed a blow out.”

“It’s good to see so many lovely ladies having such a good time,” he said to the table.

“You old flatterer Troy,” grinned Dolores.

“The magnificent Dee,” he smiled, dazzling them all with his white teeth. “How can Vince bear to let you out of his sight?”

“Get away with you,” she giggled, flushed with drink.

“Enjoy your evening ladies. Next round is on the house.”

They all cheered and raised their glasses, even Sabine.

“Rachel, could I have a quick word please?”

She was shocked by how sombre he looked. “Course Troy. Something wrong?”

“I really need your help. Can we talk in my office?”

“Sure.” She turned to her friends. “We’ve some business to discuss, I’ll be back soon.”

“I’ll try not to keep her long Ladies,” Troy called cheerfully as he took Rachel’s arm and led her through the club to his small office at the back. Unlike most club owners, who decorated their offices to impress with extravagant, contemporary furniture on which to entertain the most attractive clientele, Troy treated his more as a retreat, a little cubbyhole where he could sit and read the newspaper and enjoy a cup of tea.

“Take a seat please Rachel,” he said, gesturing to a plastic orange chair in the corner.

She removed the pile of newspapers balanced on the chair, put them on the floor then perched on the edge of the chair while Troy flopped into his faithful old leather armchair behind the cluttered desk. Rachel was concerned by his behaviour. Troy was usually like a living cartoon - brash, full of noise and life and colour. Now he looked defeated and somehow grey, despite the colourful clothes.

“What’s wrong?” she said.

“We’ve not known each other very long Rachel but I like and respect you.”

“I like and respect you too.”

“Ryan doesn’t, he thinks I’m an idiot.”

“He’s a genius so he thinks everyone’s an idiot, except Stephen Hawking. Don’t take it personally.”

“I’ve got a dilemma Rachel and I don’t see anyway out short of murder.”

“Jesus Troy, what’s going on?”

“Seven years ago my daughter was sexually abused by a neighbour. She was four at the time.”

“Bloody hell. I had no idea.”

“It was before your time here. The bastard who did it got nine years, but he’s only served six because he was well behaved inside,” he said sardonically. “Apparently it’s okay to abuse little kiddies if you act the good boy in prison. It makes me sick. The bastard who did it is going to be released in a week’s time and he’s coming back to the area.”

“And naturally you don’t want him to.”

Troy nodded. “His family’s rich and connected, more so than me, so I have no power to get rid of him. If I wasn’t my daughter’s only carer I’d be waiting outside that prison on his release day with a gun, I’d do anything to protect my little girl but I can’t leave her all alone.” Troy’s wife had died of cancer three years ago. “I’m reaching out to you here Rachel because I don’t know what else to do,” he said, eyes filling with tears.

Jesus, this was supposed to be a fun night out and everyone kept bursting into tears on her. “You want my help?”

“I read about who you were, what you’ve done and it doesn’t matter to me, really but I thought you might be the one to help me.”

“Because you want this guy gone the non-legal way?”

“I don’t want him dead. Actually I do but I wouldn’t ask that of anyone. What I want is for someone to persuade him to move far away from my daughter.”

“I get it.”

“I hope I haven’t offended you, I just don’t know what else to do. I’m desperate.”

“I’ve got three kids myself, I can only imagine what you’re feeling and I want this creep far away from here too. What’s his name?”

“David Hughes,” he spat. “A fucking scumbag.”

Rachel paused before answering. First the Hallidays asking for a favour, which had turned out to be a very dodgy request to say the least, and now this. She thought Troy was genuine but she was still going to err on the side of caution. However this wasn’t unprecedented, when she’d run the Maguire businesses alongside Danny they were continually being asked for favours from the public, they’d become quite the vigilantes. Was it surprising that now everyone knew who they were it was happening again? “I’ll speak to Ryan.”

He dragged in a shaky breath. “Thank you.”

“If we do this there will be certain conditions.”

“I can pay you.”

“We don’t want or need your money. If Ryan agrees I’ll run through them with you then. Now if you don’t mind, I need to get back to the girls.”

“Yeah, sorry to keep you so long.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “I’ll be in touch.”

Rachel exited his office feeling a bit down. She was never going to be the legitimate, law-abiding woman she wanted to be because everyone would always see the past. When a man smacked her on the behind she grabbed his hand and twisted, making him cry out. What the fuck, it was time to be who she really was.


“Did you have a good night?” said Ryan pleasantly, putting the book aside. The topic this month was the ancient Egyptians.

“Yep. How were the kids?”

“Fine. The boys had their bath then went to bed with no complaints, but I was forced to watch
DVD with Leah and the girls.”

“And?” she said, amused, removing her jacket and laying it over the back of the couch.

“Hideous but Leah seemed to enjoy it. Tiffany didn’t watch much of it because she was too busy staring at me.”

“Understandable. Tonight was very eventful.”

“What happened?” he demanded.

“Nothing bad, don’t panic. It was just a night for revelations.”

He held his arm out to her. “Do tell.”

She sat beside him. “Thank you,” she said when he poured her out a glass of wine.

“Sure you’ve not had too much?”

“I’m not a lightweight,” she said, taking the glass from him.

“I don’t want you getting overtired or drunk, I have plans for you as soon as you’ve told me what occurred tonight.”

As she looked into his eyes Rachel was tempted to leave explanations until the morning, but she knew he wouldn’t relax until he knew. “Well, firstly Sabine told me she’s gay.”

“Really. So that’s why she’s been upset lately?”

“Poor thing was worried she’d be ostracised for coming out. Naturally everyone was fine with it, actually Tracey and Dee had already guessed. She kissed me.”

Ryan’s eyebrows shot up. “Sabine kissed you?”


“On the lips?”

“No, on my little finger. Yes on my lips.”


“Because apparently she finds me attractive.”

“I can understand that but did she forget you’re married to me?”

“No, in fact she felt incredibly guilty about it because you were the one who rescued her from that brothel. She’s just mixed up, that’s all.”

“So I don’t need to worry about her being competition?”

“Hmmm, that depends on how good a boy you are.”

His grey eyes pierced her body, making her squirm. “I thought you liked it when I was bad.”

“That reminds me, Troy also had a revelation.”

“Troy,” he said disdainfully. “The man’s a walking circus.”

“Don’t be rotten, he’s nice.”

“He’s a buffoon.”

“First Thane, now poor Troy. What have you got against these people?”

“They’re all fools.”

“Well this fool needs our help.” As Rachel explained Troy’s tale, Ryan listened thoughtfully.

“Alright, maybe he’s not such a fool after all,” he conceded.

“We have to do something about this.”

“As long as his tale can be proved. After the Halliday incident I’m reluctant to make a move without establishing all the facts. I visited Billy Whitelock this morning, he was cooing over some puppies in the animal shelter he volunteers at four times a week. It was sickening. I had to pretend I wanted a dog. One licked me,” he said with distaste.

“It’ll be easy enough to check out Troy’s story and the last thing we want is a paedophile in the area.”

“You’re right there. Okay, if everything tallies with what he told you then we’ll do it, for the sake of our own children as much as his.”

She kissed him. “Thank you. You’re going to get a nice reward for that,” she said, unzipping his jeans.

He pulled her onto his lap and slid his hands up her thighs. “I’ve been thinking about these stockings all evening,” he said. “Arms up.”

She obeyed and he pulled her dress off over her head. Ryan paused to admire his wife in just her black underwear. “Dear God, my fantasies didn’t even come close,” he said, unhooking her bra and casting it aside. “What proud beauties,” he said, gently stroking her breasts. “Why are you laughing?”

“Proud beauties?”

“I am trying to be romantic,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t want to be romantic, I want to be bad,” she said, sliding off his lap and onto the floor, pulling open his jeans and taking him in her mouth.

Ryan groaned loudly and let his head flop back onto the couch, his fingers sliding through her hair. “How can something bad feel so good?”



Jake had been languishing in Manchester Prison for years. Mikey had always been acutely aware of his presence, had considered bribing someone in authority to get him transferred to a prison at the opposite end of the country to get him out of the way but he had never gone through with it. He got to hear what went on in Manchester Prison so he thought it wiser to keep him where he could keep an eye on him, not that he could get up to much behind bars, but being his brother offered him a high level of protection inside. Way down south he would be easy prey for his enemies.

As Mikey walked into the prison visiting room - he had forked out a lot of cash for a private meeting - he was taken back to that day when Jake had come to visit him at the mental hospital to gloat about how he’d set him up. Mikey imagined he’d looked much the same way Jake looked - institutional haircut and clothes, grey pallor, shadows around the eyes. Mikey adjusted his gold cufflinks and smoothed down the lapels of his Armani suit jacket. How their roles had reversed. He wanted Jake to look impressed but he didn’t. Instead he sat there with his arms folded across his chest, looking bored.

“What do you want?” were Jake’s first words.

Mikey didn’t reply, taking his time to settle himself into the uncomfortable grey plastic chair, letting Jake know who was in charge of this conversation. He looked to the prison officer standing sentry at the back of the room and nodded. The man nodded back before leaving. Mikey sat back in his seat to study his brother, drawing out the silence until Jake filled it.

“You look…different,” he said grudgingly.

“So do you Jake. How things have changed,” replied Mikey, unable to keep the gloating out of his tone.

“That’s why you’re here, to throw everything back in my face?”

“Wouldn’t you in my position?”

Jake scratched his dark Maguire hair. “You’ve done what you came to do so you can sod off now.”

“I say when this conversation is over, not you.”

Jake sighed and shifted in his seat, folding his arms across his flabby belly. His face had filled out too to the point that it was almost moon-shaped and his skin was pale and pasty, like anyone who spends an extended amount of time in prison. He used to take care of himself, regularly working out at the gym but he’d given up. Not only was he serving time for aggravated robbery after stealing a load of antiques from a stately home armed with a shotgun, he’d broken into Rachel and Danny’s house with Terry Maguire and almost killed Danny. It was only thanks to Rachel’s nursing skills that he’d survived, only to be shot dead by a psychotic police officer with a grudge eighteen months later. Mikey could never forgive Jake for attacking Rachel, even though he’d failed miserably and she’d battered him unconscious with a champagne bottle.

“So go on then, start rubbing my face in it,” said Jake. “You’ve obviously put on your best suit and gold cufflinks to come here. Who wears gold cufflinks to come to this shithole? You’re pathetic.”

“Actually I wear gold cufflinks every day,” Mikey smoothly replied. “Armani too.”

“I hear stories about you,” said Jake, bottom lip stuck out like a child.

“What sort of stories?”

“The usual big man stories. Mikey killed Alex Maguire and took over his empire.” Jake ran his grey tongue across his grey lips and leaned forward in his seat. “Only I know the truth. I remember when you were the one locked up, a scared little boy trying not to cry, wondering why his mummy didn’t love him. You could never have beat Alex. So come on, who really killed him?”

“I’m not here to discuss all that, it’s dead and buried.”

Jake ignored him. “Jez couldn’t have beaten him either. Rachel would have had a good fucking try but she couldn’t have finished him. Alex was the hardest bastard I ever knew, except for one man.”

“Like I said, I’m not here to discuss that.”

Jake’s dark eyes narrowed. “It was Ryan, wasn’t it?”

Mikey thrust his face into his brother’s. “Fucking drop it,” he roared.

Jake physically jumped and leaned away from Mikey. “You’ve changed more than I thought.”

“I didn’t get where I am for no reason.”

“But you’re not strong enough to hold it all. That’s what everyone’s started saying.”

“Who’s saying that?” barked Mikey.

“You know how lags like to gossip. There’s sod all else to do around here. Certain factions have spotted that you’re weak and they’ve been having little digs at your businesses. Don’t bother denying it because everyone knows.”

“I couldn’t give a shit what a bunch of losers stuck in prison think.”

“You should because a lot of those losers are in the business and they won’t be stuck inside forever. Already some of them are talking about taking you on when they get released.”


“Why should I bother telling you?”

Mikey glowered at him, hands clasped together and grinding his teeth with rage. He forced himself to relax. “You’re making it all up to wind me up. I have my spies in here, I know exactly what’s going on.”

Jake threw back his head and laughed. “You don’t have the first fucking clue.”

“Enlighten me then,” replied Mikey, voice icy.

“Why should I make life easy for you? I always knew you were too weak to hold it all.” He leaned back in his seat and chuckled, the sound low and deep. “You’re putting yourself up there with Frank and Alex and Danny. As if.”

“I wondered how long it would be before you mentioned Danny’s name. Miss him, do you?”

“Course I do, he was my cousin.”

“I don’t mean like that. None of us have forgotten how you screamed and cried on his wedding day and tried to stab Rachel with a broken glass. You were in love with him.”

“You’re full of fucking shit,” bellowed Jake. “You’re the one with the hang-up about Rachel. You’re so in love with her but you can never have her.”

“What a stupid thing to say. Rachel’s like a sister to me, nothing more and I’m very happily married to a gorgeous little redhead. You’re the poof, not me.”

“I am not gay,” he roared, shooting to his feet.

“Sit down,” said Mikey in a hard voice.

Jake huffed and threw himself back into his seat.

“Look,” began Mikey, deciding to try and be reasonable. “I don’t care about the past. All I care about is securing
our family’s

“You might. I don’t. I’ve been stuck in here for years and this is the first time you’ve visited me. Why should I give a shit about any of you?”

“The fact that we’re brothers really means nothing to you, does it?”

“I thought you might have got that when I set you up for poisoning four people. You always were fucking slow.”

“You might be surprised at how much I’ve changed Jake. If you weren’t my brother I’d eat you alive,” said Mikey in his best intimidating voice.

It had no effect on Jake, who burst out laughing. “If I was on the outside I’d be the one running things and we both know it.”

“No Jake, you wouldn’t because you showed your true colours. Everyone knows what you really are - weak, sad and deluded. It’s pitiful how you still have these grandiose ideas about yourself. Now tell me, where is Nilsen hiding?”

“Been causing you problems, has he?” said Jake, looking very pleased.

“Not particularly. Where is he?”

“How should I know?”

“I know you know Jake. All the attacks he’s made have been on the old businesses, the ones that were around when Danny and Frank were still alive, when you still worked for the family. You gave them an in.”

“How do you know it’s not someone working for you now?”

“Because I trust them. I don’t trust you.”

“You sure you can trust them?”


“What about that nasty bitch Venom? She switched to your side easy enough after you wiped out her club. She has no loyalty.”

“You don’t know a single thing about Jules,” he said angrily.

Jake’s eyes narrowed. “Interesting.”

“What is?”

“How angry you got then. I heard she’s got a way with men. Has she been having her way with you?”

“No she has not. I’m happily married.” Despite his protests Mikey knew the damage had been done, Jake had always been good at reading him and he’d seen his true feelings for Jules. “Stop changing the subject. I want to know where Nilsen’s hiding out.”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Do you want to see everything Uncle Frank worked for fall into someone else’s hands? Would that make you happy?”

“Actually it would because I want to see you fall. It would be worth it. You’re going to end up getting murdered, just like Danny and Alex and Uncle Frank. The King is already dead.”

Mikey drew back his fist to hit him, he was so furious. But Jake’s gloating face made him stay his hand. “You don’t know where Nilsen’s hiding out, he wouldn’t share that with a nothing like you. He used you Jake. I hope it was worth it.” He sighed and shook his head. “I don’t even know why I came here,” he said, getting to his feet.

“Because you wanted to see me,” exclaimed Jake. “I got one over you and you can’t bear it.”

Mikey stopped and rounded on Jake, amusement shining in his eyes. “You don’t want me to go, do you?”

“Yes I do. Fuck off and leave me alone.”

“Alright then.”

Jake bit his lip, eyes heavy with anxiety before he called out, “wait.”

“I knew it.” Mikey sighed and turned to face him, wishing he hadn’t bothered coming here, the visit was sapping his strength, as though Jake was feeding off him. It was an uncomfortable sensation.

“Sit down and we’ll talk some more.”

“You’re not interested in talking Jake, you just want to fill your boring day, which has probably been exactly the same for years. With me here you can pretend that you’re still somebody, that you’re more than just a prison number. Well let me tell you that you’re not. You have no power over me anymore, I realised that long ago. Perhaps you should too. I’m leaving now and I won’t be back.”

“Fine, fuck off. See if I care,” Jake yelled after him, voice choking up.

Mikey hurried out of the building, the warder accompanying him hurrying to keep up. He’d seen what he needed to see. Not only had Jake lost the plot but he was a definite danger too.

He felt a little better when he stepped outside into the bright sunshine, meandering slowly over to his car, wondering what he should do now. He didn’t want to go home because Amber wouldn’t understand what he was feeling and he didn’t have the patience to explain it to her. Neither could he tell her that he was considering disposing of his own brother. Nor did he want to go to the compound, he needed somewhere quiet where he could think things through. The perfect answer to his dilemma was waiting for him, leaning against his car

“What are you doing here?” he smiled, pleased.

“I thought you could use some company after seeing Jake,” replied Jules. “I never wanted to be alone after paying Leighton a visit.”

“You’re right, I don’t want to be alone. Jake told me something very disturbing.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Yeah, I do. Let’s grab a coffee.”

They found a quiet little coffee house and huddled together at a table at the back to talk.

“So, how was it?” opened Jules.

“Bloody awful. He’s a bloated mess and still as nasty as fuck.”

“Do you feel better for seeing him?”

“No, I feel worse but it’s a good job I did visit him.”


“Because apparently there’s a rumour going around the prison that I’m not up to the job and these attacks on the businesses are happening because I’m too weak.”

“That’s bollocks Mikey. You’re a good, strong leader and don’t let anyone tell you any different.”

“I’m not sure how true that is anymore,” he said miserably.

“Do not let Jake get into your head, that’s what he wants. I mean, how many men do you think could have had me working for them and controlled me?”

He gave her a lopsided smile. “Not many.”

“None. Not even Dane could control me, I always did what the hell I wanted but you Mikey, you’re different. I want to listen to you and learn from you, even though you’re younger than me. Jake’s stuck in prison with nothing to do all day except eat, sleep and get shagged up the arse. Your visit was the highlight of the decade so he took advantage of it to break down your confidence, which he no doubt spent the whole of your childhood doing.”

Mikey stared thoughtfully into his coffee. “You might have a point.”

“Course I do. Don’t let him drag you down, it’s never been more vital that you’re strong.”

“I should never have gone to see him. But what if he wasn’t lying? What if people are starting to see these incursions on our territory as a green flag to have a go themselves?”

“They probably are, it’s the way of the world. Every little scrote within a fifty mile radius might start chancing their arm and if they do we’ll be there to cut it off.”

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