Red (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Serine

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

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I propped my feet up on his desk and leaned back in the wickedly soft leather chair, stroking the luxurious material. It had probably cost more than I made in a year. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, taking advantage of the moment of decadence.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite color.”
My eyes popped open. I hadn’t even heard him come in.
“Hello, Red.”
The very sound of his voice was enough to make my blood run hot and cold by turns—a fact Vlad knew all too well. I had intended to brace myself against the effects, but I hadn’t been prepared to see him again. Not as he was at that moment anyway—half dressed and gorgeous, his incredible physique still flush from his recent feeding, his dark hair falling in waves around his shoulders to frame his stunningly handsome face. He looked like a god strolling toward me, full of power and grace and raw sex appeal.
I let my boots fall to the floor and rose to my feet, not about to let him corner me. “Vlad.”
As he drew nearer, a wickedly sexy predatory look came into his eyes. Involuntarily, I backed away until my back pressed into the wall behind me.
Grinning smugly, Vlad reached out and ran a finger down the vein of my neck, a move he knew would make my breath go shallow. I tried to move away from his touch, but Vlad pressed his palms to the wall on either side of my head, caging me in.
“I’m here on business,” I said, glancing up at him briefly.
I knew better than to meet his gaze for long, but I don’t know why I even bothered. In a blur of movement he had me in his arms, my body pinned tightly against his.
“Are you certain?” he demanded. “It has been a very long time since you have let me take from you.”
I felt my resolve beginning to shatter. “There’s a reason for that,” I reminded him, my voice sounding too strained to be convincing. “Remember?”
Vlad chuckled, the deep velvety sound caressing me inside and out, making my heart once more beat frantically. Being a member of the undead, Vlad had no beating heart to clue me in on what he might be feeling, but as his hand slid slowly down my backside to grip my ass and press my pelvis into his, I was assured that another, very impressive organ, was still very much alive.
I groaned—or maybe moaned; I’m not sure which. Either way, I brought my eyes up to his, conceding defeat.
And what I’d thought was off, was very much on again.
Chapter 12
“You’re a suspect in several murders, Vlad,” I told him as I pulled my jeans on, keenly aware of the bite mark throbbing on my inner thigh. “I have to take you in for questioning. It’s my job.”
Vlad shrugged, causing his half-buttoned shirt to gape open, revealing his perfectly sculpted chest once more. My libido greedily licked its lips, already hungry for another helping.
Mmm. Yummy. . . .
“I have been a very good vampire,” Vlad assured me. “I have not killed a single soul since being
by you.”
“God, Vlad, you make that sound dirty,” I grumbled, searching his office for my shirt and missing boot.
I heard him laugh from where he sat perched on the corner of his desk and then in the next moment felt his arms around me as he nuzzled my neck. “Perhaps I need to be rehabilitated a little more,” he murmured against my skin. His hunger for me was evident in the barely restrained urgency of his caresses.
With a herculean force of will, I dropped down, ducking out of his hold and snatching up the boot that had been tossed behind a chair. “Sorry,” I replied, pulling it on. “This was the last time, Vlad. It has to be.”
He sighed, no doubt recalling how many times we’d had the same conversation.
“I’m serious,” I said firmly. “I’m tired of being just a midnight snack-n-sack to you.”
“Then don’t be.”
My head snapped up. Too surprised to remember to avoid looking into his eyes, my gaze locked briefly with his. “What are you talking about?”
“You say you are nothing to me, that I simply use you for blood and sex, but when I ask you to stay with me you run away. You have never even slept in my arms, Red.”
Hmm. He had a point.
I really was crazy about Vlad—and when things were
they were very, very on
But then he’d go on a womanizing spree or I’d find myself getting a little too comfortable with our situation, and one or both of us would become unreachable for a while.
“You’re just lonely,” I said, finally locating my shirt. “You don’t want me, Vlad, you just want
body at your beck and call so you don’t have to go hunting.”
“Red, my own—”
your own,” I interrupted.
Vlad lifted his arms in invitation. “You could be, little one.”
Was he seriously asking me to be something to him? Something more than just a lover? If so, what? A girlfriend? I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling panicked. A
I must have gone about three shades of white because Vlad rushed forward, easing me down into a nearby chair. “Are you unwell?”
I looked at him cautiously. His face was only inches from mine as he knelt in front of me. “What—” My voice cracked, so I coughed a couple of times. “What are you asking me?”
He laughed, which pissed me off, but he was gentle as he took my hand in his and brushed his lips against my knuckles. “I am asking you to have dinner with me.”
Vlad’s brow creased into a frown. “What did you think I was asking?”
Flustered, I wiggled out of the chair. “I . . . I don’t—”
I couldn’t help flushing, which pissed me off even more than when he’d laughed. “Of course not. You know how I feel about that.”
“Indeed I do,” he said with a maddening grin. “But I think someday you will change your mind.”
I gave him a doubtful look.
“I am asking for nothing you cannot give,” he assured me, still smiling with that self-assured, patronizing grin of his. “I know you have not gotten over what that mongrel did to you so many years ago, but I shall make you forget him if given the chance.”
I wanted to punch Vlad’s handsome face, but I was so hurt by his amusement at my expense I couldn’t even channel my rage. I just wanted to run away and forget the entire experience. Keeping with tradition, I started to sprint toward the door, but Vlad caught me up around the waist and brought his mouth down on mine, kissing me until my anger had completely vanished.
When he finally lifted his head, he pressed his forehead to mine. “Will you let me take you to dinner?”
I sighed. “Like on a real date?”
He nodded.
“Where I’m not the main course?”
He grinned. “Not the main course.”
“We’ve never had one of those.”
He pressed a kiss to my temple. “I know.”
“But you don’t eat.”
He leaned close to my ear. “I will wait for dessert.”
I shuddered, not needing to ask what he meant by
. “I still have to take you in for questioning,” I reminded him, distracted as his fangs grazed lightly along the curve of my throat.
“Right now?” he murmured.
I gasped as his fangs hit the mark. “No,” I breathed, twining my fingers through his hair and pulling him closer. “It can wait a few more minutes. . . .”
When we finally got back out to the car, Nate was awake and pacing in agitated patterns, frowning fiercely. He didn’t say a word to me as I loaded Vlad into the backseat and climbed into the front. Nor did he speak when we escorted Vlad to the interrogation room at headquarters for questioning.
His only acknowledgment of my presence was to give me a hard, hurt look as he closed the heavy interrogation room door, pointedly barring me from entering. I thought about observing their discussion, but I knew Vlad would handle himself well. And somehow I knew his alibis would be just as airtight as Caliban’s had been. That was just his way.
An hour or so later they emerged, Vlad grinning and Nate scowling. Apparently, the session had gone just as I’d anticipated.
Nonetheless, I asked, “How’d it go?”
Vlad took my hand and lifted it to his lips. “I think I have assured Detective Grimm that I am not guilty of these heinous crimes.”
“Oh,” I said with an uncomfortable glance at Nate. “Good.” I tried to sound unconcerned, but my relief came through in my voice.
Vlad’s grin widened. “Well,” he said, turning to Nate and extending his hand, “good evening, Detective Grimm. A pleasure as always.”
I started at the familiarity between them.
As always?
Nate shook Vlad’s hand and mumbled something incoherent.
“Do you need a ride home?” I asked, but seeing Nate’s stormy look grow even darker, I immediately regretted the offer.
“Thank you, but no,” Vlad replied. “I have no need. I have a car waiting for me already.”
Well, of course he did.
I nodded. “Okay.”
Vlad turned my hand over and pressed a kiss to my palm, his eyes holding mine. “I will see you tomorrow night, my own.”
I was still shuddering from the heat of Vlad’s breath on my skin when I realized he had gone and that Nate was glaring at me.
“What?” I demanded, storming down the hall toward the stairs. I wasn’t about to get stuck in an elevator with Nate right now.
“He’s a suspect, Red,” Nate pointed out, following me into the stairwell.
I started down the stairs. “Not anymore, right?”
“That’s not the point.”
I abruptly stopped on the landing and turned back to Nate. “I’m sorry,” I said. “About earlier in the parking garage.”
Nate looked away from me, his jaw tight with anger. “I should have been with you.”
“Vlad cares for me, Nate,” I told him. “If you had gone with me, he would have seen it as you infringing on what’s his.”
At this, Nate turned his gaze back to me. “Yeah, well, there’s no chance of that, is there?”
I felt a sinking in the pit of my stomach when I saw the look in his eyes. I wanted to reach out and touch him, caress his hair as I had in the parking garage, trace the strange markings upon his skin and see just how far they went. But, instead, I shoved my hands in the pockets of my coat. “Nate, I—”
“We’ve had a busy day,” Nate interrupted. “Why don’t we call it quits for now and meet up again tomorrow?”
I nodded, disappointed at the thought of parting ways. “Sure.”
“Do you want a ride home?”
“I think I’m going to head to the hospital and check on Gran,” I said. “Want to come with me? I’m sure she’d like to see you.” I didn’t add that I’d like to have him there as well. It just seemed like the wrong thing to say, no matter how true it was.
Nate looked like he wanted to say yes, but he shook his head. “Just give her my best.”
“Well, I guess I’ll get going.”
He started to walk past me, but I reached out, grabbing his hand. “I was trying to protect you,” I told him. “I don’t know what else to say. I didn’t want anything to happen to you.”
Nate’s fingers tightened around mine. “I appreciate that. But I’m a Reaper, Red. There’s not much that can hurt me.” He took hold of my chin and forced me to look up at him. “But there’s a lot that can hurt
“I’m a big girl, Nate,” I protested. “I’m not some dainty little princess who just sits around all day waiting to be rescued. It’s not my style.”
Nate’s lips pressed into a frustrated line. “I’m not saying you’re helpless. You removed any doubts of that when you sucker punched me in the parking garage. I just want to stick close for a while, keep an eye on you—just in case.” His expression softened, and his tone was gentle when he said, “I can’t protect you, Red, if I’m not there.”
Great. We were back to my imminent demise. As much as it pissed me off, I had to admit I wasn’t thrilled about pushing up daisies any time soon. I’d be damned if I was going to get caught up in that whole damsel-in-distress bullshit, but having someone at my back until the danger had passed certainly couldn’t hurt.
“Fine,” I agreed begrudgingly. “I’ll be more careful.”
Nate’s mouth hooked up in the corner in the hint of a smile. “Good. I can get over you knocking me out for my own good,” he said, “but if something were to happen to you—well, I can’t make any promises there.”
His thumb slid briefly across my skin before he abruptly released me and took a step back. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I watched him go down the stairs, confused by the disconcerting whirlwind of emotions knocking around between my heart and my head. Trying to rid my mind of the image of his eyes gazing so intently into mine, of the feel of his fingertips upon my skin, I ran my hands through my hair, then let out a long, slow breath.
When I was certain I could no longer hear Nate’s footsteps echoing in the stairwell, I began my own descent, glad to finally have some time to myself. It gave me a moment to mull over what we’d learned so far about the murders (which was pretty much jack) and Dave Hamelin’s suicide (ditto jack). Still, I had yet to question Seth and find out what he knew, if anything.
At the thought of my former lover, a chill began to creep up my spine, reminding me of the same old feeling I used to get whenever he was near. It was so intense I stopped dead in my tracks and glanced behind me—almost certain I’d see Seth standing there. But when I saw the hall was empty I chalked it up to exhaustion and a healthy dose of caution.
Or maybe just wishful thinking.

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