Redemption(Struggle #3) (6 page)

BOOK: Redemption(Struggle #3)
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“That can wait, but not my wife.” I winked at her.

I closed her mouth with my hand.

but, sweetheart. We are going out to have some fun.” I grabbed the car keys while still holding her in my hands. I walked out of my apartment in the same gesture. She kept staring at me in my eyes. “Okay, now it’s time to get down.” I had to open my car door.

, my hunk, are you tired or can’t open a car door while holding me?” She teased me. That was good; she was coming around.

“Are you challenging me?”

“Maybe.” She winked at me.

I lifted her above my head and then placed her around m
y head like my father used to do when I was little.

“Are you crazy
, Nathan?” she cried while trying to hold onto my neck.

I quickly opened the door and slowly put her in. “You only challenged me
, babe.” I gave her a smirk.

She rolled her eyes to tease me.
I quickly walked to the other side of the car and hopped inside.

“Where are we going?”

“Let’s just go where the car take us.” I pressed the gas and we started our date night. I first took us to a nearby restaurant, which was open in those late hours and packed some food and wine.

“Are we going to the place
I love the most?” She asked when I turned my car toward her college road.

“I think
so, yes.” My plan was to cheer up her mood by taking her to the college campus and then near the sea, where she loved to walk and run.


When he came back to my room, I was still angry at him. I didn’t want to talk with him, but he swiftly lifted me up and carried me to the car. The feeling was awesome. I was wrapped in his arms; his body scent excited me deeper. He always had such a hypnotic effect on me. His presence aroused me to the extreme. I sometimes wondered what I loved more, the man himself or his power of seduction.
Damn, he is too hot to be true.

When we started our journey in his car,
I was afraid that he would pick up the scent of the buttermilk I spilled on his backseat, but he was so busy driving that he didn’t  notice. First, we packed some food and wine from a local restaurant. And then he turned the car on to my college road. I was wondering where we were going to enjoy our night dinner party, but he surprised me by a mile. It was almost a month ago that we had gone on the trail between the trees. Nathan knew how to make me happy, perfectly. And that was the last place I thought we would be going to before we had started out.

Everything was dark when we entered the college parking
lot. A few students were drinking in their cars with their car lights on, but they were scattered around the parking lot. I missed my school; it had been almost a month since I saw it last. I missed the fun and I missed my running.
How could I have left all of this so easily?
And now I was returning to it, late one night as a married woman.

“Life can change in as little as one night. Isn’t it
strange?” I said while looking at my college campus.

“As little as one night.” Nathan replied. He was taking something out of the
trunk of the car.

“What are you grabbing?”

“Nothing.” He smiled back. He had a small flashlight and our food in his hand along with a cigarette lighter.

“When did you start smoking
?” I was wondering if I was seeing an unknown side of him. I never liked people who smoke.

“Don’t worry.
I never tried it before and not gonna try it tonight.” He touched my shoulder and slowly pushed me towards the sea. My heart melted with the past memories of this place. This was the place when I opened up in front of Nathan.

“Have you seen the river
at night?”

“No river,
a but couple of times we went to the seashore when I was small. My mom used to take me and my brother to a nearby beach.” I looked at the beautiful trail between the trees and remembered those golden moments of my life.

, you are going to see how beautiful it looks tonight.” He chuckled and started collecting small tree branches that had fallen on the ground.

“Why the branches?”

“So I can use the lighter.” He said without looking up. I couldn’t guess his plan.

He was
right; the dark sky wearing the beautiful white light of the moon touched the dark blue river at the horizon. I gazed upon the other side of the river. Dense trees blocked the path to the shore. Darkness filled everything in between those trees. It put a pressure on my heart and at the same time I felt alive at my favorite place.

“We should get to the bench.”

“No, we’re sitting on the ground.” He looked for a clean spot and put all the branches he collected on the ground in an organized manner. He was doing a campfire.

, wow. I never imagined such a night.” I was excited from the bottom of my heart. I had never seen a real campfire before. I saw them on TV and now my husband was making one for me to cheer me up. “I love you so much, Nathan.” I hugged him from behind.

“I love you too
, baby.” He lit the fire and we sat around it.

chilly wind was touching our skin; it actually energized our passion. Nathan opened up the take-away packs. I didn’t know what he bought because I waited in the car when he went inside the restaurant.

He opened up tasty
-looking cheesecake balls and four hot dogs.

I love cheese cake and hot dogs. How did you know that? I never told you that.”

have my sources.” He smiled. In the dark night, his eyes sparkled with love for me. Internally, I started realizing how perfect he was for me.

The taste and smell of the food made me hungry again. “I can’t believe I’m aching for food again.
I just ate a few hours ago.”

worry. We have plenty for both of us.”

We started
eating; once we were done, he took two glasses out of nowhere and served some wine in them. “For my lovely wife and my sorry ass. Cheers.” I slowly clinked my glass with his. “Thanks, Nathan. You care about these small things and I love that about you.” I looked in his eyes and kissed his lips. Like he was waiting for it, his tongue thirsted into my mouth, sucking on my lips and playing with my tongue slowly. His hand touched the nape of my neck and slowly he dived inside my t-shirt. His fingers started fighting with the hook of my bra.

His touch worked
its magic on me. I could feel the wetness between my thighs, my sex ached for him. After the wedding I almost had him daily, but my hunger was increasing. I wanted him again and again. I pushed my hands into his hair and pulled him near. But then he stopped and pulled his mouth away from me.

I looked in his eyes with disappointment. “What happened
, Nathan? Don’t you like me anymore,” I whispered.

, babe. We are out in the open in a public place. Anybody can come here.” He chuckled.

, sorry, I was too deep into it. Anyways, I thought we were going to have it in the open sky.” I winked.

’ll try that on our balcony.” He winked back. “Let’s take a walk.

I stood up excitedly. It had always been my best time spent on the river shore. And now, with my husband along with me, what more could you want in life?

We walked
a few minutes without saying anything. We both were taking the fresh river air inside our lungs, smelling the smell of the night and water. It was like walking in heaven.

“How is Chloe
?” Nathan spoke after few minutes.

“She is fine. Oh
, yeah, I forgot to tell you one thing. She found a boyfriend. Terry, a teacher at our college.” I giggled.

“What? A teacher? She was just out of the
Martin thing, right?” His voice cracked in amazement.

Yes, it is kind of illegal, but he is not teaching her and she does whatever she wants.”

guy.” He chuckled.

I don’t like her getting involved with someone so easily and early. She even said she liked him very much.”

have to disagree on this. If she found the right guy, who are we to oppose her?”

“But Nathan,
Martin just broke her heart a few days ago.” I was irritated by the fact that she fell very easily into him. “And that guy is practically living in my dorm.”

“Well, it’s not your dorm anymore and
I don’t find it wrong. It might be your perception, because it took you almost a couple of years to find me.” He paused. “Anyways, it’s her choice and if she thinks he is the one, then we can’t do anything. Just leave this one alone, babe.” He touched my shoulder and pulled me inside his jacket.

“I just hope she
doesn't get hurt again.”

, too. Now let’s go back to home. We have the balcony sex to try.” He kissed me on my cheek.



Chapter 9


“Sweetheart, I’m going to meet my mom.”
I kissed Nathan on his forehead. My body was still experiencing the after-effects of the sex we had last night.
God, that was the best night since the wedding.
The way he aroused me and then consumed me, I felt like I was in heaven, riding on rainbows.
How could this man affect me so much with just his touch? Wow.
Only the thought of sex aroused me. I could feel the smell of him circling around my body in the shower, as well.
This man is going to make me crazy.

'A sharp pain shot through my forehead. I was daydreaming and hadn’t noticed the wall and bumped into it hard. “Come ,Eva, you can do better than this,” I muttered in an annoyed voice. The wall left a small bump on my forehead; I could touch it and feel the pain again.
And I have to visit my mom like this.
She would accuse Nathan of hitting me with a rod.
LOL, that would be a funny situation.
I smiled at my own joke.

, babe, why are you laughing? And where are you going? This is too early to start a day. Come on, sleep with me.” Nathan’s deep male voice called me back to the bed.

If only
I wasn’t supposed to meet my mom, baby.
I sighed at my own conditions. It would have been better to melt in his arms rather than meeting my dry mom, who would be killing me, anyways.

I turned
around. He was fighting with the blanket; half of his body was outside the blanket. I neatly pulled the blanket over him. “I’m going to meet my mother. You have a good sleep, baby.” I kissed him on his cheek and walked out of the bedroom. If I’d stayed there, he would have pulled me in bed and I wouldn’t be able to stop him; heck, I wanted him to pull me in and enlighten me with his magic.
Damn, I’m getting crazy for him.
My thoughts only clenched my sex.

I gasped hard to regain control over my body. “I’m taking your car
, sweetheart,” I yelled from the hall.

Streets were filled with
a chilly morning breeze. It was still early for many people. But my mom had a nasty habit of starting the day early, very early. I breathed deep to inhale maximum oxygen in my body. That chilling breath woke up my senses. An ultimate morning was laid out there for running, but poor me was going to meet her mother.

With a slight disappointment
, I took out the car from garage and I hit something.
Did I just crash the car on the wall?
I jumped out of the car to check. And yes, I’d crashed the car on the pillar of the parking gate. My heartbeat skipped for a second. I must have had some rivalry with the car in my last life. First, I ruined the back seat and now I bumped it on the pillar. Though it wasn’t a major bump, the scratches were there. But it was enough to ruin my mood. “Not now.” First I had a bump on my head and now on the car as well.
Nathan is going to kill me for this one. What should I do?

My mobile flashed;
it was a reminder set by me to meet Mom. Other than sex with Nathan, nothing had gone well. And the prospect of that day didn’t look good as I was going to tell my mom about my marriage. I prayed to God and took the car out of the parking garage, this time with extra care and without any more scratches.

he whole trip to Mom’s hotel, I was praying to God that she would be happy with my news. But I’d very few hopes for that. By the time I reached her hotel, my palms were soaked in sweat, just thinking about her reaction. I rubbed my handkerchief on my sweaty palms constantly until I got to her room door. “God, please save me today.” I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A moment l
ater, my mother opened the door; she was already dressed in a suit and holding a file in her hand.

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