Red Moon (18 page)

Read Red Moon Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Red Moon
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She grinned.  “That’s what the rocks are for
remember?  To keep me warm.”

“I’ll keep you warm.”  He whispered.  He pulled
her up tightly against him, dipping his head to trail a meandering path of
kisses down her throat.

“My lord, I – “

He held her upper arms and shook her lightly.  “Why did
you come to my bed tonight girl?”

“I told you – to say thank you for saving my life.”

He was angry, she could see it in the set of his jaw and in
the way he looked at her, and she sighed and pulled free of his grip.
 “I’m sorry, my lord.  I was – I was trying to be nice.”

“Nice?”  He arched his eyebrow at her.  “You thought
it would be nice to deny me what I want most for weeks, then out of the blue
crawl into my bed, fuck me once and skip merrily back to your own bed?”

He cupped the back of her neck.  “I don’t like games,

“I’m not playing games.”  She protested heatedly. 
“I wanted to show my appreciation and I thought this would be what you would
want.  I made a mistake.  I’m sorry.”

He sighed heavily and leaned his forehead against hers.
 “Do not be sorry.  It is what I want, and I should not be taking my
frustration out on you.”

He kissed her softly on the mouth.  “I wish to ask a
favour of you.”

“What?”  She whispered.

“You will be leaving me soon.  Will you spend one last
night in my bed?  I promise after tonight I will not touch you again.”

She ignored the tingle of dismay that went through her at
the thought of Tristan never touching her again and nodded.  “Yes.”

He grinned delightedly and suddenly picked her up, making
her squeal softly in surprise, before carrying her towards the large,
overstuffed chair beside the fireplace.

* * *


Victoria shut the door to her room and smoothed down her
dress.  She was wearing a light blue silk dress that matched her eyes and
she took a moment to adjust the neckline, ensuring that just the right amount
of cleavage was showing. 

She had woken nearly an hour ago and after mulling over what
she had seen in the forest the night before, had decided on a plan. 
Tristan was infatuated with the Red - that was obvious even before last
night.  Although he had told her he was selling the Red to another, she
had decided that it wouldn’t hurt to show him exactly why and how she could
please him better than the Red ever could.  Once he’d had a taste of her
body, he would forget the Red entirely.

She crossed the hallway and knocked lightly on Tristan’s
door.  “Tristan, are you awake yet?  May I come in?”

Avery froze and looked at the door to Tristan’s
bedroom.  She was bent over the back of the armchair, her legs spread wide
and her pale, naked skin glowing in the light from the fire.  Tristan was
behind her, his large body nestled between her spread legs, and he let out a
soft groan of pleasure as he lifted her hips so he could slide even further
into her.

“Tristan, wait.”  She hissed at him.  She was sure
she had heard a knock at the door.

He leaned forward and cupped her breasts before kissing the
back of one pale shoulder.  “What’s wrong?”

There was a second knock and Victoria’s voice drifted
through the door.  “Tristan, may I come in?”

“Tell me you locked the door.”  Tristan breathed just
as the door knob began to turn back and forth.

Avery nodded, feeling Tristan’s sigh of relief against her
back as she straightened up.  The change in position made her tighten
around Tristan’s cock, and a loud groan tore from his throat before he could
stop it.

Tristan clamped a hand over his mouth, his dark eyes wide,
and Avery could feel the laughter bubbling up in her chest.  She tried to
tamp down the giggles, her whole body beginning to shake.  He frowned at
her and made a shushing gesture but it just made her laugh harder. 
Tristan, the strongest, most fearless man she’d ever met, was hiding from a

She snorted and buried her face in the crook of her arm as
Tristan’s hands tightened around her hips.

“Tristan?  Are you sick?”  Victoria rattled the
doorknob and knocked again.  “I know you’re in there.  Let me in

He cleared his throat loudly.  “I’m sorry, Victoria.
 I’m not feeling well.  Could you let the others know that I will not
be joining them this eve – “

He let out another loud moan as Avery, grinning wickedly at
him over her shoulder, thrust her pelvis back and forth with hard, quick

“Stop that!”  He muttered.  He pulled out of her
and stepped back.  She turned towards him and he took another step back at
the look on her face.

“Don’t you dare, girl.”  He warned quietly and reached
for her.  She ducked and dropped to her knees, taking him into her warm
mouth as Victoria’s voice could be heard once again.

“Tristan, if you’re sick and your healing powers are not
helping, you need to be looked at.  Let me in so I can help you.” 
Victoria frowned at the door as Tristan groaned loudly again.

“Tristan?  This is ridiculous – let me in.”  Her
temper was rising and she slammed her hand against the door in frustration.

Tristan stared down at Avery, watching her lips slide back
and forth over his throbbing cock.  He groaned and threaded his fingers
through her hair.  He meant to push her away but as his fingers tightened,
she began to suck hard and he groaned again, his hips thrusting helplessly
against her mouth.

Faintly he could hear Victoria talking through the door but
he was consumed by the sight and feel of Avery’s warm mouth.  He watched,
his groin tightening and his legs beginning to tremble as Avery sucked and
licked and squeezed the base of him with her fingers.

There was a loud banging on the door and with a grunt of
anger he shouted, “I am fine, Victoria. I just need to sleep.  Leave me be
for the gods sake!”

“Fine, Lord Tristan.”  Victoria said stiffly through
the door.  He could hear the loud click of her heels as she stomped down
the hallway, and with a muttered curse he grabbed Avery’s shoulders and pulled
her to her feet.

She grinned cheekily at him.  “Something wrong, my

He spun her around roughly and bent her over the back of the
armchair once more.  She could feel the rough fabric of the chair against
her breasts and belly as he said, “You deserve a spanking for that, girl.”

She held her breath as he ran his hand over her ass. 
He squeezed the firm flesh before surprising her by slipping his hand between
her thighs.  She moaned and immediately shifted her legs apart.  He
placed a warm kiss in the middle of her back as his fingers found her swollen
clit and rubbed gently.

She gasped and sighed with need, clutching the armchair as
her hips moved against his fingers.  When she was close to coming he
stopped abruptly.

“No, please!”  She cried out and he smiled as he pulled
her up straight and pressed his cock against her soft ass.   He
reached around her body and cupped her breasts, kneading and rubbing the pale
globes before tugging on her hard nipples.

“Tristan, please.”  She begged softly and he turned her
to face him. He picked her up easily and she wrapped her legs around his waist,
rubbing herself against his cock as he carried her to the bed. 

He sat down on the edge of it and as he lifted her and slid
his cock deep into her warm pussy, she cried out and clutched at his
shoulders.  He plunged in and out of her, watching her face flush with
pleasure until she suddenly stiffened and then climaxed. The pleasure pulsating
through her body pulled his own orgasm from him.  As their bodies
shuddered against each other, he gathered her against him, burying his face in
her neck and wondering if he would be able to send her away.

* * *


“Watch where you’re going, you stupid girl!”  Victoria,
her face dark with anger, pushed Laura away from her and then slapped her
across the head.  The woman gave a frightened squeak and pressed back
against the wall.

Victoria scowled at her.  “What are you doing slinking
around the hallways?”

“Forgive me, my lady.”  Laura said breathlessly. 
“Mrs. Lanning sent me to fetch Avery.  She was bringing food to you and
Lord Tristan, and has been gone for nearly three hours now.”

Victoria stared at her.  “Has she now?”

“Yes.  Did you not find the tray of food in your room?”
 Laura asked timidly.

“Aye, it was there.”  Victoria looked behind her and
when she turned back to Laura, the woman blanched and tried to shrink into the
wall.  Victoria’s eyes were glowing yellow, and a low growl was emitting
from her chest.

She shook herself and stared down at the smaller woman.
 “Tell Mrs. Lanning that Tristan is not feeling well this evening.  I
believe Avery is – “ she paused, her lips curling back from her suddenly very
white and very large teeth, “taking care of him.  I would not expect to
see either of them until the morning.”

Laura nodded mutely as Victoria swept down the
hallway.  “And find my brother and send him to me, you stupid cow.”
 She shouted over her shoulder.



Avery shivered and wrapped the scarf more firmly around her
throat.  She crouched down and tugged another potato from the hard, cold
ground, tossing it into the basket at her feet before lugging the basket a few
feet down the row. 

Two rows down, Laura and Renee, both huddled against the
cold wind, were busy digging potatoes out of the ground as well.  It was
the last of the potatoes and Avery was glad.  Although she usually enjoyed
being outdoors, the days were growing so cold that it was pure misery to be

She pulled her fingerless gloves up more snugly, sighing a
little at the sight of her red and chapped fingers.  She used to have
pretty hands – the nails perfectly manicured and the skin soft and
smooth.  Now, months of scrubbing and cleaning and digging in the dirt had
made her hands rough and her nails broken and jagged.  She smiled
ruefully.  There seemed to be a permanent row of dirt under her broken
nails that refused to disappear no matter how hard she scrubbed her

She sighed again.  At least she was warmer than
normal.  Tristan had demoted Mrs. Lanning like he had threatened,
replacing her with Marian.  In the last week Marian had proved to be tough
but fair.  She had divided up the chores evenly amongst the slaves, and
Avery bit back a smile at the memory of Mrs. Lanning scrubbing the floor in the
dining area.  Marian had still assigned Avery to the west field to pull
the remaining potatoes before the ground became too frozen, but unlike Mrs.
Lanning who had often sent Avery out in just a dress and thin sweater, Marian
had ensured that Avery was warmly dressed.

It was a shame that it had taken so long for Mrs. Lanning to
lose her position as the head of the household.  The last week had been
almost pleasant and if it weren’t for how much she missed Tristan, she might
actually have considered staying.  She rubbed her forehead, leaving a
smear of dirt across her brow, and then angrily yanked a potato from the
dirt.  She had promised herself she would not think about Tristan or how
she wished he loved her.  He had kept his promise and not approached her
again since the night after the full moon, and now there was a coolness
emitting from him that hadn’t been there before. 

It was for the best.  In three days he would take her
to the Barton’s and she would not see him again.  He had been so sweet and
gentle with her the night she had come to his room, that she had allowed
herself to almost believe that he cared for her the same way she cared for

She had just been fooling herself of course; the ease with
which he had entirely dismissed her now, proved that she was making the right
choice.  He had only spoken to her once.  She had been in the
kitchen, about to start washing the dishes when he had cleared his throat
behind her.  At her nervous hello, he had nodded and then told her that he
would be taking her to the Barton’s before the week’s end.  His eyes had
been carefully blank of any emotion and his voice nearly serene when he had
told her.  He hadn’t waited for her reply, had just turned and left the
kitchen, leaving her to stare at his retreating back while hot tears pricked at
her eyes.

Since then, he had avoided her.  She knew he had been
spending most of his free time going riding with Sophia and Victoria, and she
was careful to make herself scarce whenever they were in the house
together.  Two days ago, just before she had retired for the night, Marian
had sent her to the common room to grab a forgotten sweater.  Her stomach
dropped and her face paled when she saw Tristan and Victoria on the couch
closest to the fireplace.  They were simply sitting together, his arm
across the back of the couch and her body curled into his with her hand resting
on his leg, but it had been enough to send a shot of pure jealousy through
her.  It would have been better if she had caught them kissing, she
reflected later.  Somehow, the casual comfort they were displaying with
each was worse.  It was much too easy to imagine them building a life with
each other, raising children and growing old together while she remained alone
and pining for Tristan for the rest of her life.

She had muttered an apology, grabbing the sweater as Victoria
had rubbed Tristan’s leg and smiled smugly at her.  Tristan had glanced
her way, the look in his eyes unreadable, before turning back to stare into the
fire.  She had fled the room, sick to her stomach, and practically thrown
the sweater at Marian before escaping to her cold room.  She had crawled
into her bed and cried bitterly.

She began to drag her basket of potatoes towards the end of
the row.  Jeffrey, who was standing guard, approached her and picked it up
easily.  “Thank you, Jeffrey.”  She said gratefully.

He nodded and she trailed after him as he carried the basket
to the wagon and dumped the potatoes into the back of it.  As he was
handing it back to her, the sound of horse hooves could be heard in the cold,
silent air and he turned and looked behind him, frowning a little.

“What’s this then?”  He said half to himself. 
Avery peered around his stocky frame to see a rider on a horse, running hard.

“I think that’s Marshall, is it not?”  She replied.

“Aye.  He seems to be in a hurry.”

They stood together and watched as Marshall grew
closer.  He pulled his horse to a stop beside them and as Jeffrey grabbed
the horse’s halter, he practically shouted at them.

“Avery, you need to come back with me – right now!”

“Marshall?  What’s wrong?”  She could feel a
thread of fear in her belly at the sight of his pale face and wild eyes.

“Sophia’s been hurt.  She was out riding with Tristan
and Victoria and the horse was spooked.  She fell off her horse and at
first seemed fine but now she’s – “

He stopped, swallowing convulsively and Avery ran to his

Jeffrey boosted her up and she slid on to the horse behind
Marshall, wrapping her arms around his waist as he wheeled the animal around
and urged the horse into a full run towards the house.  Avery buried her face
in his back, saying a silent prayer for the little girl.

Tristan paced nervously across the nursery, staring silently
at Sophia in her bed.  She was pale and sweating, groaning softly every
few minutes as her grandmother sponged her forehead with water.

He stood next to the bed and rested a shaking hand on the
little girl’s leg.  She was so small and fragile, and he gazed helplessly
at her as she opened her eyes and stared at him.

“It hurts, papa.”  She whispered.

“I’m sorry, baby.”  He swallowed hard, tears forming in
his eyes as he rubbed her leg.  “You’ll feel better soon.”

She closed her eyes and groaned again as he stood and
crossed the room to the window. 

“Tristan, sit down.”  Victoria put a cool hand on his
arm.  “You cannot even see the west field from this side of the house.”

He shook her hand off as Hendrick approached him from the
other side, glancing at his sister.  “Lord Tristan, I don’t mean to
question your judgement but should we not be going for the doctor?  I do
not understand why you have sent for the Red.  Sophia needs medical care,
not some spell from a witch.”

“Avery isn’t a witch.”  Maya said loudly.  She was
standing at the end of Sophia’s bed; her face was pinched and worried
looking.  She boosted Nicholas up on her shoulder and patted his back
gently as she glared at Hendrick. 

Hendrick ignored her and continued to stare at Tristan.
 “Let me go and get the doctor.”

Tristan turned abruptly and stared at him.  Hendrick
took a step back, holding his hands up as Tristan snarled softly.  “The
nearest doctor is in the village – a three hour ride at least.  Sophia
will be dead before you return.”

Victoria put a soothing hand on his back.  “Tristan
darling, do you think it’s wise to let the Red practice her magic on your
child?  If she is indeed a witch like the humans believe she is, what is
to stop her from – “

“She is not a witch.” Tristan ground out.  “She is – “

He stopped as the door to the nursery burst open and Avery
ran into the room, followed closely by Marshall.  Her face was bright red
from the cold and she had a large smear of dirt on her forehead.  She ran
to the bed, tearing off her coat and gloves as she looked at Maya.

“What happened?”

“She fell off her horse and at first she seemed fine. 
She bruised her knee a little and she said her stomach hurt a bit, but other
than that she was perfectly normal.  Then an hour ago, she started
complaining of a stomach ache.  I was about to tuck her into bed when she
just – just collapsed.”

Maya started to cry and Marshall put his arm around her,
kissing her forehead reassuringly.  Tristan took his mother’s shoulders
and urged her away from the bed.

“Mother, let Avery look at Sophia.”

Vivian allowed herself to be led away; her face was gray and
her hands were trembling.  She had seemed to age ten years.

Avery put her cold hand on Sophia’s forehead.  It was
like touching a furnace and she kicked off her boots as Sophia opened her eyes
and stared blearily at her.

“Hurts, Avery.”  She whimpered.

“I know it does, my love.”  She replied softly. 
“I’m going to make you feel better, okay?”

The little girl had already closed her eyes.  Her
breathing was harsh and shallow, and she had dark circles under her eyes.

Avery carefully pulled back the covers.  Sophia was
dressed in just her underwear and she sucked in her breath, a small cry
escaping from her lips.  Sophia’s belly had swelled to twice its normal
size, and bruising was blossoming like dark malignant flowers across her

Beside her, Tristan made a sound like a wild animal caught
in a trap and she squeezed his arm for a moment before standing.  Ignoring
the others in the room, she quickly stripped out of her clothes and eased into
the bed next to Sophia.  She gathered the little girl into her arms so that
the little girl’s entire body was pressed against her. 

Sophia shrieked in pain as Avery moved her, and both Vivian
and Maya gave their own cries of distress in response.

“I’m sorry, my love.”  Avery whispered into the little
girl’s ear.  She placed her hand on Sophia’s swollen belly, and kissed the
girl’s mouth and pale face continually as Tristan crouched on the floor next to

Tristan and the others watched as Avery closed her eyes and
rested her forehead against the little girl’s.  She winced and shuddered
but pressed her body even closer against Sophia.

“It’s going to be a while.”  She murmured without
opening her eyes.

“Can you save her?”  Tristan asked hoarsely as his
mother began to weep steadily and quietly behind him.

“I do not know.”  She replied softly.

* * *


“Tristan, sit down darling.”  Victoria reached for his
hand and he shook her off angrily.  He had been restlessly pacing the
nursery for the last hour, staring silently at Avery and Sophia.  They
were a quiet, still lump under the covers.  Maya had pulled the bedcovers
up until just the top of Avery’s head was visible and he could not see Sophia
at all.  Twice he had nearly approached the bed and looked under the
covers, but his fear that she would look exactly the same, pale and close to
death, kept him away.  If he could not see Sophia, he could hold on to the
faith that Avery was healing her.

“This is my fault.”  He said miserably as his mother
crossed the room and placed a worn hand on his arm.

“It is not.”  She said firmly.  She glanced behind
her at the bed before turning back to face her son.  “Tristan, we must
prepare ourselves.  Sophia is gravely injured.  I know you want to
believe that Avery can help her in some way, but the human’s tales of the Red’s
being witches are only stories.  We need to make arrangements – “

She stopped, her face twisting and Tristan glared at
her.  “She is not going to die.  Avery will save her.”

“Tristan, you’re mad with grief.”  Victoria said
quietly.  “It is foolish to let the Red share in your child’s last moments
while you watch from a distance.  You and your mother should be the ones
holding Sophia and soothing her right now.  Would you deny your mother her
last chance to be with her grandchild?”

Tristan took a deep breath.  “You don’t know what Avery
can do.”  He looked at his mother.  “You were sick and close to
death.  You collapsed and fell into a deep sleep that we could not wake
you from, until the next morning when you miraculously awoke feeling completely
normal.  That was because of Avery.”

Vivian frowned at him.  “Tristan, I don’t know what
you’re talking about.  Yes, I was feeling sick but my Lycan healing
finally – “

He shook his head.  “No mother, it was not your Lycan
blood that helped you heal.  Avery snuck into your bed the night you
collapsed and held you until you healed.  You owe her your life.  She
is – “

He stopped as there was movement under the covers and
coughing could be heard.  Maya stood up from the rocking chair, one arm
cradling Nicholas and the other held tightly by Marshall.  She looked at
Tristan and he gave her a grim nod before approaching the bed.

A combination of dread and hopefulness filled his body as he
reached out with shaking hands and tugged the covers down to Avery’s
shoulders.  Avery, her hair appearing very red against the extreme
paleness of her skin, was lying silently with her eyes closed and she did not
stir when the cold air touched her bare skin.

He looked down.  Sophia, her eyes closed and her cheeks
flushed with colour, was lying against Avery’s breast. 

“Sophia?”  He whispered hoarsely and her eyes opened

“Hi, papa.”  She smiled at him.  “I feel much

Tears running down his face, he reached for her and she held
her arms up and let him pull her from Avery’s embrace.  As he lifted her,
he looked at her belly.  It had returned to normal, the swelling
completely gone, and there was no trace of the bruising seen.  He hugged
her against him hard until she squirmed and complained loudly.  “Papa,
you’re squishing me.  I can’t breathe.”

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