redeeming cupid 01 - struck by eros

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Authors: jenn windrow

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

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Paranormal Romance by Jenn Windrow


One jaded woman. Two hot men. A challenge to prove Cupid doesn't always know best.


After a lifetime of dating losers, Noel Chase thinks she’s found love with college professor Len Holder. But Cupid's aim sucks worse than his crap-tacular curse, sticking her with supposed soul mate, Grayson Adler. Grayson is gorgeous, Greek, and an exact replica of the man-whores of her past. No matter what the chubby cherub thinks, Noel is sure Grayson is Mr. Wrong with a capital “W.”

Forced to do Cupid’s bidding, Noel must spend her days with Grayson matchmaking the unlucky-in-loves, and trying to resist Grayson’s charm and do-me-now sex appeal. But when Cupid tries to match her fiancé, Len, with another woman, Noel must make an excruciating decision. Defy Cupid and hang on to Len? Or succumb to her fate and trust Grayson with her heart?


Struck By Eros© 2016 by Jenn Windrow


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or events, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


MuseItUp Publishing

14878 James, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada, H9H 1P5


Cover Art © 2016 by Eerilyfair Design

Layout and Book Production by Lea Schizas

eBook ISBN: 978-1-77127-811-9

First eBook Edition *July 2016






To James…my very own soul mate.

I love you.



The words thank you are not enough to express my gratitude for everyone that has been a part of this journey with me.

James, you’ve supported me in every possible way as I went from OMG I suck to holy crap someone wants to publish my book. Dealing with my mood swings should earn you some kind of medal.

Sage and Sydnee always remember you’re strong, beautiful, and smart. I love you both to the moon and back.

Mom, thank you for being my mom, dad, and everything in between. You taught me to chase my dreams and I love you for it.

To my READerlicious girls, Brinda Berry, Kelly Crawley, Christina Delay, Kathleen Groger, Susan McCauley, Abbie Roads, Jennifer Savalli, Carol Michell Storey, N K Whitaker, and Sandy Wright, this book wouldn’t be anything without your encouragement, laughter, and some much needed kicks in the ass. We share more than stories, we share a friendship that spans the United States. You girls rock my world.

To my local critique partners: Justine Covington, Mindy Tarquini, and Sharon Anderson, thanks for the hours spent online and in person helping me wrangle every sentence into something that resembled a story. Every writer needs critique partners like you.

Margie Lawson…what can I say. Your NYT’s and YCDB’s made me work harder so I could impress you. You helped me find my funny and use it without fear.

Struck By Eros


A Redeeming Cupid Novel


Jenn Windrow

MuseItUp Publishing



Love, Honor…but I Indulged in Adultery


Last month, Cupid shot my size-six ass with an arrow and saddled me with the soul mate from hell. I lay on my side and looked at the snoring mountain of muscle next to me. Grayson Adler. Supposedly my perfect match in every way, but whoever was in charge of perfect matches perfectly fucked up.

Even though my body shook from a Grayson-induced, post-coital high, I still loathed my couldn’t-be-more-wrong-for-me mate. However, we were stuck together for eternity because of Cupid and his craptacular curse.

A wall-rattling snore broke through the hum of the air conditioner in the over-priced hotel room we met in every two weeks for our do-it-or-die conjugal visit. Grayson reached down and adjusted his erection. His hand brushed my thigh and his touch ignited a spark in my nether regions. Hot and horny, that’s how things were with Grayson and me. Sexual compatibility off the charts. Too bad the rest of our relationship itched like sand in the crotch.

I pushed his fingers away from my leg before lust overrode common sense. Before we ended up having sex for a fourth time this afternoon. “Up and at ’em.” I flicked his earlobe and tugged a lock of his mocha-colored hair. “I’ve gotta get home.”

Grayson sat up and gave me the melt-your-heart smile I’m sure made most women drop an egg. But I knew from past experience that behind his oh-so-handsome features lived a playboy heart and a wandering dick.

He rubbed the sleep out of his baby blues, his elbow bumping into my shoulder. “Noel’s got a hot date,” he sing-songed in his ever-so-annoying way.

“Yep.” I scooted to the edge of the bed, hoping to avoid any further contact.

“Why bother dating when you know you can’t commit?” Grayson stood, and the green and purple comforter fell to the ground. My gaze followed his flexing ass muscles into the bathroom. “It’s like having sex and not being allowed to orgasm.”

“Like a guy would ever have sex without an orgasm.” I wrangled my pink, polka-dot bra off the shade of a tall floor lamp. “Who says I can’t commit?”

“Cupid,” he yelled over the flush of the toilet, then walked back into the room. “The day that arrow stuck in your cute behind.” He grabbed his black, dress pants off the club chair and stepped into them. “So, this date tonight, is it serious?”

“My life. My business.” I plucked my hastily discarded T-shirt and jeans off the nightstand and dresser. “Let’s not forget, I didn’t choose you, you didn’t choose me.” I slipped a T-shirt over my head. “As long as we continue our bi-weekly bump and grind, Cupid will never know we’re just sex-mates. I can do my thing and you can hump anything with a vagina.”

Grayson folded his arms over his Adonis-like chest, tapping out an imaginary beat on his forearm. “Just don’t want you to string some poor sucker along, knowing you could never give yourself one hundred percent.”

“Should I be more like you? How many broken hearts have you left tangled in the sheets?” I slid into a pair of faded low-rise jeans.

“I don’t give a shit about any of the women I sleep with.” He almost sounded proud.

“Present company included.” I slammed my feet into brown leather boots and zipped them up.

“You’ve made it obvious you’re not interested in anything more than a quick roll in the sack.” His lips lifted in a half-cocked smile. “If you’d like, I’d be happy to ratchet up the romance. Roses, chocolates, and moonlight serenades?”

The thought of Grayson showering me with friggin’ romantic gestures reminded me of all the times my ex-fiancé believed candy and flowers could make up for his lack of judgment and multiple indiscretions.

Just one of many similarities. Also, the main reason why Grayson’s name had been chiseled on a long list of people who would never have my heart.

“You ever show up with a box of chocolates and they’ll have to surgically remove them from your ass.” I reached around him, grabbed my purse off the dresser, and marched out the door, slamming it shut behind me, hoping it rattled any ideas Grayson may have of candlelit dinners or late-night walks on the beach.

A college-aged girl sat crisscross applesauce on the floral patterned carpet, leaning against the door of the room next to ours, head on her knees, arms wrapped around her legs, sobbing. My first thought, leave her to her misery, but I had been in a similar situation not more than three years ago.

I stopped mid-step and knelt next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Everything okay, sweetie?”

She looked up, her brown eyes huge, lips quivering, tears mixed with mascara and dark eyeliner streaming down her cheeks. “No. My boyfriend dumped me. He left me here without any money, and no way home.” She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie then pulled her ponytail over her shoulder. “I left my phone in his car so I can’t even call anyone.”

I reached into my purse, pulled out forty dollars and my cell phone. “You should always keep some emergency money tucked into a pocket, or your shoe. Hell, even your bra.” I handed her the money and phone. “Here, call a cab.”

She accepted my offering and smiled up at me, a smile that softened her features and made her seem even younger. She made the call then held the phone out to me. When I grabbed it her hand touched mine and the air sparked between us. “This means the world to me.”

I took my phone and ignored the current that raced up my arm. “Girls have to be there for each other.” My gaze wandered to the hotel room I had just left. “Heaven knows the men in our lives won’t be.”

After all, my heart had been crushed more times than a junkyard car.

With my back turned to the largest complication in my life, I headed through the tastefully decorated lobby, out the automatic doors, waving to the concierge on the way, and out into San Diego’s thick air. Doris, my prized, pale-pink, vintage 1966 Mustang convertible straddled two spots in the last row of the parking lot. Far away from any chance of dings and dents.

I patted the car’s soft canvas top, unlocked, and folded it back. Slid into the black leather seats, grabbed the hair band off the gear shirt, and pulled my wavy mop into a loose ponytail. With one last look at the hotel exit and an extra annoyed sigh, I stuck the key in the ignition.

It felt good to help someone else, but that tiny bit of happiness didn’t begin to erase my annoyance at Grayson. What right did he have to express his opinion of my personal life? I cranked the key, the engine purred, and I left the hotel parking lot, thankful to be finished bumping uglies with Grayson.

The brisk, October wind pulled a few strands of my hair free, whipping it into my face along with the scent of Aqua di Gio.

Grayson’s cologne.

A reminder that I needed a good scrubbing to remove the stench.

Damn it. Cupid screwed me with his horrible matchmaking skills and crappy aim.

As if sticking me with Grayson for eternity wasn’t bad enough, he’d saddled us with jobs as his mini-me’s here on earth. Every day he expected us to locate and reconnect lost loves. Create soul mates. Play matchmaker to the lonely and shy and desperate.

“What a joke.”

Who was I to meddle in people’s love lives? Mine was a mess. My heart wanted the one thing it wasn’t allowed to have — love with someone besides my cupid-appointed soul mate. I was so screwed up, I made the dysfunctional relationships on Jerry Springer look wholesome.

Tears of frustration, anger, and confusion flowed freely down my face. I swiped at the wet traitors, wishing them away. But the only time I allowed my true vulnerability to show was when I was alone, either in my car, or painting in my studio.

Turning onto Olive Street, the wraparound porch and red front door of my Victorian home came into view. So did a grey BMW sedan, parked in its normal spot on the brick driveway. I hit the brakes. My heart catapulted into my stomach.

Len. My live-in boyfriend of the past two years.

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