Read Reclaimed (The Phoenix Chronicles Book 1) Online
Authors: Erica Ortega
She smiled at the twins. “Thanks even though you guys are jerks.”
They nodded in response and threw her over the gaping hole. Ash caught her at the other end and held her in his arms as the rest of his team crossed over.
“We have our winners!”
Was the last thing Summer heard before she shoved her way out of Ash’s arms, fell to the floor, and threw up the contents of her stomach.
Chapter 11
Summer sat near the fire place and was mesmerized by the dancing embers. The sound of the popping and the smell of fresh burning wood had a calming effect on her.
One of her youngest memories was going camping. It hadn’t been with her parents; she had a hard time remembering them. It was with her grandparents who had her for a short period before they unexpectedly passed away.
She always enjoyed sitting around the fire and listening to her grandfather tell stories of when he was in the military. It was like he had plucked them right out of a novel.
If only he could see her now and just how crazy her life was. These powers really were something that she thought only existed in fantasy worlds.
And if she really sat down and thought about it, the whole idea of being here was insane. She didn't know these people or what their intentions were. Now there was a death and two strangers who had taken a particular liking to her after she made Tolai look like a fool.
That wasn't Summer's intention. She just wanted to make it across and show her peers that she wasn't weak. She succeeded in doing that but, of course embarrassed herself right after by throwing up all over Ash's feet. At least she hadn't passed out that time.
Summer looked up at the clock. There was two minutes left until midnight and the day she turned eighteen. She had convinced Tracy she was going to bed but, had snuck off so she could see the tattoo on her own.
It was something she needed to do by herself. A tribute to all the years of living on the streets and finally finding a place where she sort of fit in.
As soon as the clock struck twelve her wrists began to glow. The burning sensation started on the top of her hand and moved slowly, in opposite directions, towards her wrist.
She bit her tongue and flipped her hands over to watch the lines connect. To her surprise they stopped, leaving about a two-inch space in the middle of her wrist.
“What the…”
Summer was about to wake up Tracy when the burning suddenly started again about half down the inside of her arm. The red, thick line went all the way up until it crossed through the gap on her wrist and stopped right before it reached her hands.
Summer studied them for a while. The bands on her wrist never closed like it had for all the other wielders. To top it off she now had a long line going half way down her arm and through the center of her open band.
This was just another thing to add to her list of crap that could go wrong.
Maybe I'm cursed,
she thought.
Not someone that could save them. More like a bad luck charm.
There was nothing she could do now except sleep and hope that no one asked about her marks.
Summer quietly crawled into bed and was grateful that Tracy didn't wake up. Now If only she could think of an excuse as to why she didn't want to show them her arms.
Summer woke with a start as the small clock next to her bed rang loudly. She groaned and slammed her hand into it, hoping to somehow miraculously hit the battery. After a brief moment of confusion and anger she finally managed to turn it off.
Summer stretched and grabbed her injured shoulder. That light wielder didn't heal it properly and it was still really sore. She was going to have to ask Petar about it.
The sun was starting to hit the top of the Phoenix. She knew she only had a short amount of time before Ash was at her door.
Summer dragged herself out of bed and was surprised to see that Tracy was gone. Her friend was never up this early.
Summer shook her head and continued to get ready. Just as she slipped on her shoes there was a knock at the door. She sighed loudly and pulled it open. Ash was standing there, arms folded, and looking down at her.
He waited for her to step outside before nudging her uninjured shoulder. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” she said, playing with the end of her long hair. She hadn't bothered to put it in a ponytail yet and didn't care.
Ash didn't give Summer a chance to even think about how she was going to come up with an excuse about her wrists. He grabbed her arm and pushed her sleeve back.
“What the hell is this?” gasped Ash.
She yanked her arm back. “You think I know? This is all just one big mess.”
“It's on both arms?”
“Yep.” Summer rubbed her wrists. “And you should ask people before you just yank their clothes off.”
Ash blushed and cleared his throat. “I'm sorry. I just knew you were avoiding it since you didn't seem very excited.”
“You think this is something to be excited about?” she whispered, folding her arms. “Not only is my mark different but, it covers half of my arms. It's ugly.”
“Summer,” sighed Ash. “It's on your arms, not your face. You look fine. And we’ll find out about your marks. I'll help you, trust me.”
For the first time Summer felt like someone was on her side. Ash didn't say much but, he made it clear time and time again that he was trustworthy and really fighting for her.
“Did you call me pretty?”
Ash looked alarm. “I didn't… Can we go train?”
Summer smiled. “Lead the way.”
They walked in silence to the field. The obstacle course had been completely removed. The field was clear and there was no indication of what the hooded people were going to watch her do today.
“Sorry for throwing up on your feet.”
“Those were my favorite shoes,” said Ash.
“Oh no! I really-” summer looked at him and caught him smiling. “That was a joke! You can joke?” She clasped her hands together. “You are a human!”
He waved his hand. “Yeah, yeah. Let's get started and see what your crazy marks can do.”
She stayed in her spot as Ash walked a good distance from her. He paused and spun around, all humor gone from his face.
“Try and attack me,” he said.
Summer held her arms up and could see her marks peek out of her sleeves. The overwhelming feeling of regret surfaced and she felt her attack slowly sink until the power was gone. She lowered her hands and looked up at the clouded sky.
The soft sound of grass giving way to footsteps alerted Summer that Ash was approaching.
“What's the matter?” he asked, his voice soft and cautious.
“Honestly,” she said, meeting his gaze. “This is hard. It's the first place I actually fit in. I really belong here but, there are things that set me apart; make me different. Story of my life I guess.”
Ash tucked a loose strand of hair behind Summer's ear. “You're a wielder. Maybe you have the potential to be powerful and your markings are different but, that's it. You have more in common with us then not.”
She let out a frustrated breath. “Maybe you're right.”
“I'm always right.” He stepped back. “Now stop feeling bad about yourself and attack me.”
As he walked away Summer held her hand up to her face where his hand had grazed her cheek. She couldn't believe he had just done that. It was unexpected and surprisingly welcome.
She cursed under her breath. “Don't be stupid.”
Ash spun around and shot a wave of dark energy in her direction. She jumped to the right and bit the inside of her mouth as she landed on her injured shoulder.
Summer stood up and glared at him. “What was that-”
She didn't get to finish her sentence as he launched two waves of dark energy. This time she held up her hands and was able to block both attacks with a quick one of her own.
“So that's how he wants to play,” she whispered.
Summer pulled back her sleeves, this time revealing both marks. She grinned at Ash as she clapped her hands together. With a quick pull, a large ball of fire formed between her hands. It sat, floating in place, until she threw her hands forward.
The attack caught Ash off guard. He tried to block it but, wasn't fast enough. It threw him backwards onto the ground and pushed him hard until his body hit the castle wall. He slumped forward and began coughing.
“Oh crap!” exclaimed Summer. She rushed forward and knelt down by him. “I am so sorry.”
Ash looked up and grinned. His face was black from the soot the fire had caused. “It's okay,” he said, wiping his eyes. “You did good and you're getting stronger.”
“Thanks to these?” she asked, gesturing towards her arms.
He nodded. “Thanks to those.”
After Ash cleaned himself off they continued their practice until the loud noise of the clock indicated that they had been out there for an hour. As they were walking back Summer noticed the hooded figures watching them from underneath one of the doorways. She wondered how long they had been there but, didn't want to say anything to upset Ash.
“Thanks for the lesson,” said Summer as they rounded the corner to her dorm. “I'll see you soon.”
“Wait,” he said, reaching for her arm. “” He handed her a brown paper bag and practically ran from the hall as he headed towards his room.
“Weirdo,” she mumbled.
Summer looked inside the bag and let out a squeal of joy. There was a small, metal coffee mug with a lid and a whole container of instant coffee.
She sighed happily and reached for the door. It swung open, causing her to almost fall backwards from fright.
Summer glanced at the door with a puzzled look. “Why did they open like that?”
“Because of your marks,” answered a voice from inside.
Summer walked in to find Tracy sitting on her bed. She was dressed and ready with a big smile on her face.
“I forgot I can open it now,” said Summer. “I'll have to give you back that key.”
Tracy waved her hand. “Whenever. It self-destructs anyway." She reached over the side of her bed and returned with a small cake. “Happy birthday!”
Summer blushed. “Thank you. I've never really celebrated a birthday.”
“Well today is the perfect one to celebrate since it’s so special in the wielder world.” She patted the bed next to her. “Come sit.”
Summer hesitated before finally just deciding to go for it. She knew Tracy wanted to see her marks and it really was close to impossible to hide it for more than a few hours; especially from her bunk mate.
“Here you go,” said Tracy, pushing the cake forward.
It had chocolate frosting on it with red, yellow, and orange sprinkles.
“Looks like you had some say in designing this cake,” chuckled Summer.
Tracy grinned. “Now what would make you think that?” Her eyes landed on the brown bag as her smile changed from playful to sly. “What’s in the bag?”
Summer turned a darker shade of red. “A coffee mug and instant coffee from Ash. It was sweet of him.”
“And totally not like him.” Tracy nudged her. “At least someone can squeeze the kindness out of him.”
“What does that even mean?”
She shrugged. “My grandma used to say it. Now,” said Tracy, clasping her hands together. “Let's see the marks! Did it hurt? Why didn't you wake me up? Did it start at exactly midnight? Do you feel stronger?”
Summer held up her hands. “Shhh. So many questions. See for yourself.”
She pulled back her sleeves and expected Tracy to run. Instead, she grabbed her arm and looked at it with amazement.
“Wow,” Tracy finally said. “I've never seen marks like this. How awesome.”
Summer let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She was more than grateful to have Tracy as a friend and knew that staying here had been the right choice.
“Now,” said Tracy as she sat up. “Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Let's eat cake and enjoy your birthday.”
The two of them skipped breakfast in the main hall and had cake with coffee instead. They talked about all their birthdays, or lack thereof, and laughed at how tragic they were. It was therapeutic to tell someone just how terrible her life had been even if it was just a small glimpse into it. It also felt good to hear that not everyone had perfect birthdays like she had assumed.
As they walked to the training field Summer felt oddly optimistic. Maybe her marks weren't that bad and no one would say anything.
“Hey freak,” said a female dark wielder by the name of Nora. “Someone saw you training this morning with Ash and said your marks were crazy.”
So much for fitting in,
thought Summer. She watched as her fleeting moment of happiness disappeared.
“Mind your own business or I'll light your hair on fire,” growled Tracy.
Nora's smirk faltered. “Jasper said if you did that on purpose again you would be kicked out.”
Tracy looked at her fingernails. “Too bad it would be a tragic accident.”
Nora huffed and stormed off with a friend in tow. Anyone else who had been staring at Summer quickly decided it was a bad idea and continued what they were doing.
Petar hurried over to Summer and smiled. He slammed his hand down on her back.
“Happiest of birthdays!” He boomed.