Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (209 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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“Are you trying to drift away again?”

“No. I swear.”

For the last strikes, I was determined to not clench at all. I decided to go lax against the pillows. Weirdly, they actually hurt less because I stopped internally fighting and surrendered to the slaps of coarse leather. It hurt, no lie, but he’d psyched me up for the pain of this strap, which made it feel ten times worse than it actually was. I yelped and yowled at nine because the edge did cut into my left cheek, but I took the rest like a silent soldier, only spitting out the number and his address as requested without so much as a waver in pitch.

I was proud of myself for taking my punishment so well. I hoped he was too.

I sucked the blood off my lip.

“Very good, Addison. Stronger than steel, what’d I say? It’s been many years since I’ve tasted it, but you took that much better than I ever did.”

I raised my brow, wondering if he wanted me to fix that and give him another round. Mmm. Probably not.

He helped me up and made me kneel forward and rest my cheek on the blue padded bench. My butt was in the air and my hands still bound behind my back. He lunged on one leg and slid his left forearm under my stomach and in front of my thigh. I felt secure against the carved curve in his arm, and I trusted him to not launch me off the bench. “I’m going to hold you, Addison, and give you ten with the paddle. Count them.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He hit me with a downward swoop and the leather paddle, the skin of which was smooth and soft. It molded to my curves yet held a rigidness at its core that gonged through my pussy with a twang.

“Oooh aaaahh. One, Sir.” I shook in his hold and dreaded to tell him that the reason I was trembling like a leaf was because I so liked it. This paddle packed just the right amount of bliss as it did bite.

He hit me again and I let out an open-mouthed moan that sounded like that of a prostitute, who’s aiming for a bigger tip. “Aaaahhh. Two, Sir.”

Lovely jolts blasted through my core when he whacked me again. “Mmmm. Three, Sir.” My lungs were rapidly growing and shrinking against his arm.

“Are you liiiking this, Addison?”

“Mmm, yes, I’m sorry, Sir. This particular paddle feels so good.”

“Okay. I’ll be right back.” He broke off of me to go fetch something more rugged no doubt. When I heard his footsteps return, he put his hand in front of one thigh this time and tapped my butt with sold wood. “This is punishment, not a pleasure trip. I want you to feel the burn.”

“Yes, Sir. Paddle me, please.”

The wood smacked into my ass, and I clamped my jaw at it the sting it let behind. “One, Sir.”

“We’re at four, Addison. What do you think I am, a sadist?”

“No, Sir. You are the perfect disciplinarian, who knows exactly what I need. Four, Sir.”

“That’s right.”

“Unnhh,” I cried when he hit me again. “Five, Sir.”

“Three came fast but not excruciatingly hard on my thighs. “Six, Sir, seven, Sir, eight, Sir.”

Smack nine hit me like a brick. “Ohhh, nine, Sir. Ow, ow.” I winced.

He rubbed the paddle over my bottom and up and down both thighs, making me wait and anticipate the last one. He drew my sore spots to attention but what he was doing also felt good. Without warning, he gave me one hard whap, right where it hurt the most.

“Ah, ah, ten, Sir. Uh, thank you so much.” I cried.

Moments into my afterglow, I heard a click and squirt, and cool, soothing finger-made stars slid over my bottom as he slathered me up with both hands. I shivered in a chill and hummed and pushed back into his hands. I loved what he was doing. He rubbed it all along my legs and ass and even my arms. And then I heard another click and squirt and recoiled as wet ran down my crack as he swirled his finger around my anus.

I moaned like a candy muncher and rocked back and forth slightly, then stopped when I realized what I was doing.

“You bad girl.” He wormed his thumb in up to one knuckle and drew circles stretching me. He pumped the tip of his thumb slowly in and out, which felt nice right at the entrance, but invasive when he shoved more in. He stopped moving, just holding his thumb there. I clenched it.

“Uhhh aah.”

“You need to relax.” He kept his tip in for several moments and switched to his index finger, slowly pushing it in. He moved in circles again and fucked me with it and then another, and then he was punching the bottom of my cunt just the way I like. He worked me for several minutes.

“Mmmm, Sir. Aaaaahh.”

A minute later, he said, “Good girl.” He pulled out.

I jolted at the touch of something cold and wet. He slowly twisted it at my bum hole and inched it in. It was a plug! It didn’t feel that wide or big, maybe a little over an inch and about 2” long, but I had the strong urge to push it out.

I cried out and breathed hard when he left it there. I wanted it out or to be moving it at least.

“It’s corner time for you now, Addison.” After untying my bindings, he slowly pulled me out of my stiffness, then held my in his arms and kissed my hair. So much love flowed to me from my Dom, from my Logan and my heart and body warmed in his embrace. “Just pick one, stand there and clasp your hands behind your head.”

I groaned as I uncomfortably walked to one. I wanted so badly to yank out the plug, but when I gave into it and relaxed more, it didn’t feel as invasive. It was … okay.

He washed his hands in the bathroom, that I could tell, but I had no clue what he was doing besides that as he was shuffling around. Pants swooshing was all I could hear. I stood in the corner like a thoroughly spanked child and pressed my nose into the V even though he didn’t instruct me to this time. I remained there that way for ten or maybe fifteen minutes.

“Time’s up. Come into the bathroom please, Addison.”

I followed his voice from the bathroom, walking funny with this tapered rod up my butt. How on earth did people wear these for hours? How did they move? As I walked, it felt a little weird in there but also surprisingly pleasant. By the time I got to the bathroom, I could feel its pressure along my walls, which felt very nice.

The lights were out, only the candles flickered and gave off luminescence, but I could still see that his eyes were electrified, all powerful and full of hunger. And that look raced through me with sparkling bites. My pussy and butt squeezed, tightening against the plug for a second. Mmm.

He slammed the door and seized my face, and, with the rectum pleasure still confusing my insides, I ended up moaning in his mouth, and then moaning again at what he was doing to my tongue. A fiery kiss took hold of us before I could breathe, and we were back in a tangle of limbs, doing circus stunts until we were slimy and scorched. I was quaking and so hot in his rough grapple.

He grabbed my hair, only clasping half of my locks, and spun me around. He then jerked my head to the side, stood me in front of the vanity, slid his other hand down my shoulders, breasts and torso and stopped right over my clit. We were breathing madly. “Look at us. Scratches and scrapes, bruises and bite marks, and slick with sweat. And just look at your pink ass and thighs.” He twisted me long enough for me to look over my shoulder and turned me back forward. “We are painted canvases of our twisted lust. Is there any art more beautiful in all the world?”

I teared up and curled my lips in to block a sob. “No, Sir. There really isn’t.”

“You look like a wreck, Addison Montgomery, and I’ve never seen anything more gorgeous,” he said, and then kissed and bit my exposed neck.

“I find you beautiful and gorgeous too, Sir.”

“I’m not diverging from the agenda I desired for us. I’m giving you a massage now. It will just be a little different than what I imagined. Spread your legs.”

“Yes, Sir.” I widened my stance.

He twirled my hair up in a messy bun and told me to hold it while he tied it up with a ribbon. “You can put your hands down by your sides.”

I did and watched in the mirror as he squirted a liberal amount of strawberry lotion in his hand. He rubbed his hands together, and I screeched and he laughed when he slapped my breasts from behind with the cold goop. He traveled from my breasts to my shoulders, both from up under my arms, and then down and around, across my upper back and all along my neck. Once some of the lotion was on my skin, he dug into various parts of my body, taking his time. He was good at stimulating my breasts and finding the knots in my neck and helping them unwind. I fell head over heels in love, watching him take care of me so intently, smiling in worship and adoration at the task, when it should have been the other way around. He lifted each hand and delicately massaged each palm and caressed them with his fingers and the pad of his thumb in strokes that were so soft and provocative and sweet. His waving fingers laced with mine, again and again, like silken strands until all the lotion was rubbed in. I was surprised at how such a simple touch like that could turn me on and make me feel closer to him. It was magic. Zappy warmth traveled through my limbs and converged in a ball of lightning in the nucleus of my core.

He squirted more lotion on his hands for the lower half of me. I loved as he glided along my calves and rolled his fingers in between and around my toes and circled his thumbs and knuckles into my arches. He delighted and tickled my inner thighs with kneading circles, and then lingered in all my petals, taking his sweet time, stroking them so slow and tender between his thumb and index finger. I fought the urge to cry because it felt so loving and worshipful. The pussy massage continued until my legs were wobbling and I was dripping and breathing hard. He pulled away from me and rolled up a towel and placed it on the vanity, hanging it over the edge. “Lay your chest down.” He pressed on my back, and I jerked up when my boobs hit the cold marble. I gritted my teeth and plastered myself there at his prod, turned my face to the left and laid down my cheek and kept my arms by my thighs. The sliding of his fingers was drawing out my lust and setting it aflame. After he felt my wetness and swirled to collect more, he drove two fingers up inside my vagina and tilted the plug down, so they ground together on opposite sides of the same wall.

“Ah, ohmygod.”

“You like that? The double stuff.”

“Mmm. Oh, yes.” If he kept that up, I doubted I’d last twenty seconds before squirting.

His fingers slid out of me, and he let go of the plug. “Do you like being plugged? Or does it hurt?”

“At first it felt very weird and invasive, not painful, just weird, but it’s growing on me, I like it. I especially like it when you do that when it’s in. I could so come this way.”

He drizzled lotion on my back and massaged my neck, entire back and butt, kneading and rolling around with his fingers and palms and then switching to his knuckles. Not long after, he was back in my wet cunt with those fingers. He stayed there long enough to make my exhales run ragged. Then he pulled out and backed away from me.

I heard a zipper and gasped when his pants hit the floor. With bated breath I watched for his underwear to join them. I smiled when boxer briefs landed in a ball on top. He took hold of my hips, laid on top of me and kissed my back. “Your cunt is so wet, Addison. Are you praying I’ll fuck you into oblivion with this butt plug in?”

“Yes.” I trembled in arousal, even more so when his bare hard cock got drenched in my juices as he placed it horizontally under the tap.

He ground the side of the shaft into me. “Mmm. Such a bad girl. See how hard you’ve made me. You liked my fingers in there so much, imagine how you’d feel if I fucked you right now, with this plug in, how full you’d feel, if I just blasted my rod in and slammed into your cervix, again and again and again. Would you like that?”

“Aaahh, yes.”

“You want me to fuck that wet pussy until you scream, even after what you told me? Maybe I can try and make you come two different ways at the same time, would you like that?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Even though you’d be my fuck-toy right now, my sub? You’re not exactly able to engage like you want.”

“YES! I don’t care. Fuck me, Sir!”

“No. Too bad. Who cares what you want. It’s not happening. You know I’m not dipping into that pussy with this cock, I already said that, not when you’re in submission. So, with that reiterated, which one of your other holes do you want me to claim first?”

I shook hard against him. I was so stunned and turned on by the way he asked, I almost came. My pussy was right on the brink, hovering, begging for release. “The asshole, Sir. Fuck it!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, yes! I’m scared, but I want you inside me.”

“You will be in control and do most of the work. We will do it for one minute.
one. I’ve seen live demos, including first time encounters, and it looks fun for both parties, but I just want a teaser here, a little taste to see if
like it. We can stop at any time. If it hurts too much or you have a tearing sensation, just say “torque.” I’m not even going to play around. That will end it immediately.”

“Okay. I will say torque.”

“Have you ever sucked cock before?”

“Um, not real ones. Just various faux phalluses, Sir.” I was so excited to be able to turn around, finally lay eyes on his whole body, kneel before him and show him what wonderful things I could do for him.

“When we’re through with this, you will have two minutes to suck me off and make me come. If you can do it, I’ll return the favor. If not, I won’t be sucking or licking your starving, little twat today. You’ll have to sit through our dinner and dessert unsatisfied.”

He wet a face cloth, tucked it between my legs, pulled out the plug and chucked it in the basin to the right of me. It rolled down and came to a stop. He patted and rubbed me. I love the pressure of his hand moving the terry cloth up and down my crack and around my hole.

I closed my eyes, enjoying this. That was until I farted! It started off silent but turned into a freaking trumpet blast just to embarrass me. What the hell! “Oh god, I’m sorry.”

“Your ass looks divine like this, bent over and open and ready for me to stick it. Do you really think I care about you passing gas?” He slathered lube all around my hole and up inside. He put so much on, some dripped down my thighs.

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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