Reckoning (10 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Reckoning
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Just as Mikey ended the call, Jez and Jules entered the room, leaving Hayden, Grant and Mark in the bar. “We’ve got a fucking rat,” were Jez’s first words.

“I know,” he replied. “The question is, who?”

“I don’t trust anyone outside this room,” continued Jez. “Anything we discuss about this matter is kept between the three of us, agreed?”

Jules and Mikey nodded.

“We can trust Declan too,” said Mikey. “I’ve already told him what happened at the clubhouse.”

“What did you do that for?”

“Declan isn’t the rat, I can tell you that now.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“The same way I know it’s not either of you two,” he retorted.

“Okay, fine,” sighed Jez. “But no one else.”

“Don’t start bickering you two, for fuck’s sake,” said Jules. “We need to find Nilsen, torture him a lot and make him tell us who the rat is.”

“Good plan,” said Mikey. “It’s just a shame we don’t have a sodding clue where he is.”

“Someone must know,” she pressed.

“If they do we can’t find them either,” said Jez. “DCI Taylor has come up with nothing but he said he’ll keep an eye open. We need to flush Nilsen out, it’s the only way.”

“How?” she said.

“Nilsen has a huge ego,” said Mikey. “If we dent it he’ll come running.”

“His pride and joy is his club with that fucking stupid fish tank wall,” said Jez.

“Then that’s our target,” said Mikey.

Jules’s smile was eager. “Brilliant, let’s go.”



The queue outside the club was long, the rapidly cooling night air causing a few of the would-be patrons to stomp their feet and grumble about the wait.

When the large black van pulled up at the kerb everyone turned to look because there was precious little entertainment standing on the pavement.

The back door of the van opened and some of the people in the queue gasped and stumbled backwards as four people jumped out clad all in black, faces hidden by black balaclavas, clutching baseball bats and crowbars.

The queue evaporated, some stampeding down the street and around the corner, others retreating to a safe distance to watch what was about to happen.


The screams and fleeing figures sent Jules’s blood pumping. She launched herself at the first bouncer, who could only gape at her as she whacked him in the face with the baseball bat. These weren’t just innocent men who worked the doors, they were integral parts of Nilsen’s security. The other two bouncers behind their fallen comrade tried to run back into the club but Hayden, Grant and Mark were on them, battering them to the ground.

“Stay down,” Grant yelled at them, giving them an extra whack with the bat for good measure.

Mark turned to Jules. “Ready?”

“Oh yeah,” she replied, grinning through the balaclava.

Together they drew back the crowbars and threw them at Nilsen’s pride and joy - the massive fish tank so large it formed one wall of the club entrance. It had cost him thousands to have installed. There was a huge crack and the entire thing gave way. They leapt back into the coat check room as a mini tidal wave spilled out into reception, down the steps and out into the street, leaving dozens of exotic fish flopping about on the floor.

“Poor fish,” said Jules sadly. “It’s not their fault their owner’s a prick. You two,” she barked, pointing at the two busty coat check girls with the crowbar. “If you’re quick you can save them. Get some bowls of water.”

They both nodded and rushed to the bar to obey her order.

“Don’t step on them,” Jules told the men, indicating the fish as they rushed out the door, Mark and Hayden dragging one of the bouncers along with them. They threw him into the back of the van then jumped in after him. Once everyone was inside Declan, who was sat at the wheel, set off. They were gone before the police arrived. The entire operation had taken less than four minutes.


“What have we got here?” said Mikey as between them Grant and Hayden manoeuvred the bouncer down the steps to the cellar in the belly of the compound. Most people who were manoeuvred down here never came out because this was where those they required information from were brought to be tortured. The room was spotless and sterile, a large table lying in the centre of the room with drainage channels cut into the side for the blood to run away, leading directly to a drain in the floor. A metal cabinet stood off to one side full of a variety of torture implements and a vast chest freezer sat squat and sinister in the corner, waiting for its next occupant. This was where anyone who died down here ended up, the body frozen to make it easier and much less messy to cut up and dispose of.

“His name is Bear,” said Jules cheerfully. Given his huge hairy body and thick beard they all thought the nickname appropriate. “Nilsen was careless leaving one of his crew on the door.”

“I’m not one of his crew,” growled Bear. “I just work security at the club. That’s it.”

“We all know that’s bollocks Bear,” she countered. “Where is he or do you want us to torture it out of you?”

“Fuck off you biker slag. I know about you, you were Jasper White’s bitch.”

“Don’t you mean he was my bitch?” she said with a malicious grin.

“You were nothing but a petty little drug dealer and now your name’s changed to Maguire you suddenly think you’re the dog’s bollocks. Well you’re nothing and you always will be.” His bearded face split into a grin. “I know what your mummy and daddy did to you.”

Before anyone could stop her, Jules flew at Bear, kicked him to his knees and pressed her knives to his throat. “What the fuck do you know about that?”

“I know they sold you to the highest bidder,” he said before laughing in her face.

Pain lanced through Jules and she pressed the knives harder against his skin.

“Jules, we need him alive,” said Jez.

“I know,” she replied before stabbing Bear through his left cheek. He released a cry of horror as she twisted the blade, opening up a large hole in the side of his face.

“Look, I can see his tongue,” she said, peering through the hole. She leaned in to mutter in Bear’s ear, “when we’re done with you I’m going to cut that nasty tongue out of your head.” She kicked him and he slumped sideways.

“Damn,” said Hayden quietly. The woman was a psychopath but if what Bear had said about her parents was true then no wonder.

Jules turned her back to the room while she got a grip of herself, still clutching her knives.

“You okay?” said Mikey quietly, coming up behind her.

“How did he know?” she whispered.

“Let’s find out.”

She looked over her shoulder at Mikey, gave him a nod and slid the knives back into their sheaths so quickly he almost missed it. They turned back to Bear, who was bleeding on the floor. Mikey picked up a blowtorch and glared at him. He was going to enjoy hurting him after what he’d said to Jules.

“Take his shoes and socks off,” he ordered.

Mikey had Bear talking in two minutes flat. First he gave up the fact that the man who had bought Jules’s virginity and savagely raped her when she was thirteen was his own uncle. Jules had gone searching for him once everything had died down after she’d set Alice on fire but had been unable to find him. It turned out he’d gone abroad to escape any possible retaliation. But Bear denied all knowledge of where Nilsen was, he’d kept that secret from all his men.

“Unfortunately I believe him,” said Mikey, putting down the blowtorch.

“Me too,” said Jez.

“Want me to put him out of his misery?” said Jules, drawing her blades.

“No, we need him to send another message,” said Jez. “Don’t argue with me Jules,” he added when she opened her mouth. “Take it out on his uncle, he was the one who hurt you.”

“Fine, I will, but I’m still taking my prize,” she said, advancing on Bear.

Bear wasn’t found until the next day in the doorway of a cafe owned by Nilsen, his feet badly blistered and his tongue missing.


Ryan came home to the sound of giggling and he sighed inwardly.

“Dad, you’re home,” said Leah, her excitement making him smile.

“Yes I am,” he replied, giving her a hug.

“I want you to meet my new friend.”

Leah gestured to a blond girl shuffling nervously in the middle of the lounge, hands clasped. So this was the famous Tiffany, high schooler. Leah’s best friend and her sister likewise stood in the background, grinning at him.

“Hello,” he said politely.

“Hello Mr Law,” said Tiffany before giggling.

Ryan was intensely uncomfortable. “Right, well, I’ll leave you to it,” he said before hurrying out of the room, relieved to find Rachel in the kitchen.

“You’ve met Tiffany?” she asked him as she prepared a tray of healthy snacks and orange juice for the children.

“I did. She giggled at me.”

“I think she has a crush on you.”


“No it’s not. Apparently you’ve become the local heartthrob, especially after everyone found out you used to be a bad ass gangster, that’s catnip to teenage girls.”

“In that case, I shall stay in here until she’s gone.”

“Ooh, the bad ass gangster’s intimidated by a thirteen year old girl.”

“Yes and I’m not afraid to admit it.”

“Just wait till I tell Mikey,” she smiled.

“He’ll understand. Where are the boys?”

“Mum and Dad have taken them to the pictures to watch that new cartoon. Leah’s too old and sophisticated now.”

“She’s growing up so quickly,” he said a little sadly, thinking of the tiny tot who used to snuggle up with him to watch Peppa Pig.

“Tell me about it. I’ve got good news,” she said.

“Oh yes?”

“Looks like we’ve got The Tower. The other prospective buyer pulled out.”

“Wonderful. So Valentine Halliday came through for us?” Valentine was Kirsty’s husband.

“So it would seem. I’ll just take this through to the girls then we can go through the paperwork.”

Ryan listened to more giggling as Rachel took the girls their snack, knowing there would be years of this. He hoped their home didn’t become a sideshow attraction for the local teenies.

When she returned he and Rachel sat down to sort through the paperwork for the sale of The Tower, just to make sure Valentine wasn’t trying to pull one over them. They didn’t trust him after his wife had lied to them.

“Everything appears to be in order,” said Rachel, slightly surprised. “But I’ll let our solicitor look it over before we sign.”

“A wise precaution. Let’s celebrate. Why don’t we go out tonight?”

“I’m afraid you’re on babysitting duties. I said I’d go out with the girls. Sabine needs cheering up.”


“That’s what I intend to find out.”

“Fine, I’ll stay at home with the children, abandoned and unloved.”

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “If you’re a good boy you’ll get all the loving you want when I get home.”

“Go on then, you’ve twisted my arm,” he said before kissing her.

Passion gripped them and he pushed her up against the kitchen unit, hand sliding up her thigh.

“Urgh, Mum, Dad,” yelled a voice.

Rachel and Ryan jumped apart. “Sorry Cupcake…err I mean Leah,” said Ryan, his turn to blush.

“Dad,” she exclaimed, embarrassed by her parents’ display of affection as well as his use of the nickname ‘Cupcake’. She stamped her foot before storming out.

Tiffany flashed Ryan a smile before following her out.

“Well that was humiliating,” said Ryan. “And I promised not to call her Cupcake.”

“She’ll get over it,” said Rachel. “You can make it up to her tonight, she wants to watch that One Direction DVD.”

“Dear God,” he said, screwing his eyes tight shut. “What a price to pay.”



Rachel was having a good time, she enjoyed these girly nights out. Tracey and Dolores’s dirty laughs were competing for supremacy while Daina and Sabine giggled in a more ladylike way, Daina sipping an orange juice, one hand resting protectively on her stomach. She was a curvy girl so she wasn’t really showing yet but already she adored her bump and enjoyed stroking it. Rachel noticed Sabine was hitting the drink a little harder than usual, although she seemed cheerful enough. She’d always been quieter than bubbly, outgoing Daina. But Rachel could tell something was bothering her, there was definite pain in her eyes. She couldn’t stand the thought of something upsetting Sabine, after all the horror and pain she’d endured after being trafficked into the country from Latvia by Alex then forced into prostitution. This was her time to be happy and Rachel had resolved long ago to do everything in her power to ensure that happened.

“So, first girls’ night out since you found out you were pregnant,” Tracey said, addressing Daina. “I bet Bruiser’s worried.”

“He told me to be very careful and that he would break the legs of anyone who upset me,” she said proudly, she adored Bruiser. “I tell him I not let anyone upset me, tonight is about fun, isn’t it Sabine?”

“Yeah,” she replied with a smile that to Rachel looked forced.

Daina glanced at Rachel, her eyes a little sad. Daina was so happy and she only wanted the same for her friend.

“How romantic,” grinned Tracey.

“He is,” she smiled. “He buy me little presents all the time, he read me poetry, he massage my…”

“Err, that’s enough,” said Dolores, taking a sip of her cocktail, almost poking herself in the eye with the tiny umbrella sticking out of it.

“Does Vince read you poetry Dolores?” said Daina.

“You must be joking?” she spluttered. “He won’t read anything unless there’s at least one murder and a brooding detective with a drink problem.”

“How’s he doing Dee?” asked Rachel. Dolores and Vince had moved from Manchester to Devon after Vince was diagnosed with emphysema and fresh air was prescribed. Dolores now lived a life of leisure thanks to the casino Ryan and Rachel had gifted to her after she did them a favour that saved them from serving some serious jail time. They lived in a lovely cottage in Devon and had plenty of cash rolling in from the casino profits, so she was free to concentrate solely on her husband. Dolores loved her husband but she needed these nights out for a break.

“Much better,” she smiled, still struggling with the tiny umbrella. “Bloody silly thing,” she said, pulling it out and dumping it on the table. “What does the barman think this is, the Eighties?”

“You could teach them a thing or two here Dee,” smiled Rachel. They were in a bar in Torquay owned by a local businessman she and Ryan had a friendly rivalry with. The theme was tropical - fake palm trees and coconuts. There was even an inflatable parrot in one of the false trees.

“Too right I could, if I wasn’t retired. I’m a lady of leisure now.” Her eyes narrowed at something over Tracey’s shoulder. “What are you looking at? Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”

Dolores’s foghorn of a voice carried through the entire room and everyone turned to look at the man sitting at the bar staring at Rachel.

“It’s okay Dee, just ignore him,” she said, eyes turning black as she glared at the man, who hastily looked away.

“You don’t deserve this shit Rach. Why can’t people just leave you alone?”

“It’s okay Dee, really. We’re here to have fun.” Rachel was growing used to people staring at her, whether that be because of her past history as a member of the infamous Maguire clan or because her husband had recently been kidnapped by serial killers.

“Yeah, ignore that idiot,” said Tracey loudly, turning in her seat to shoot daggers at the man. “So come on then Daina, what’s Bruiser like in bed?”

They all spluttered into their drinks.

“Tracey,” exclaimed Daina.

“It’s just us ladies and we won’t tell. I’d ask Rachel but I think I know what her answer will be, Ryan’s pure stallion.”

“He is that,” she purred.

“Some women have all the luck. So go on Daina.”

“Bruiser is stallion too,” she grinned.

“Thought so, the bald ones always are.”

“What’s that got to do with it?” said Dolores.

“Just talking from personal experience.”

“Ryan’s not bald,” said Rachel.

“Honey, that man’s in a league all of his own.”

“Excuse me,” said Sabine quietly. “I need the bathroom.”

They all watched her slip from her seat and make her way towards the toilets.

“See, I tell you something wrong,” said Daina.

“You’re right. I’ll have a word,” said Rachel, following Sabine.

The toilets were thankfully empty and Rachel walked in to find Sabine dabbing at her eyes in the mirror.

“You’re crying. What’s wrong?” said Rachel, putting her arm around her.

“I’m not crying, I have something in my eye,” she replied with another forced smile.

“Sabine, we’re all really worried about you. Something’s wrong. Are you ready to tell me what it is?”

“There is nothing wrong,” she replied with another forced smile.

“Sabine, I made a promise to your sister that I would always look out for you and I intend to keep that promise. You’re also a very good friend, in fact you’re more than that, you’re like my sister and I can’t stand seeing you like this. Now we’re not leaving these toilets until you tell me what’s wrong.”

Sabine sighed and leaned back against the sink, crumpling in on herself. “I have tried to ignore this for so long but I can’t anymore.”

“Ignore what sweetheart? Has someone upset you?”

“Just me.”


“I…I am embarrassed.”

“You can tell me anything, you know that.”

“It would be nice to talk to someone, I’m tired of keeping it inside.”

“What is it honey?”

“I have been having these…feelings.”

“What sort of feelings?”

“About women.”

“You mean you like women?”

“More than men, yes. I am sorry, I am a horrible person,” said Sabine, burying her face in her hands.

“No you’re not. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

She raised her head. “It isn’t?”

“Course not. This is twenty fifteen sweetie, there’s no shame in being gay these days.”

“I never used to be, I liked men, until Alex Maguire forced me to do horrible things with them for money. Now I can’t stand one to touch me, it make me sick. But I like women, pretty women.”

“There, doesn’t that feel better?”

“Yes, it does. Thank you Rachel.”

“Anytime sweetie,” she said, brushing her hair back off her face. Sabine and Daina always made her feel very maternal and they were so young, both in their early twenties. “Have you met anyone you like?”

“Yes, I think I have.”


Rachel was stunned when Sabine pressed her lips to hers.

“You,” ended Sabine, taking her hands. “I love you Rachel.”

Rachel was thrown but only for a moment. “I love you too Sabine, but not like that,” she quickly added when Sabine’s eyes lit up. “You’re like my little sister, but nothing more. Oh please don’t cry,” she added when Sabine’s lip wobbled and her beautiful bright blue eyes filled with tears.

“I’m sorry, I make big fool of myself. Please forgive me.”

When she tried to run away Rachel grabbed her arm. “Don’t go, there’s no need.”

“Yes there is, I have humiliated myself and I’m in love with Ryan’s wife, the man who saved me from that awful brothel.”

“Sabine, you’re not in love with me. It’s just a crush.”

“What is crush?” she said, unfamiliar with the term.

“You find me attractive but it won’t last long and you’re certainly not in love with me. You might love me like I love you, like a sister. One day you’ll meet a woman you truly love and it’ll be much more fulfilling than what you’re feeling now.”

Sabine’s face crumpled. “I’m so sorry.”

Rachel hugged her tight. “It’s okay.”

“I have betrayed Ryan.”

“You’ve done nothing of the sort, don’t worry about him.”

“You are being so good about this but what will the others say?”

“You mean Tracey and Daina?”

“And Dolores too.”

“I can tell you right now Dolores won’t care and neither will the others. Tell them, you might be surprised.”

“I don’t dare.”

“I’ll be right with you and I can guarantee that once you do, you’ll feel much better.”

“I don’t like this idea.”

“Sabine, you’ve been in torment, we’ve all noticed. It’s why we arranged this evening out, because we’re so worried about you.”

“You did that for me?”

“Yes because we all love you.”

Sabine started to cry again. “I don’t deserve so much love.”

Rachel inwardly cursed Alex and all the men who had traumatised this poor girl and made her think herself so worthless. “Yes you do. Tell them and put their minds at rest, especially Daina, you don’t want her worrying in her condition, do you?”

“No, is not good for the baby.”

“Exactly. Come on, I’ll be right with you.”

“I’m still not sure.”

“It’s got to be better than carrying on like this, being so sad and frustrated all the time?”

“I suppose.”

Rachel linked her arm through hers. “Come on, we’ll tackle it together.”

“Thank you Rachel, you are always so kind. I wish all the stupid people who read the newspapers and judge you could meet you, then they would see how wrong they are about you.”

“I gave up caring what people think of me a long time ago.”

“You good kisser too,” smiled Sabine.

“So I’m told,” she replied with a wink. “Come on girl, let’s do this, get into your power.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means be who you want to be and don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks.”

“Yes, I like this. It is strong.”

They walked out of the toilets arm in arm, Sabine walking tall and confident, falling in on herself again the closer they got to their table.

“You can do this,” Rachel told her.

“I…I can’t, I’m too embarrassed.”

“Don’t be, this is who you are, be proud.”

Sabine gritted her teeth and nodded. “I am.”


“There you are,” said Tracey. “We were starting to think you’d fallen in.”

“We just had something to discuss, didn’t we Sabine?” encouraged Rachel.

Sabine swallowed nervously as the three women looked up at her expectantly. “Yes.” She was tempted to ignore Rachel’s elbow in her ribs but Rachel was a woman it was impossible to ignore. “I have something to tell you all.”

“Go on love, it’s alright,” said Dolores encouragingly when she went silent.

“I like women,” she blurted out.

“And?” said Tracey.

“That is it. Isn’t it enough?” said Sabine.

“Aw, bless your little heart,” said Tracey, patting her hand. “I clocked onto that ages ago when you couldn’t take your eyes off a very attractive client of ours.”

“I saw you eyeing up that blond who walked past us earlier in the invisible skirt,” said Dolores. “Honestly, I can’t believe the way some women dress these days. It’s not as if we live in a tropical climate.”

Sabine looked to Daina, who was the only one who appeared surprised. “And you?”

“I had no idea,” she said, wide-eyed. “This is why you have been so sad?”

Sabine nodded. “I just wanted to be me but I thought I couldn’t.”

Daina dabbed at her eyes with a napkin. Thanks to the hormones the tears were always close to the surface. She exclaimed something in Latvian before getting to her feet and hugging her friend. Sabine clung onto her and they cooed to each other in their native language, the others looking on.

Finally Sabine released her friend. “So this not bother any of you?”

“Course not,” said Tracey. “I might be a couple of years past thirty…”

Dolores sniggered.

“I’ll ignore that,” continued Tracey. “But I’m not a dinosaur.”

“Me neither,” said Dolores. “Be yourself love, no one will bother.”

“Thank you, you are all such good people,” said Sabine, filling up again. “Now I don’t need to be sad anymore because I’m not living a lie.”

“Sit back down and tell us which woman you fancy in here, maybe we can sort you out a date,” said Dolores.

“Dee, give her a break,” said Rachel.

“No, is alright. I like this,” said Sabine. “I have been lonely too long.” She squeezed Rachel’s hand. “Thank you. I am sorry for before.”

“It’s forgotten. Just be happy, please. It’s what I want and what Laila wanted too.”

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