Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (210 page)

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“Probably not. It’s just traumatizing. It’s not sexy at all.”

“Submission is sexy as hell.” He tossed the washcloth somewhere, stepped away from me for a few moments, reclaimed my hips and positioned himself at my hole. “I put extra lube on the condom too. I’ll press in a little, and pump the tip, and then you can ease back into me and along my shaft when you’re ready. Go slow. You don’t have to take me all in, just do what you can.”

I groaned as the cock of Logan Thorndike, my Sir, entered my ass. I expected sharp pain or something, but it mostly felt like fullness, pressure and discomfort I wanted to expel. He slid the tip in and out, and once I got used to it being there, it felt good. I could feel his ridge as my entrance wrapped around it snuggly each time he moved in. The plug had warmed me up and stretched me, and all his fondling probably didn’t hurt in loosening me up either. I pressed into him, taking more in. His girth was definitely wider than the plug. I was only able to slide back and forth in two or three-inch increments. He pushed in a little to matching my stride and his cock felt invasive again, but I kept sliding and sliding, slowly. Eventually, I could feel myself spreading for him and it started to feel good. Really good. But I couldn’t seem to move him all the way in like I wanted. I relaxed and got into it, moving more vigorously at the delight I found in the wee inches I could get. I moaned, pressing along his shaft. My rectum didn’t stop this time, and I aaahed in victory when he slid in and my butt smacked his pelvis. I slid down and back, down and back, taking him in up to the hilt. The sense of fullness deeper in made me shudder. This was
for sure, but not what I would classify as painful, as many men and women have claimed about anal sex. Of course my gauge was probably screwy. I did carry a perpetual thirst for good thrashings.

“Uh, baby, you feel so tight. Okay if I thrust?”

“Yes. Thrust!” I was getting fucked up the ass, and I didn’t hate it like I thought I would. “Fuck me.”

“I’m not going to go fast, you filthy girl,” he said, pulling out and rushing in with a pelvis smack on my ass. He clenched a fistful of my hair.

“Aaahh, ohmygod!” It felt like he hit the sensitive front wall of my vagina, but how could that be? He was in the other hole.

“That was okay? I didn’t hurt you?”

“No. That was fine.”

He slid out slowly and then came crashing back. He did it again. And again and again.

I clamped my jaw and grunted and shivered from the impacts, every one of them spectacularly jarring with a mix of pleasure and pain. I got one more blast from him and whimpered in frustration when the beep-beep-beep on his watch on the vanity had him pulling out. Just when it was getting really good too. He patted me with a wet cloth again. What was his deal with time limits?

“Did you like that overall, Addison? You seemed to.”

“Yes. And I thought I’d cringe for every minute of it. Did you, Sir?”

“Hmm. I don’t know. I liked the squeeze a lot, but I’m indifferent, and here I thought I’d love it. Did you do it just to please me and merely act all cock-hungry?”

“Sir, that’s what a sub does, stretches herself to please her Dominant. But, no, I wasn’t acting or just going along to please you. I really wanted that cock up my ass.”

He snickered. “Good.”

“And now I want it in my mouth. I want to service my Dom, and I want
hole to be claimed by you for your enjoyment and pleasure.”

“Greedy, greedy girl.” He stepped away from me. The condom plopped in the trashcan and the stream in the standup shower blasted. “I will train you over the next few weeks, work you up to the point where you could take a good pounding in the ass. We can do it at random, as I see fit or necessary.”

“Whatever you wish, Sir. I was just surprised I liked it.”

He spun me around and marched me into the piping hot stream. He mashed me face-first up against the wall, and the coldness of marble jolted me back. He rubbed and rolled his body along my backside. He turned me around and claimed my mouth and laced water through my hair. He stripped out the ribbon and let it fall to the floor and my long locks around my shoulders.

I scrunched my face and bent my fingers again and again, as his muscles and drenched skin were right there for the taking, but he hadn’t given me permission to devour him yet. Plus, it was dark in the shower, so even if I were able to cast my gaze down, I couldn’t take in the full sight of him because my chin was in his tight clasp.

“Can I touch you, Sir?”

“Go to town, Addison.”

I placed my hands on his collar bone and slowly lowered my palms until they were flat and I glided them down his pecs. He felt heavenly to my hands, his hard and hot spots, now all slippery and wet. I rubbed his torso, then walked around to his back. “Mmm. You feel so good, Sir.” I kissed him between the shoulder blades and slid my arms under his and wrapped around him, with one hand stopping right over his dick and the other at his neck. I just held him and cried softly against his back. I’d never been happier, with my red bottom, popped asshole and his marks of animalistic lust all over me. I kissed his back some more and drew figure eights on his neck with my tongue and gave him a brief handjob. His cock was so hot and hard in my hand. I couldn’t wait to suck it dry. I pulled my arms back around and drifted up into his blond hair.

He seized my wrists, tugged me around to face him again, and, after threading his fingers through mine, pinned my hands to the wall on either side of my head. His mouth claimed mine, and our tongues twisted in a sultry tango. Our breaths grew rapid, heavy and coarse. “Suck me.” He shoved on my shoulders, and I crashed down to my knees. I ran the tip of my tongue along his tip, pulled back at my surprise of its soft texture. I knew it felt like velvet in my hand, but my senses came alive when my tongue discovered how soft it would feel in the entirety of my warm, wet embrace. I went back at him and ran a delicate tooth scrape over the head, and he hissed and clasped my head in both hands. I circled around the ridge next and tapped at his slit. Tired of teasing, I’m sure he was too, I opened up, slid along the shaft and swirled my tongue around it.

“Tick, tick, tick.”

That’s right! I forgot about the time limit! I encircled him and swirled and sucked with all my might. He groaned and pressed against my head. I wanted him to push harder. I was sad I didn’t have the time to give his nuts some attention. He might like that.

I slid back and forth on him, then came off him. “Fuck my face.”

Surely surprised I’d ask at all, moreover, so crudely, his mouth fell open. He sighed loudly and cringed. “No, bossy girl! Some other time. Right now, it’s your job to make me come.”

Urged on by his promise, I decided enough was enough. I opened my mouth wide and took his cock all the way in my mouth and into my throat. I wasn’t prepared for quite that much length and pulled back to settle and hide a gag, then I opened wider and stuck my tongue out and took him into my throat again and again, with it getting easier and easier, the more I juiced up with saliva to accommodate him. I swallowed on him, and he moaned at the waving strokes. I did it again, but it seemed like he needed speed or something more vigorous. I mashed him into the roof of my mouth with each hard suck.

He moaned, “Oh, god,” and squeezed my hair so much it hurt. Yeah, that was my winner.

I curled my lips down over my teeth so I wouldn’t scrape him, pressed down around him to give him the squeeze he likes and orally stroked him much faster. I got into a good rhythm of sucking, crashing him into the roof and swirling my tongue. I wished I could see his face better, the delirium and joy, but in the dark, I only knew that his chin was dipped down and he was shaking at my worship.

He grunted and said, “Fuck,” and his tangy jizz shot into the back of my mouth. I swallowed and felt so sexy for doing it because I know a lot of girls don’t or won’t. He winced and tried to push me off, but I wouldn’t come off him until he stopped pulsing out cum, and I caught every drop of it. I slid down his shaft and sucked the tip.


I got off him immediately, and he hoisted me up, rushed me into his bedroom in his arms and chucked me down on his bed. He shoved my bent legs apart, dropped to the floor on his knees and ransacked my cunt with his mouth. I jerked up and arched and trembled like I was freezing, though I was so stinking hot. He slid his tongue up inside me and pumped. He went faster and faster, and I was groaning loudly like the dirty slut I am.

I came when his teeth mashed into my labia and then ran over my clit. I couldn’t recall even taking a breath since he tossed me down. I pulsed wildly along his slick offering. To come so fast felt like a rip-off, but I should be glad he dined on me and brought me off at all. Getting me to come and him allowing me to was a treat. “Aaaah, Logan...Sir!”

He waited until I stopped moving, stood up and crashed down on the bed beside me. He tucked his arm under me and rolled me into his arms and nestled me onto his chest. We were both heaving and moaning in delight and ecstasy.

With the better vantage point, I checked out his stuff in the best lighting yet. Even soft, he was still mouthwateringly hung, set off to the side, and I licked my lips. I couldn’t help it and ran my fingers gently along his manly bits. I expected a slap on my hand or a reprimand, but my Dom let me love on him, thank goodness.

“I changed my mind, Addison. I’m not going to come-train you tomorrow. You’ve been through a lot today. You will get your MS from me at 5 a.m. and list of things to do for me, but you’re just too wrecked for what I have planned. Depending on your class assignments, we can do it Wednesday or Thursday night.”

I smiled and closed my eyes, as I continued my caress. “Mmm. Wrecked I am. Whatever you think is best, Sir.” I wonder what he had planned. The mystery made me shiver.

“In the shower, you asked me to fuck your face. When you are my girlfriend, you may ask for or do whatever you wish, and maybe I’ll go for it, but when I’m your Dom, unless I ask you to beg, I will give you what I please when I please or demand it for myself.”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry for my selfishness. I am so happy to be yours. I don’t want to screw it up.”

“That’s what spankings are for.”

“You’re absolutely right.” I laughed, I couldn’t help it, because it was still too amazing to believe that I’d be getting them to my heart’s content. No begging required.

“I love your laugh.” Logan joined me and from the beaming on one another’s faces, we both cracked up. “I can’t believe how much you love getting that tushy whacked. You’d better not be naughty just to get it. If you do, I will just find another way to make you behave.”

“No, I won’t.”

He kissed my nose and streaked his fingers through my hair. “Welcome to heaven, my pretty playgirl. We have staked claim on one another. Now, we are officially, a

“Yes! Finally!”

He pulled me up and kissed my lips, sealing it like a promise … one I hoped I’d never, ever find shattered or torn to bits.

Kinky Fiend in Ties


Jolted awake by a flood of warmth and happiness, I beat my 4 a.m. alarm by ten minutes, which wasn’t a huge deal since I wanted to arrive at the Thorndike mansion early for my maintenance spanking, anyway. Not even the Gates of Hell could hold me back and have me showing up late like last time. I craved to experience the kind of spanking Logan said was more erotic. My belly flopped. Mmm hmm. Delights were surely coming my way, and I pondered them and my soon-to-be pink bottom as I slicked myself up with soap and shampoo.

While toweling off, I scanned my body in the mirror on the door. My face was mark-free, but scratches and bruises colored me up like confetti. Three hickeys were on my neck; bite marks marred my breasts, shoulders, back, and sides; and each of my sit spots held baseball-sized bruises, a purple-red, tinged with yellow. They didn’t look as big and bad as I expected. I’d iced them at Logan’s, or he had, while we watched more football, cuddled up on his couch. Looks like it helped.

territorial marks were all over
sexy body too, I smiled.

I put on jeans over black sheer underwear, a black bra, a black turtleneck sweater with a thin red belt and wove my hair into a braid. With my face looking flushed and my eyes wide and alive, I ditched makeup and just dabbed on some tinted lip gloss to make my kisser silky and wet.

I returned to my room, floating on cloud nine and buzzing with excitement. While tugging my pea coat and plainer, black boots out of my closet, since I planned to walk-run over to Logan’s, a blubbering sob made me freeze. “Shay?” I turned, clutching the boots and coat to my chest. “What’s wrong? Are you still crying over that stupid party? I told you it was a bad idea.” I looked over at Renee who was close to comatose.

“Not just
,” she sobbed, “I feel bad … because I

I knew she’d be like this. “So what if you did? Who cares if your pastor or parents wouldn’t approve. You’re entitled to your own opinion and have every right to break free once in a while. You need to let go and forgive yourself. Hanging onto despair’ll drive you insane.”

She rolled away from the wall and toward me as I sat on my bed to tug my boots on. “I
let go. I just feel so bad and dirty.”

Bad and dirty. Hmm. Staring at her in the moonlight, I bit my tongue. I knew what
would need to feel free, but I wasn’t sure a spanking was the right path to redemption for
. I recalled what she’d said at the party about people getting off on pain and how twisted peeps like that were, and I shook my head.

She choked up and buried her face in her hands.

“What do you need to feel better, Shay?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t bear to sit in church, so I read the Bible for hours yesterday. And prayed. I still feel awful.”

“Well, that sounds like a good enough penance to me. I’m sure God has forgiven you by now. You just need to do the same.”

“I can’t. I expected to squirm and cry the whole time, but I
it. I liked getting touched and devoured. That’s so disgusting and raunchy. When my time was close to up, these two guys came in and rubbed me until I came. That’s never happened before. For once, I was an object of desire. I’ve never had guys dote on me,
It was amazing.”

I didn’t want to tell her the
dudes were probably gay or bi. It might have her running out of the house,

“I was such a bad girl for once, and I loved it ...
. I’m just not proud of myself now.”

“I see what you mean. You
been a bad girl, Shay. And bad girls should get spanked.” I gasped and slapped my mouth. I actually said that? Out loud?

She didn’t squawk like I assumed or shout at me to ‘get the heck out’. She propped up on one elbow. “Spanked? Are you kidding me? Like that girl? There’s no way that’d make me feel better, especially if someone hit me like you hit her. Then I’d have a sore butt on top of my wounded soul.”

“No, not like
. I was out of my mind in the moment. I saw her smiling, so I could tell she was loving it. I mean spanked until you feel you’ve paid your due.”

“That would hurt though, right?”

“It’s supposed to. A spanking would be painful, not gonna lie, but sometimes pain helps, sometimes it’s exactly what you need to move past your guilt.” I was shaking so hard, saying those words. Shockingly, she wasn’t fleeing. She was glued to the conversation, asking questions. What if she
the idea and asked
to do it? I couldn’t! There’d be no way I could spank this girl without getting wet and going against Logan’s wishes. I mean,
wishes. I wasn’t supposed to seek out stimulation like that. But, god, this torch ignited inside, and I yearned to grab her arm, yank her over my knee, and spank her good and hearty until she was sobbing uncontrollably. I wanted it for both of us. I’d accepted
spankishness long ago. I mean, even shows with people getting spanked turned me on when I was a preschooler. Yeah, I’ve been demented for a long, long while now. But feeling hot at
them out was new and unsettling. It made me sick to think about how I badly wanted to plaster this girl with red fire from my hand. Did I manipulate this? I think so. Yes, I steered her here, and I could feel the singe from the hot corner she was backing me into with her piqued curiosity that didn’t show even a hint of alarm. Crap.

She hummed. “So, you’ve been spanked before then? By your parents or something?”

“No, my parents never spanked me.”

“Neither did mine. So how do you know what a spanking can do? Who spanked you? Grandparents?”

My heart was beating so fast as I breathed out, “Um, no, Sss … um, Logan Thorndike did.” It felt good to say it, but rocks tumbled into my gut at the same time. I was defying the Queen Bee of DG, which was a terribly dangerous move, making it all the more irresistible. I’d be sneaking around like an adulterer, giving pleasure to my Sir in the seediest of places. Mmm. Lovely.

“Logan Thorndike.”

I opened my mouth, about to explain who he was, but she beat me to it.

“Wait. No way. That guy’s house we egged?”

“What! How is it that everyone knew whose house we hit except me?”

“No idea. I just assumed you knew. My gosh! When did he spank you? How?”

“On Halloween.”
And then some.
“You all left me behind, thank you very much, and his father’s goon caught me, brought me back to the mansion, and Old Man Thorndike threatened to call the police. Since Logan was
the target, he came downstairs and offered me an alternative punishment, to go over his knee for a spanking. I took it. All. Until he absolved me.”

“Wow, that’s so porno, but given the other option, I prob’ly would’a picked the spanking too. And let me guess, you liked it?”

“Haha. It was very porno. And yes, I liked it. Well,
of it. I was feeling guilty, and he spanked me and spanked me, past what I thought I could stand. It started to hurt like mad, and something happened. I’m not sure how to explain it, but from the combination of pain and embarrassment, I broke through this wall and fell into a cool pool of relief, like landing in one of those waterfall lagoons. And I sobbed at the beauty of it.”

“Hmm. Release. Sounds kind of nice. I never in a million years would’ve thought it, but a spanking might be what I need. I want to be free of guilt like that, but I don’t know. It’s embarrassing like you said. Can it be over clothes, or does it have to be on a bare bum?”

“Bare is best. He spanked me over my panties at first, then pulled them down.” The recollection of his fingers skimming along my skin made my thighs warm and tingly. I exhaled slowly through my puckered lips. “The humiliation of having to peel your underwear down or having them stripped helps give you the full sense of the punishment you’re getting. There’s nothing between you and the disciplinarian at that point. There’s no buffer to hide from your shame or pain.”

She patted her bottom. “Ow. Bare? I don’t know if I could do that. Would
spank me? As long as you don’t go nuts like you did on that girl, that is.”

I rubbed my hot neck as the sound of imagined slaps filled my ears. I pressed my prickling palm to my thigh. “Uh, I don’t think that’s such a good idea, that
do it … spank you. We’re roommates. I think it’d be kinda weird.”

“Maybe. What about Logan? I chucked eggs at his house too. I’m sure you’re not exactly friendly with him, but do you think
spank me? I could turn myself in, so to speak.”

I should’ve been feeling jealous or something, at the vision or possibility of that. I should have been, but the mental movie drove me so wild, I had to cross my legs. What if he agreed and let me watch? Shay would surely ask for that. I straightened up and pressed my swollen bits into the mattress to squelch the throbbing. “Uh, he might. I’ll ask, if you want me to.”

She nodded and cringed. “You’re on speaking terms?”

“Speaking terms. Yeah, I guess you could say that.” And kissing, flogging and finger-fucking terms too. “I’m off to see him now. We’re having an early breakfast before classes.”

“Is that where you were all day yesterday? With him?”


“Two days in a row? Sounds like you might be kind of dating.”

I put my coat on, slid my backpack strap over my shoulder and flipped my trapped hair loose. “Maybe we kind of are. We connected kind of. A spark was there. I’ll let you know how it pans out.”

When I opened the window, Shayna said, “What! You’d better start praying yourself. I wouldn’t want Youknowwho to find out who you’ve been spending time with. She’ll make your life a living hell.”

Not wanting to acknowledge that, I slid out without answering. She closed the window behind me and I took off in the darkness. Instead of taking my car and risking waking up ‘Mom’ or Brianna, I ran the whole way.

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