Red Moon (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Red Moon
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“How long have you owned the Red?”  Victoria asked
Tristan curiously.  They were riding through the forest.  Sophia, on
her small pony, was a few feet ahead of them, talking softly to the animal as
it picked its way carefully through the trees.

“Just over a moon or so.  Why?”

“Just curious.  Your mother said her and her sister
were owned by a family in the city who had to sell them.  Which family was
it?  Were they Lycans?”

“I never asked.”  He grunted.

“They must have been.  No human family, with their
silly superstitions, would have allowed her in their home.”  She
mused.  She reached across and stroked his arm.  “It was kind of you
to take her in.”

He grunted again and they rode in silence for a few
moments.  Victoria sighed.  “Although I do not believe the humans and
their stories of the Reds being witches, I do worry about her influence on your

“She would never harm Sophia.”  Tristan frowned.

“No, of course not, my lord.  She is obviously very
fond of the girl - and her father.”  Victoria glanced at him.

When he didn’t reply, she continued.  “I just think
that Sophia has an unnatural attachment to her.  It does not seem proper
for a Lycan child to spend so much of her time with a human.  As nice as
the Red seems to be, we all know that humans can never fully be trusted. 
Do you not worry that she will use Sophia as a way to better her
situation?  Perhaps you should begin to think of separating Sophia from
her.  I would be glad to help you transfer Sophia’s affections to someone
more suitable.  Perhaps – “

“It does not matter.”  Tristan interrupted.  “I am
selling her to another.”

“You are?”  Victoria couldn’t hide the relief in her

Tristan nodded sullenly and she gazed thoughtfully at him
for a moment.

“You should speak with my brother.  He seems to fancy
her and would buy her from you.  I’m most certain of it.”

Tristan shook his head.  “Your brother lives too far away.
 I promised Avery I would sell her to someone who lives close to her

Victoria stared at him, frowning at his casual use of
Avery’s name.  “Since when do we care what the slaves want, Tristan?”

“They are still people, Victoria.  They have thoughts
and feelings like everyone else.”

“Aye, I suppose you are right.”  She said softly. 
“Still, I think you should consider it.  She seems to have a connection
with Hendrick and he would treat her well, I can assure you of that.”

“Sophia, you are too far ahead.”  Tristan called. 
He urged his horse forward, ending their conversation.

* * *


“Lord Tristan has gone mad.”  Mrs. Lanning fumed. 
“Four days to plan a party and all because a child demands it.  The party
guests will be here tonight, and we still haven’t fully cleaned the east wing
nor do we have enough food.”

Marian smiled timidly at her. “There is not much left to
clean in the east wing.  Avery, Laura and Nadine are there now and will be
finished it by mid-afternoon.  As for food, Lord Tristan sent Jeffrey and
Marshall to the village yesterday for more groceries.  They will be back
anytime now.”

“Besides,” Renee piped up from where she was scrubbing the
top of the large black cook stove, “think of how much fun it will be. 
There will be music and dancing, and Lord Tristan’s guests are sure to bring
their slaves with them.  Some of them may even be young men who will fall
over themselves to dance with me.”

Mrs. Lanning scowled at her.  “You will not be enjoying
yourself as much when you are cleaning up after this party, will you Renee?”

When Renee only shrugged and continued to clean the cook
stove, Mrs. Lanning rolled her eyes.  “It is a huge waste of
electricity.  We are forced to use candles and lanterns for most of the
year, yet he will undoubtedly use up a year’s supply of electricity on the
lights in the common room alone.”

She stormed out of the kitchen, still muttering to herself
and Marian grinned at Renee. “I swear, Mrs. Lanning is only happy when she has
something to be unhappy about.”

* * *


“Avery – Laura and I are going to start cleaning the last
bedroom.  Are you almost done in here?”  Nadine, small and chubby,
stuck her head in the doorway of the bedroom.

“Aye.”  Avery nodded as she began to unfold the sheet
in her hand.  “I just need to finish making the bed and I’ll join you.”

She snapped the sheet over the bed and began to tuck it in
firmly around the mattress.  As it often did, her mind turned to Tristan
and her stomach twisted a little.  She had seen very little of him for the
last five days.  The first few nights she had lain awake for hours in her
cold bed, wondering if he would come to her and knowing she would not turn him
away if he did.  He had honoured her decision though and kept away from
her.  She alternated between cursing herself for telling him no when he
had asked her to share his bed, and reminding herself it would only have made
it more difficult when the time came that he sold her to another.

He had been spending his days with Sophia, Victoria and his
mother, and Avery couldn’t help the thread of jealousy that shot through her

“Stop it, girl.”  She scolded herself fiercely.
 “He will marry Victoria and that’s the end of it.”  She tucked the
bed sheets in with renewed vigor.

Hendrick stood in the open doorway and watched as Avery bent
over and tucked the sheet under the corner of the bed.  She was wearing a
white blouse and dark blue skirt, and he admired the way the material clung to
her ass as she stretched to tuck the sheet.

“Hello Avery.”

She jumped and whirled around, her hand clutching nervously
at the low neckline of her blouse.  “My lord, you scared me.”

He smiled easily at her, his teeth flashing, and stood in
front of her.  “Forgive me, I did not mean to startle you.”

She smiled and folded her arms nervously across her
torso.  His eyes drifted down to her full breasts and he grinned again
when she blushed.

“You’re really very lovely.  Did you know that, Red?”
 He reached out and brushed his thumb across her mouth. 

She cleared her throat nervously and backed away, picking up
the top sheet and shaking it out in front of her.  “Thank you, my lord.”

She placed the sheet on the bed and began to arrange it as
he stepped closer and gently grasped her arm.  “Stop please, I wish to
speak with you.”

She hesitated and then turned back to him, plastering a
polite smile on her face.  “Yes, m’lord?”

He smiled and pulled her into his arms, putting one hand
firmly against the small of her back and stroking her long hair with the other. 
He was the exact same height as her and she shifted nervously as he tipped his
head towards hers.

He ran his hand over her cheek and then traced her
collarbone with the tips of his fingers.  “Touching you is very
pleasant.  I wonder what it feels like to kiss you.”

He dipped his head and placed a soft kiss on her
mouth.  He released her mouth and stared at her.  He was breathing
heavily and there was a dazed look in his eyes.  “Gods, I’ve never felt
anything like it.”  He muttered and then kissed her again.

He probed her closed lips with his tongue but she refused to
open them.  After a moment, he murmured.  “Open your mouth, Red.”

She shook her head and then shrank back at the fleeting look
of anger in his eyes.  “Open your mouth.”  He repeated, his hand tightening
painfully on her long hair.

Nostrils flaring she stared silently at him and his brow
darkened with anger.  “I will not ask you again, Red.  Open your

“Gods be damned, Avery.  What’s taking you so long to
–“  Laura popped her head into the bedroom and trailed off to a

Avery yanked free of Hendrick’s grip and ran to the
door.  “Sorry, Laura.  I’m finished here.”  Without looking at
Hendrick she took Laura’s arm and dragged her from the room.

* * *


“Maya?”  Avery knocked on the door of the nursery and
then peeked inside.  “Marian said you were looking for me.”

Maya grinned at her.  “Aye.  You must braid and
pin my hair for me and then I’ll do the same for you.”  She pulled Avery
into the room and danced around excitedly in her white shift.  “Oh Avery,
I’m so excited!  A party with music and dancing – it’s been so long.”

Sophia giggled and wrapped her small frame around Avery’s
leg.  “Do I look pretty, Avery?  Papa bought me a new dress.”

“Let me see.”  She stood back and examined the little
girl carefully.  She was wearing a soft pink dress with lace on the collar
and cuffs, and Maya had pinned the sides of her hair back.  It fell to the
middle of her back in a long dark cascade and her dark eyes were sparkling.

“You will be the prettiest girl in the room.”  She
smiled down at the little girl. 

“I know.”  Sophia said and both Maya and Avery laughed.

Avery began to braid Maya’s hair and Maya smiled at her in
the mirror.  “Have you met the Tomlin’s yet, Avery?”

Avery shook her head.  “No.  Mrs. Lanning had us
scrubbing and cleaning right up until the last moment.   I had just
finished my bath when Marian told me you were looking for me.”  She wound
Maya’s braid around her head and began to carefully pin it up.

“Have you met them?”

Maya nodded.  “Aye, and the Barton’s as well.”

“What were they like?”

“The Tomlin’s were a rowdy bunch.  They have three
teenage boys and two younger daughters.  Mrs. Tomlin looks,” she
hesitated, “very tired.”

Avery grinned at her as Maya stood and pushed Avery into the
chair.  “Your turn.”  She brushed through Avery’s damp hair and began
to braid it carefully.

“What about the Barton’s?”

Sophia leaned against Avery’s knee and watched fascinated as
Maya braided.  “They’re an older couple.  They have a son who is
about my age I believe.  Mrs. Barton was very kind.  She spoke to me
almost as an equal.”

“They are Lycans?”  Avery stroked Sophia’s soft hair.

“Aye.  I guess Lord Tristan has known them for many
years.  In fact, the Barton’s live not ten miles from here and the
Tomlin’s are only half a day’s ride.”

Avery stiffened a little.  She knew without a doubt
that these were the families Tristan had mentioned to her.  She took a
deep breath and vowed to make a good impression.

Maya finished pinning her hair and squeezed her shoulders.
 “There.  Now, let’s get dressed.”

Avery looked down at her plain white blouse and black
skirt.  Many of the other slaves, especially those who had been in Tristan’s
household for years, had acquired nicer clothing over the years.  Avery
had nothing to wear but what had been bought for her by Marian and Mrs. Lanning
at the village close to Tristan’s home.  She had washed and pressed her
outfit carefully and although it fit her well enough, it was a far cry from the
expensive silk dresses she had worn to parties thrown by her father. 
Still, they were the nicest pieces of clothing she owned and it felt good to be
in something other than her work clothes. 

“Maya, I am already dressed.”  She said as her baby
sister skipped to the door that led to the large closet in the nursery. 
She disappeared inside and came back out carrying two long, black bags. 
She laid them carefully across her bed and motioned for Avery to join her.

She pulled the zipper down on the closest bag and slipped
the dress out.  Avery sucked in her breath.  The bodice was a dark
green that gradually faded in colour, leaving the long, full skirt a shimmering
light green.  Avery reached out and ran her fingers along the
fabric.  It was silky soft and she smiled delightedly at Maya.

“It’s beautiful.  Here, I’ll help you put it on.”

Maya grinned.  “Oh, it’s not for me.  It’s for
you.  Marshall bought me this one.”  She pointed to the other bag.

Avery gaped at her.  “What?”

Maya lifted the dress carefully from the bag.  “It’s
for you.  Marshall picked it up in town when he and Leo went for the

“Where on earth would Marshall get that kind of money? 
This dress had to have cost a fortune.”

Maya laughed.  “Marshall didn’t buy it, silly. 
Lord Tristan did.”

Avery sat down on the bed, staring at Maya in stunned

“Before they left, Lord Tristan gave Marshall some money and
told him to buy a dress for you.  A dress that would match your eyes he

She held the dress out as Sophia ran her small hand over the
fabric.  “C’mon, let’s get you into it.”

“Maya, I cannot wear that.  You know I cannot.  If
the others see me in this dress they will – “

“Gods be damned, Avery!”  Maya suddenly burst out
impatiently.  “Who cares what the others think?  Lord Tristan wants
you to wear this dress and you will.  Now take off that dreadful shirt and



Marshall tugged irritably at his tie.  “Gods, I hate
these things.”

Tristan grinned and straightened his own tie.  “Aye,
but you look very handsome.”

Marshall punched him in the arm.  “Shut up.  You
know I hate when you – “

Beside him Tristan sucked in his breath. He was staring at
the door to the common room and Marshall followed his gaze.  “Gods be
damned.”  He breathed.

Maya, gorgeous in a soft blue dress and her blonde hair
glinting in the hundreds of twinkling lights that had been strung to the
ceiling, had entered the common room, carrying Nicholas and holding Sophia’s

But it was not Maya that had Tristan’s attention so
riveted.  Behind her, smiling and clasping her hands nervously in front of
her waist, was Avery.  Her red hair had been braided and wound around her
head with a few soft curls pulled down and framing her pale face.  The
dress Marshall had picked out for her fit her perfectly.  The bodice clung
to her full breasts and small waist, and her skin glowed against the dark green

He couldn’t stop staring at her as Marshall crossed the room
and kissed Maya on the cheek.  Sophia leaned against Avery’s leg, and she
smiled down at her and stroked the small girl’s hair.  Tristan, his
stomach churning nervously, smoothed his jacket and started towards her. 
Victoria, wearing a dress the colour of blood, stepped in front of him.

“Good evening, Tristan.”

“Hello, Victoria.”  He strained to look around her as
Avery, holding Sophia’s hand, was approached by the Lord and Lady Barton.

Victoria tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and led
him towards the long table that was laden with food.  “Will you join me
for a bite to eat, Tristan?”

He forced himself to smile at her.  “Of course.”

Avery watched as Tristan danced with Victoria.  The
Lycan looked gorgeous.  Her blonde hair and tanned skin were a startling
contrast to her deep red dress, and Avery swallowed hard as Tristan said
something to her and she laughed up at him.

She sighed and forced herself to look away.  The
evening was the best night she’d had since her father died, and she refused to
spend it feeling sorry for herself.  She heard Sophia laugh and smiled as
the little girl, holding Maya’s hands and dancing around the room, waved at

“Would you like to dance?”

She glanced up to see the Barton boy, she thought his name
was Rory, standing in front of her. 

She smiled.  “I would love to.”

She took his offered hand and let him lead her to the dance

* * *


Tristan leaned against the wall and watched as the others
danced.  The music, a fast and furious beat, throbbed through the room and
he grinned as the people twirled and spun around the room.  Avery, her
face flushed and glowing, was in the middle of the room dancing with Maya and
the Tomlin brothers.  She stomped her feet and wiggled her hips, laughing
and giggling.

“It’s a fine party.”  The Lord Barton stood next to him
and Tristan forced himself to stop looking at Avery and concentrate on the
older man.

“Thank you for joining us, Thomas.”

“Thank you for inviting us.”  Thomas replied. 
Without realizing it, Tristan began to watch Avery again.  Her red hair
gleamed like fire under the lights, and he stiffened a little when Hendrick
took her hands and spun her around in a rapid circle.

“I spoke with Miranda.  She’s open to the idea of
taking the Red.  She spoke at length with her earlier and is quite taken
with the girl.”  Thomas said.  He watched with interest as Tristan
continued to stare at Avery.

“What’s her background?  She’s not like any slave I’ve
ever met before.”

“I’m not sure.”  Tristan lied.  “I haven’t asked

“She’s a hard worker is she?” 

“Aye, she is.”

“Well, we’ll take her then.  Miranda could use some
help around the house.”

Tristan nodded stiffly.  He had already spoken with
Lord Tomlin and he too, had expressed interest in taking Avery.  He knew
he would prefer that Avery go with the Barton’s.  Not only because she
would be closer but he didn’t care for the way Paul, the oldest Tomlin boy, had
been looking at Avery.

“If you’d like, we’ll take her back with us when we leave
tomorrow afternoon.  It will save you a trip bringing her to us.”

Tristan shook his head immediately.  “No, I’ll need her
until after our houseguests have left.”

Thomas smiled.  “Are you sure?  With yours and the
Sanders slaves, you seem to have more than enough help at the moment.”

“I will bring her to you in a few weeks, Thomas.”
 Tristan said harshly.  His stomach had clenched painfully when
Thomas had offered to take her with them and he wondered, not for the first
time, if he would even be able to honor his promise to Avery.  The thought
of not seeing her every day, of not hearing her voice or touching her soft
skin, made him feel nearly mad with anxiety and anger.

Thomas held up his hands.  “That’s fine,
Tristan.”  He paused.  “Are you sure you want to sell her to
me?  You don’t seem keen on giving her up.”

Tristan didn’t reply.  The music ended and another song
began, a slow and soft one this time, and he watched as the dancers began to
break off into couples and Avery wandered to the edge of the dance floor. 
She leaned against the wall and watched the couples wistfully. 

Tristan pushed away from the wall; a flash of red caught his
eye and he groaned inwardly as Victoria began to weave her way through the
dancers towards him.  As she approached, he turned to Thomas.

“Do me a favour, Thomas?”

The old man raised his eyebrows at him.

“Ask Victoria to dance.”

Thomas glanced at her and then back at Tristan who was
staring at Avery again.  “Aye, I can do that, Tristan.”

Victoria stopped in front of them.  Before she could
speak, Thomas smiled at her and held out his hand.  “May I have this
dance, Lady Victoria?”

She hesitated and then nodded.  Thomas took her hand
and led her to the dance floor as Tristan started towards Avery.

Avery watched the couples dancing on the floor.  Maya,
her body pressed fully against Marshall, rested her head on his shoulder. 
He kissed her forehead as he moved her around the dance floor.  She saw
Victoria dancing with the Lord Barton and breathed a small sigh of relief. 
At least this was one dance where she would not have to watch Tristan with his
arms around her.

“Will you dance with me, girl?”

His familiar raspy voice spoke quietly into her ear and she
smiled at him.  “Aye, my lord.  I will.”

He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.  She
rested her right hand on his shoulder as he slipped his left arm around her
waist and pulled her up tightly against him.  He held her left hand in his
right and moved her around the floor in a smooth circle.

“Thank you for the dress, my lord.”  She smiled at him.

“Do you like it?”  He asked almost anxiously.

“I love it.  It’s the nicest gift I’ve ever been
given.”  She said earnestly.

“You look so pretty.”  He said, and then groaned at how
stupid he sounded.

“You look very handsome.”  She whispered.

He wanted to kiss her.  He wanted to lead her to his
bedroom, rip off her new dress and touch and caress her naked body until she
was moaning his name.  He wanted to bury himself in her warm body and feel
her come apart around him.  He could feel himself growing hard and could
pinpoint the exact moment she felt it too.

She stared up at him, her green eyes dark with need, and
when her mouth parted he dipped his head to kiss her.  He didn’t care who
was watching.  She jerked against him, tripping over his foot, and they
stumbled to a stop.

“Sorry.”  She whispered. She lifted up her long skirt a
little to rearrange it and he couldn’t help smiling at the sight of her leather
work boots.

She followed his gaze and blushed, dropping her skirt to
hide the boots.

“I don’t have any other shoes.”  She said almost
apologetically as he began to lead her around the dance floor again.

“I should have asked Marshall to buy you shoes as well.”
 He said gruffly.

She laughed.  “Could you imagine, my lord?  He did
a wonderful job with the dress but I’m not sure I would trust him with my

He grinned at her and let go of her hand briefly to tug on
one of the curls that framed her face.  “I like your hair tonight.”

“Thank you.  Maya braided it for me.”

He pulled her even closer and inhaled deeply.  It had
been days since he had touched her, had smelled her own unique scent, and he
squeezed her tightly as she began to tremble against him.

It took all of Avery’s willpower not to rest her head on
Tristan’s shoulder.  From across the room she could see Victoria staring
suspiciously at her and she glanced away.  She did not want to ruin the
moment by thinking of Tristan’s future wife.

“It’s been a wonderful party has it not?”  She asked
Tristan.  “Sophia has been having so much fun.  She will remember
this night her entire life.”

She glanced at the couch that had been pushed up against the
far wall. Sophia was on the couch, her small head on a pillow and her body
covered with a blanket. She had fallen asleep over an hour ago while Tristan
had held her and danced her slowly around the room.  Despite the noise and
light, she had not stirred since.

“You’re having a good time then?”  He asked.

“Oh yes!”  She gave him a dazzling smile that took his
breath away.  “This is the most fun I’ve had since before daddy died.”

He smiled down at her.  “I am pleased to hear that.”

She looked up at the ceiling, staring at the small twinkling
lights, and he had to smother an urge to place a soft kiss on her milky white

“So many people have asked me to dance tonight.”  She
gave him a very child-like grin of delight and he was helpless to stop his
answering one.  “Even at daddy’s parties, very few people would dance with
me.  I would dance with my father and my younger brother of course, and
once, a very nice old man danced with me but I normally just watched the other
people dance.”

She looked around at the people swaying on the dance floor.
 “Tonight, I’ve danced with all the Tomlin boys, Marshall, Lord Barton,
Hendrick and Rory.”

“Aye.”  He gave her a mock glare.  “You danced
twice with the Barton boy.”

She laughed and smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
 “Rory is Maya’s age, Tristan.  Do I have to make you promise me that
you will not punch him?”

He winked at her.  “I’ll try to control myself.”

“Good.” She hesitated, “The Barton’s seem nice.  Lady
Barton was very kind to me earlier.”

He didn’t reply and she hurried on.  “Rory told me that
his father was keen on taking me in to help his wife around the house.  He
said that his father was going to speak with you about me leaving with them

When Tristan remained silent, she squeezed his shoulder
gently.  “Did he speak with you, my lord?”

“Aye.”  He sighed roughly and pulled her closer, resting
the side of his head against hers.

“Will you let me go with them, Tristan?”  She

He shook his head and she tensed against him.  “Not
tomorrow.  You’re still needed here.  But I will take you there
myself in a few weeks.”

“Thank you, Tristan.  I can’t tell you how much I – “

“Enough.”  He said curtly.  “I do not want to
speak tonight of you leaving.  Can we not just dance?”

“Aye, we can.”  She said softly.

He sighed and closed his eyes, lowering his hand until it
was resting on her hip and holding her hand tightly in his other.

* * *


Avery sighed happily as she walked down the darkened
hallway.  Mrs. Lanning, drunk on too much wine, had informed them that
they could clean up in the morning and she was anxious to get back to her small
room.  She wouldn’t take the dress off, not yet, but she would lie in her
bed and relive the evening.

She was nearly to the kitchen when Hendrick stepped in front
of her.  “Good evening, Avery.”

She groaned inwardly but smiled politely at him.  “Good
evening, Hendrick.”

“Did you have fun this evening?”

“I did.”  She gave him another polite smile.  “And

“Very much so.”  He stepped closer and stroked her arm.
 “You are looking very lovely tonight.”

“Thank you.”  She stepped back, frowning when he
followed her.

He leaned in and kissed her cheek.  “Come back to my
room with me tonight, Red.”

She shook her head immediately and he scowled.  “It is
not a request.”

“I will not.”  She spoke firmly.  “Let me go,

He squeezed her arm tighter.  “You would be wise not to
defy me, Red.  My sister will soon be married to your master and it would
be prudent of you to be friendly to me.”

“Let me go.”  She repeated.

“And if I don’t?”  He sneered at her.  “What will
a little girl like you do if I – “

Without a word, Avery slapped him as hard as she could
across the cheek.  The sound echoed through the quiet hallway and he
stared at her in disbelief.  “You will pay for that, you stupid little
fool.” He gritted out.

He raised his hand to hit her as a hard voice spoke.
 “Let her go, Hendrick.”

Hendrick turned to see Marshall, Maya at his side, standing
behind him.  “Good evening, Marshall.”

“Let her go.”  Marshall repeated himself softly.

Hendrick dropped Avery’s arm and she brushed past him and
stood next to Marshall.  He put his arm around her and glared at
Hendrick.  “Go to bed, Hendrick.  You’re drunk and embarrassing

Hendrick paused, gave them a sarcastic salute, and then
sauntered down the hallway and into the darkness.  Avery let her breath
out in a trembling rush and leaned against Marshall.  Maya reached across
him and squeezed her arm.  “Avery, are you okay?”

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